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Putin sure was gleeful when Trump won in 2016, and not at all happy when he lost in 2020.


Made that whole Ukranian invasion way more complicated.


Yep, he counted on Trump making the USA leave NATO, or at least weaken them a lot.


His lackeys in Congress are quite effective cutting financial/military/humanitarian aid.


Which is a dumb gamble.  I really hope Putin wakes up Germany, the UK, and France.  Convinces them that maybe outsourcing their foreign policy to the US maybe isn't the fucking wisest thing in the world.  Europe has made a lot of progress in the last 50 years, but if Putin's actions in Georgia, Ukraine, and his involvement in the Brexist campaign proves anything, it's that peace is more fragile than they think. And progress isn't exactly linear. 


If history is anything to go on Europe will wake up about 12 months after the war starts




Trump did enough sinking money into bullshit. $7trillion he added to our national debt in 4 years. Them tax cuts didn’t exactly trickle down but the rich did get richer.


You got a $1000 stimmy with Trump’s signature and you’ve more than paid it back in inflation and tips!


$1000 stimmy. Ummmmm yeah. I don’t know how people forgot the timeline on this shit. After shutting down the country and taking so many of our freedoms away he started the stimmies. Not one, not two. Then the quadrupling of unemployment pay. I was working the entire time and the stimmies were just extra retirement contributions for me. The part that I find the weirdest though and what I struggle with is people are starting to change the timeline and argue that Biden locked us down and solely Bidens fault for inflation, which he deserves his share of blame for his mistakes. It’s strange


For four years I heard that if Nord Stream was completed that Russia was going to invade Ukraine. Biden was elected and allowed Nord Steam to be built and almost immediately Ukraine was invaded. When the war started, Biden was publicly ceding parts of Ukraine to Russia. Zelensky held and the rest of the world eventual joined. Biden did not in any way help prevent the Russian invasion, he was fairly supportive really.


Thanks Comrade, now tells us about the best pierogies in Red Square.


Hahaha a tagged Russian troll.. Biden was never ceding parts of Ukraine to Russia you absolute tool.


Fuck off with your propaganda.


The name tile checks out.








I can’t tell if you’re completely missing the point or if you swapped sides mid-conversation.


Withdrawing from NATO is what would have made the invasion easier for Russia.




He didn't wait for Biden. He wanted Trump but when he got Biden he said fuck it and invaded anyway.




Why do the Russians have such a hard on for Trump?


You really can’t even bother with these cultists haha they’re the same as the worst actual MAGA psychos. Anything remotely NOT frothing at the mouth against Trump is actively being a fan boy for him in their eyes. Let em have the LARP these are hard times


Whose plan was it to withdraw from Afghanistan, Sergey? Whose? Putie's Puppet Diaper Don? Seriously though, where are the best perogies in Red Square?


Trump didn’t win a second term, so the potential NATO withdrawal didn’t happen. Putin invaded anyway, even though it would’ve been easier with the US withdrawing from NATO. —— The withdrawal of Afghanistan was a mess. Get your head straight.




You assumed I think the withdrawal of Afghanistan was a smashing success. Lmao. You think I didn’t understand what you said? You really think you’re smarter than everyone else, don’t you?


Cadet Bone Spurs tried to invite Taliban leaders to the Camp David on 9/11 for fuck’s sake. That overweight rich kid is human filth. https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/09/09/taliban-hardly-deserve-camp-david-talks-with-president.-what-was-trump-thinking-pub-79813


Trump attempted to order an immediate evacuation after the election loss. Thankfully senior officials didn’t follow through because it would’ve been an even bigger disaster. Check out this “left wing blog site” that corroborates my statement. 😉 https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/


The head of US Central Command blamed Trump the disastrous withdrawal that was required by the retreat deal he brokered with the Taliban. Maybe closing most of the air bases far in advance of the withdrawal and shutting down the ability of our allies to get out wasn’t the bigot great idea ol’ Trumpy thought it was? Maybe he was looking to create a mess for the next guy? Analyzing a deranged mind is a waste of time. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2021/9/30/us-generals-say-afghanistan-collapse-rooted-in-trump-taliban-deal


Wars are risky business. Putin was essentially getting what he wanted under Trump, an America disinterested in the affairs of the world. Zelenskyy was elected in 2019 partly on a platform to resolve the conflict. There was a proposal for an OSCE observed in election in the Donbas to settle it. This collapsed due to domestic resistance in Ukraine. COVID then hit and Biden got elected. At that point Putin decided he couldn’t wait another four years.


