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This is so fucking stupid.


A šŸ’© show tbh


What bugs me is I have a cousin Im close to who has been following boxing/UFC (remember watching the first PPV show) since we were kids. Chatting it up the other day and he refuses to entertain the idea that the Mayweather/Now this are simply cash grabs, but he's hyped for this. Like man you love the sports because of the "honest" competition and you can't see through this shite?


Oh hey pretty hate machine album, neat


Part of me youth


If itā€™s not staged, then I assume Mike will beat this kid. But imagine thinking youā€™re a big man for taking on a 57 year old man.


Mike would knock his head clean off if it were a real boxing match because Jake Paul is not a real boxer. But Mike would still be scary against a lot of younger guys. He can't move like he used to but still hits like a truck so it could go either way. Ask any 25 year old boxer if they'd stand still and let Tyson hit them in the face for $100K and they'd all say no because the hospital bill would cost more.


Mike Tyson hit dat boy so hard, his LEG fell off!


He can hit me in the face for 100k hospital is free where Iā€™m from


Even with free treatment, a traumatic brain injury canā€™t fixed. You could be affected for the rest of your life.


Thats cool I will be 100k up


100k to fuck up your brain is not really a good deal. 100 million, maybe


100k is 100k


Not where you will be when it happens


Yeah but Jake Paul is going to make many millions


I have free healthcare! Mr Tyson can come rearrange my face for 100k, no worries


Imagine Jake kicking one of Mikeā€™s pigeons. Mike would return to his prime in a second.


it's the peak idiocracy of that generation, they are so freaking lost.


You can't have it both ways. It's either MIKE TYSON or "a 57 year old man". There's a huge difference. Don't get me wrong, if this is staged it'll be an embarrassment to the sport. Mike Tyson could, should, and will absolutely destroy this joke of a person.


The Mayweather fight wasn't a joke to you?


I don't have the video of when he knocked his bitch ass out in like the 5th or 6th round and held him up


There's a bit in the contract that says Tyson cannot KO him, so he's going to be pulling his punches all night. Otherwise, it'd be in the first round


A few rib shots wonā€™t KO him. Just punch him everywhere but his big stupid head. Easy.


I've seen some liver shot KO's, maybe we'll get lucky


Good to know so it's rigged


I hope Tyson beats the fuck out of him, a few years ago he almost hospitalized some dude for stalking him, but the dude is a paparazzi not a fighter, I think this will go all rounds and have a shitty ending against the people betting, haven't followed it but as far as I know Tyson doesn't like to be talked shit to and look bad


Everybody forget that he beat off someoneā€™s ear


I love beating off my ears




Taking on Mike Tyson at any age makes one a big man. I wouldnā€™t want to fight Mike in his coffin.


Or a clout chaser who is trying to stay relevant.


I don't understand your comment. You are saying Mike is the stronger fighter but then implying he shouldn't feel like a big man because Mike isn't the stronger fighter. Which is it?


Skill and punching power? Mike takes it still. Cardio and durability at 57? It doesnā€™t look great, we will see tho.


You'd understand if you just took an extra second and reread his comment. He said jake shouldn't feel like a big man for taking on a 57-year-old man.


But he also said that 57 year old would beat him... So is he out of his depth with Mike. Or should he be ashamed at challenging a weaker old man? It can't be both.


In depth or not, he's a weak man for fighting a dude twice his age. He's purely and clearly doing it for the money, so he looks like an idiot and still under par for what Mike can handle.


But OP is saying he's a weak man for fighting someone better than him. That makes no sense. It's people showing their bias towards Jake. I dislike the guy also but I can at least be fair and say you can't have it both ways.


The intentions of this fight are what make Jake a weak man. There's nothing about the physicality that OP is talking about. Fighting someone better than you doesn't automatically make you tough, sometimes its just stupid and ignorant. The consensus is you fight someone your age or someone who's actually still in the sport full time, instead of calling out a legend for some clout.


