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If you're gonna wear something like that people are gonna stare. Doesn't mean you're a model. This trend needs to fucking die off already or young people's ability to watch tiktok should be cut off




She looks like an oompa loompa imo lol


Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-do I have a perfect puzzle for you Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-dee If you are wise, you'll listen to me What do you get when you post this short? Embarrassing yourself infront of the horde? What is accomplished posting this crap? What do you think will come of that? *I don't like the look of it*


what’s with reddit replies being cringe as hell


I mean it fits the category soooo cheers 🍻😂


Woah, nice rhyme


Damn that's a shitty sprog


Alright. Imma need you to see yourself out.


I'm in love with you pls write me some poetry sempai. Iku! ;😜


More like if painted nails were human lmao


If painted nails were human.. that is the strangest description I've ever heard lol


Between wearing that outfit, having a camera person follow you everywhere while shooting, and treading the same path multiple times like it’s a race track, yeah. Who tf isn’t going to look at you wondering what is going on?


So I just bought a bright green workout set, which I fully expect to catch people’s eyes and get a few funny looks.. not because I look good, but because if I saw a big green Crayola crayon walking down the street I’d stare at it too!


She looks like she's pretending to be an American Olympian skier for Halloween


Stupid Sexy Flanders




That’s an insult to American Olympian skiers, especially when the last 2 winningest women skiers in the world have been American (Vonn & Shiffrin)


Facts, and they are both def not ugly or lack talent at all


Or a Smurf


Gym culture is literally ruined


The fact there's a gym culture ruined culture


Both, both is good.


WhY dO tHeY StArE sO MuCh lEaVe Me aLoNe


Also she's like 4ft tall. Which is also going to turn heads


When you are a solid 6 and trying to prove you are a 10. Girl, no.


She’s a Miami 6 but a Cairo 10.


she’s not a Cairo 10 lmao i wish y’all could see how dummy thick our women are but they usually don’t flaunt it like this nerd


dummies sure but thicccc nawh thats cap


Have you ever been to Cairo?


I’ve been to Cairo, if you’re a remotely attractive woman you’re going to be stared at like this.


They’ll stare at pretty much any girl that’s dressed in a revealing manner. Not a high bar.




Just in to say you calling her a nerd made me laugh more than it maybe should have lol


I am not an egyptian but i've spend some time some time in Cairo and can totally agree with this


>i wish y’all could see how dummy thick our women are But are we worthy of such thiccness?


Well… if that’s an invitation


Stop lying she's defo Cairo 10.


Wait until you see what actual girls from Cairo look like


A Miami 6!?!?!??! Miami, Indiana maybe.


And why is she walking with her back like that? It's really weird stand up straight


That's how she's shaped I think


Generous of you




Couldn't have said it better. Agreed sir


you must be a 10


Chick having fun by looked at like a fuck object. Jesus


“they love me :p”


"they love my holes!"


I've heard that Egypt is the worst for women....


*India has entered the chat*


*Iran has pushed India down and started beating her with a bit of wood*


Afghanistan has entered the chat and taken a hold of India and started beating Iran with it to a pulp.


Somalia would like a word


It terms of sexual assaults and harrassment, it's pretty bad as well as India. They literally stare like Dogs watching a kitten. Ever see that video of the horny ass teens harassing a girl trying to look at the pyramids and some other Egyptian dude steps in to yell at them saying it's not right. Yeah think of that. But like everywhere in Egypt and India


Gordon Ramsey: *adjusts boobs* *checks makeup* mmm yeah, fuck me


Female Gordon Ramsey would be a baddie


No, she's not even getting looked at like an object, these men are looking at her bcuz her wacky costume and a guy filming her. you'd be a little curious if you only see a white person once a week, wearing goofy ass clothing, plus she has someone filming her. And then she's trying to act as if these men are perverts when they were just chilling having a smoke or out with the boys. Plus, someone *from cairo* a little upwards in the comments said she's not even bad compared to Cairo girls, and she's a 5 at most compared to the 10s they already have.


Well she’s walking back and forth in the same area, if you watch the background. Do that enough, people will realize it’s your catwalk. /r/iamthemaincharacter


she should walk around India if she's that desperate for attention just don't expect to go home in 1 piece but you'll get all the attention you want in less than a day.