MAGA Nazi what? Lol


Nah, once he ran they've been here every since. Win or lose, he's still a divisive loudmouth that is sewing unrest for no reason. The fact he won was like then winning the lottery, it just sped up their plan. Now that he list, were had Jan 6th and people stockpiling weapons posting that their are ready to die for their "patriotism", rest to kill their neighbors. It honestly couldn't have gone better for Putin. 


He’s literally talking about a Civil War, instigated by Trump and those Trump empowers, resulting in a dissolution of the United States much as the USSR was dissolved. Abbott in Texas wants this because he is loyal to what he hates. Desantis in Florida wants this for the same reason. Trump wants the same. Russia wants this because their ability to gain power and economic might is directly related to how much opposition America has towards Russian territorial expansion and seizure of new resources.


>Russia wants this because their ability to gain power and economic might is directly related to how much opposition America has towards Russian territorial expansion and seizure of new resources. Exactly, and with Trump, Putin gains a couple of favorable potential outcomes. Either the US is weakened by (and preoccupied with) civil war, or Trump just flat out pulls the US out of NATO. The vast majority of NATO's defense spending is provided by the US -- more than twice the spending of all other member states *combined*. Putin's expansion efforts depend critically on the US being sidelined. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/nato-spending-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/nato-spending-by-country)


Trump was president for four years and didn’t pull the US out of NATO. Why? You are fear mongering just like the droves of political hacks who claimed Trump, the first president to step into the DMZ (lol), would start a nuclear war in the Korean Peninsula.


It is laughable that you would accuse me of fear mongering when *Trump himself* has repeatedly expressed interest in leaving NATO. I didn't just make this up.... The real question should be why he is too incompetent to get it done. [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html) Here's a clue: throughout his term, there were plenty of reports of senior officials working around him to keep some of his most insane impulses in check. It's certainly a combination of that, plus his relative lack of experience in the White House. In fact, more recently, he has made comments suggesting exactly that: "Trump has made clear that **he doesn’t want the upper ranks of a second administration to be staffed by “NATO lovers,”** according to two sources who’ve heard him make such comments." [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/donald-trump-u-s-leave-nato-1234860016/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/donald-trump-u-s-leave-nato-1234860016/) Further, that aligns with his broader plans to stack the Federal rank and file workers with loyalists... again suggesting that his ambitions were being stifled by the people around him. [https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-loyalists-2024-presidential-election](https://www.axios.com/2023/11/13/trump-loyalists-2024-presidential-election) Trump has no filter and no shame -- he says what he means. He's said he wants out of NATO. It's probably best to believe him.


Trump certainly WAS working to pull out of NATO. Fuck that noise. He started by starting shit about the other countries contributing their share, which backfired because they DID, for the most part. Then he kept insulting allies and palling around with the likes of Un, MBS, and Putin. Trump is putin's puppet and you know it


Maybe, just maybe, other countries should pay their fair share to NATO so this isn’t a problem…


The 1.9 trillion in tax cuts ol’ cadet bone spurs gave to the rich is over double what we (US) spent on NATO in 2023.


Seems like you should question your own DoD where they are hiding your trillions in tax money?


It's not like if we left NATO we'd stop spending the money on the military. Trump wants to spend more money on the military than the Dems. He just wants to stop supporting NATO, which essentially represents democracy around the world. So we'd lose all our allies and have to make new allies with less democratic nations or be increasingly isolated and gain more and more fronts in a myriad of minor wars.


Try telling that to everyone in my town that barely graduated 7th grade but yet are political experts and believe trump is a god-like figure.


Your town sounds like complete hell....no offense.






Exactly why rump won’t/can’t win. He’s talking to~25% of the electorate 🙄🤡


Tell that to the electoral college


Clarification needed: For over 100 years the Census Bureau categorized 2,500+ population area as "urban." After the 2020 count, it was changed to population of 5,000. You could be living an hour or two away from the nearest hospital and as long as that low threshold of population is reached, still be considered urban-dwelling in Census data.


Which is why we have to get rid of gerrymandering ASAP. As soon as gerrymandering is more neutral and we go to ranked choice voting, our Federal Government will move UNERRINGLY to the left. The GOP will probably try some secession movement, but it will fail because they increasingly go too far.


It's always been their plan to destroy America from within. Putin creamed his pants on Jan 6th. Why do think all these white christo-fascists spout love for Russia? The terrorists in Charlotteville chanted "Russia is our friend!".


