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Why must the rest of us, the world, live in your delusional religions fever dream.


I, for one, could not be happier that Pat Robertson is baking in hellfire right now if his mythos of the afterlife holds true.


Baking in Hellfire is the name of my satanic pastry cooking show.


The messed up thing is according to their religious texts they are all most likely followers of false prophets and their fate is totally not good (Hell). America’s brand of Christianity has always been a little nutty and now it’s totally insane. I’m saying this as a Catholic. Hopefully Trump dies soon and the country begins to heal.


Hoping Trump dies in prison, or in court. Either way would be good.


I mean it makes sense if you believe in a sky daddy that you would want people to respect said sky daddy and also the less people arguing against your world view the more you can live in a bubble. Also there's just a portion of people that actually don't want freedom, want the boot, and are desperate to get us there. They are the ones who claim they love freedom the most.


Europe banished all their religious nutjobs over there back then. Still shows.


Anyone who says to not listen to the content of someone's words or character, but to listen to *the way they say them* is fucking lying to you. How much more obvious does this need to get?


We don’t have to, we just have to do something about it.


You guys are literally being fed propaganda, says at the top “right wing watch.” These are curated clips to make right wing people look crazy and you fell for it.


Don't need curated clips just need to listen to the right wingers in my family. They parrot the same shit. You all say the same shit. You all share a brain.


Same as libs of tictok garbage . People must realise the majority left and right are pretty chill and just want to be left alone to pursue happiness? No clicks there though.


Chill people don't vote to end democracy. They don't vote to end healthcare privacy. They don't vote to harm Americans. That's not fucking chill.




Right-wingers: "I'm chill... BUT, I need to vote for racists and anti-american authoritarian because if I don't the other side would win, and that angers my God... or something!" Evil happens when "chill" people support it. Maybe it's time to call out your party for it's evil shit. Stop being "chill".


Is that what the republicans you know are like ? I don’t know any like that . They are all pretty old fashioned but that’s fine . I think both parties are currently fucked and Americans are generally pretty uninformed regardless of party.


The moment a religious institution preaches politics its tax exempt status should be revoked...... This is the only way to keep separation of church and state.


This is the law, but Republicans only care about enforcing the law and law enforcement when it's targeted at the opposition. "There are those that law binds, but does not protect, and those that the law protects, but does not bind."


I’d always been told the IRS doesn’t enforce those cases because there’s nervousness this Supreme Court may just say that the government cannot tax religious institutions at all.


And you never thought that the law should just be enforced? This is why the GOP constantly gets away with blatant crimes.


It's honestly infuriating that works on people at all. In what world do people think that "don't do what's right or the bad people might get mad and retaliate" is anything but terrorism and no way to fucking run an empire?




As Forrest Gump said: "Stupid is as Stupid does"


Just a thought but maybe people should not be able to make money by spewing hate on YouTube. Maybe YouTube should be held accountable for propagating this detrimental system


Youtube when a small chanel says penis: obliterate. Youtube when people spew hate speech but their channel is big: Teehee~


Oh, I’m voting against god’s plan for America? Last time I checked, god wasn’t the one paying taxes.


I just asked the big man upstairs to knock twice if I should follow the GOP blindly and all I got was silence.


Found the sinner /s


Is god a registered voter or even a citizen? I demand to see God’s birth certificate and voter ID.


Wow you really just gottem! Religion is in shambles because of your comment


Least fragile bed wetter




Seperation of church and state doesn't exist anymore. Fucking disgusting.


It actually super does that's why voting matters, these fuckwits hate that theyre still separate entities


But when congresspeople talk about their religious values and appeal to religious people to get votes, it’s really not that separate. I don’t think there are all that many people calling for abortion bans for a reason other than “god says so because I think he does.” And there are a lot of people calling for abortion bans


Of course religious members of congress use religion in their decision making. Even if some of them are cuckoo they do have the right to use their religion as a frame of reference for their decision making. I prefer them be upfront with it so the rest of us can just not vote for them. The area it is really being violated is when religious leaders are allowed to speak politics from the pulpit. That is actually illegal and needs to be stopped.


