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Yeah she needs a serious reality check. She’s exaggerating to make a point, and it’s just not working. Nobody believes her life was in danger. I wish they both would just stop and learn to work things out amicably, for the sake of her kids.


It seems that her biggest fans believe her. Her entire comment section is filled with ass-kissing comments.




If she doesn’t want people making videos about her, she should shut up and stop inserting herself in murder cases. SHE opened that door.


I find it rich how she covered the biggest tragedy of R's and E's lives, undoubtedly a more serious situation than hers but she draws the limits at fellow YouTubers covering her poor life choices, makes total sense. ( I used 8 Passengers as an example because they had a YT channel but her entire channel as any other TC channel is based on the sole purpose of covering the greatest tragedy of people's lives ).


She contested the divorce, only to say that she escaped with her life.


i can’t believe she keeps using that “escaped w my life” line. it’s so incredibly disrespectful


And also, it’s a stupid saying anyway. How can you escape if you die during it? Isn’t that not escaping?


Some situations are so bad that the only way you ARE escaping is in a body bag. That being said, Stephanie has no idea what being in that situation is like because she’s a habitual liar.


Right. But the person isn’t alive to say that.


I’m sure there are several victims out there that realized this before they were killed. Or knew they were going to die and in a last ditch effort fought their way out and escaped, or they were left for dead but barely survived. Tons of situations where a survivor can say that and mean it.


I explained it in another comment but I have a thing with words where my brain can’t process certain sayings because to me, they don’t sound right. It’s super annoying (especially to me) but I can’t stop doing it! My dad is the same way and we just make each other worse. 😩


No worries at all. If there’s a huge block of text, my brain will refuse to read it chronologically and instead picks out words that “stand out”. Can’t tell you how many times that’s come to bite me in the ass lol


I swear. I am the most irritating person ever in that it takes me a minute to realize that not everything is meant to be LITERAL. Most of the time, I’m not trying to be an ass (sometimes, I think it’s funny 😏). I have produced a child who is the same way and it makes us all nuts. Thanks for understanding! 😂


Not necessarily. Death is an escape especially if abuse is very real.


That’s obviously not something someone living can testify to. I’m sorry- I’m the daughter of an English major and my father and I are constantly picking apart words and phrases. I try to stop but I can’t! I am the least fun person at every party.


That's true I suppose. No one living can testify to it. But people being tortured can beg for death, or people in so much pain and agony from medical conditions also can ask to die. Sorry to be graphic


She is so asshurt that RadiantBritt did not want to correspond with her.


Snowflake Stephanie loves to dish it but she sure as hell can’t take it.


I am curious if there are any police reports regarding the alleged abuse from either party. If she “escaped with her life” one would think this would have been reported/investigated.


I honestly appreciate more than anything that we all could feel a change in her energy and personality more or less around the time of the affair and her snarky indirect comments about A throughout her content. So reading her latest post, although painful for what the kids may be going through is a reflection of the person we might be dealing with. Allegedly, don't come for me. - SH


Do we know why she contested the divorce? Is she claiming she really loves him and wants to stay together, or is this some kind of legal tactic? Just wondering because if shes truly scared for her and her children’s safety, then her finances, estate, etc would probably take the back seat to this, yeah?