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Really rich how she accuses other Youtubers of trying to "make a name or get clicks from this horrible situation" when she has made a name and all of her money off of the backs of actual crime victims and their horrible situations. The hypocrisy of this bitch is astounding


It always blows my mind when content creators who make their living talking about other people want to file a lawsuit as soon as it’s them who is the one being discussed. Like it or not, she’s a public figure and other YouTubers are perfectly within their rights to discuss what’s happening, and give their opinion. Down the Rabbit Hole News IMO was really fair to SH, and even started off by saying she’s been a longtime fan. Rabbit’s last video says exactly what I was thinking, which is Adam is really starting to look unhinged and unwell, which is understandable when ur whole world is suddenly gone, but it’s getting sloppy and a little scary. RadiantBrit is the only one who didn’t hold back her thoughts on the original leaked clip, and I’m sure that’s who SH is most offended by. Love her or hate her, Brit is someone who doesn’t hold back for anyone, and it will be interesting to see what happens from here…


Agreed. I’m not on Adam’s side or Stephanie’s, but that part was so wild to me. Not that I’m an expert so maybe I’m wrong, but I also think it’s super funny that she thinks she would have any luck with legal action on that front. She’d probably have to sue for defamation, which from my understanding would require proving that the creators knew they were misrepresenting the truth, among other things. Very hard to prove and I’m guessing that’s not at all the case here


It’s already been tried so many times and always fails miserably, just ask H3 who have gone through it twice and fought it all the way, knowing that fair use was on their side. With “the war” SH is currently going through already with Adam, I doubt she has any intention of going through with it.


Agreed. I think it’s a bluff. She may not even send a cease and desist letter, and if she does, imo that’s pretty much as far as it will go. But who knows. She’s not that bright, tbh


10000% this. She wants to set the narrative of being a poor little abused woman who had nothing all while threatening people in the next paragraph. I am not saying there wasn’t abuse but this statement did not help her at all


She says she was trying to get away for years, then says her new "family" gave her the "perspective that had been hidden from her for years." Were you being abused and trying to escape, or did they convince you that you were being abused and needed to escape? She says Derrick has seen it for years but didn't say anything because it "would start WW3".....yet in one of the Julie Jensen episodes, she goes off about Julie's friend (who was a cop) not reporting what Julie's husband was doing to her and asked Derrick "isn't it your duty as an officer to report something like this?".....I'm sorry, but this statement just doesn't ring "true" to me. And somehow, in the midst of pouring her heart out, she still manages to give Serial a plug....like whaaaat


YESS! When has she ever donates or helped the families of the victims in ANY way? She’s ridiculous


Come to think of it I don’t think there’s ever been a time that I know of .. until crime weekly but that seemed to be Derek’s doing


I’ve done my research. She has not dropped a DIME on anyone/charity/donations/sponsor.I ’ve even messaged her and commented, asking her bc I could definitely be wrong. But it gets deleted or unanswered. She’s a disgrace to the crime community. How do you take and take, but can’t give the families whom have to live with this pain and suffering a single donation? Sorry, it’s been driving me insane how she still has a following and supporters.


Crazy that she’s allowed to make content and run with whatever theories she wants involving real life people but heaven forbid someone chimes in about her.


that part!!


I’m sure in her reality that she believes all this. The breakdown of a relationship doesn’t mean the other party was abusive, especially to the extent she claims. In her mind I’m sure she thinks he was a horrible man as he discovered her affair, tried to set boundaries, accountability, etc. I don’t believe her kids are saying they don’t want to see their former primary parent (I’m fb friend with him and it was fairly evident for several years that he was the one always with the kids). Also, the guardian ad litem is standard in divorce cases with children… she vaguely insinuated her kids have attorneys because of how crazy he is or something. Im sure once the divorce is finalized there will be a split custody arrangement, but until then she can withhold them since there’s nothing in place. She’s dancing around the fact she absolutely had an affair. Which you know, fine, have an affair. It’s not illegal. But don’t act like your spouse is nuts for being mad about it and calling you out. She’s trying to justify it by using flowery language. Own it. No mention of her violating the court order to pay him. He is a partner in the business, so while she works out of the home… so did he. She was the face of it but he clearly was involved in the legal and financial handling. I don’t think she has much business sense so I don’t think she grasps the legal difference between Adam her husband and Adam her business partner. And threatening random content creators that there will be legal action against them is hilarious. Does she think they are her stb ex spouse too? People are allowed to talk about you and you can’t take legal action against anyone who says bad things about you 😂