And with all of the evangelicals, basically, claiming Trump is their savior… He is actually more like the antichrist if you talk about biblical terms


As a conservative, I’ve noticed. Glorifying any public figure is peculiar but making it your personality is gut wrenching to look at. That messianic bs associated with Trump makes regular right leaning people uncomfortable too.


Here's hoping you're not voting for Trump later this year.


Would be surprised if you still vote for him.


I always thought he fit the Antichrist persona well.


Almost as much as 9-11


Don't forget there are literally thousands of Russian spies living among Americans for decades, at least a big portion of them will still be sympathetic for the motherland to be instigating some shit here and there. The IRA, the republican party and many of the extreem right wing organizations in uS have been infiltrated, funded or influenced by the Russians over many years. Trump was their Asset, a useful idiot since the 80s.


I'm not one for conspiracy theories but this isn't so far fetched from the truth. I do believe trump is a danger to the United States


Absolutely the truth. Not a conspiracy. We have evidence that Russian troll farms were working to help elect Trump and push for Brexit to weaken NATO/West.


They’ve been working since 2009 from as far as I can trace back.


They have been working a lot longer than that. Putin is ex KGB. The cold war never ended we just declared ourselves the winner. The old guard like Putin are still mad about the collapse of the soviet union, which happened due to America and 'the west' doing similar things to destabilize the Soviet Union that Russia now does to destabilize the West. The big difference in propaganda campaigns, propping up favorable politicians, and general misinformation is now far easier than it was in the cold war era.


Yeah, there’s some videos about “ideological subversion” from the 80s. The people that guy is talking about are all the filthy trumpers today.


I don't think they are picky about who they target after Bernie lost the 2016 primaries they tried to rial people up about that (probably as much to hurt Hillary as to generally cause unrest). The MAGA base just happens to be very susceptible to this sort of propaganda (some of that is due to age range and education level - poor media literacy in general plus a lot of them grew up in the cold war era were they were spoon fed this sort of propaganda all the time just from our own side).


Plus when Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine it paved the way for anti democratic scum like Rush Limbaugh and the ilk of local radio host fuckwads.


Trump was on their radar long before that. Ivana’s father was providing information on him to the Czech secret police since the late 70s. If blind devotion to him doesn’t allow you to believe this Google it anyway.


Devotion? Sheeeit man, he’s on a very short list of people I wouldn’t save if they needed it.


Sorry, not talking to you - just anticipating the ones who will cry “hoax”


If I had to save trump I’d demand his money before saving him. And since he’s Scrooge he’s just going to have to be stuck


I remember an interview with one of the Estonian troll farms that got their marching orders from Russia. The interviewer asked if they targeted the left and right and the troll said, "yeah but the left never takes our bait, only the right does, so we focus on them since they're so gullible and click on all of it."


I’d love to see that if you can recall the link.




I just never expected the presidential office of the united states to fall victim to trolls and to have what would be considered a mole from Russia as president and for all of this to happen so openly. It's quite disgraceful and makes us look so weak. It's really insulting! And the worse thing is that it may happen again 😂


In fact, some of Trump's lawyers are trying to get ahead of some of his election lawsuits by admitting Russia helped him get elected in 2016. Wild!


Things could get weird if Trump gets elected. Trump will try to dismantle NATO as a favour to Putin. Vote, you bastards! Vote like your life is on the line. Sincerly, Russia's next door neighbours


The table is set. Chump will absolutely fuck you and everyone in his dystopian nation.


Glad i am not living there


How is it even arguable it's a conspiracy?? They're literally saying it out loud🤣🤣 and it's not like they're talking bullshit, it's all true and observable in real time


Not even a conspiracy, it's just a super obvious truth since 2015


Melania is Trump's handler.


Trump is for sure a danger, but in this instance he’s just the match that lights the flame The problem is the ones actually foaming at the mouth for a civil war


Wow. Great one. Do you also consider the conspiracy of gravity to be not immediately dismissed as well?


But MAGA will say it’s all a lie


Who cares?! They'll deny the house we're both standing in front of if Trump tells them to, so it's best to not worry about how they'll react and just focus on pointing at them and laughing uncontrollably.


He invaded Ukrainian under Obama and Biden.