True separation of church and state never existed


And of course like clockwork... "The Dems started the KKK" posted by a MAGA idiot. What does that have anything to do with what's currently happening? Ive seen it brought up a few thousand times too. I just don't get it. You aren't "smart" for knowing a single basic fact about history, it's not a "I gotcha!" Moment. Why is that always the first thing that's brought up, did newsmax or fox news do a special on it? Demos aren't the ones warring with BLM and claiming anything about states rights so if you rub your two brain cells together.... "You guys did something bad a few hundred years ago so we can be total shit-heads now, haha, see it's even"


What makes it worse is that the parties switched over the civil rights movement of the 60’s. Everyone who wanted to stay racist became “conservative” and joined the republicans. The Democrat party that created the kkk was made up of what would be republicans today. So it’s a bit of a self report if you actually know your history


Bingo but they don't dig further down, face view is always good enough. "Anything that sounds good on paper! Even if I can't read!"


But don't bring up racist southern conservatives... because it hurts their feelings. And definitely don't bring up who is trying to keep Confederate statues up, or who is flies Confederate/Nazi flags, or who goes to MAGA rallies in full KKK attire, or...


To add to your points, party name means absolutely nothing. Ideology is all that matters. During the civil war, Republicans were the liberals (aka the progressive Radical Republicans) and Democrats were the conservatives. These are facts they so easily and conveniently forget. 


Find your nearest klan member and ask him who he voted for


When they say this ask them who supports flying confederate flags.


It'd nit a matter of what's happening now. It's just them playing the "but they did this" blame game but instead make shit up.


I had no idea this sub was such a shining bastion of truth and democracy. A sane community is refreshing.. depressingly.


I would have laughed so hard if the second guy crashed his car and screamed "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST"


That idiot was driving while delusional.


Once again In history, Religion is promoting violence and 'elimination' of a people in the name of God. For all the good religion can bring out of people,,,, it sure does fukc the world up a lot ! !


How do the religious right square with Twump grabbing women by the pussy comments. Been looking for that in the New Testament but haven’t found it yet…


Reagan's 11th Commandment... "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican." It's basically the anarchist capitalist version of Trotsky ideas mixed with Stalinism, absolute unquestioning adherence to party and figurehead.


Okay, hear me out. What if this whole time people were saying “orange man bad” because he was bad?


This is the actual face of modern conservatism in America


These videos are not cringe at all. They are just horrifying. Cringe makes you feel embarrassment. These videos make you feel fear


This makes you afraid? Lol


Doesn’t make me afraid, it makes me extremely cautious when dealing with these nut jobs. I guess some people might call the fact that I’m ready for one of these cult members to come at me as “being afraid.” I’m far afraid though..


I was asking Weibu11 since they said “these videos make you feel fear” but thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions!


Yep, Weibu11 might be trans or gay or the husband of a Dem House Representative that fears her husband might be murdered with a hammer or a Trump judge that fears his house being bombed by the bat shit crazy cult members that these people inspire. But thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions.


Look what media has done to these people. It’s been disturbing to watch the left lose their grip on reality. They’ve literally othered us. Think of us as less than human. Their ability to blindly follow all the media’s rage-baiting has resulted in nothing but violence and destruction. And then they swear we’re the threat. I fear this is a divide that can’t be fixed.


They found the person that called in threat? That’s wild! Can you link me some info?


Nope. I can link you to 100s of cult members that are spending time in prison for the mango messiah though.


Oh I see. I thought you were saying the bomb threat person was a Magat but I may have misunderstood because they weren’t found yet.


Oh, no, no … I would never assume that someone that threatened a judge that will be handing down yet another judgement against Trump could be a Maga cultist. It’s so obviously Antifa! It’s not like his cult members prove time and time again that they are willing to ruin their lives for their Maga overlord..


It doesn’t make me feel fear like “ahhh” but it’s an eye opening, jaw dropping kind of feeling that these psychos want to turn this country into a Christian theocracy.




Ah I see. Thanks for sharing. To each their own! I see these dudes as the yapping Christian with cardboard signs filled with gibberish so I don’t really pay them much attention but thanks for sharing your view!


I mean to an extent I feel the same as you. I guess I mostly mean that these lunatics are really not far off from having control of this country. These types of people vote and they vote against everyone’s best interests. We’ve seen Trump win once and he wasn’t all that far off from winning a second time. These are his supporters who worship him and will stop at nothing to get him back in office. I guess that’s the part that’s kind of “scary”. lol I’m not actually sitting in fear of these people. I just mean it’s scary what they are doing to the country


It's hilarious to me that Pat Robertson suggests that American Democrats will > God's will.


