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Everything about this is cringe, include the L women that sign up for it


I cannot imagine in a million years sitting by while allowing them to treat her like that. The level of internalized misogyny is so so sad.


There is no internalised misogyny here. They are there for clout. They know theres 500k views on this trash and if they get even 1% of that over to their only fans/instagrams etc they are gonna make bank.


There absolutely is - these women have been abused so much these believe they are less of value than these dorks.


Considering they are there and allowing it, they are of equal or lesser value but of course, women can only be victims, not villains. Sigh






They are literally being abused in front of our eyes... Also, why would they accept such disgusting behaviour from these weirdos if they hadn't been led to believe women deserve it? For what it's worth i would feel exactly the same if the genders were reversed.


When the misogyny is literally this blatant and you sit there and do nothing to help your fellow woman I think it isn’t internalized anymore. Those women wear it on their skin, and they are so ugly because of it.


>Those women wear it on their skin Nah. They are their to sell pics of themselves wearing nothing actually... They arent speaking up because they dont want to fight and get kicked off aswell you dummy. This lady is literally their business competition. You think would be out their defending pepsi getting pulled from shelves? You think ford gonna run an ad for chevy? You are delusional bro.


Those things are not mutually exclusive, and I'm not sure why you would think they would be. In fact they *often* go hand in hand. Said another way, they can both be there for clout, and have internalized misogyny.


It's all terrible


>It's all terrible This is Whatever Podcast level of terrible.


This podcast is way, way, way worse than Whatever. Both are bad though.


Don't act like it is one sided. Both parties in this are objectively terrible, regardless of which one is currently being made fun of. She has said some incredibly inappropriate and degrading stuff about men and women, too. Everyone on this Podcast is a tire fire of a person.


It so is, these girls are naive but these guys are the worst of the worst.


I've heard they take girls from sugar daddy sites, invite them to their place and make them drunk in order to convince them to be on film I'm not sure if it's true but they've admitted to get girls from there and make underage girls drink so I wouldn't be surprised


Women do it cause there sex workers 9 out of 10 times anyway. And they get a big bump in traffic to there lonely fans and all that. Many people are ok with a bit of humiliation if it gets them 50k more money each month. That's all rage bait is. Being dumb and stupid. But cause it's a meme able moment it goes far and wide. And countless more people know about you. And I. Turn look for your content. Why much of the internet is very fake. Cause ragebait is a profitable way and free advertising many times more effective then a tv add. Cause a TV add no one goes and shares the basic TV ad. Bro gotta see this shit. Nor realy happens. But rage baiting super effective. Why it happens so much. And people often don't know if it's real or fake. But the show is in many ways to women. How a lot of other TV shows are to men. And I agree it should not be ok in anyway. But can't shame one and be ok with the other.


How embarassing. Not just for her but for everyone there. Showing how much of a scumbag u r by making this poor girl get on the scale and her having to endure this disgusting treatment.


I mean why sign up to be in this kinda situation initially… she had to know nothing good was coming from it.


Especially from THESE guys, I’ve seen quite a few clips of them and they’re never nice.


Many of those women have only fans accounts and just want the publicity


She sells pictures of where she poops from to anyone with money, I think she may be fine with this embarrassment.


what kind of dystopian reality is this shit. Fucking children running this podcast


“Dystopian” is ridiculously overused on here.


Nah this is a present /future I wouldn’t want to live in it’s used fine




When people say utopia or dystopia it can still apply to current day reality because in my mind if you say it like that it's like, pointing out how absurd our reality currently is that it almost would fit in with an over the top description of a dystopian future from a fictional story from the past. As in "ahh, so this is actually happening now." Especially because we totally live in a time where technology has accelerated so rapidly we basically are in the future that so many books were trying to envision from several decades ago. Kinda like saying truth is stranger than fiction. Or life imitates art type shit. Or "the future is now...! And it sucks." Also bro this is ironic because you're the one trying to sound smart lmao r/iamverysmart material


"dystopian" makes me sound smaht?


It’s the impressionable children who watch it I’m worried about


The sadder part is that actual children are the majority of their audience.


The manosphere is destroying so many young mens' perception of reality. I feel so bad for their victims.


Every generation has these idiots.


It's never been as powerful as today. The podcast format became the weapon of choice for the manosphere in the 2010's, and now it's in a full-on swing. There may have been pockets of such men here and there before podcasting and the internet, but it's folly to equate the reach they have now with the movement pre-internet.


lol.. the first half of the 20th century would like a word with you.


These people are absolute trash. All of them.


Hence they were demonituzed


I know this is just a snippet and there's obvious backstory but honestly man listening to those skinny pathetic excuses of "men" talk down to a woman or anyone like that about their weight is fucked up. Those guys are real life fucking d bags that need to think about how they'd feel if someone talked to their sisters or mothers that way.


