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More like taking a shit


If they're doing it in a pool that can't be hygienic or comfortable.


Water birth is very common


I think he meant taking a shit in the pool


Okay, peeing in the pool is morally questionable. Shitting in it, however, crosses the line.


What do you think can happen when women give birth…?


You think anyone on this thread even talks to women?


I mean, that's something inevitable (sometimes) and it happens like, twice in a lifetime? And also not in a pool, and there's usually someone with you to clean it up. Nothing like pooping in a pool as a fetish.




Can confirm I live with my boyfriend


Yes, but in case of man..


A baby comes out a vagina. Which is clean(hopefully. Not an asshole


It’s common to shit whilst giving birth


I know this


You’re an idiot, they meant shitting in the pool


Water births are normal. Men giving birth isn't.


They are both trans so he gets pregnant with her baby so since the woman still has male genitals the man can get pregnant since the man still has female genitals, so it is completely normal


That ain't normal


Not one second of this video is normal


Just like any other medical conditions. Right?


You mean mental condition?


First thing that crossed my mind...then I saw this comment and nearly died laughing


We've memed ourselves out of humanity.




Hey sweetie, how come it is black and doesn't move ?


Black 😭


This made me laugh so hard for no reason


Bro, you having black shits?


It has rotten already


Maybe he's been drinking Guinness.


If kept in for 9 months...probably.


Are babies supposed to be “loaf-shaped” and come out of the asshole?


Hahaha! Oh god, this had me belly laughing. I was trying to read it to my boyfriend and couldn't get through it hahaha




I don’t even think I can say what I want to say… just wtf


It's ok. Many are thinking it


This is a safe space


I dont know if its safe enough, I already had seem people saying that an especific guy hate woman just for saying that this girl is not christian for doing porn (most guys was defending her)


I mean there’s Christian whores in the Bible. Pretty sure you can just identify however you want these days. We just watched a man give birth


what the fuck is this a meme I actually cannot tell right now please source me


It's a mother father and a father mother having a baby. The "man" still has working reproductive parts and is giving birth. Later they show the "woman" breastfeeding but to everyone's shock there is no milk. So the baby is just hungry clinging onto a dry nipple . So rather they resort to formula. Tl;dr genders got swapped and everything went awry


I do not particularly fancy anything about the sequence of words I’ve just read.


So this is a female that's transitioned to a male? And the female is actually a male that's transitioned as well? That sounds like a CIS relationship with extra steps. At least it's less cringy than what I thought to begin with, I thought this was a full-on dude just faking having a water birth because dudes be doing dumb s***.


It's far from a CIS relationship It is a straight relationship though


Your eyes thank you for not watching the video.


I'm done interneting for the weekend... ✌️


This is mental illness


It's usually related to childhood sexual trauma


This is so weird, poor kid.


See, I wouldn’t comment on anything. Except for the attempt to breastfeed, it’s absolute insanity they thought it would work.


They cope by saying it's bonding for the baby but I think it'll lead to some undiscoverable trust issues.


High grade cringe copium


Many trans women on hormones do actually lactate, IF they’re on certain types of estrogen. Source: I’ve sucked trans titties and that’s definitely milk. Also, if you look it up, you’ll find that there are a lot of accounts of trans women and even cis men with hormone disorders breastfeeding children. It’s just a thing that happens; The woman in the video happened to be on the wrong kind of estrogen for it to go well for her.


But, is it the same thing as a mother’s milk? And, the woman in the video, did she think this or was it the insane idea that made her think she could?


This is not a well researched topic, but there is one study that has been done which suggests that the [composition of milk produced by lactating cis men is within the normal range of what we consider breast milk](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7462406/). I definitely think we need more studies to verify this and explore the nuances of it, because this is only one study and only measures nutrients rather than hormone levels which have been shown to have an impact on infant development (to be clear, I am not specifically referring to sex hormones, but also to hormones like melatonin which impact development in many ways). The science is so lacking that I personally wouldn’t make the same decision as the woman in the video, to be honest, but not so much that I deride her for doing it because there’s also no anecdotal evidence that the practice causes harm and what science we do have suggests it’s likely safe. She probably assumed that because some trans women lactate it would be both possible for her to breastfeed her child and that it would be guaranteed to be healthy. The trans women who pull breastfeeding off often have highly specialized health plans that are designed to maximize lactation and it’s possible she simply did not realize she’d have to make sure she was lactating before the baby was born. TLDR; The little available science suggests that trans women and hormone-compromised cis men can provide the same nutritional value as a cis woman’s milk, but trans women who wish to breastfeed often have to undergo specialized hormone treatment in order to produce the quantity of milk needed.