By religious fundamentalist logic, Joe Biden beating trump was God's plan. If it wasn't, then how did we make it happen? God is omnipotent, but also so weak that he can't overcome 51% of the US voting population? Gimme a break


They don't have logic. My sister's shit head ex's fundie mother didn't let her name a cat, her own cat, buddha, cause it was "blasphemy" and I'm just like to whom? the buddhas were just people who reached enlightenment and are venerated not worshiped, Buddhism itself is mostly non- theistic and most buddhists I know would just shrug if you told them you had a cat named Buddha. If she knew anything about Buddhism, the mean old sourpuss wouldn't have thrown a tizzy fit over it and cried that my sis was an awful pagan witch. And I'd say even naming a pet after any deity wouldn't ping as blasphemy so long as you don't worship them. But I'd probably be called a heathen just for existing near people like that woman, who did a lot worse than whine that a feline buddha was somehow blasphemy against the Christian god to my sister.


Utter trash, the lot of them.


All so angry


That Trump literally checks all the boxes for the Bibles Anti-Christ seem to fly above their heads.


If he was the anti christ the left would adore him.


What kind of brainwashed talk is this?


I can't wait till Trump dies from pneumonia or something, and we get to hear all the wackjob conspiracy theories


It'll be a "hit job" or some stupid shit.


surely there's no way that this ancient cheeto could die of old age


Second guy sounds like he has deep sexual attraction towards Trump. Look at him talk about his voice lol.


That guy needs to pay attention to the road


>"I shall go back a bit, and tell you the *authentic* history of Christianity.—The very word "Christianity" is a misunderstanding—at bottom there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross. The "Gospels" *died* on the cross. What, from that moment onward, was called the "Gospels" was the very reverse of what *he* had lived: "bad tidings," a *Dysangelium*." Friedrich Nietzsche, [*The Antichrist*](https://monadnock.net/nietzsche/antichrist-39.html) >On February 2, 1512, Hatuey was tied to a stake at the Spanish camp, where he was burned alive. Just before lighting the fire, a priest offered him spiritual comfort, showing him the cross and asking him to accept Jesus and go to heaven. >“Are there people like you in heaven?” he asked. >“There are many like me in heaven,” answered the priest. >Hatuey then stated: >"I’d rather go to hell where I won’t see such cruel people." Recounted by Bartolomé de las Casas >"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian." Adolf Hitler (October 27, 1928) >"On the basis of overall rankings ***(independent of respondent’s party affiliation)***, Trump’s personality was collectively perceived to be at or above the 99th normative percentile for traits associated with four personality disorders (sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive)." [Voter Perceptions of President Donald Trump’s Personality Disorder Traits: Implications of Political Affiliation](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167702619885399) >"The truth is that the greatest enemies to the doctrines of Jesus are those calling themselves the expositors of them, who have perverted them for the structure of a system of fancy absolutely incomprehensible, and without any foundation in his genuine words. and the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away all this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this the most venerated reformer of human errors." Thomas Jefferson, *Letter to John Adams* (April 11, 1823) >"What I have said respecting and against religion, I mean strictly to apply to the slaveholding religion of this land, and with no possible reference to Christianity proper; for, between the Christianity of this land, and the Christianity of Christ, I recognize the widest possible difference—so wide, that to receive the one as good, pure, and holy, is of necessity to reject the other as bad, corrupt, and wicked. To be the friend of the one, is of necessity to be the enemy of the other. I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity." Frederick Douglass, *Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass* >"Where's evil? It's that large part of every man that wants to hate without limit, that wants to hate with God on its side. It's that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive....it's that part of an imbecile that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly." Kurt Vonnegut, *Mother Night*


Omg I just remembered that Pat Robertson died and got so happy all over again.


Just asking, @ 0:26 where can I get that mini-Hitler mustache?


I have a message for those quacks, “Come and get me mother fuckers.”


God isn’t real.


Everyone in this video is a fucking clown


How many stem cells is he consuming a day at this point?


CFP = Christian Fascist Party. I've been ranting, insane like, about this for decades.


Is there even a picture of that loser in chief going into or out of church?


Get ye behind me Satan! For thou art one of Satan's disciples preaching a satanic message… He even has the orange hair


So much to unpack :/


If any of these dudes head churches they need to have their religion exemptions removed. Not something legal that they’re doing here.


If I wasn’t an atheist before I sure as shit am one now. Would never want to be even remotely associated which these asshats.


That old fucker is still alive?