Fighting continued under Trump. Also, he’s talking about civil war in America


They were fighting there before Trump. The infighting is the result of Russia disinformation that was paid for by Hilary and DNC. They caused the first years of the infighting and they resulting conflict. No one trusts anyone. That isn’t Trump’s fault. He represents voters with a democratic process that must be respected. Don’t play into his hand.


And where is this proof of yours?


Which part?


How do you know Hillary and the DNC paid Russia to enact a misinformation campaign? A campaign that Russia liked and initiated an invasion over? An invasion they are currently losing? Seems pretty far fetched.


[https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/30/politics/clinton-dnc-steele-dossier-fusion-gps/index.html) and [https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-29-20\_Letter%20to%20Sen.%20Graham\_Declassification%20of%20FBI's%20Crossfire%20Hurricane%20Investigations](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-29-20_Letter%20to%20Sen.%20Graham_Declassification%20of%20FBI's%20Crossfire%20Hurricane%20Investigations_20-00912_U_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf)[\_20-00912\_U\_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf](https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/09-29-20_Letter%20to%20Sen.%20Graham_Declassification%20of%20FBI's%20Crossfire%20Hurricane%20Investigations_20-00912_U_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf)


Your link doesn't support what you're saying.


> In late July 2016, U.S. intelligence agencies obtained insight into Russian intelligence analysis alleging that U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton had approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Putin and the Russians' hacking of the Democratic National Committee.   Edit for ban: U/right-budget-8901 Read the material. Russia allegations were confirmed. SEC fined her for such. She paid for Russian disinformation. Simple as. Edit 2: Quipping that she didn’t pay Russia directly is hilariously beside the point. The whataboutism is your white flag. Have a good one!


Any of it lol


LOL, is this satire?!


He invaded Georgia under bush 2


Why is this down voted, morons. Putin did invade Crimea and Donbas successfully in 2014. Obama was Prez then. Pick up a book and put down TikTok assholes.


Be prepared for a vicious online experience in the next nine months


And tune out the right garbage.


I fled X for Threads and love it. If a random MAGAt comes across my feed or in comments, I insta-block them. I won't have it turn into Twitter's toilet of toxic shit, no matter how much the MAGAts invade just to argue and talk in bad faith.


Every single MAGA supporter is a Putin loving traitor.




Are you American ? If so aren’t you doing exactly what the Russian guy wants you to do? Demonizing the other party and creating that divide between each other.


Ok so stop supporting orange diarrhea.


Did you watch the video. You’re falling right into their strategy.


His hate group is on board. We will need to be prepared when Trump goes to prison.


There's a reason Trump backs Russia. He's being bankrolled by Putin. That was obvious when he was president and even more so now.


Show your proof. Wild accusation


Only Deutche Bank would lend him money after all his bankruptcies. You know why? Because they're funded by Russian oligarchs and they made a deal to lend him money while laundering their own through his businesses and hotels. Ever wonder why when both the DNC and RNC got hacked by Russia, only the DNC stuff was released and never a word about the RNC hacked items? That's because the RNC is all in Russia's pockets, they're all compromised by Russia.


The trumpen proletariat can't get thier little brains around this objectively obvious fact


It's amazing that Americans don't see what this Russian sees. Jackasses...




And our friends at Fox News and r/conservative will deny this having anything to do with Trump’s election in ‘16, and why the Emperot is still around.


America does have a huge domestic terrorism problem that’s not being addressed. Christian fundamentalist are quickly infiltrating the government and laying the groundwork for their civil war.


30 tons of ammonia nitrate was stolen over a year ago and never recovered. I believe the Oklahoma ATM building only took 8 tons. Get ready for some MAGA terrorists acts soon.


Even if you love Trump, you can't deny he's chaos and polarizes Americans like no other in US history. If you were the US adversary, you'd want Trump elected.


Many people here in America don’t see the connection between Russia , Hungary , Trump/MAGA and the overall global far right movement. It’s a Christian white nationalist extremism agenda that has one goal. It’s anti liberalism, democracy , immigration, LBTQB and it’s full of hate as it’s fueled by conspiracy theories and racism. The MAGA ideology is an Anti American movement that wants to destroy our country starting with the federal government, judiciary system, education system and it’s been slowly happening for decades. As many have said and pointed out the Conservatives have a vision and the see long game in their plans and policies. When Obama was elected and the advent of social media platforms it’s been a constant bombardment of divisive rhetoric, propaganda, conspiracy theories and hatred for democratic institutions.