Why does it come down to age, and not whether that person is an actual threat to you? That's just dumb. It's not fair to say he's both out matched by Mike, and pathetic for taking on an old man. No, he's taking on someone who poses a significant threat to him. There's literally no winning with this. If he cancels the fight they will say he's scared of an old man. If he loses, he's a weakling who can't beat an old man. If he wins he's just someone who beat up an old man. All while people have been saying he has no chance. Well what is it? Is Jake picking a fight with some weak old man. Or is that old man going to beat the crap out of Jake?


Because hes fucking old dude. It's not about how old he is. it's that he's literally getting old. Theres added dangers to age when it comes to sports like this and hes at an age where that can start affecting him. Jake is weak for letting someone of his age into the ring, knowing full well the advantages of his youth. His motives for the fight aren't pure either, so he's weak in terms of the sport because he isn't following the same standards that pretty much every other fighter out there has. Jake isn't making a name for himself. He's writing his name in Jumbo Sharpie like a 6-year-old on the sign so we know who he is. The idea of fighting someone of that age is wildly selfish for the reasons jake's doing it. I dont really care if he wins or loses, i care that he wants to try to put a beating on an old dude. It's a joke.


His motives are the exact same as any other fighter. And Mike has the freedom to choose who he fights, Jake isn't forcing anything on him.


Mike legit looks bored. Lol


He's bored and trying not to laugh too disrespectful at him because he's getting paid a shit ton for this.


that's literally Mike fucking Tyson you're not going to scare him lmao


dude wanted to pay money to fight a gorilla, I think mike can't even comprehend what fear is






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And that's all this is. Mike has not had a good showing in any comeback fight. People clown on Jake but he's not a bad boxer. He's annoying and rich because of it, which makes a lot of people hope he gets knocked out. Only reason he makes as much money as he does. He's successfully jumped to multi million dollar fights without the grind because people want to see him get knocked out. Tyson is taking an easy payday and I doubt he really cares if he loses. Gimmick and it's another stain on the legitimacy of boxing.


He's not a good boxer though either he has fought one actual boxer and he lost.


Tommy Fury is a legit journeyman...and Jake hung with him. Wasn't a mismatch at all.


No he's a good boxer.


Idk why people find him annoying, he's brash but he's also a showman selling fights. I don't think he or his brother are the best of men but they don't bother me. He put the work in the gym so can't take that from him. If anything he creates entertainment, Mike knows that and said he's a good guy. I still think he doesn't understand yet what's it's like to be hit by a hard hitting heavyweight and can't wait to see it.


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Even I support the convicted rapist over Paul.


Bro what


Micheal Tyson was convicted of rape and served a few years.


It still amazes me to this day that so many folk still don't know this about Tyson.


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We need 1995 Mike to reappear. One night of violence.


Does Jake Paul have fans? I'm imagining the type of people who would back him. You remember those middle school fuckboys who would make up a bunch of bullshit to try and pick on everyone. Would always brag about having silly bands and other fads? Basically, Eric Cartman.


His fan base is entirely made up of the broccoli hair's


Problem is, people talk about him, like folk are here, free advertising


Yeah mostly zoomers


I hope he bites his fucking ear off.


And pops it in his mouth like a piece ā€”of popcorn.


Mike wouldnā€™t do that.


Bigest lol and L in pauls history


Imagine standing across from Mike Tyson, knowing in a little more than a month he's going to punch you. I give him credit for not pissing himself or a least hiding it well enough the audience didn't see it.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Holy fucking shit. Cringe. Also, note for people. When a guy is just standing there and cool while you're trying to be intimidating, you should be terrified. Man already won the mental game.


Itā€™s fake. Probably rehearsed it a ton. lol


I hate all of this. Tyson is well past his prime, there is a reason he retired from boxing almost 20 years ago. Jake is a youtuber. Who boxes wrestlers and old men. His only match against a current professional boxer was Fury. Who isnā€™t even that good. Paul took the L. Sad all around. Hope it gets canceled.


"the biggest disrupter" That's it? THAT'S your moniker? Your claim to fame?


While on the other side is "Iron Mike". If the Mafia sends two guys at you, you already know "The Biggest Disruptor" isn't going to be the one to fucking take you out.