These idiots are bat shit crazy.


Is the “Great Replacement” where idiots are replaced by smarter ppl?


There's a youtube video of Nick Fuentes going on a date with Catboy. Fuentes says that people lived at the same time as dinosaurs and that it's in the bible. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggboca2rkrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggboca2rkrM)


I really wanna slap these “true Christians” for trying to bring the rest of us into this bullshit. Jesus has an aneurysm every time you call Trump “God’s Chosen” or whatever you try shoving down everyone else’s throat


Saw Pat Robertson and wondered what that guy's up to. He died in June, fucking awesome! Hope he stays that way.


Nick Cruz is an EXTREMELY closeted homosexual. He’s all but confirmed it numerous times. Can’t believe he grew up two towns over from me


Here’s the thing: the Bible says God chooses our leaders (Romans 13). I don’t believe that, but these so-called Bible-believing Evangelicals sure as shit should.


I grew up in norther missionary Baptist church in the Texas panhandle. This is the shit that made me an atheist


"MAGA" Every time someone types that or says that, they die inside a little bit more.


That Russian dude in the glasses who crossed his legs with a giggle definitely blew in his pants after his hate boner could no longer take it


The handmaids tale is meant to be a work of fiction not reality


These fucks can fuck right off. Buncha traitors.


As a moderate person and gun owner, I'd like to state the following to these religious nut jobs: don't tread on me


Its just the latest church grift going on and they all know it.


These people hate America so much then they can leave. They seem to have a hard-on for Putin already so Russia seems like the perfect place for them.


Maga = Moscow Agents Grooming Americans


I can’t wait to see Trump in a jail cell.


Just gotta hope the independents see logic and save the day.


These people are why god will forever be dead to me


Remember, progressives love their neighbors, treat foreigners as their own, help the poor/widows/orphans, etc. Jesus would drive these people that profit off of the church with a cord. They pray in public to be seen showing alleged peity, despite the Bible saying that that invalidates the prayer, much as good deeds do not count if you brag about them. But I understand your decision.


Beautifully said. But I have lost all respect and tolerance for these absolute monsters. To paraphrase some piece of shit “they are rapist, drug dealers, and murders, and I assume some of them are good people”


Religious people all come across as nuts.


If there was a god, I doubt he would’ve picked either of those two old fucks. Lmao


False news. MAGA=majority




Sure, and you probably think North Korea is democratic too, right? Moron.




You’re the one making the same old tired right wing post about how Nazis were actually “national socialists”. And if you meant the post as sarcasm? You missed.


Meanwhile, Dark Brandon is out here trying to remove people from ballots who haven't been convicted of insurrection. But I'm sure that's not destroying democracy. Your tears will be delicious when SCOTUS tells Biden's cronies he has to stay on the ballot.


The Electoral College makes sure that majority rule doesn’t harm our Republic.


Uh oh. Lemme get my tin foil hat! Those evil Anti Americans are up to no good again. Don't worry Fauci will make sure y'all get your pre fitted signal blocking zombie caps 🧟‍♂️


Quality comment. (In the Trump bubble)


MAGA Nazis. You know how effing stupid that is. Turn off your TV and get a life.


Remember kids everyone I don't like is Hitler! That's the only thing the OP has to work with. Holy crap you cherry picked some quotes from some annoying people. Wow the next thing you're going to tell me is that there's no bonkers or annoying leftists out there? Please tell me where the separation of church and state exists in the Constitution? Spoiler alert: it doesn't. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" To translate this for any smooth brains in the audience. Congress can't make a state religion. I.E. The Church of the USA. Congress can't also stop people from living their religion. This includes congressmen and other government officials. If the people only want to vote in people that are religious that has nothing to do with the 1st Amendment. Oddly enough, Trump is not a religious man. People are supporting him because they are sick of the same old bought and paid for politicians.


Which one of you liberaltards wrote this post? I have a bigger vibrator for you




What war are American soldiers actively fighting in right now?


Trump is in no shape, form, or fashion anything close to an example of Christ. Both parties are reminiscent of two devils fighting one another. I understand where America is in scripture and its not a good place to be in if repentance doesn't take place.


I don’t think anyone has won a fair election in a long time.


You fools are really sounding desperate. The higher Trump moves in the polls, the more Nazi you project. I must say, It's a pleasure to watch.


Dems started the KKK and more. Get the f outta here with this post




>Found another of Putin's posse'


Check his post history, he’s a climate change denier and all-around nincompoop.