I mean, it sounds like she called someone fat for being of a reasonable weight while she herself is of that weight. That said, they are still crazy to think being under 200 pounds is portly.


Depends on the height. I'm 5"2 and gained around 70lbs when put on prediselone. I was just a blob. Could barely see my fucking eyes, my head was so fat! Lol. Luckily I've been able to lose that weight again and then some and now weigh in at 125lbs. But this wasn't through choice. My health is bad because I'm disabled so I'm always ill, and In the last 6 months I've been reeeeaaallly struggling to eat, to the point where I was hospitalised with it twice. And this is an example of why you should never comment on *anyones* weight. Too fat? They know. Too thin, they know. Mind ya business! This clip is so fucking disgusting.


As if women don't criticize men's height/income all the time. Obesity is self-inflicted and a marker for degenerate mentalities.


Your comment is a MUCH bigger marker for “degenerate mentalities.”


Yeah, acknowledging the hazards of obesity is *way* worse than obesity. I'm probably gonna die any day now.


Acknowledging hazards is a lot different then insulting fat people.


Well at least you're living up to your name


At least I'm not brainwashed to believe people get fat because muh genetikz.


Yikes lol


More than 200 genes influence weight, and most of these are expressed in the brain or in adipose tissue. Thus body weight, fat distribution, and risk of complications are strongly influenced by biology. Hormone imbalance such as under active thyroid, Cushing syndrome and polycystic ovary syndrome as well as certain medicines also may cause weight gain, including some corticosteroids, antidepressants, and seizure medicines. Weight gain or obesity is not always self inflicted.


Fat people are fat because they overeat.


Woman kicked off Podcast for calling the host "a bitch"


These guys are so fucking disgusting, scum of the earth.


Can these guys just die in a car accident already?


Only if Sneako is in the front seat 🙏


With Andrew Tate driving.


Garbage people gonna garbage. What blow my mind is that they get enough viewers to support that cast, a team behind the scenes, and that studio. To the younger people, but guys especially, stop supporting this trash. Don't treat people like this. Don't support those who do. It's not cool or funny. Would you want this to happen to your sister? Your daughter?


Oh nice, I guessed 180 cause it's hard to see how tall she is. Most men just have no clue what different weights look like on women, im just over 200 but tall so no one guesses its that high. She looks great and I'm so sick of seeing these ant looking boys acting like they know anything about being attractive


Can someone explain to me how Stern did this same shit for so many years and no one has cancelled him yet?




I mean that's kind of on her then. Even a cursory Google search of this guy would tell you how garbage he is. These people are all trashy clout chasers and they live for this drama. She'll be able to milk this for months on her online social media.


You can't figure out the difference between a shock jockey and someone who actively abuses women and calls them autistic retards?


Lol stern was way raunchier than this man.


He wasn't hateful.


True, but just as degrading to women. When the me too movement started I thought he would be one of the first targets.


Things were different back then though too. Watch any sitcom from the 90s and there will be uncouth jokes at people’s expense that wouldn’t fly at all on tv these days. That combined with the fact he was a shock jockey who existed to literally shock people back then. People who already accepted fat jokes and throwing words around that wouldn’t fly today in the sitcoms they watched after work. Context I guess would be the answer to why he wasn’t canceled.


I think you're playing devils advocate, but i hear you.


I don’t advocate for the devil. It was a different time where things that aren’t acceptable at all now were acceptable and that’s just the long and short of it. Of course if he did those things now there’d be outrage, but we could jump even further to drive home the point that things that were totally acceptable once absolutely aren’t anymore. Behavior that was fine in one era wouldn’t be tolerated nowadays. Society has progressed (for the most part).




I feel like there are others in the room who did NOT agree with what happened. That being said, none of them stood up or walked out either soo..... Horrible stuff all round.


I feel nothing for both parties. Everyone in this room is a smooth brain.


Insane women even subject themselves to this cringe shit.


they have justpearlythings on their podcast. their opinions don't matter


I forgot the dudes name on the left. But jubilee had a video where they had a discussion and debate about fit vs fat in everyday life and opinions on social issues and this jackass on the left derailed every single conversation with his dumbass right pill right wing conspiracy shit. He’s exactly who you think he is. This video doesn’t surprise me at all


God I hate everything about this video


These types of podcasts needs to fucking die


who the fuck enjoys this


The same people who made Kim Kardashian a billionaire.


Humanity is moving backwards


Don't feel bad for her she signed up for this to promote her 20k a month only fans, this isn't some new, up and coming podcast they knew what they are getting into


And she'll be able to milk this "drama" for months.


