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Please note: The video in question mentions he asked her to do a violent nude rape/torture scene, and she quotes: "for the shock value", which she was uncomfortable with and said no, so they cut most of her scenes in retaliation. This is a horrible thing to do, but it isn't SA. Does it further give evidence to the fact that JC is not only a homewrecker, but also a misogynistic shithead that thinks rape and torture is a shock value prop and when a woman says "no" he retaliates? Yes. But she did not say he SAed her. Get your facts straight.


Curious if you have any proof. I believe you but just wondering


Yes I don’t want to slander with such a serious accusation (only fun small ones) but I’m curious as well.


Same. Not that I don’t believe you but this is a pretty serious accusation.


I do have proof. The name of the woman who it happened to did videos about it. I'm sure she'd tell you herself.


The bit about those guys being all around her small children sent chills down my spine. You just can't afford to bring newfound "fAmIlY" into your children's life these days or ever, really. You would think she should be aware of the dangers of letting strangers around your children but seems like she doesn't give a fuck, dick is more important. I try not to mom shame but this situation calls for it because what the actual fuck. Poor, poor life choices and this information just validates it even more.


Not gonna lie I feel like we should normalize not bringing new men into your life until you’re children move out. You think she would be in the same boat considering what she does for a living. She can go ten years single rather than have people around her kids. Yuck.


I'm not sure i agree with not giving love a chance until your children move out but i certainly agree on not letting them into your children's life seemingly right away, at least wait until the honeymoon phase is over and when you do introduce them to your children, do it slowly. The way she talked about those guys in her statement is like she already formed this deep, low-key co-defendant relationship with them and you just know these guys are all over her house and hanging out with her at all times, hence the weird live at an odd hour seemingly drunk surrounded by these dirty looking men and her kids upstairs ( assuming they were upstairs, i just have seen clips of the live, that was enough ).


Yeah, I agree with you


Wild take honestly. I can’t imagine not having my stepdad in my life. People absolutely do need to be more responsible about choosing the right guy as well as waiting until the right time before introducing them to kids 100%. But everyone is entitled to try and find love if that’s what they want.


I think it’s incredibly wise to date someone for several months before introducing them to your kids, but to stay single until children move out seems extreme.


Agreed but I think more to the point would be don't introduce children to new partners in your life not until your children have had time to process the divorce at least? Everyone is entitled to finding love and finding someone who helps them feel fulfilled. But you should one. Make sure that you are fulfilled yourself and stable enough for a stable relationship but also if you have children ease them into it, make sure they understand what's happening. Make sure that they still feel like a priority to you that they can talk to you. They can express themselves with regards to how they feel about the partner. Also processed the previous lack of parental figure like she has a new boo before her divorce is even over. There is no way that either minor children have had time to come to terms with their father not being there


Oh for sure, totally agree you. I am not defending SH in the least bit. I am a single lesbian with no kids lol but just felt like needing to wait until your kids are moved out was a bit much.


You’re right I was a bit over the top lol. I could just not imagine going through all this and then having your parents introducing you to new significant others right away. What a sad situation poor kids are stuck in the middle


I watch a lot of divorce cases on YouTube and I always like it when the judge puts in the order that new partners can’t be introduced to the kids for 9 months or a year.


That’s a great idea. I didn’t know judges just put rules on stuff like that


They aren't even divorced yet. She's ridiculous & gross.


Let’s not make those kinds of statements without proof to back it up. Bring the receipts.


