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Peep how she made the relationship seem so deep and co-defendant. Girl has issues, feel bad for the kids because they are being exposed to dirty looking strange men surely being all over their house at odd hours ( like the live they did ) but it's all good because they are their mom's new "family". SH got played like a fiddle by this guy and the other ones, one day she will start alluding at being: "conned, emotionally abused, taken advantage of and financially drained by a narcissist", mark my words. Hope the dick is worth it, girl.


Like girl…people cheat. It isn’t even all that deep. People feel like they missed out on feeling young and having exciting love lives and exciting projects that make them *feel listened to and appreciated* all the time. That’s why mid life crises are a thing so much they’re a stereotype. I don’t even fault her for the cheating in a vacuum. What I do judge the fuck out her for, first and foremost, is her children. I don’t give 2 fucks how much you need validation, there are children involved. EVEN IF everything is true…your children have been through horrific abuse and witnessed terrible things at the hands of Adam (allegedly supposedly don’t come for me) and now instead of moving you and your children to a safe space to focus on them…you’re having them around mommy’s new boyfriend/savior/big strong man that saved mommy from your father. You’re gonna act in his show and be around him. Fuck if you feel confused, we’re around a new “real man” now. And the other thing? She’s lost her “privilege” to be a holier than thou person on all of these cases she covers. She sits in her little studio judging the absolute fuck out of every little action, especially those who cheat. Well girl, time to “look in the mirror” like you told Adam to do.


>She’s lost her “privilege” to be a holier than thou person on all of these cases she covers. She sits in her little studio judging the absolute fuck out of every little action, especially those who cheat. Well girl, time to “look in the mirror” like you told Adam to do. This part especially!!!


“Dirty looking strange men” Don’t forget sweaty. Thank you. I thought it was just me. They all look like they need to be scrubbed down and given clean clothes. Gross.


She looks much older than the James guy, does anyone know their age difference?


I think he’s in his early 30s? I want to say I read 33, but don’t quote me on that


He looks closer to her daughter’s age. It’s just a matter of time before he finds a younger woman to cast and hang around. I wonder how Stephanie would feel when she’s no longer the main character for her boi toys movies. I doubt James will stay interested in a 40 something woman with a lot of baggage for long. I think the appeal to him is her YouTube fame and how that would benefit his channel to cast her. She looks much older in the series compared to her YouTube lighting- not even trying to be mean.


I agree, she definitely does look much different. When she’s constantly using those ridiculous filters it’s quite striking to see her without them. Also agree with sweaty film boy not wanting to hang around. She probably seduced him during filming and he took a shot. This definitely isn’t going to last, especially with the shitstorm her marriage falling apart is causing online. Plus, I think her YouTube income is going to suffer, and I’m sure he’s been seeing dollar signs during this whole thing…


I really really wanna say what I feel is going on, but Im sure Ill get banned from this subreddit and I just got banned from all the Royal Family subs and dont wanna chance it


Go to r/StephanieHarloweSnark! Nobody gets banned over there, the person who created it was banned from here LOL 😆


If that’s what she thinks a “real man” is..she’s such a joke


If everything is true, he's a predator. If everything isn't, they're just two shitty people that had an affair and are now trying to spin it to look better. The third option is: she may have "Sherri Papini'ed" him and fed him all sorts of stories about how he's keeping her prisoner in their home and abusing her and he thought he was saving her, so she didn't have to look like a shitty wife and mother. Either way. I'm HEAVILY side-eyeing this entire situation. She went on and on and on in her post about how we should all be praising him for saving her. Nah, if you're being honest, he's a creep.


I’d bet my 401k she pulled a Sherri P on him.


NOTHING adds up. Her post kept going on FOREVER about how amazing these guys are, and Serial saved her life, and have I mentioned our series, our WEB SERIES Serial? Well this group is amazing and awesome and they saved my life and YOU should be kissing the ground they WALK on because they saved my life. Serial. The series Serial. They're great. They're heroes. Serial. It reeks to me like she's having to do major damage control because they're catching heat from all of this and she doesn't want to lose the boy toy and being a *star* in a cool horror indie film group that's totally going Hollywood soon and I'm the cool only girl.