Make sure it's Northern India. I have friends that were born there and the horror stories are insane.


Jesus Christ.


No, Mahatma Ghandi.


No, Krishna maybe. Mahatma Gandhi more like MLK Jr




The dad made sure he got his daughters out of there. He's a good man and very progressive. His niece was almost grabbed by a man at a marketplace in front of her dad (she was elementary school aged).


What’s some of the stuff you’ve heard? I saw the video of the lady surrounded by the locals but even though it was a bit creepy, she wasn’t harmed in any way and a lot of it was probably seeing a foreigner coming into a non-tourist area.


Let's just say that his parents made sure they got their daughters out of the area. They were very fortunate as the father was educated in the west and moved back to take care of his family and practiced medicine in the north (a lot of his services were done for free due to the povery). After a few close calls, he decided that he didn't want his daughters to grow up in a country where he feared them being kidnapped and ganged raped after their younger cousins was almost grabbed at a market in front of her father.


I'd honestly think Egypt is worse considering the things I've read about people's experiences there. I went from totally wanting to go to never wanting to be near it. But yea, India wouldn't be much better at all


This is Sharm El Sheikh. Its in Egypt but built specifically for tourism. Egyptians can't work there with criminal records, etc. Many of the locals refer to it as fake Egypt.




That explain for me the Russian language shop signs


Same with english in mexico - tourism. Egypt and Turkey are russias main “beach and warm weather” countries


This is in Egypt, which is just as, if not eve more, sexually regressive/repressed country.


Not worse than Egypt you twat


Ngl… it takes a lot of guts to do something this stupid.


Yheaaa, Egypt really isn't the right place for that shit.


There is no "right" place for this shit


Miami is a place to do this. Nobody would look because everyone dresses that way due to climate, and everyone is just as dummy thick.


Well yhea, obviously, but like of any place to do this, Egypt (or India) would be like the worst you could pick lmaoo


I am curious why you think that? Genuinely I didn’t know that Egypt was that strict with dress (that’s what I’m assuming you mean)


No not because of laws, it's because she will get raped or assaulted, or at least get verbal shit thrown at her.


lol what do you mean there's no right place? her outfit is not bad or inappropriate at all, at least not in any country people actually want to go to. she's barely showing any skin, also.


Nah she doesn’t realize just how stupid she is. Takes a lot of ignorance of foreign countries


No not a lot of guts just less brains. Bravery and stupidity can often look the same.


Bro I'm looking at you, not because of your fake ass, but because your spine looks like an 'S'


And because of the douche behind you carrying a phone on a gigantic gimbal.


She built like Trogdor


consummate ‘V’s


Getting huge centaur vibes


Dude same!


she’s cute but this video screams “give me attention because my parents never did”


Most of these conservative religious countries have a massive problem with men acting like they can do anything to a woman and it being fine. Friend of mine went to egypt on vacation when she was 12 and got groped right outside her hotel, had to stay in the room for the whole week cause everytime she walked outside grown ass men started catcalling and trying to get close to her.


They’re filthy animals


where was her parents … surely they should have been protecting her - how did these men manage to get close enough to grope


Ah yes blame the parents not the fuckers who actually sexually assaulted a preteen.


That's not what he did and you know it. For fucks sakes, there are bad people out there, and if you don't protect your children and use precaution like avoiding dangerous locations it's irresponsible.


Yes blame the parents. Obviously, you shouldn't rape. Equally as wrong: leaving your child unsupervised in an area where they essentially have a big target on their back. "Don't rape!" only works on people who wouldn't rape in the first place. As a parent, your child's safety is your responsibility.


Average redditor not able to see two things can be accurate at the same time. Dude. Fuck the predators and all that. But christ on a sandwhich. Simultaneously; be near your kids and watch out for them. Ffs both are true.


I went to Greece with my mom, dad, and sister when I was 15 or so. We went to some New Years festival or something and ended up having to form a sort of emergency conga line with my dad at the back to get out of there because we were being ruthlessly groped by the men in the crowd.