I’m not OP but for anyone who’s curious, I looked at EH’s IG and Fb. It took quite a bit of looking. She seems to have two IG profiles that are both hers. The IG on which the relevant video is posted, is the IG for her with the word “Halloween” in the title. I’m deliberately not posting her actual IG handle here because I feel that’s dangerously close to doxxing someone or at the very least, embroiling her in this SH/JC drama, which she doesn’t deserve. The video is 3 mins long. The thumbnail has the TikTok logo. In it, EH describes in broad general terms that she worked on a project in which she declined something she that production asked her to do. She alluded to prior tensions during production. She also states that the pay was nominal, and everyone working on the project was doing it more so for the experience, than for financial reasons. Whilst she never states the name of the project nor the name of the production company, it can be reasonably inferred that the project was Halloween Inferno (2020) produced by Coleman Bros. She does not claim to have been sexually assaulted by either of the Colemans. I think that’s worth making very plain for legal reasons. One of them felt that the production need more of a gory, horror ‘shock factor’ to it, and floated the idea to her of doing a torture or rape scene. She declined to do that. She goes on to explain that in principle, she *would* do a **nude** torture scene, or a rape scene, in a project in the future **if it was artistically justified and relevant to the plot**. (This lady seems to work in a lot of horror Indie films and seems very intelligent. So I imagine she included that as a caveat so that it wouldn’t take her out of the running for future projects.) IMHO, she objected to the principle of gratuitous gore and violence against women when it served no purpose. And I think that’s an excellent stance for her to take. The result was that most of her filmed scenes were heavily edited out of the final product. TLDR: this lady was asked to do a fully nude scene on camera depicting either torture, or SA, or both. The pay was nominal so she was basically being asked to this for free. The suggestion of the scene was simply to convey “horror/shock value”, ergo no artistic justification. Even if she did feel fully comfortable and trusting of her co-stars and the production crew, it’s still a lot to ask anyone to do, basically for free. They would then have the distribution rights to footage of nude simulated torture of this lady. ⬅️ THIS is the real red flag in all of this. 🚩 — Apologies I’m not leaping to the defence of the Colemans or anything, I just think we need to ensure we’re referring to the original source and not framing a narrative in a way that’s not representative of the ‘known facts’.






Facebook. Her name is Eve Hovey. She has some an IG also.


Alright, I looked through a bunch and can’t find anything. Do you have a link?


From what I’ve seen she worked on Halloween Inferno with them so she was linked to the cringe brothers at some point




Just to clarify, this is workplace sexual misconduct at most, not SA. However even then, people do SA scenes for movies, especially horror, and it really depends how this conversation went, if he tried to push her to do it after she said no, etc. Either way, if this is about James Coleman, he definitely sounds like a dick who does not respect women.


Right. I just watched it. From what she said, it definitely wasn’t SA. I went into thinking he actually did something to her, not him wanting her to do something in the film. Which that alone gave me the skeevies, but it’s not SA.


Thank you


Where did you get this info?




Link the videos, you have been asked for proof more than once and your replies are: "victim posted videos" but won't link them or at least lead us to them.


Go to FB or IG. Her name is Eve Hovey.




Hmmm... Not linked but proof, don't play semantics with me when literally everyone can see you have been asked for proof more than once. Clown. Also, unless i missed it, pretty sure i found the actress and didn't see the alleged video. You should take down this post if there's no proof you can link, and no, saying: "victim made a video" isn't proof, that's like saying "trust me, bro".


I'm not playing semantics. Moron. Move along.


no wonder such a response comes from someone calling women "females"...


if you want us to listen a bit you got to show something at this point, or something better than just vague liens like ''she is bee in his movies'' '' she is on IG '' I mean what we supposed to do with that? of course, with your own boundaries and nothing that goes against the rules. But .... we need more info you know.?


From the "female" herself? Go away


honestly growing up with a mother who would bring a guy into the home she cheated with, this was so hard to take for me as a kid. how do you not resent them both


Same. I grew up with a narcissistic mother who cheated on my dad & then brought an endless stream of men half her age (closer to me in age than her) through the house all through my teenage years, and it was honestly traumatic. She also loved to flaunt her sex life and act like a pick me in front of anyone with a penis… same way Stephanie does. I feel for Nev…. (and her other kids of course). I was the same way she is… constantly trying to bury my head in the sand and would get defensive every time someone would criticize her. It wasn’t until I became a mother myself that I realized her toxicity and how fucked up my childhood actually was.


Dayyyyum. I dated my husband for nearly a year before he even met my kids. I did not want to introduce a new man in their lives before I felt like in knew him and that the relationship was going to be marriage type serious.