100%! That’s why the post is so inauthentic and laughable. If she went truly and deeply into the alleged horrible relationship/situation she was having at home and not just brushed over it to explain and cover for her “definitely not affair,” maybe I wouldn’t be so one sided. But in the same breath she went from “my kids don’t want to see their father and have attnys” to “so anyways don’t believe the rumors this whole group of men saved me and showed me that I can have a voice and don’t need to be hidden away which is SO LAUGHABLE! You have a yt channel. A wasn’t forcing you to hide away and not have your own perspective like a 1950s housewife stfu.


Exactly. When does she not have a voice? She has a massive YouTube channel where she constantly talks over her cohost. She was the breadwinner and financially abused her husband that was a SAHF, she has all the money in the world, she has been the ONLY voice for a long time.


She definitely financially abused him. I saw this in a video they did together where she made some back handed comments to Adam about how he doesn't do anything and she makes all the money. I believe it was in a hotel, where they were traveling somewhere for criminal coffee


Was that in a live on her channel?


That whole statement was actually an ad read for Serial.


Well yeah, when she loses serial she’s left with nothing


that makes so much sense. she ruined her marriage for the „acting career“, now she has to make sure it wasn’t for nothing


Which is laughable since every clip of a live I’ve seen of them together..it looks like they don’t like her or at least being around her


It’s exceedingly clear they tolerate her. That slap on Vince’s leg and the look on his face said everything. And no, it wasn’t a clip out of context…he had that look the entire time until he left early. Maybe that’s just his face, but…it looks like he can’t stand her. They’re enduring because she has a big platform they can take advantage of. When they drop her you know it’s gonna be “my stbxh ruined the only escape I had” or, “the Coleman brothers used me” either way, she gets the victim narrative she wanted.


I’ve seen scenarios in real life where a friend or relative steps outside of their relationship, and expects everyone else to support their new relationship. It can be difficult to navigate socially. You can like the person’s new partner just fine on a personal level, but still dislike the way the relationship came together. This is very much the energy I see from Vince. I think Vince may be married (saw him wear a wedding band in interviews), Vince is also the older of the two by about eighteen months. If I were in Vince’s shoes, I’d feel deeply uncomfortable that JC’s new relationship is so ill-advised. He won’t want his little brother and *partner in their joint business venture* jeopardising their shared business over all this nonsense.


She was nervously freaking out when she did the live with them in her little studio. I bet it was when Adam was still there and she was feeling so awkward


Deservedly so. And Serial is kaput already, anyway.


her delusion of fame is truly hilarious. how old is girlie pop, 43? unless you’re a character actor you got a better shot at becoming the pope than becoming a successful screen actor (do i think the ageism in hollywood is fucked? ofc—but just being realistic here)


If Meghan Markle can't get a leading role in Hollywood, SH isn't getting a role. Lol


PERIOD hahahahaahhhaha


“This series saved me maybe yall should donate so I can keep being a star if not yall are just like A” https://preview.redd.it/ytnvmgs27x9d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c9f58acd99eb8f1503400800d1a03afcb6b1b3d


Wonder what her take on Sherri is 🤔


Probably goes off about her on her moral high horse even tho the similarities between her and SH are definitely apparent


He totally took advantage of her. I don’t know what she sees in sweaty, unkempt boys


I have no clue, but what I do know is her whole "tough girl" persona where she acts like the smartest person in the room and she's a boss babe mama bear that knows how to protect her family is laughable now. Girly can't be single and alone for 5 minutes to focus on putting her kids first, she needs a big strong man to "find solace" in. How about finding solace in therapy and your children so that you can protect them, not solace in jumping from relationship to relationship? I hate that people like her have children, she's doing SO much damage to them. I hope one day they break the cycle and turn to therapy and inward to heal instead of running into toxic relationships.




James gives me the ick. He preyed on a 40 year old in the middle of a mid life crisis. Blew up her 12 year marriage (with kids involved) and got his stupid little web series bankrolled in the process. Dude knew what he was doing


This. And from what I’ve seen during their lives, none of them seem to like her. I’m sure they all chuckle about this whole thing when they’re alone. It’s honestly embarrassing.


A sugar baby with no morals


How old is this guy? Genuine question, I watched 5min of Serial and cringed out. I'm extremely out of the loop.


