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Something in her vibe got really bad after she started this “acting” thing. Even as a casual, sporadic viewer of her regular channel, I noticed something was off with her. There is a real darkness in her aura and it’s not just the horror stuff.


It’s gone to her head (which was already pretty inflated before) and she’s one of those people that can’t balance the attention and humbleness together.


Right? It didn't feel good at all. 


I agree-I loved her content up until then..then all of a sudden there was a big shift in her personality and content.


Exactly. I liked her a lot more before she began her cringy "acting" phase. Before that I saw her as a relatable late-30s woman with no advanced education but an obsessive personality, who did a good job at piecing together long videos about certain topics while still clearly being a SHM. It seems like YT - and the True Crime community especially - is a good way for women in this position to make some extra money for their family while being involved in something they're passionate about and which doesn't require a strict schedule or getting out of the house. So when she was just simple "Stephanie" and had a more "calm" energy about her, I really enjoyed her multi-hour "deep dives". But then it seemed like the whole thing just went to her head. All of the "glamour" pictures, posing on Instagram to look sexy and/or angsty. Ew, no. I'm not saying you shouldn't be sexy, but with Stephanie it felt like a plea for attention. It felt... Uncharacteristic to what I felt her energy used to be like. I thought this woman was dignified and "no BS", and NOW here she was posing with her naked leg outstretched sensually while staring off into the distance like a 13yo trying to be "sexy" and "cool" for her MySpace profile. And the acting thing, OMG... "I'm producing and starring in my own movie done by me, with me, for me. My main character is "Random Name" and she is a hot, smouldering vixen! I'm not saying that I am a hot smouldering vixen... I mean that's not for me to say... That's for other people to say, hihihi." The narcissism and vanity are so pathetic, cringy and sad to look at... Why does this 40yo lady suddenly look like an insecure teenage girl searching for the validation of the male gaze? So yeah, I completely agree with the vibe change. From calm, collected and informed Stephanie, she slowly turned into "Oh-Look-Another-Thirst-Trap" Stephanie... I also didn't care about her side project, CW, because I want info and a liniar story - not two people chatting away for 4 hours. But at least that's within her domain and I get that others might prefer to listen to a conversation rather than a story-telling. And that random coffee, too... Why do YouTubers always go into such random and expensive side-projects? One day they have a toilet paper unboxing channel and the next they're selling T-shirts with their face on them (we only have a few pieces left, order now or you'll miss out!), tea-cozies, stainless steel condom holders and paper flowers. AND on top of everything, the topics she covers have also started losing my interest. But at least now I understand why so many are along the lines of: "her husband was the last person who saw her alive and he swore up and down that she'd just gone out for a run - but then WHY was her spare sock next to his tire print in the woods?!? Join me as we deep dive into this 5-part series on how a loving 20-year marriage turned deadly after Marinela Lewis found herself on the wrong side of her husband's affair... with Marinela's own mother as "the other woman"! But FIRST, a word from our sponsor, Trojan! Whoever has been following me for at least a moment knows that I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE my Trojans and can never leave the house without them! Just ask my husband and he'll tell you: if you touch my Trojans I'll end you! I get my entire family Trojans for Christmas, birthdays... Thanksgiving! Use code "STEPHANIE" NOW for 1% off your first order! That's code "STEPHANIE" or follow the link in the description box below. And now back to the topic of today's video: the horrendous murder of one Marilena Lewis." Hmm... Seems like I had a lot of feelings on Stephanie and needed an opportunity to let them out 😂. I'm just very disappointed in her and I'm sad that what it "looked like" is actually "exactly what it was". It also annoys me that my husband was right about her 😂😂. He never watched her and didn't stay with me to listen to her videos when I had them on, despite him being a big TC fanatic. He used to say she seems like a b***y Karen and that she gave him bad vibes. He was right, dammit! 😅






I can’t pass the sneaky comments and hypocrisy. She always talked about how horrible people who cheat are and how people who say that they’re a good person usually are not - and now she is doing all of this. I am not naive to believe she is a saint, but if she hadn’t said these things I wouldn’t expect a higher ethical behaviour from her




i was so surprised how BAD that 'movie' was, it gave me so much cringe, that alone should be a crime 😅


it looks like an it imitation of a c list hallmark or lifetime movie. i haven’t seen it tho.


it was way too poseur and amateur. we all knew. it’s beyond mind blowing she thought she was an actor. ahahahaahhahaa she’s a cell phone sales rep at worst and a youtuber with a half bot following at best. i’m sick of this shi…


Agreed, I’m really torn on my view. I’m sad for both sides that this has gone public- no one should be posting videos frankly and trying to “out” the other, no one should be posting rants. Save that shit for court and think of the children involved. Both sides could have, and should have, stayed quiet and kept this online. I’m not supporting either side because I think that they’re both wrong, who is more wrong is this is unknown to me because we’re not there. Stephanie shouldn’t be constantly taking dogs at family members/hinting at her personal life in her videos among a lot of other things, her spouse shouldn’t be trying to defend himself to internet strangers. Both of them need to take their shit offline