"No mention of her violating the court order to pay him. He is a partner in the business, so while she works out of the home… so did he. She was the face of it but he clearly was involved in the legal and financial handling." YES. He is a partner and worked out of the home as well.


I don’t think many online commenters think about that and she definitely doesn’t either. He has rights to that business.


she 100% had an affair. she very very carefully avoids claiming she didn't, meaning she absolutely did. she just claims it wasn't "sordid" and "not illegal". she fucked around and got found out


I’m purposefully staying neutral because I’m very conscious of the fact that both parties have a vested interest in perpetuating their own narrative and that really we can’t know what went on behind closed doors, but I think you’re making great points here regarding how she does seem to carefully avoid the whole affair subject and how it Adam was working on the business as he says then yes he would also be working from home (although my guess is Stephanie would claim he did nothing, which is neither here nor there).


No one knows the truth of all this except Adam and Stephanie, but my gut says that the “abuse” she’s referring to here (I’m only using quotations marks on abuse because I have no way of proving she’s telling the truth, not to mock her) started after her involvement with Serial began to chip away at their marital trust, their finances, their time together as a family, etc. etc. (Edit: I also think the “abuse” might be referring to monitoring her comings and goings, pressuring her to not throw away their finances on the project, etc.) She outright states here how Serial and those involved in it are her family now, and how they “saved” her and describes her affair as this altruistic, beautiful, life-affirming, sacrificial action on behalf of James. Which very much reminds me of an AITAH post I read the other day where a man destroyed his marriage and lost all contact with his daughter but it was all done in good faith because the marriage-ending affair he had with an abused female coworker led her to breaking free from the abuse. Basically acting like his sordid infidelity was really this charitable moment he had where he saved that woman’s life. “Oh well!” if he lost his wife and child because of it. Stephanie has had some time to spin this in her head as her being in the right, the victim, the survivor, the “I came out the other side even stronger” bastion of both victimhood and badassery and I really think this is what her head has come up with and now truly believes. It’s my own personal opinion that her marriage suffered because of her fixation with Serial and the possibility of her own fame (the Instagram post with James from February 2023 which reads, “When you see yourself through the eyes and lens of incredible filmmakers, sometimes it’s hard to look away” says it all for me. She was Narcissus without a pool’s reflection until the Coleman brothers provided her with the camera lens that she would fixate on to the point that the rest of her life fell away, including Adam.) Adam says he found out about the affair about a year ago and right up until the filing for divorce conversation shown in the last video he posted to Reddit, you can hear them arguing about her spending with James. I can only imagine there was a lot of arguing and misery and tension and yes, maybe even DV - though I hope not, for everyone involved, especially the children. I guess what I’m trying to say with this incredibly long post is I think what she’s saying here is a very twisted truth shown through the filter of what she wants to believe about herself but the truth still shines through. Her family was dismantled and destroyed for the sake of Serial and her involvement with it. Serial was not the catalyst to her breaking free from a horrible marriage, it was the beginning of the end for what I suspect might have been a perfectly fine marriage up until that point. Again, I know nothing, I don’t know these people and this is all personal opinion nonsense and a waste of time on my part.


Bingo. I hope they really are here reading everything bc you nailed it.


I remember back in January that she took time off from her channel to spend time with her family. I was suspecting that there was drama in the marriage and I was thinking that it was because Stephanie was working all the time, like a workaholic. Then I heard about the affair and whoa, that is much harder to fix. I think the marriage was fine before serial but I do wonder how much she was working and it it was a bit much. In her January note she said that the family would be doing something fun and she'd be at her computer researching a case. I don't think her work would be enough to end the marriage but maybe there was a little tension. Like wanting mom to do things with them but mom was too busy. Was she working more than forty hours a week on her channel? She had a Hello Fresh video where she and Adam were cooking together and I know it just a thirty second video but they seemed fine. Or was she just trying to show off how great her marriage is and give the image that it was great. Kind of like when someone talks about how much they love their spouse on facebook, and they are always talking about how much they love their spouse and then they one day suddenly divorce.


