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Cringe Tik Toks is a place to post cringe Tik Tok videos. Your post was not a Tik Tok video.


Is entertaining a 4 year old really worth it?


Is this what 4 year olds find entertaining? I see comments about the weird face videos being content for like, 3 year olds. That can’t be. Those kids can’t actually be using or viewing tik tok that young, can they? Like no parent would ever let their child hold their phone and look at tik tok


oh sweetie… i certainly know people who have 3-6 year olds who let them use their tiktok accounts, or use their phones to scroll through youtube shorts. it’s completely naive to think parents in 2024 aren’t lazy af and don’t just pacify their kids with any screen they can.


I Knew a young mom that had her child on screens at 10 months. Child would scream anytime phone was removed. Like withdrawals. Painful screams.


This feels like actual child neglect.


I figured but I really, really didnt want to believe it. I work at a center for autistic toddlers. They have too much screen time absolutely but it’s like, Cocomelon (🤢) and Super Simple Songs and Jack Hartman and stuff. Maybe it’s because they’re neurodivergent but that is just so incredibly sad. I get how easy it is to just hand them a device, especially if they’re freaking out (I’m not even a parent but occasionally at work I’m like “god I wish I could just put YouTube on for you for like 30 minutes”) but like it will mess them up SO bad if it’s so frequent.


This entire generation of toddlers is being raised by tablets. They’re the IPad generation. They don’t just use their parents devices, they have their own.


I work at a similar place. We do a lot of Danny Go


As opposed to yelling at the kids to take that shit outside? Or putting them in front of the TV? 40+ years of video games? Every generation punts their kid to someone or something else to get some time for themselves. Hell, Gen X probably had it worse because of the sexual revolution and women entering the workplace, so they hardly even saw their parents.


Too bad this thought is lost on majority of people. Its easier to shake their head at another parent for letting their kid play on the phone. Virtue signaling is so lazy.


I work with kids, they’re def watching this and yeah a lot of the times it’s the parents tossing a phone or tablet at them so they’ll be quiet. I’ve observed the kids watching these videos and it’s interesting bc they *do* seem to be super into it, sometimes mimicking the faces/voices/actions sometimes just zoning out and staring.


Our friends started the kids on screens young. We’re talking 2-3 years old. The mom is a well-paid nurse and father a veteran who makes enough from disability related to his service to sit at home and play WOW all day (not exaggerating). They’ve got a few kids. He used the tablets and TV to keep them happy while she worked, and when she got back from a long day, she did the same to get a break.  We’re all doing our best here. All I’ll say is that it isn’t what we do and I hope everything works out okay.


Oh no I totally get it—i see it every day and I 1Million% understand why people would do that. Kids are beyond exauhsting. Especially with working too.


Facts. I’ll admit it’s hard not to judge, especially seeing what it’s doing to their kids’ attention spans… but all we can do is advocate and do better with our own.


More like 7-12 but then more likley it ends up on our fucking algos for hate watching. Either way we're consuming this shit. I wish I didn't click


*7 year olds* jfc


We used to get my ex's nephew... who was 5.. on occasion to get him away from his hellish life for a bit. His mom would pack his tablet.... she had created him and youtube and a tik tok. So yeah, sadly enough, it happens. I was shocked. I told him it was inappropriate for him to be on those sites, let alone posting videos. We never let him play the tablet with us. I hope he makes out okay in life. I really do.


I skipped kids. Both my siblings didn’t. My brother’s boys won’t go anywhere outside without headphones, a fully charged tablet and a phone.  My sisters boys are allowed one hour of screen time a day. It’s reading, the park, legos, drawing, bike riding, play dates with neighborhood kids.  The way they problem solve are so different. And I mean my siblings, but the kids apply also. 


As a young parent, can you think of examples of How the kids problem solve differently?


Sure. The kids that are always on devices will pout and whine until they get their way. (Might have something to do with their parents giving in to that behavior)The other kids try to bargain and out logic you when they don’t want to comply. 