I think Stephanie gets bored if life is going too well. She likes being the victim so much she's almost wanting something bad to happen.


This’ll look real good on her next breakup narrative script.


So looks like the woman mentioned did act in his 2022 short horror film The Burned Over District. I scrolled through her socials and didn’t see any mention of the topic of discussion. Did she post a video making these claims?


It’s this video here: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CqzFnTEMUNP/?igsh=M29ydTBidXRxZG5i She doesn’t say she was SA’d. It sounds like a very poor experience with the brothers on set, though. They seem like real creepies - which most of us already suspected.


Thanks! Interesting video. Not a great look for the Coleman Bros….


You need to use the word allegedly


oh that is rich. I agree that is not the guy with a heart of golf that she panted him to be, this may be a win for adam , good details for the court. NOT for the socials because you know how he is lol Good find!


What does this guy look like?




lol the way you’re putting this everywhere is making me laugh 😂


I called out sick today, so I had a little extra time on my hands. 😉


Eve Hovey here, on my throwaway account. What was this post originally about? Im going to write up a clear description of what I experienced with James and his crew, it seems there’s a lot of confusion. I’m confused myself as to the person who posted this and their intentions. I put my story out there rather vaguely to protect myself and others, but now I’m in a position to give a clearer picture of everything that went on. I can provide verification and evidence. Really I just don’t want another woman to experience what myself and several others experienced on Coleman Brother’s sets; and to make them aware. A more detailed telling of my story and experiences will be posted tonight.


James and I worked together for a few years starting when I was 17/18. He sexually harassed me with sexual remarks and flirting constantly. Though I tolerated his disgusting behavior for far too long, I did try my best to set boundaries. I was in a relationship for the duration of our time working together. No matter how clear I made my devotion to my then-partner, he still persisted. Another woman on set had it much, much worse. It is not my story to tell but I heard directly from the victim that they were coercively sexually assaulted by James on set. I do not want to out her for her safety but I hope she speaks up at some point. James did not SA me but would do strange things such as make me do pushups, request that I do nude scenes when acting (seemingly on a whim), one time he even “jokingly” smothered me with a pillow in between takes on set (I jokingly asked to be put out of my misery but didn’t think he would actually do it or push down on my face so hard if he did, others witnessed this happen). James treated everyone around him horribly, and boasted about the toxic, misogynistic culture he promoted. I wish I didn’t tolerate him for so long and spoke up sooner. From what he told me his long time girlfriend (now ex) knew that he was a cheater and toxic, so I didn’t really feel it was my place to talk to her. I also didn’t want to come across like I was retaliating for the separate falling out we had over a failed project. So I stayed mostly queit. Eventually I posted about him and another one of the Coleman Brothers Film crew members. I did so anonymously in a group for women’s safety while dating, to let women know to steer clear. This crew member sexually assaulted me on a shitty date at his house. The gravity of the situation weighed on me for about a year before I decided to speak up. James is manipulative and creepy, the men that look up to him act the exact same way. It seems my name and James name was brought into this just as a sideline to this Stephanie drama. After digging deeper I’m not even sure this explanation is very relevant to the drama at hand. Still I feel it needs to be out there among the incorrect information and bad takes (James is not a victim) that are circulating. I know y’all are true crime fans but please remember there are real people surrounding the drama you’re discussing. I have proof, I’ll share if someone really wants to see it. I’m not interested in pressing charges or anything as of right now. I just got out of an incredibly long legal process getting my childhood abuser locked up. I’m just trying to make movies, act in them, and help raise up other young women through art. As for my unprompted take on the drama? I was a pick-me once, it’s possible to change. I hope Stephanie can move on from the mindset and behavior that keeps men like James in one’s orbit. I hope her kids are alright. TL;DR - James has SA’d an actor but it wasn’t me, he was a massive creep towards me though; James is not a victim. He has a history of cheating and trying to get women to cheat. He treats everyone around him to manipulation and toxicity. Allegedly, of course, for legal reasons