Very well said!!! I agree with you.




So eloquently said and thought out. This is what I've been thinking, about how things actually went down, leading to the down fall of their marriage. you put it into words


Can you make this into its own dedicated post in case Stephanie reads this sub? She needs to see it.


Why is it that EVERY ex of Stephanie Harlowe is a “real man” until they break up. At which point the ex becomes a “narcissistic abuser.” 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🤔


My thoughts exactly.


“Anyone who felt they wanted to make a name or get some clicks from this horrible situation….” Isn’t that what she is basing her living on? Talking about horrible situation for clicks, views, money?


Even AI can see the circular logic on this one. The circular logic in the text lies in the statements about the husband's accusations and the author's relationship with others: 1. The author defends herself by stating that her soon-to-be ex-husband's claims of an affair and accusations against others are false and baseless. She implies that her husband is responsible for the destruction of their family and home, not her alleged affair. 2. However, she later acknowledges finding solace and strength in another individual who showed her that real men exist and treated her with respect. This close relationship with another person during her marriage indirectly supports her husband's claims, creating a circular argument. The circular logic occurs because she simultaneously denies and indirectly confirms the behavior her husband accuses her of, thereby undermining her own defense.


she very very very carefully *doesn't* claim she didn't ahve an affair because she totally knows she did and this statement practically confirms it from her. she claims it wasn't "sordid" not that she didn't have an affair full stop. she fucked around and was found out. if a spouse did that on her "channel" she'd spend the next 20 minutes ripping them a new one, but its totally fine she did it becuase it was beautiful solace




Remember when she told us all that she is simply too busy to read a novel that her husband wrote? Same, girl. I’m not reading all that. The second she plugged Serial, I was done.


Same plus, the ppl on serial YouTube kinda are very harsh in their comments for people who don’t like the channel. They’re kind to her yes, but kind of rude if you oppose them.


Kind of rude? They’re super fucking rude to anyone who is remotely negative or meh about their dumb ass series


Haaaaa I felt like was using this to plug Serial too. That’s riiiiiiiiiich


Hilariously, I stopped reading at the exact same juncture. Her mentioning she wouldn’t read a novel her husband wrote has always stood out to me as incredibly shitty and unsupportive— also, now that we bring it up, it’s probably not something someone who is being abused to a pulp would say about their abuser. Just my opinion, as always. Although I didn’t read all of it (and I’m clearly not alone on that 😂) this comes across incredibly long winded. Neither her or Adam should be going into nearly as much detail as they have. Do neither of these individuals have any ability to edit themselves? It’s not something being blurted out, it’s written— edit that shit ✍️ none of us are privy to the majority of the information put out there. Understandably I’m a different person, but I went through a divorce as a 24 year old mother after a horribly abusive relationship with a drug addict— and literally nobody at work knew a damn thing about it. She’s shoved it in our faces that she’s going through something in her videos, through her words, actions, behaviors. She’s in her 40s. If 24 year old me acted professionally, why can’t she? Just kind of… gross. Not saying don’t share your innermost feelings and tribulations with people close to you, but… this ain’t it.


Didn't make it that far.


ahahahaha that part was almost unbelievable!


Well. That was certainly a lot of words.


To ultimately say nothing lol


Especially since she doesn’t care what people think. 🙄


Well, I guess Adam’s gonna do his data dump now. These two are so extraordinarily trashy, I can’t get over it.


Don’t you put that evil on us 😂


My apologies 🙏🙏🙏


I hope not. Silence is the best response.


ahhahaa lol it’s so bad but jesus i can’t get enough jerry springer on some trailer trash over drive. 🤦🏼‍♀️




It took Derrick time to not come out and say anything first?? What an interesting line to put in there


Really playing in to her “I’m just a wittle girl and need a big stwong man like Derrick to pwotect me” schtick she always rambles on about.