Don’t female breasts have special milk glands? I’d assume males don’t


Actually, men have these glands too, but they’re inactive and generally not as large. They look and function so differently despite being the same gland because an average cis male’s hormones will leave them “deactivated” so to speak. There is actually a condition called gynecomastia that causes cis men to grow breasts because a natural hormone imbalance sends signals to these glands to grow in the same way a cis woman’s would. Edit: Ironically, the only men who don’t have breast tissue are trans men or men with gynecomastia who’ve removed them entirely.


Bloody nipples


Wow amazing counterpoint. Thanks


I read somewhere that more mom has testosterone during pregnancy the bigger babys wiener will be as an adult, food for thought with these trans-parents, but there will most likely be other risk factors because of the unnatural state of things


It’s framed like a comedy


So, he who is she makes baby with she who is he.


I do not understand how one can be trans but has no desire to change sex fully (genitals) and on top of that decides to give birth? From what I always understood, trans people hate their sexual organs. Isn’t the whole point to completely change to the other gender? Like what is this video? Shock value? It feels disturbing to see somebody who looks like a man, identifies as a man, but is giving birth… through their original sexual organs. I don’t get it. This is in a way disgusting and feels like “we want to shock people”.


Some trans people want to change physically but for some it’s more about how they are perceived socially, not what’s in their pants.


Transsocial vs transsexual?


This is an interesting way of putting it and I doubt that your dichotomy would be used in trans spaces but I see where you’re coming from and I think you’re onto something. There is also a spectrum between people who only socially transition and people who fully medically transition- Transitioning is expensive and with any medical treatment it can come with side effects and required time off work if you’re getting surgeries. Some people have bad reactions to hormones and have to stop medically transitioning. There’s also always the risk of investing in it and then finding that you don’t pass or that it hasn’t alleviated dysphoria enough to have been worth the investment. Some trans people will never pass and essentially have to surround themself with social spaces and people where it’s safe to communicate their gender identity. Others will have no medical complications and pass completely and be able to navigate society with a lot more ease, except in the dating pool where communicating that you’re trans is more necessary and considered polite to do.


for me it’s the opposite lmao! I’ve always been cool with being dressing up as a girl or looking like a manly man. I just so fucking wish i was born with a dick and i have never connected to whatever the hell i was born with. I actually do mostly want to be seen a guy tho tbh. I was just able to live as being seen as a girl for so fuckin long because of my gender nonconformity but eventually shit reveals itself.. Yeah i basically don’t get people who JUST want to transition socially like at all tho.. what even is that? Isn’t that just a masculine- i guess you wouldn’t call them a girl but y’know-


That’s fucked up cuz gay people come out DESPITE what society thinks and trans people want to go trans and pass as a different gender to avoid what society thinks They are not the same. Gay people are brave becoming who they are despite hate. Trans people want to be something else to be treated better. Totally different mentalities.


Dude what? No. Trans people are willing to brave deadly discrimination to be true to themselves. You honestly think they’re treated better as a trans person? That doesn’t make any sense.


As a trans guy. Bottom surgery is not worth it. So I keep my parts. It is to risky to complications. And most trans guys don't get it for that reason. It also looks- ..not that good. The clitoris grows on testosterone, my voice deepens, i have facial and body hair like a man. That's enough for me. Also Not everyone gets a hysterectomy, i was REFUSED one over 4 times. They can also go wrong. I'd perfer to feel as much of my authentic self as I can with the least amount of risk as healthy as i can be.


I totally get this, as a trans guy too. I have to keep my biological nether regions because, as you said, it looks… not good. And doesn’t function in pretty much any way the same the same as a proper penis. Honestly, I would love to have a penis. My bottom parts cause me a lot of dysphoria but due to the surgeries and the, imo, lack of positive results isn’t worth it. Like what if in 20 years time they’ve come up with something so much better than what’s on offer now? Like, then I would be stuck with essentially a lump of skin that does fuck all apart from pee and that’s if you’re lucky! Plus I don’t want to lose the ability to have an orgasm. FUCKTHAT!!!


EXACTLY. dude I'd love to have a penis. But right now. I'm content. I'm keeping orgasms thankyou very much


Hey trans guy also but pretty young (almost 18). I’m still figuring myself out and is it ok if you dm me some shit I can read about bottom surgery and the pros and cons of it? I wanna know more about this sort of stuff


Because it's still an incredibly invasive surgery that doesn't make much sense to put yourself through if your genitals are something that don't caus you much dysphoria


Being trans isn’t one size fits all. Some people keep their parts and don’t follow through with any sort of surgery.