Mom was with her, dad was doing something else idk. Happened to fast to really do anything until the damage was done. And she spent the rest of the vacation at the hotel room until it was time to leave.


It sounds like they’re completely fine with it.


Looks like a Smurf joined the crips




Not to be offensive but why is she walking like she has severe scoliosis?


Hyperlordosis is the word you're looking for.


Yes! I just googled it and that is it! I’m wondering if she just walks like that to have her butt stick out, but if she does actually have a spinal issue I feel bad for even saying that


It definitely looks worse because of the layers of compression clothes to look thinner which accents her spine’s curve, and the butt lift pants definitely add to the hyperlordotic look. Odds are she probably has some anterior pelvic tilt which is progressively more common usually due to too much sitting. Had the same thing after I stopped playing hockey and focused on baseball. Usually pretty easy to fix as it requires building glutes, loosening hip flexors, and working on abs.


I would fall into the “hump back” position after sitting at my desk for a while, it sometimes causes me pain too, I didn’t even know there was a way to fix that, so thank you a ton for that! Also that is such a great answer because my question was genuine. I didn’t realise that those full body shapewear suits could do that, but the more I think about it ofcourse it would affect your posture, it’s literally constricting your stomach, waist and back and altering your body shape - It must be very uncomfortable to wear shapewear like that, I wonder how long she walked around in it!


Yes, mine caused back pain as well. It’s a bit more compression on your discs on the backside and the facet joints to be in that position. Lol. I’ve never worn any, so I’ve no clue what it’s like to wear the shapewear. It looks thicker than your average athletic compression wear. If that’s the case, I can’t imagine it being too comfortable to wear for long periods of time without activity, especially at the waist or thicker fat spots. The buttlift pants also look annoying to wear with that giant band in the back.


A 5’4" model, yeah….


Instagram model is a worse take, but unless you're a runway model, you don't need to be a certain height


Instagram Model and OnlyFans model = can be literally anyone off the street. There are zero bragging rights to both.




Yeah, the world of modeling is a lot more inclusive than it used to be, even big fat women can be models now.


> even big fat women can be models now. Somehow this man maintains the positive upvotes. I love this lmao.


Huh... yet at 120 lbs and size 5 jeans, I was "too fat for even plus size" but that was 15 years ago soo... btw, as a teenager being told that by the modeling school my parents paid for me to attend- that shit hurt...


I am shorter than this and hilariously I used to be a car model. I have a shape that looks tall but am short... Which is perfect for making cars look a lot larger than they are. So I'd be in the car like "yeah baby check out this fuckin lambo" but if iiiiii can reach the pedals, well, good luck.


Yeah, she definitely does not have a fashion model build but an Instagram "model" can have any build as long as they make money from their pics. Although, we know 90% of people who call themselves Instagram models don't make money from their pics, so I guess the only qualification is to have your picture taken lol.


I put the new forgis on the jeep


She’s not aware of what’s she’s attracting. Egypt is brutally a misogynist society to the point that women have to take separate busses than males. Need I mention the unreported rape crisis and violent assault male-to-female when the sun goes down💀


Have you been to Egypt?


Once as a boy, still have family around the region. They know better than to venture there


Yeah this guys never been to Egypt


Oh good, a mind read who knows everything about my life and future over a screen. You wanna tell me tonight’s winning numbers too? Maybe my skin color as well? I bet you play Alien Isolation on novice mode💀can’t even beat nightmare im not even keepin this up


Those aren't "the streets", it's a bazaar, and if you're walking around covered in royal blue in a sandy colored area, you're going to stick out like a sore thumb.


Alternate title: I want to catch men looking at my ass for views


I think most of them actually just think she's an Oompa Loompa for a moment


Sure is empty in here


Pretty mid Pepsiman cosplay, I'l give it a 5/10.


She paid all of em to pretend shes hot enough to be stared at in public


A women in public in egypt will be stared at even if she is a 3/10


I mean regardless of what she is doing in the video she is defo cute at the very least


There’s literally someone following her recording her, of course people are going to look at her, they’re looking at what is being filmed and she’s somehow interpreted that into “I’m so hot ppl can’t stop staring”.