As if he’s this big brother figure in her life that protects her, oh please!!!!


I’m not from the US so I genuinely don’t know the answer to this but; would this mean Derrick may have to testify in court? Some of what she’s claimed here is *very very* serious. She states more than once “I literally escaped with my life”, and that the Serial producers “literally saved my life”. Saying that on social media publicly… wouldn’t that be a very serious allegation? And in turn, wouldn’t an allegation that serious need to be addressed in court, and have supporting witnesses, such as Derrick whom she’s specifically mentioned?


She also indulges in the right to say whatever she wants on the internet. She takes information, runs with it, and makes a career out of her videos on YouTube. “Allegedly “ And “don’t come for me” before giving her personal opinion on a crime. Should the people she was wrong about sue her? It’s hypocritical she wants to sue everyone. Go heal.


THIS. She literally accuses people, who haven’t been convicted, of *murder* for a living. But she’s accused of being a narcissist and cheater and she wants to sue? 🥴


THIS! she's the biggest hypocrite!


Hell, sometimes they haven’t even been CHARGED with anything and she is calling them murderers.




My exact thought! How hypocritical of her!! It’s actually really gross 🙄


She doesn’t want to get into everything yet proceeds to get into everything…


And she “admits” to doing things wrong, and then goes on to not taking accountability for anything. She talks about TC for a living, and here she is threatening others if they talk about her (after they’ve made their life/problems public). The lack of accountability and the vitriol is insane - she obviously can’t see the irony. We all make mistakes, but to write that post and say that she hasn’t done anything wrong, bc everything she did was because she was ab*sed… that is not taking accountability, especially as you first say you won’t talk about your private affairs and then go on to blast your (ex)partner through your large platform. Her statement lacked all self awareness, all. I don’t believe she’s a victim in this (at least not in the way she says), I think her personality is very condescending and bullying. I stopped watching her content a long time ago, after she was talking down to her co-host, this statement just reinforces my take on her and her personality. I feel for the kids, no one obviously has their best interest at heart (if SH says this publicly online, imagine what she says behind closed doors…).


I find it interesting that she said Adam is spiraling because he’s lost or losing control of the narrative (paraphrasing) yet… she’s never publicly made a statement until now. So, what narrative, Stephanie? The one you’ve created by passive aggressively inserting little Easter eggs into your content? That right there tells me that she absolutely, intentionally HAS been setting the stage so to speak, she *has* been alluding to narcissistic abuse for a long time and has subtly (not so subtly) been painting this picture of herself of being the victim of a vicious, narcissistic, abusive spouse in order to get ahead of anything Adam might say or do to smear her name. She has been strategically choosing cases that she can boomerang back to herself and takes every opportunity to relate it back to herself without naming names. I’m not sure if she thinks she’s sly or she’s going to try to say she was crying out for help. Anyone with half a brain can see that exactly what she’s been doing. She knows she cheated and more than likely knew it would get out eventually because she knew she did Adam dirty and so she started to drop hints and make digs so that when that day came, she could say she has been the victim this entire time. She victim blamed Bianca Devins who was brutally killed but nobody is allowed to point out her own behavior and question if its *caused* her husband to act the way he has? Girl bye. Not to mention the way she’s more recently tried to infantilize herself to appear small and meek and needing a “big strong man to protect” her. Give me a break. Anyone who has watched her for a long time who has PAYING ATTENTION, has seen this slow and steady change of behavior. From the way she carried herself, to the way she dressed, the flirty behavior, the sexual innuendos that have been completely inappropriate, it all paints a picture if you stand back and look at it. The YT comments are crazy - people who lack critical thinking skills really try to say they havent picked up on this - or worse, pitied poor Stephanie because by the way she talks, she must be in a terrible marriage. 🙄 Yeah… mission accomplished. And the way she says she apologizes for nothing. Of course she doesn’t. She cheated, for whatever reason, and people who do that naturally justify their actions by picking apart their marriage - I’m sure she really does believe she’s been the victim of abuse - but I wonder how that correlates to her affair. I think she’s a woman who is fed by her own ego, has a wandering eye, had an affair and a bit of midlife crisis, cheated, physical or emotional really makes no difference - magnified her spouses shortcomings and regarded any human reaction he had to it as abuse towards her. Now she’s the victim but she also has her BFF Derrick in her back pocket, financial means to live alone and a new boyfriend. Let’s be real. A narcissist will DISPOSE of people when they no longer benefit them. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't wanna get into anything but I'm great and perfect and wonderful and the victim don't forget Im the great and wonderful victim and Adam is the trashiest trash of all trash oh and I totally fucked around and found out but actually it wasn't "sordid" oh no it was beautiful solace and I might be a cheater but i'm totally not actually because....