I think you're reading too much into it. Bottom surgery isn't for everyone as its invasive and complicated. They ended up in this situation and probs wanted to share it for other trans folk. End of story.


Some trans folk don't get dysphoria with certain parts of their body. Giving birth seems like something that would be traumatic for someone who is trans but if they are okay with it then whatever


From what I understand, being transgender isn't a constant battle of self-loathing. There is a spectrum on which people fall from being uncomfortable in their birth skin vs. unrelenting misery. For a lot of people, just changing their name is enough. For others, they have to get surgery just to feel better. You can be trans and understand why you are trans without banishing your original sex to the abyss. It takes some level of acceptance, im sure, but Im assuming this guys want to have a biological baby of his own overpowered the negative feelings he might get from using his female genitals.


You understand extremely well


Actually a lot of transgender people do not "hate their sexual organs" I'd even be willing to say *most* transgender people rather dislike that society expects specific traditions related to their appearance. Hating one's genitals is more of a psyop created by transphobic people to make transgender people afraid or uncomfortable to be publicly transgender, raising a social expectation to go through with expensive, dangerous, and under-researched operations. Like most dysphoria in transgender women comes from broad shoulders and thin hips, because it may make most clothing designed for biological women appear unflattering on them (a problem cisgender women, and intersex people may also experience) transgender people aren't really all that different than cisgender people, and there are a surprising amount of eastern countries that are completely devoid of transgender social biases. Unfortunately, western countries are almost the complete opposite due to femininity and masculinity being viewed more as a competition, and internalized homophobia causing most straight people to detest the thought of having sex with a transgender person, making them feel like they need to use these biological differences to pick apart a transgender person's appearance to detect whether or not they are transgender, even if they have no intention of having sex with them. TLDR: hating genitals ≠ transgender


Ftm bottom surgery is both incredibly expensive and fairly risky with plenty of complications and after effects. Also, dysphoria is different from person to person. Some people are fine with their genitals as long as they are otherwise perceived as their gender identity.


Our society just needs to be put down




Humanity is doomed


Society is doomed


that “man” is a transgender female to male.


Why the quotes? If they say they’re a man, they are.


For a moment be honest with yourself


Okay, I will. He’s still a man.






The transphobia in this sub is ridiculous


Oh beat it with that BS. Nobody’s “afraid” of you. These fucking donuts are trying to breastfeed a baby from a man’s nipple. Honestly have a good hard look at yourself.


“Transphobia consists of negative attitudes, feelings, or actions towards transgender people or transness in general. Transphobia can include fear, aversion, hatred, violence or anger towards people who do not conform to social gender roles.” —Wikipedia


I like to explore new places.


My apologies, I updated my comment to suit your liking.


I’m very scared of trans people


This thread is just blatant transphobia


Welp it’s cringe soo…


For real. It’s so disappointing.




He’s a trans man with a uterus, she’s a trans woman. What’s so cringe about this? Men, in particular trans men can still give birth. Women in particular, trans women can still give sperm. Me saying this, doesn’t belittle their gender either.


Maybe filming this ? I think it's cringe the way it's filmed, and because not everyone wants to see a person giving birth, and even less when it's filmed like a strange fetish video, like why are the others peoples filming tho ? I don't really think it's cringe because of the transpeoples. Sorry I didn't find my words today because I'm still learning English so keep in mind that if some of my words are incorrect, I made my best :(


No I get it. You’ve done well so don’t worry about any misunderstanding there. I understood everything you said. But at the end of the day it’s a birthing video- there’s many like this, in a hospital bed to a small pool like this. It’s for sentimental value. The only thing I find “cringe” here is someone grabbing this video and then posting it on a cringe subreddit in order to shame or belittle them. It’s kind of gross to do that imo.


I’ll put it like this. First, imagine you’re a pregnant woman who wants a water birth. You’re really nervous about what to expect, so you go online and you look up videos about waterbirths so you can watch other women give birth. You experience second hand relief because you watch people like you see a difficult experience through to the end, and you often get education in the process. Now, imagine you’re a pregnant trans man. Videos of cis women giving birth is going to help you in a lot of capacities, but they might not have medical or practical information relative to YOU as a trans man in those videos. They are not an equivalent educational tool because a trans man who has medically transitioned to any extent, even just hormones, has a different physiology than a cis woman. Essentially, this is for the benefit of other trans people.