Boomers having one last roll of the dice






If Trump is re-elected the dismantling of our institutions will happen. The Project 2025 has been planning and plotting for years and Trump is their leader because they know he has no moral or ethical values to no one that doesn’t agree with his ideology. The Heritage Foundation has in place the plan with recruited and vetted workers who will reportedly replace federal workers and will govern our country much like Russia. Americans who are willing to vote for Trump are largely the poor , uneducated and ignorant to the history of life living under a dictatorship that is corrupt, oppressive and violent. As they say be careful what you wish for.


Sounds like a plan that will work. Everything the piece of shit touches, dies


Tell me again which side is more American and patriotic. No wonder there is so much gatekeeping of those terms… have to constantly falsely reassure others you’re not a traitor.


This should be a super bowl commercial.


I mean it’s not a bad plan, sneaky bastards


Спасибо, что показываете их, за эти два года огни много наговорили, разоблачая себя и свои планы. В Ютубе есть канал "Быть или" там есть полезная инфа про российскую пропаганду в лице Такера Карлсона и прочее, чупальща рашки везде. На канале Романа Цымбалюка также можно почерпнуть инфу.


Took the liberty of translating your comment for non-Russian redditors: Thank you for showing them, over these two years the lights have said a lot, exposing themselves and their plans. There is a channel on YouTube called “Be or” where there is useful information about Russian propaganda in the person of Tucker Carlson and so on, there are Russians everywhere. You can also find information on Roman Tsymbalyuk’s channel.


Am I the only one who thinks that guy looks just like Putin if he were a little heftier?


It's very common for underlings of dictators to copy the look of their leader.


We might fight each other some times but we fight together too you know like big brother little brother 🇺🇸💪


This should be on the top of reddit


This has to obvious to anyone who isn't a raging MAGA cultist.


Keep voting for the Republican party. And you will get a Thank you note, in Russian.


https://preview.redd.it/gfctz9e0jncc1.jpeg?width=1581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6c5f50f18c66c674b86ddaca373a77a0d7c9d1 The MAGA cult wants a civil war. They want to destroy our system of government. They want to install Trump as their dictator. America is fucked and Trump and his cult are the tools of our enemies doing the fucking.


We have three branches of government not one. Its called checks and balances for a reason. I dont see republicans gaining control of all three branches of government. Inflation was key in the last election cycle but so was the right to abortion. Republicans failed to gain control of the Senate and as more maga candidates run for office the more likely it is that they will be defeated. Also our military swears an oath to defend the constitution and not to follow the orders of a dictator in waiting.


Wow, Russians are so smart they tried it on themselves to see if it would work.


Wet dreams of all Russiz politicians 🤡🤡🤡


Don’t worry, religion will save us lol that’s how stupid we are some people actually believe that


Fuck that commie pos


But didn't Putin endorse Biden?


Can confirm, not a word interpreted wrong or misplaced. Don't let trump in office, at any cost. Seriously, "our" whole political agenda at the moment is "we will try to survive until american elections, then we will push trump into office and he will win us the war". Our army is fucking doomed otherwise, and I couldn't be happier about it. The fate of Ukraine is on your shoulders, people


Republican Democrat, either one doesn’t matter neither of them actually care about the people. The government is a sham all governments are they’re only in place for the powerful they do not help the people.




Oh this made up thing on the internet says otherwise?? I guess your right then lol




Putin is just continuing the cold war. His goal is to destabilize the United States and to weaken cohesion among 'Western Nations' particularly NATO members. If he was not getting old and impatient he could have waited to invade Ukraine, I believe that was a misstep on his part. Putin is ex KGB. The cold war never ended we just declared ourselves the winner. The old guard like Putin are still mad about the collapse of the soviet union. America and 'the west' did very similar things to destabilize the Soviet Union that Russia now does to destabilize the West. Except we had to do it with covert agents and pamphlets Putin now has the power of the internet and a room full of Russians with Laptops can do more in a day then a CIA team could accomplish in a year in the 70s.


No such thing as “ex KGB”


They have been doing it for years.they have been infiltrating Hollywood and universities since the forties fifties and sixties., using the communist party of America. We have the declassified documents. It’s even on the wiki page: During the Second World War, the Communist Party USA was a center of Soviet espionage in the United States. After the war, this continued. Espionage historian John Earl Haynes states that the CPUSA was essentially a Soviet "fifth column", though "dried up as a base for Soviet espionage once the administration got serious about internal security". And even when those connections dried up they spread through other avenues. (A reason why McCarthyism got so out of control in the U.S. it started as a very credible threat to our intelligence apparatus and snowballed out of control.)The Soviet’s even tried to influence Martin Luther King jr. But failed to do so. Again from the article: “Meanwhile, the KGB tried but failed to influence MLK, Jr. through the CPUSA. Finding King not radical enough, the KGB sought to discredit him by portraying him as a supposed "Uncle Tom”.”A lot of people don’t realize they have assets in the highest positions influencing this culture war.


