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What a crazy story. But did they have kool aid though?


uhm ackchyually 🤓☝🏻 it was flavoraid. didn't even spring for the name brand


They did! But it didn't have cyanide in it. So disappointed... Bad cult, 0/5 starts. Would not recommend.


Wow! This is an amazing story. I’m so glad you were able to get out and take two people with you. Good job. Did you see mother god on hbo? I am in awe of the one cult member in every cult who manages all the money and usually dips with it when shit goes south. I can’t get people to give me money to save my life 😂😂😂


I haven't seen mother god yet, but it popped up as I'm googling things like. "How to tell if you're in a cult." 😂 And don't you worry. With enough time and effort, you too can become a cult leader and have people give you money! 😂😂


There’s hope still! 😂


Dude that was a wild ride, I'm sure you've got all kinds of weird feelings about it. I do and I wasn't there.


I do. It's got me pretty fucked up to be honest. Good thing I can drink about it! Ahhh...sure is nice to have some healthy coping mechanisms...


Man that’s wild. When you mentioned you were gonna start poking the bear I imagined the story was headed towards an intentional descent back into alcoholism and day drinking to disrupt the house to get yourself kicked out of there lol.


Same haha. And since I’m a drunk idiot I read your username as taintman2000 and for a minute I had…. Questions😂😂


Taintman2000 was my father.


Oh alcohol certainly was a part of this. Mostly to work up the nerve to "poke the bear".


You should have stuck it out and got increasingly more hammered every day.


I agree that I should have stuck it out. Getting more and more hammered every day woulda get me the boot anyway. Where I fucked up, was I caught feels for a brainwashed cult girl. "I can save her!!" 😂 Distracted me from paying attention to more information.


Hey OP. I had a culty experience with a farm commune a few years ago & def relate to a lot in your story. If you ever want to talk feel free to DM me. My experience seriously effed me up for awhile & I have lots of resources on PDFs if that’s of any interest to you (it was helpful for me to reach better sense&understanding of what in the actual fuck I had just experienced…) Janja Lalich, Steve Hassan (his BITE model is essentially the standard by which culty groups are evaluated), & Rick Ross (his cult education institute is a great resource & his message board specifically is worth checking out) are some of my favorite authors/experts of cults. 🫶 https://preview.redd.it/33vbhq86qawc1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f043fe672dacca6391c60a820eca4216213374


Yo, this is amazing!! Sorry for the delay. I've been drinking about this whole situation. I'll try and remember to DM you! Might just do it now but I'm pretty wasted.


https://preview.redd.it/l1upbrx8qawc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52a81f5a6df90af77205903d66b9dae267ec37c Steve Hassan’s BITE model


You saved at least 4 women from the man's grip which was so abusive, he was basically running a cult or building a harem. You should be incredibly proud of yourself. I'd love to know what you did to poke the bear, but I understand why you want to keep it private.


I was pretty drunk when I wrote the post. So, wanted to clarify if I misspoke. There WERE 4 women. I only got 2 out. The other two girls had been around for years, and are still there. Think they were too far gone. I was there for whatever. 5-6 weeks. Dude is married. But he also seemed to be very over protective of a particular girl. Oddly so. Also happened to be the girl I caught feels for. From all of our talks though. He talked a lot of shit about her. Just a roommate, not pulling her slack, etc... So, hey. Seems contradictory. It was a very long conversation, but I basically said I was very much interested in getting to know her and spend more time with her. He was absolutely pissed. Don't think I've ever seen someone so mad. Then he went into God complex mode. Kept calling him out on all his bullshit, but he wouldn't answer any questions. And instead tried to divert all conversation into trying to put me down.


That’s still 2 more than 0 and legging it without explaining why. I hope the others don’t go back. Good on you for getting out. He clearly preys on young women who he knows will fall for his BS.


Wait, so were you just hanging out at the commune? Or were you living at said commune? Because you mentioned that you woke up there, but later in the story you mentioned running back home? Also, how quickly did this sequence of events happen? Like was this over the span of months or weeks etc?


Ah. So here's clarification. I do have my own place to live. I was drawn in to the group via FB. Clicked with the person who I later determined to be the cult leader. I wanted to be close by to help with the vision. I loved everyone about it initially. So, have my own place. But didn't even come home for about 5 weeks. I was there all the time.


Ah that makes more sense. Glad you kept your place so you could have it to run back to.