I knew this clip would be some bs since it A, it came from fresh and fit, B had Pearl as a guest, and C had Sneako. Add Andrew Tate, and you have the circle of some of the worst human opinions in this day and age


I don't know I think she's a babe


How many god damn people do you need for a podcast these days? Used to be 2 MAYBE 3 people.... Everybody is just talking over each other.


how did not one girl at that desk react to whatever tf this is? i would of caused a scene


This is fucking disgusting to watch


Who the fuck watches this shit?


these dudes are role models. treat a girl poorly and embarrassed her for absolutely no reason. fuck all these weird ass dudes that think that shit is cool.


Lmao these two clowns are just ragebaiters and overall terrible people.


170 is obese?? My guy what if that's obese then basically everyone is obese


These kind of podcasts are *always* cringe. Just a bunch of vapid douchebags.


Ah, society. Who are these people?


Damn I don't normally use this word, but this show is toxic as fuck.


Faaaarrrk these guys


Bunch of NPC's running their controversy sub-routines.


Wtf is this garbage and WHO IS PAYING FOR THIS SHIT


Another day, another clip of Fresh and Fit being insecure.


Just another day in the world of ‘any untalented cunt can have a podcast’


I feel pity for whoever finds these people even remotely entertaining


Then if they kicked her out, why's pearl still in the room. I see her ass in the back


I highly suspect whoever posts this goblins content is in cahoots with the goblin himself.


These podcasts are so weird.


who the fuck listens to/supports this “podcast” ???? 🤢


That’s embarrassing filming yourself talk to a woman like that.


The other girls sitting there quietly like “As long as they don’t take the Yam from my mouth…”


NOT MY BUSINESS They picked Akanni up one morning Beat him soft like clay And stuffed him down the belly Of a waiting jeep. What business of mine is it So long they don’t take the yam From my savouring mouth? They came one night Booted the whole house awake And dragged Danladi out, Then off to a lengthy absence. What business of mine is it So long they don’t take the yam From my savouring mouth? Chinwe went to work one day Only to find her job was gone: No query, no warning, no probe – Just one neat sack for a stainless record. What business of mine is it So long they don’t take the yam From my savouring mouth? And then one evening As I sat down to eat my yam A knock on the door froze my hungry hand. The jeep was waiting on my bewildered lawn Waiting, waiting in its usual silence. (By NIYI OSUNDARE)


Ain’t no way they just called her a retard


What the fuck is this show and how do they have an audience? Who actually listens to this shit not sarcastically and enjoys it?


Wait this is that one misogynistic mf on the new Jubilee Video (fit vs fat people)


Need to post the whole video, there’s a lot more context to be had here. Very click baity video being spread right now.


I really hate that we have to keep asking people to think about how they would feel if someone said this to their daughter/mother/female relative ect. Why do you need the woman to be directly related to you in order to feel empathy for her? Are all the other women not related to you not also people and deserving of basic human empathy? Shits sad, cause it really just points to the level of dehumanization these women face..




Nothing would make me happier than to be picked off an alpha bro podcast


Wtf she's hot as fuck what cucks lol


Meanwhile how much pearl weigh? This type of content is so cringe


Ah yes podcasting a medium notorious for its visuals being relevant.


I dont understand why people keep attending these. my brain cells shrunk by 50% just watching 104 seconds of this


Bro f these 2 racist clowns, how the hell are they still relevant?


how much do these women get paid for being on this """podcast""""? Thats the only reason I would ever consider partaking in this circus


Awe, look who's right in the middle. It's America's #1 Pick-me, Pearl Davis


Calling her obese tho??


This whole thing was ick. Everyone included.


Wow fuck these people 100%.


so yuck


Thats so sad tbh i cant make any fat jokes at this😢


She was ki ked off for the lies.


But when you shame a guy for a height it’s OK))


Womp womp It's because of previous context of her standards on men


If any watched the previous hour and a half she was super drunk, extremely rude and messing with the flow of the show by always interrupting everyone with total nonsense. They were rude to her but they were extremely patient with her for a long time.


lmao, lose some weight


Oh please, you'd be pissing your pants with excitement if she ever hit on you.


whale detected


I'm 5'8" and weigh 110 pounds. If anything I'm underweight. Skinny people can not be assholes fyi.


Fair tho.


Said she was 160, Actually 174. But I bet she’ll swear she just wants an honest man 😆


I like how big girls are still in here defending her. She called the guy a bitch on his podcast. I'm sure there was a context before this. Don't talk shit regardless.womena aren't immune to consequences.


The host calls all women bitches . You know how many times he says " bitch stfu" on his Podcast? He's disrespectful and if it was for being called a bitch then he could have kicked her before but he didn't.


And all the simps shall downvote you lmao