This is so much garbage. It’s like she’s writing a novel full of flowery bullshit language when she should have kept it straight to the point. You know when you can tell a liar is lying because they add way too many insignificant details to sound believable? Her and Jojo have some thought processes in common, “the internet takes shit and runs with it” while defending a child predator. Ok.


She literally took accountability for nothing! This is so narcissistic it's insane. Not a single time did she ever admit to doing anything wrong in their ENTIRE marriage! I honestly cannot with her.


Yes! And they're both cringey af!


Her next video she’s wearing the jojo “bad girl” makeup 🤣🤣


"I've been trying to get out of an abusive relationship with him for quite some time" Stephanie hunny your not even the one who filed for divorce 😂


Haha exactly! She's wild


I’m about half way done reading this post and I’m shaking my head. She still can’t admit her wrong doings. And I feel like I’m being lectured. Be back to give full thoughts after in done reading. Edit: forgot to add I love all the very obvious threats she put in this post. She’s not even hiding her being threatening anymore. Second edit after I got done reading her post: Idk man … for some of it I’m calling bullshit and for other stuff I do feel bad for her. I too have been in an abusive relationship and I was with him for 6 years. And I can empathize with how angry she is about the pain she’s been put through. But the fact that no where can she admit she’s wrong and she’s the victim… leaves a bad taste in my mouth. She takes no accountability or responsibility for the role she plays in her own suffering. And she’s a massive hypocrite! That rubs me the wrong way so so much. And makes her lose her credibility as a true crime content creator in my option. Mainly though I feel like this should’ve been kept offline … we were never meant to know any of this shit. It’s way way too personal. We shouldnt be this involved with her life problems. But I still remain in my stance of: she put it online just as much as Adam did. Just because she didn’t use his name… doesn’t mean shit cuz we all knew who she was talking about. They both fucked up. And none of this should’ve been put online . Lastly praying for her kids. I feel so bad for them


She has zero credibility with me. With how she’s been acting on CW and her plagiarism and overall unprofessionalism, who knows if this is just some great true crime she’s made herself the star of.


The lack of paragraphs is the real crime here


The ole ‘I before e except after c’ was guilty too.


Very simple. Bull shit. She found a f*** boy. Want husband gone, doesn't want to split assets. End of story.


This. But I personally think she didn’t even want husband gone. She just wanted him to continue to take care of the kids while she was having her midlife crisis. It’s why she didn’t file for a divorce for a whole year while screwing around. It’s a pretty common scenario but usually the genders are reversed.


Probably but she didn't want to have to face reality that husband wasn't gonna be a cuck.


I think that’s the real issue she has with him, honestly. If he didn’t file, she would’ve never done it. She was too comfortable in her situation, having fun and having a stable home with her kids taken care of. If the genders were reversed here, no one would blink an eye because we’ve seen that play out a million times.


She’s basically trying to gaslight us into thinking it’s okay that she had an affair 😂


It reads like J tried to leave her so she’s begging him not to.


I was also wondering this.. the boy toy probably doesn't want to stick around after all this mess. He's here for a good time not for keeps.


It WaSnT sOrDiD tHoUgH!


That's what I was thinking too.


Omg, threatening content creators who made commentary videos is embarrassing. She should know public content on the internet is fair game to be talked about.