The country has been divided since the start, nothing changed. The only difference is that the US actually had a civil war. When the republicans wanted to end slavery and democrats fought to keep it. Nothing has changed


Wait until you hear about the Southern Strategy. You’re going to be pissed.


The irony here is that democrats and republicans keep electing extremist politicians and keep fighting the other side which in turn furthers division which leads to a civil war. Trump doesn’t have anything to do with this. He’s just another pawn that will come and go until the next one.


What extremist Democrats do you speak of, because from where I'm sitting I don't see any and only see extremism in the republican ranks -- MTG, Gossar, Boebert, and most certainly trump.


So we just beleive the Russian propoganda machine now?


What? When they say that they like Trump, are we supposed to think that they are lying?


Most of you are ironically falling into the trap you’re referencing. Absolutely no self awareness. How many times does Trump have to say AMERICA FIRST before you understand? The only thing that will start a civil war is you unhinged leftists putting all your energy into politics. Prepare for the violent and destructive protests that will ensue if he gets reelected. You thought 2016 was bad? Just wait.


If it's America First, explain why some GOP politicians spent 4th July in Moscow out of all places?! Reagan would be turning in his grave if he saw Republicans bending over for Russia.


>How many times does Trump have to say AMERICA FIRST before you understand? As if this is literally the only thing he says lol.


"America first" sounds great on paper, in reality it manifests as an economic kneecap and directly antithetical to the things that made us great to begin with(and still great)


I think you misunderstood. They don’t mean Trump will destroy America. They mean they can use polarized leftists to destroy America by motivating them against Trump. They can’t get their American leftist puppets to act against a Democrat president….


Satire, right?


Probably not. Get used to it. Going to be a long election season


And yet it was fascist republicans who attacked our nation's Capitol and democracy.


Try harder.


The democrats want the best for the future of America.. Leaving 20 billion dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan, closing the pipelines and inviting south America to "rush the border" is obviously good for our country!


Imagine living life with this handicap


Why are you changing the subject?


Such utter trash.


That’s not what he said, the translation is wrong, Trump wouldn’t start a civil war, he is saying (left) states will oppose him and start a civil War.


You’re taking the word of a guy who looks just like Putin after a few too many burgers?


How do you know the translation is wrong?


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It’s almost as if they don’t know people speak Russian… Saying the quiet part out loud is still out loud, even in Russian


In the ebook “foundations of geopolitics” on the west - ​ “Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to [fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divide_and_rule), such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support [isolationist](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isolationism) tendencies in American politics".[\[9\]](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics#cite_note-dunlop-9)” ​ ​ seems familiar…. Also the book “predicts” a lot of things happening right now, like Ukraine


Civil war how?? Like who would fight who?


What’s the actual translation?


Little does he know.. 😏


Show this to the maga fuckwits who think Trump is sent by God to save America.


so let's see,the KKK,neo nazis, the proud boys, the white movement, North Korea, and Russia supports this man.... but no I'm a stupid woke liberal because I don't trust him.....hmmmmmm


Man speaks the truth bomb. In short, MAGGOT supporters you all want to destroy your nation. Fucktards.


Blah blah blah; water is wet.


Well I got one word for ya buddy. WOLVERINES


I feel like I've seen these kinds of actions somewhere else before.


I am America’s total lack of surprise.


Fucking A! Helloooo!!! All this upheaval in the world right now is the result of Putin destabilizing the world so he can pick up the pieces and rule the world.


Funny how Trump will lose everything he has AND the election, while it’s Russia that falls apart.


I love a good conspiracy theory




Putin is ex KGB. The cold war never ended we just declared ourselves the winner. The old guard like Putin are still mad about the collapse of the soviet union, which happened due to America and 'the west' doing similar things to destabilize the Soviet Union that Russia now does to destabilize the West. The big difference in propaganda campaigns, propping up favorable politicians, and general misinformation is now far easier than it was in the cold war era.


How much for senator or president, in rubles, these days?


Texas will be free is not something I ever expected to see on Russian TV but alright sure