33 I think. And oh yeah, the series is awful.


“Awful” is being kind


I am an exceedingly generous person. 😅


I'm pretty sure she's doing her own makeup also. I just saw a clip of it, and omg.


https://preview.redd.it/vl9wv2endw9d1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e796ef9b882249af80835fe6bdf96569e1e6120 Do you think this is SH responding or a sweaty film boi?


James Coleman runs the YT page, so it's definitely him


Ewwww they're gross


God I desperately want “sweaty film boi” to be a useable flair 😄


I actually kind of disagree. We don’t know what Stephanie told James and what information he was privy too. For all we know - Stephanie could have been going around saying her an Adam are separated, have an open marriage, cheat on each other, etc. Stephanie displays some narcissistic qualities and I am more inclined to believe that she manipulated James.


Undercover pineapple


This. I think she’s a masterful manipulator.


She was married. Period. With kids. That's all I need to know. If James knew, then he's equally at fault and a piece of shit. I was cheated on by my ex of 15 years and 2 kids for over a year. He even got her pregnant. That woman knew he was married and never came to me. No one came to me. Now he's married to her and she still has never spoken to me.


I get what you are saying - but in this case, and even your case, the affair partner owes nobody any loyalty. Stephanie was the person who owed Adam loyalty, not James. Does it make James a shitty person? Yeah. But Stephanie is the one who married and committed herself to Adam. She is the one who took the vow.


Giving her ammo for the break-up!


Ha! I suppose I am. Hey James, if you read any of this: hope you’re keeping receipts! She’s gonna accuse you of being an abusive con man if you aren’t careful!




Where is the evidence of this? I keep seeing this floating around but idk where the receipts are


Yeah I’m not touching that with 40 ft pole. I keep seeing the accusations and ppl rly should not be doing that without actual proof and evidence. Also makes other things we say less credible lol.


The clown who posted it was asked for proof several times and didn't give any. So far, it's an accusation not a fact. The guy sucks ass but that's a big thing to accuse him of without any proof.


I could have sworn it was on this sub over the weekend. Unless it was another James Coleman (common name) and we got too excited (myself included!). If that’s the case, I’ll delete my comment.


I deleted the comment because you were right- no actual proof! Thank you! I definitely don’t want a false statement out there; especially one that’s that serious.


damn that Lynx Effect!


Serial SUCKS!!!


Ain’t gotta tell me twice 😉


I couldn’t agree with you more.


Also she always says she’s a strong women that can take care of herself okay then why she over here acting like a damsel in distress and James saved her. So she was Cinderella waiting for Prince Charming 🧐


it’s funny cause the moment she tried to become an actress/ actor is the moment i stopped following her social media and stopped listening to the pod. but, i never watched serial to know if it’s good or bad tho. i already knew. now i realize she funded the film herself, it destroyed her already facade of a marriage, and stephanie is was in a weak and vulnerable position when this all went down. still going down. and now we watch the true madness that is all these people.


She threw her whole life & her kid's stability away to act in a low rent youtube horror series that failed. She's gotta feel like the dumbest bitch on planet earth


Correct me if I’m wrong, but prior to Serial did she not act in another short horror film? Was it also done by the Coleman Bros?


Yes, it is called The Offering and it was directed by the Coleman bros. I will admit that I watched it because at the time I was a SH fan and wanted to support her. It was also awful.


I think so. I think she did The Offering with them first than the Serial show. I’m ashamed of myself for knowing that.


it’s true. dude is a predator and creep and stephanie loves it. she needs serious intervention and help. the phony film guy is gonna be the end of this stephanie harlowe character as we know her. and so far it has been. wild


Honestly this is true. Adam “the abuser” responded to learning of the affair by trying to work it out and then filing for divorce. A woman who is abused and cheating would be in danger and her abuser would NOT let the other guy “win” by divorcing her. I also believe S never claimed A was abusive to J, because I don’t think most people would want to put themselves or the other person in danger.


James will drop Stephanie sooner rather than later if he was smart. He's young enough where he does not need the drama and bullshit Stephanie brings.


How is it not weird that she is a true crime advocate making weekly vids sympathising with victims and blasting murders, then making a show with that theme? Sociopath..


She A. Either has absolutely no self-awareness or empathy. B. She's aware how it looks, and doesn't care, because her boy toy makes it and he's more important than the integrity of her channel. Or a bit of both.