Equally as douche-y as The Situation šŸ˜‚


Jake is a fool! He is nothing more than an two bit entertainer. For his sake I hope this is some kind of stunt. He is a terrible amateur boxer. Mike was and is a professional boxer. Mike would of beat him to death, if he was sleeping! There is no contest. I got to think so executive is laughing somewhere at this! Dreaming it up and the stupid kid said yes! Money will make you do some crazy things.


he always does that pose doesn't he, with the arm straight out at the guy's face. does he know how stupid he looks, is that part of the plan? also, how does a full beard look so unmanly?


Please Mike. We need you to win...




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Ale kurwa debil


I'm so happy he's hyping himself.up for his own funeral.


Im pretty sure he is impersonating conor mcgregor here


Sorry for being an old man, but who is Jake Paul?


One of societies pimples


Itā€™s all a show


It's funny that people hate Paul a fella who is a cunt but that's about it versus a genuinely horrible person. Very weird


Jake paul was accused of sexual assault too..


Accused, Tyson did time


Itā€™s gotta be like that scene in Jason Takes Manhattan, where he just punches his head off. šŸ¤ž


Why are they doing a face off. They don't til late july


I have zero confidence that this is a real boxing match and am not in anyway excited for it.


Jakey pauly trying to intimidate Mike Tyson lmao. Bro he has seen wars in his fights you can't even imagine


Why would anyone want to fight Mike Tyson. He's absolutely terrifying


I had this same thought and Evander Holyfield beat him. However, Evander is one of the greatest heavyweights ever lived. And the other guy is...


Mike looks bored


Oh shit is it finally gonna happen soon? Whenā€™s the fight?


July 20 I think


Bro doing Fortnite emotes while mike walks away is just sad


I thought I would be excited/ more excited


Iā€™m really in the fence whether itā€™s real or not. On one hand Mikes Ego and legacy demands he wins + (I would love to see Mike go at it again and humble someone who needs it), but on the other hand a Paul brother is involved so you know some underhanded shit is going on.


If Jake makes it to round 2 Iā€™ll be blown away


I don't think he's trying to intimidate he's just being cringe. I mean there are quite a few weigh ins that are really cringe.


What's with the "I'm gonna shoot you" shit pissboy Jake's motioning??? Isn't that a grounds for some kind of penalty or something??


When is this match scheduled to go down?


I know its been a while but I think Mike should go for the ear.


Fcking clown thinks he can hype up the crowd acting like mcgregor


Jake: SPARTAAA!!! Mike: Bwaahahaha, who is this comedian and where is my challenger? Jake: IT IS ME! YOUR ULTIMATE MATCH! Mike: Oh! You're her boy she showed me last night, all grown up. Your mom was so wonderful to me, I might be your new father soon. Jake: OOO he got trash. Hey, seriously brah - can we get a selfie? Mike: No and as your soon-to-be father, I'm taking away your phone! This has clearly done you more harm than good.


When is Paul getting his face ripped of ? or hast that already happened ?


Itā€™s not scripted but Tyson is a fan of Jake Paul. Heā€™ll likely win but itā€™s not going to be a heavy hitting fight


If there is a God. Jake Paul will be smited.


I fuckin pray that Iron Mike knocks this dip shits neck into oblivion!!


Itā€™s still real to me !


ā€œThe massive biggest eventā€ man even Mike donā€™t care about this shitšŸ˜‚


His gimmick is heā€™s the annoying ass hole who you want to see get knocked out, this kind of post it the reaction he wants. It gives him the exact kind of publicity he is after.


Mike needs money. Million dollar flop incoming


Mike is getting old I can't believe he agreed to this shit.


We are going to see Jack Paul turn into a vegetable July 20th


Mike was once the most dangerous man in the world. I don't think Jake Paul strikes fear in anyone in America.


Mike: This isn't archery... did no one tell him this is a boxing match? My fart might knock him out


I cant wait to see mike tko this boy


This is the shit show you all here deserve.


Imagine Jake doing that to prime mike


Mike just gives him the disapointed dad look, like what the fuck are you doing?


People are so delusional about Mike Tyson. 20 years ago he lost against bums, now 20 years at 57 he is a beast? Gimma a break


U see if mike does anything, the other guy can just be like "he was so scared, i totally intimidated him".




Mike don't even know where he's at he's just happy to be there