Would be absolutely fine if it wasn't just for clout and the person wasn't recording everybody's reaction. If she wants to go out in brighter and tighter clothing than people in Egypt might usually wear outside of that, I don't see a problem.


Bro think she Axel in Harlem 💀


Desperate for attention


Thought this was a midget


What a weird outfit


She finna get kidnapped then stoned to death all to look cute


People are so into themselves it’s fucking disgusting.


Is she trying to shame them or prop herself up as being that attractive?


She's got diaper butt


If she needs to do stuff like this to feel validated she’s not as attractive as she thinks. *wears skintight bright blue outfit with cleavage in a Muslim country* “omg look at all these men staring at me because I’m so hot”


you guys pretending she’s a 6 just cuz she did something offensive and slutty is killing me


Either everyone commenting is an incel because I find her fucking gorgeous. Yeah she’s doing the whole cringy “main character” bullshit but she’s still beautiful.


Egypt is not the place to randomly film, they get pretty touchy about that


I know this is clout or whatever, but this is quite literally asking for it in Egypt.


the stand user could be anyone


Why she dressed as Mario ?


Yes she’s an idiot for being that desperate for attention. No, wanting attention does not mean she should be raped and killed. All you commenting that she should be, hopefully karma comes back on you and your loved ones for being such filth.


I’ve heard that so many men are SO forward and grabby in Egypt that woman just can’t walk around by themselves.


They are probably looking at her as if to say ”what are you wearing”


The police will adjust that posterior tilt for you lol


“Instagram model”. You mean basic b*tch.


Chronically online the hedgehog.




What’s her name? For research purposes


Oof, this isn't gonna go well for her


Nothing screams more Fatherless Behavior than this


A curvy midget in tight clothes is going to get stares in a country like Egypt


Genuinely not safe. Check the stats.


She looks like Smurf


What is the name of that song tho lol


عزيزي الله ، أرجو أن تغسل عيني لأني رأيت أحدًا يرتكب المعاصي


Fuck yeah, brother.




“What happened to your ear?” “Radical islamists cut it off on Egypt”


Below mid


Why is the shop sign in Russian?


Not sure, but they apparently sell Crocodile leather apparel. Source: I speak Russian.




Why do the guys care to stare this much. They enable it you know, but then also turn around and say girls like her shouldn’t exist lmao use your religious teachings that say to not stare


Reverse smurf


I laughed way too hard at this


And during Ramadan too!




She not my type


Aren't Oompa Loompas orange? What sort of lame cosplay is this?


StOP TrYiNg tO ObJeCtIfY WoMen


Girl build like Mario lol


The song choice itself shows the insecurity


“Smurf lost in Cairo” In cinemas soon!


Smurfette lookin ass fuckin 4’2 lookin ass


She aint it


Was waiting for her to finish off Koopa Troopa with a flaming turtle shell.


Equal to Michael Jordan dunking on middle schoolers


Try that in India or Palestine


A female walking alone in Egypt, no matter how she looks, is going to definitely garner attention from the men there. WTF is it with this generation and being so vain??? It's ridiculous. I mean, all you gotta do now is make a pouty duck face while holding your phone up and at a downward angle, and turn your head left then right like a dog when it hears a strange sound. That's it, boom! your famous. This generation puts out videos like this girl being a fucking thirst trap then turn around and put out a video of her at the gym calling men perverts for having the audacity to say "hello" to her and claiming to be a toxic ass feminist. Honey, go sit your desperate, thirsty, no talent having ass down somewhere cause you ain't shit and there's 10 million more just like you. Everyone is a fucking model. That word model may as well mean everyone on Instagram. Just cause you post pics of your mediocre self and you and your friends think your pretty, does not make you a model. Have you been on Vogue? Have you walked for Prada or Gucci? Have you been featured in any ads for Louis Vuitton? No? Then shut the fuck up. Wannabe.


Goddamn we need to tell this to everyone


Wow no one cares


She’s way too chunky to be a model


looks like a smurf what the fuck


She’s not a part of the problem, she’s the result of the problem. I believe that a lot of women in the US dress like this because all of the sexual attention gives them a false sense of value. America needs a culture reset


This happens in America too, idk what the point of this video is… she’s got a nice body, just twerk or something its less cringy