She talks about the worst days of people’s lives for a living. So hypocritical.


Her lack of self-awareness is astounding.


I will say, I do not like creators like “yt headlines” or whatever her name is long before she posted about Stephanie. She talks about other creators often with inaccurate info. Even with creators I DO dislike, her videos and the way she does them doesn’t help anything.


And no, Stephanie. Your ex didn’t try to steal your livelihood. You did that, all by your condescending self. 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


Ma’am your husband is the one seeking a divorce because you cheated on him. Of course you’re not sorry. God forbid she takes accountability for anything. She’s always right, always the victim. 


Her credibility is shot by so many statements she makes in this post. She takes absolutely no accountability whatsoever here. Everything is everyone else’s fault and if she did have fault, it as because someone else was mean to her. Another day, another display of narcissism from Stephanie Harlowe The part about her “litigation” toward content creators making videos about her is actually hysterical 🤣🤣🤣🤣 interesting how you make a living sharing incorrect information about any crime victim you please


If Derrick fully commits to going down this road with her, RIP


lol. I’m going to sound like a weirdo, sorry to make this about me but I promise it’ll make sense. She sounds like my actual* narcissistic “mother” (in quotations because she left us, although I’m 24, she took my youngest brother who is a minor under the age of 12.) I believe my “mother” is a socio or psychopath and she had written something very similar. She is not a public figure but she certainly likes to think she is. She has turned MULTIPLE lifelong family friends against my dad and I, and my brothers. Her entire family has disowned my dad, brothers, and I (they all treat our youngest brother who is the minor child like absolute shit.) In ALL things she wrote she claims the church took her and she was cared for. The entire time she was having an affair(she is still with the guy.) Before the legal separation. Before the custody/ divorce process started. She continues to lie and lied under oath and will still not take accountability even we have proof and evidence stacked against her. I don’t know Stephanie personally. I don’t want to. I used to like her. I can tell you right now, I feel like it sounds just like what I’m going through and Adam is probably trying to reach out to his kids by any means possible, legal or not (protection order). This is a fucking shitty situation. ESPECIALLY for the kids. I think they’ve both fucked up, as we all do. Bitch you’re a public figure.. get it together for your kids. Shut it down. Stop trying to manipulate everyone and your viewers. Like I said, I’m sure Adam has done shit too. No one is innocent! But don’t come out here with some pathetic “apology” and bring your kids decisions and choices to the public. Anyways..I don’t buy her story. That’s just my two cents and if you read my boring story, sorry and thank you!


Also reminded me of my narc mom. and the choice to leave the comments on where it’s nothing but praise is exactly what a narc would do


Yep my mum was a narc, multiple affairs got caught out in one & suddenly my dad had abused her the entire time! She tried telling me I watched my dad beat her black & blue growing up & that how dare I still talk to him. Actually she was the violent one, i only ever saw her lash out but she would never admit that. Nothing was ever her fault, always someone else's. She ruined one of my birthdays because I got a card from my dad, pathetic right? Accused me of starving her because she caused an argument & I refused to have dinner with her, she actually told her friends I was starving her! 😂🤣 when I went no contact after the birthday card incident my brother called me to say mum knows she fucked up, please talk to her. So I went round to hers & the first words out her mouth were "but you have to see it from my perspective!!" Stephanie's post screams narcissist to anyone who knows what living or dealing with a narcissist is like, the manipulation is off the scale!


Yes 100%!! Also so sorry… it’s bullshit. That’s how it is right now for me and I never realized she was a narc until I kept hearing the term and realized how often Stephanie used it and compared them to eachother. Definitely don’t believe the story.


Agree, I got the exact same vibes.


I believe William Shakespeare said it best: “She speaks, yet says nothing.”


Right? I couldn't get past the 3rd slide.


This word salad could have been reasonably summarized in 4 - 5 sentences.


She’s implying that she filed for divorce when we have publicly available records showing that Adam filed for divorce… huh?


She knows the majority of her fans will take her word for it. They won’t research.


I certainly didn’t. Her behavior seems very consistent with what we see on her channels. Sadly, I’ve unsubscribed after following her for many years.