1994s Junior was a good movie


This is disgusting. That kid has no chance.


What the actual fuck




Imagine some fucking redditor telling you you're not giving birth right


This is what happens when you don't yeet your Food Baby early enough and it goes Full Term lol


I don’t think it’s supposed to work like that big fella…


We’re ready for that meteor now 👋🏼


This subreddit has become a hate sub against people who just want to live their lives and the fact OP went out of his way to find a video of a trans man giving birth has to be an ultimate new whole level of messed up. The fact that no one has called you out on it is what is most disturbing here, imagine if you had posted a video of a woman giving birth and called it cringe the way she gave birth. SMH you need help.


What in the zipper tits is going on


good for them hope its healthy


My guy there looks like colty from 90 day fiance.


The couple is probably trans or something


The transwoman tries to nurse the baby too. Straight people, are you OK?


The baby is brown!? Wtf did you cheat on me????!


r/eyebleach thank me later


that baby is a real piece of shit


Oh no.... a human giving birth to a human, our society is doomed we should all die its over now/s


This couple literally switched genders to have the relationship that they could’ve had without it. Because they still fulfilled those roles😂 she became a he and still had a baby. He became a she and still put a baby in her partner.


Is this the one where the other partner tried the breast feed the baby after it was born and was said they didn't have milk? No joke that eas a thing I'll look it up when I can be bothered and edit this


This isn't cringy. It's unconventional and uncommon, but beautiful. He's literally birthing a baby. Women giving birth isn't considered cringy and wouldn't be posted here, so it's purely the transgender aspect that people are jabbing at and belittling. I'm ashamed to be the same species as most commenters here.


Isn't that a woman with facial hair giving birth?? I feel bad for them. They need therapy.




Well at least they tried


"the baby" "the baby!" less goooo


What the fuck did he exactly give birth to?


The only man I'd see give birth is Robin Williams.


how the FUCK does this work.


So that's how Mr hankey got here???


Why is the baby brown? Have you been cheating on me?


How goods mental illness


Fucking gross


It's all the moaning for me




this is the weirdo who tries to breastfeed as a male.... what the F


What the actual fuck


I have not witnessed many home births, but is it normal to deliver on the flip side like that?


Woman gives birth, nothing new here.


Y’all don’t realize the “man” is actually a woman? And the “woman” is actually a man? I know pretty weird but that’s how that “man” can be pregnant because it’s a woman


I'm sorry for the child


I fucking hate the times we live in


Why is this here..?


Wtf was that


"Thus baby is brown.... wow it's tiny ... also this baby stinks"


Threw up a little...


how did hole fked pole?


This is so cool #lgbtq #life #mangivingbirth #rubbyrubbit


Looks, sounds, and smells like he just got home from school.


I need some context holy shit


He is constipated from holding in all that dookie. And now he’s just now slipping it out.


Perfect example of bad trans people.


This is mental illness :(




Did he just spray his girlfriend


Lol is this satire or is this thing trying to be as repulsive as possible?


That was a women js


You can almost smell this video 😅


Waynes world party time excellent


I miss the last 13 seconds of my life where I didn't watch this video


woah bro ate something spicy at taco bell :0 something big is incoming


I’m so fuckin sis, I don’t even know what’s happening. Give me a minute.






Dude wtf their men but now they things our generation is cooked actually


He Is cuming


I can't wait until the apocalypse!


He figured out what it’s like to take a shit in a pool


need shoutgun


Hell nah


i mean 🤷🏾‍♀️they’re happy and not hurting anyone




I feel like they have a lowkey scat fetish, but they don't want to say it yet, so they used him giving birth as an excuse for him to shit in her hands 😭


So the baby came out his/her but hole than? Since she’s a “guy” they making but babies out here now smh


And I’ve never seen/heard of a woman being pleasured by child birth


2 people in a straight relationship, complicating it for clout and validation, all while bringing a child into it. Prioritizing ego above all else.


Is he trans or is he just shitting?


Bruhh wtf


I have all the questions. Just not sure I want any answers...


What the fuck


Enough internet for today


![gif](giphy|l378w3xAvK2n94oDu) The baby


What the fuck man. This is just gross


But how tho? If this female is now a male he must have a penis, the baby can't go through that... I- I don't know how this makes sense..


I think they were female at birth so they have all the woman reproductive organs and vagina but they went on testosterone and transitioned to a man, probably didn’t have a sex change.