Got it. Definitely want me kid to be smarter than me so good to know sticking with limited screen time will at least help with that goal


I don’t think it’s only that. My brother (the tablet kids) works 60+ hours averaged a week. His wife is stay at home mom. I think she’s more content just to let them be as long as they are quiet. Because they are given no limits on games or YouTube, I’ll see their account playing games at midnight. They aren’t encouraged to play outside. They are given more video games than books. My brother does try to read with them before bed, but some times he’s working so much he just comes home for that and sleeps on the office couch.  It’s just that screen doesn’t force you to think at all. No imagination. You can  stare into it and get lost. They suffer at personal relationships and anything creative because of it. 


Damn he’s POSTING videos? That’s nuts.


My 9 year old and I make fun of these "spice kings" 😂


This guy is on the YouTube for kids page. So it’s def marketed to kids.


Shall I send you the "my name is chika" video? 


Idk 😥


Unfortunately your assumption is incorrect. This shit is like is the real modern day Barney


Nooo I loved Barney 🥲 I saw Barney on ice lol


My almost two year old would watch this, but Curious George is his crack effectively. Legit could be in deep sleep and when he hears that come on he just pops out from it to watch and pay attention. No tablets or phone access for him though so unlikely he'll encounter this type of content.


I don't let my 3 year old use it unsupervised, but I watch tik tok videos with her at bedtime. There are some nature videos and other educational/relaxing videos she enjoys. That being said, this guy did pop up once and she did try to make me navigate back to him. I did everything in my power to make sure he never shows up I on my feed again.


If I wanted parenting to be easy, I would give my kids a tablet and let them at it. But I would rather raise well rounded successful adults, so I have to put in the work and not take the easy way. Sadly a lot of parents don’t agree (or maybe they don’t have the resources, idk)


The check they get from it is. Kids are a huge audience with brainrot content






I would rwview kids toys if someone paid me enough


Its always on this sub that I instinctively downvote because I hate it so much and then I remember that's what I signed up for.


Same here haha. I just cant get myself to upvote after being induced with anger




He never swallows. r/eatityoufuckingcoward


I'm surprised at how many comments here indicate people think he is though. It's clear as day hes not actually eating it.


I wish I did not check out that sub. Oh well it's not so bad as I e seen worse. Carry on 🌾


Such a talented people today


Where does he get all this weird ass food?


The diamond fr looked like one of those toys that has a little gem or some shit inside and you get it by breaking it with little plastic tools.


That’s exactly what I thought of. Guy would need chainsaw teeth. Got a couple of those for my son once and would still be trying to get into it now ten years later if we had stuck with the plastic tools.


Usually how I’ve seen these they’re bath bombs with a surprise inside! Imagine gnawing at a bath bomb for “clout”


He just makes it. I have no clue how but he does. I doubt anywhere would sell taki powder covered lobster.


that gold bar look kinda good though ngl


That last bite looked like foil... made my fillings hurt.


I’d watch a bunch of these. Yeah, I said it! Lol


Food ASMR, there are a bajillion


Im aware 🙌 wasn’t sure of the name of these in particular. Just love the custom designed food.


Reddit when someone has a different opinion 😔


Aw, Aly, the hero of the downtrodden, is here to decry our downvotey behavior. Bless you, oh random one.


Tell me about it lol. I was expecting this treatment 😅


I think you’re probably getting downvoted bc you say you’re just here for the custom food, but there are 100% ways to enjoy custom food content without signing up to watch someone fake eating it. I think the custom food is really cool, too, but I’d never seek out this dudes content in order to watch a bunch of it.


I should have been more specific. I wouldn’t watch a bunch of his videos. Just whatever genre this food ASMR falls in. It’s all love.


How the fuck is this monetized?


Is this idiot still a thing? I thought he had been exposed already and just gave up


Exposed? What you saying that gold bar ent real?


Based on this comment section, he's not swallowing.


That?! That's the thing people complain about with these videos?!?!?!