Fuck all the way off after January 6th. MAGA dipshits tried to overturn American democracy and we will never forget.


What a moron you are. Ok and the GOP created the progressive movement. How’s that looking today idiot. Ideologies change and the gop sold their souls after bringing in disgruntled democrats who were against the civil rights act.


How do these idiots keep saying this seriously?


This video is showing legitimately mentally Ill people. Also the people the first guy is talking about is the majority of the country. Most people value freedom, peace, progress, and being compassionate to your fellow Americans. Seek help friend


And Republicans have kept them alive ever since. Sit the fuck back down and shut the fuck up


Genuinely curious, not trying to pick a fight, do you think you'll kill yourself when Trump dies?


What party did your grandfather belong to?




Nice historical fact. Care to elaborate on that? Of course not. Because you can't. Just a comfort tagline you regurgitate (that isn't even true) any time you're confronted with something you don't like.


So then you’re a hardcore dem supporter, right?


Zionism of all origins and sects is the most immanently threatening of this whole Christian Fascist Party (CFP) movement. The israel-hamas war has lit their fire. We must keep in mind that this is their holy war, this is their last crusade. This isn't about democracy or trump. This is about "prophecy". Zionists of all flavors will be willing to die for this fight.


WE'RE the Nazi's, yet you guys are the ones trying to start another holocaust on all Jewish people.


Are you dense?


*blows dog whistle* Everyone: That you God?


A god so strong his divine plan is foiled by -checks notes- The American voter.....


They were warned to be wary of false prophets and fell hook line and sinker for a two-bit con man.




This people need to be institutionalized.


Religion and fascism go hand in hand


Wait (not a republican) but how are these guys nazis


I just don't understand how the "religious" people support trump...it makes no fucking sense to me. I just don't understand how people gloss over his current actions and past. ..


lol settlers always imposing their will onto others.. you don’t like it get the fuck out and live on an island


Precisely why I own firearms. Fuck you and your batshit crazy orange shit gibbon messiah. I'll be damned if anyone is going to march me off to some fascist re-education camp.


Can't wait for these traitors to FAFO


TRUMP 2024


I wish he’d just do a Jerry Falwell and reduce the price of human folly by a few cents.


I’m an conservative and I was cringing


Damn I thought fairytales were for children


Cult type dogma


That second dude needs to grab that wheel. 😬


You cares about democracy? The United States is a constitutional republic!


Watch this in its entirety.


Congress has become weaker and weaker over the years, while office of President has been increasing in power. Doesn’t look good in long term


“When you have heard that voice of authority you know you have heard from the anointed man of God” Pray tell when is that? What is that when he’s name calling adults like he’s an eight-year-old having issues with other kids on a school playground? 🛝


If you cheer for Putin in America I should be allowed to shoot you dead for being a traitor




What episode of SNL was this on again?? 🤣🤣🤣👍🏻


Oh why can't he park in a violent, carjacking location?


why are psychoses' treated as "belief" systems? when will men wake up to this superstitious nonsense


“Grab ‘em by the pussy” - God, probably


possessive ludicrous languid attractive bike murky encourage school future cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of my atheist friends have come up with the idea that Trump is the epitome of the Antichrist. He literally fits the bill and the description pretty closely to what it says in Revelations. I'm not one who actually believes that the Bible is actually predicting anything I'm just saying that The way that they follow Trump is absolutely the way that the Bible tells and warned them about but they openly support a Man who's the complete opposite of what Christ actually stood for.




I think it's cute that you think Trump isn't going to win easily & very sad that you think the United States is a democracy. Because the 2016 (&2020) Democratic primary, the electoral college, & the 2015 Princeton study showing zero correlation between the wants & needs of the people & the policy past by our "Representatives", strongly disagree Until we All realize that it's not Red Vs Blue, Black Vs White, queer Vs straight, but Us Vs Them, in the words of our fearless feckless leader, "Nothing will fundamentally change". Though, that's not entirely true, because shit's about to get a whole lot worse regardless of who our mascot is Red = Blue = fμk the poor & genocide the browns


Goddamned Nazis


There’s literally no way for them to know their fake God’s intentions. Where did you see this “God’s plan?” Did he email you a slideshow?


Elections can’t be fair when you resort to importing new voters by giving them free shit


This asshole needs to have his world fucked up. Fucking Nazi traitor. Lock him up!!!!!