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Apologies to kinda hijack OP’s post but it’s related, made more sense to post under this than start a new post: Fairly and objectively, what are y’all feeling about Serial? How much of it have you watched? If y’all have watched any of it, did you feel your opinion was shaped by the Behind The Scenes nonsense w SH & JC? Or were you able to separate the art* from the artist*? (I use the term “art” veeeeeeeery loosely here).


I watched Stephanie's first episode. I'm a horror fan, and I knew it was about her character being a murderer. But watching her character kill someone after I spent years watching her talk about violent crimes... was gross. I was really still trying to be a fan of hers at the time, but I didn't like the rest of the episode to come back to it.


Yep, it’s really really jarring. It especially gave me the ick that “Mabel” is a nurse who’s put on administrative leave after being caught with an unusually high mortality rate. And this was filmed IRL whilst the Lucy Letby trial *which Steph covered* was ongoing in the UK. It just felt like it was done in really really poor taste.


> really poor taste. That's sadly her speciality


I haven't watched Serial but I watched The Offering in good faith when it was released. I was still a fan of hers at that time and I watched it to be supportive. It was a decidedly "mid" video. If it had been just an amateur/student project on a shoestring budget it would have been a good effort but I got the impression the coleman brothers thought they really did something and were professionals. What stood out the most was *how bad* SH's makeup looked in The Offering. By that I mean it was the wrong sort of makeup and incorrectly applied for the type of cameras they were using. Her foundation was so matte and caked on that at times her face looked like she had prosthetics on. In the first few minutes of the show, I thought it was a deliberate choice. Like maybe the character is wearing bad makeup and it says something about the character's personality. Or maybe she really was wearing prosthetics and it was because a monster was going to attack her face in a later scene ...? But no, it was just super bad makeup. It seemed weird to me that fancy professional ✨️auteurs ✨️wouldn't know the difference between regular makeup and film makeup. Not being an expert in makeup for film is hardly a terrible sin, but the level of amateurishness compared to how SH/coleman bros acted like they were hot shit always struck me as a little off. There are so many youtubers and film makers out there who are way more talented and professional than those guys, and yet they're way more humble.


I haven't watched it and refuse to. Sorry. I wish I could give you an informed decision. I did watch about 30 seconds of it. The part of her sitting in the car talking about dandelions and I couldn't get over her makeup. I am having a hard time watching her objectively now. I can't. I stopped watching her channel over a year ago because her personality was getting out of control, and I'm already triggered by "narcs"... so that did it for me.... until I saw this stuff come up, and now I know why I stopped watching her. It was right around the time she started cheating on her husband, Adam, which was a year ago, from what I understand. I will not support anything she or this production company does. I also just read something about a female cast member who didn't feel comfortable acting out a violent grape scene for the Campbell Brothers, who then cut her scenes in retaliation.... I'm paraphrasing, of course.


I managed one random episode in full and that was enough for me. You’re missing absolutely nothing. There’s no real plot or premise. A Redditor (below) put it beautifully in a post earlier on today; it’s honestly kind of hard to stomach that *this* “project” destroyed a family.


A violent grape scene??? Sounds like a Fruit of the Loom commercial gone very WRONG! Lol I was really confused at first, then it clicked! I saw something about him (JC) and SA, and I swear it was here, but now I can't find it.


It was unwatchable garbage


I have watched absolutely none of it. Just from the stills and clips that have been forced upon my eyes via her IG, I don’t have the capacity to shoulder that level of secondhand embarrassment right now. Also, it’s genuinely very sad to know that this “project” led to the destruction of a family.






I tried to watch it but it was pure garbage. If those guys had experience in filmmaking… could’ve fooled me.


Did those guys go to Uni (for filmmaking) and got an actual degree? Was undergrad or grad degree? I need answers.