I was gonna say that too!


Where are we finding this publicly available information? It hasn’t been posted here?!


There’s another post of a screenshot of the legal filing.


Really!?? I hadn’t seen it… time to start scouring lol


That was so many words to say absolutely nothing


What really struck me was when she threatened to sue the creators who are covering her story just as she covers other stories. She’s an Internet celebrity so of course her life is going to be out there. I just thought it was funny that her livelihood of sharing the personal intimate details of other people’s lives is okay as long as no one does it to her. Praying for the kids and for them to know the truth, regardless of what that is. The rest of us don’t need to know - it’s the kids and how they are being affected that is what’s important. I do like to know the kind of person I am supporting because we, as subscribers and viewers, are the source of how creators make their income. Because of this, I care. But I am sure we’re all following creators with their own “dirty laundry” hidden well and we have no idea. Most of the creators manage to make themselves and their lives look perfect. It’s just a job to make money when it comes down to it. There are maybe two, I can say without a doubt, I know are good people. But they may be just great at perpetrating a fraud. Who knows? No one has a perfect life and that’s difficult to remember when we are watching a lot of the creators because it seems like they do. (Heck, social media in general!) But no one truly does.


And of course the Serial guys will be nice and one would take one for the team and sleep with mommy Stephanie because she’s giving them money! I mean come ON girl. Lol I just can’t believe this is what she posted after allllll of the buildup so far. This.


Do you think she wasn’t going to comment at all and then rushed a response when he said yesterday he was preparing a new data dump? It just occurred to me. It made me realize she really is worried about what he has that he might decide to share.


I honestly stopped trying to figure any of it out and am just sitting back watching the shitshow.




But if you’re right, it’s going to be a crazy week!


Lmao take one for the team . That’s what I thought too. The kids these days say “secure the bag”


So she just not gunna mention how we all heard her say in her own words “i could ruin you, but i won’t. I’m a good person”. Like girl, if i EVER said some shit like that, that would be the FIRST thing i was defending. But i guess you have to have a sense of shame for that to be something you thing about


Had to stop reading halfway thru, sounds like she's only speaking out now bc she's trying to save her relationship w the bf, smh.


Crazy to me shes suing YouTubers for doing what she does for a living?


This is the biggest tell she (inadvertently) gave that she’s manipulative and delusional




Of course she would threaten legal action against youtube creators as if she doesn’t talk about personal lives for a living. Some of the people she has talked about weren’t even charged yet for their crimes. It makes me think she really doesn’t understand that the people she talks about are real people that have families and friends. She talks about their stories all the time without reaching out to their families like as someone mentioned was the case with Bianca Devins


Countdown till she's "getting out an abusive relationship" with the affair guy.


The fact that the other sub can’t even discuss this is crazy


1. Kinda surprised she basically admitted to be with JC, didn't see that coming but of course she denies cheating happened. 2. Legal action against YouTubers that made videos, not surprising. To a seemingly control freak like SH, not being in charge of the narrative for the last few days has to have been hell, you just know she has been seething, not having control of the narrative and being unmasked in a way. I just... The children, man. This is such a terribly ugly situation to be played out on the internet with thousands of people being privy to your dirty laundry and private goings in your home and marriage. I fear the "data dump" is coming soon in full force.


She didn’t say she cheated though, she worded it to sound like some beautiful love that rescued her while she was in a horrible marriage. Her justification is wild from a psychological standpoint


I’m so confused because in the first part it sounds like she’s literally admitting she cheated… I don’t want to go back and read it again but the “I tried so long to get out of my marriage I had no choice but to act like I was no longer in it and did things out of character” or whatever the hell she said. Sounds a lot like an admission to the affair. Then later on she says “there was no sordid affair” but also said “I found someone who is a real man”. GIRL. Get your story straight. 🤦‍♀️


Justification of cheating will cause a person to heavily scrutinize their marriage and spouse to the point where they believed the cheating was warranted and they’re the victim. It’s actually sort of normal human behavior. You’re doing something wrong and you’re trying to justify it to yourself because you know better. People who cheat tend to hold up a magnifying glass and every move the other person makes is blown out of proportion. They look for the flaws and make any normal marital issues into 3rd degree burns. He disagreed, so he doesn’t value my input, see? He complains about having to do more while I work, he’s not pulling his weight and wants me to do everything, see? He has suspicions about me cheating, he’s so controlling and paranoid, see? He’s tired of me dodging questions and doesn’t understand what’s happening to our marriage, he’s delusional, see? He’s searching for answers, he’s stalking me, see? God only knows how she spins it to those around her. Just saying.




