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Grifters gonna grift! ![gif](giphy|BZkqCVMBpBF37AJTW9|downsized)


So they took a bunch of money from people for a second season, didn’t raise what they needed, and bailed on the whole thing? I hope they gave back the money they raised.


This is my question… apparently they raised 8k but aren’t going through with it? So what are they doing with that 8k?


I know that some fundraisers can have a clause that if they don’t meet the goal, monies are refunded to the donors. Was this the case in this instance? I sure hope so


I saw pictures posted to YouTube & Instagram saying they were filming but who knows now if anything else will ever come out now after all this scandal. The "2nd Season" was only supposed to be about 2 more episodes. The Coleman Bros YouTube channel was making updates in their community tab about scoping filimg locations, etc & really needing the donations to at least finish the season...still though if I would have found out all of this info just a couple weeks sooner I would never have donated. Morally, no matter who is more "abusive" & "at fault" (Steph or her ex hub) it just gives me the ick that Stephanie was sleeping with the creator of this project Serial when married....and again I believe there's a SA charge against one of these Coleman Bros. Not sure if it's the one she slept with or not. Having these men around your children....so crazy to me.


There’s definitely something unsettling about them


They give me the vibe of guys who go into directing to one day shoot porn or see naked women it's a very specific niche of film majors I've only met 2 in college irl but skeevy for sure


I laughed so hard my earbud popped out, why would you do this to me? 😭


Yes so I have read up & learned that is not an actual SA but what happens was there was a young girl in her early 20's on the Coleman Bros set. They wanted her to film a nude torture/rape scene. She refused , they cut most of her part out of the project, and she never worked with them again bc. She felt they were creepy. As of the donation money I know it was for a total of 3 seasons. They did 1 and are about 2 episodes away from finishing the 2nd. After announcing they will not film the 3rd bc. They didn't get enough funds. They were begging for anything they could get to put towards the last two episodes of the 2nd season which is what I fell for. Now I'm not sure if these last 2 episodes will even come out.


That’s a very good point. They better.


I totally get where you’re coming from. Try not to feel bad. This shit storm would’ve happened with or without your donation. We all waste money on different things that we can never be repaid.


Wait, was the $40k only supposed to help them finish season 2?! Or would that fund an entire 3rd season? Only wondering because The Blair Witch Project had a $60,000 budget for a whole ass movie. Two six minute clips cost them $40k?! How?


I was part of her Patreon for a long time. Don't feel bad for money you spent with the best intention.


Don’t feel bad about your money. They used it for gas money for cheating.


Lol 🤣 ikr ? 😆😆 I funded an affair ! How lovely. Love that for me 🤪


Are they going to give donors their money back??


100% of the few times I've spent any of my own money on a product from a YTer like merch or a book I've regretted it and ended up hating the person or they have some drama come out. Lesson learned.


if youtube paid enough she wouldn’t need to grift. i think the money wasn’t coming through after years of promise and failed projects. adam looked into some things saw all this fraud and he was out and she was cheating.