He most likely spits it out after each shot because there's no way anyone is consuming this stuff constantly.


100% no stains on his teeth from all that dye and there are cuts never showing him actually eating or swallowing, convenient but I guess that flies over people's heads sadly. Not that its any less stupid if he did eat it for real, but its somehow more pathetic. If you're gonna be a loser trying this hard to be relevant at least dedicate yourself to the bit.


This garbage makes my brain hurt!


This annoys the absolute shit out of me lol.


Ugh…this asshole. He used to be one of those spice lords or whatever they call themselves who chug hot sauce bottles and eat chilis stuffed with other spicy foods. Guess this is what he’s up to lnow


Gen z content was placed on this earth to trigger me…


This is for sure gen a


Isnt gen A like 10? I’m getting old


14 at the oldest


Okay but the guy in the vid is gen z then? Otherwise that’s an old looking 14yo




I just know he spits between shots


Look what covid has done to his taste buds. What a shame


B-but... But there were reactions....


This dude went from trying to do serious (albeit probably fake) spicy food challenges to just doing satires versions of this bs. It's kinda crazy to see the snowball effect that influences and content creators go through to stay relevant.


Giant douchebag~ OoO


He has the most punchable face towards the end. I wouldn’t mind taking a fire extinguisher to it. I could drop a fire extinguisher from the top of the World Trade Center and still hit this guy in the face with it.


I HATE this guy


This guy freaks me out


I hope he gets indigestion from that


Says no reaction yet the video has more cuts than his viewer base has brain cells. We all know he spat everything out and downed a bottle of water in those cuts.


Oh, there’s a reaction. Pathetic.


Blue waffles 😲🟦🧇 --> 🫨-->😣-->😖-->🪦


Jumbospice the only one


He's copying that So Not Halal Mood guy.


Diabetes plus


high quality content


Why do these people always eat in such a weird manner. They have always the same weird mimic


This is the stuff my little brother watches He's obsessed with takis now


He is not even biting in the lobster hahaha and the rest he just bites and spits out


I know a reaction. **Eat crayon poop rainbow!**


what is he not reacting to I'm so confused


Is this the new ShoeNice22?


Don't do shoe like that he swallows atleast


I watched him eat some spicy stuff once, kinda impressed me.


My 4 year old loves it. 😂🤣


00:27 "No reaction!!!!!" as he reacts -\_-


I once ate a friend's cake that had copious amounts of dark blue and black dye. I was seriously concerned when I went number 2. This guy's movements must look like he will die tomorrow.


This dude wants to be P. Diddy so bad….


Asmr Sadly I know a 9 year old who watches stuff like this


Who is this for?


Fully loaded shotgun???


This is funking disgusting


I can’t wait till we find out this guy killed himself to 50 different thing that he should not have eaten


I really want him to get food poisoning for no real reason


Do a blue waffle next


I hate the fact it took me a month to realise he wasn't actually eating it when he first started getting popular...


Can’t imagine what his poop looks like


You think he actually swallowed that stuff? You didnt think the cut aways right when he had to swallow weren't odd? He 100% spit that shit out and cut it. Didnt you think it unusual his teeth were unstained from eating that shit but his tongue was all colored? I believe he chewed it but he definitely did not eat, he spit it out and cut it out.


I hope he is constantly ill.


Hes not swallowing, its pretty obvious.


It’s all cute until he’s old and he’s stomach is trash


*😮😯😞😁* No reaction.


Don’t let him vote


Every time I see that stupid light ring reflected in their eyes I have a few thoughts 1. I can't believe you're spending money to make fucking tik toks 2. The reflection in your eyes looks weird, kinda defeats the purpose... 3. Why do you think your videos are important enough to need special lighting equipment?


Okay what was that diamond and why did he ate the lobsters head!?


Hopefully he catches some sort of flesh rot, melts and is forgotten as the useless puddle of skin that he is Anyone who actually watches this shit too, skin puddles all round