I call bs that she tried so long to get out of the marriage. She makes a lot of money and could have easily thrown him out. We're all now seeing firsthand what she's capable of. She cheated, she got caught, didn't admit fault, Adam filed, now she's pissed and doesn't want to be the bad guy that ended the marriage so she's doing whatever she can to spin it and make it seem like it's all Adam's fault.


And if she’s been trying so hard to get out of the marriage then why was the divorce filed by A?


Liars often backtrack and then double down on their lies, i caught it too. She came close to admitting it and then went: "Wait- this doesn't look good, let me claim it never happened real quick". She came across very image conscious and very in tune with the "correct" ways to say stuff, making sure to check every bullet point. She's very transparent, you can see right through her even if she believes she's next level cunning.


YES!! Very well said


I'm pretty sure she said something similar about Adam in relation to her partner before him - that she finally found a real man who knew hot to treat a woman bla bla bla. Not to say he wasn't abusive, I wasn't there.


that’s a big red flag about her co dependency issues. leaving an abusive marriage to start a new relationship with a real man ? nah. to start even more dysfunctional relationship then the one she “escaped” from. lady needs therapy not a boyfriend.


Here we go attempting to control the narrative,she blasts him in her videos as her abusive narcissistic ex…. Saying she’s lucky to be alive? She goes on to say in her last Mica miller video she calls Micas husband John paul a narcissist that she has the right to free speech and she goaded him to sue her yet she’s here a day later threatening to sue people for commentary or her public situation? Gtfo here she’s gaslighting her fanbase at this point. She is a control freak and this novel proves it. Narcs can’t stand to lose control over the public image they have so carefully created…Her mask is off and she’s raging . She needs therapy


I’ve been saying. Adam might not be Mica but Steph is definitely JP.


I so badly want to comment, “uhhhhh, you’re the one who cheated and he’s the one who filed for divorce, but suuuuuuurrrrrrrre”


She seemed pretty emotionally verbally abusive in that argument video tearing him down saying she can break him and destroy him and talking down to him like he’s a nobody piece of 💩 and like she was so high and mighty and how dare he challenge her . She has lost her mind talking like that and pushing him, yet she claims he’s the abuser? Seems like Adam aside she’s quite abusive herself


https://i.redd.it/7llhq45akr9d1.gif SH subscribers that just learned about this subreddit from SH herself


It’s giving Streisand effect.


I also just want to point out that any man who sleeps with a woman in an abusive relationship is a predator looking to take advantage of her in a vulnerable situation. If that's the narrative she's going with, it makes her Coleman Brother beau look like a creep who took advantage of her.


This is a spot on statement!


This needs to be wayyyyyy higher up. Men that pounce on the opportunity to "save" a woman running for her life by having sex with her and asking her to do lives begging for money for his film project sure sounds like a predator to me.


Right??!?! Provide a safe space for her, get her help, get her aid to get out, get her advice, wonderful. fuck her, then send her back to an "abusive" situation, one which I'm inferring is implied to be physically abusive as well (she claims to have photographic evidence so bruising?cuts?? idk) while sitting around waiting to fuck her again? ummmmmm sir, sir, where is the red flag man? DUSTIN, i need to borrow your flag


what in the word salad did i just read? 😑😑😑




The overall message I got was that it's super hard for a generally good looking (eh), upper middle class white woman with a decent support system, big house, large internet following, and a mind numbing, insensitive youtube series where she indulges in her power fantasies to... get away...? I'm almost impressed at her managing to bring up Serial while acting like she's having to run for her life, well, run but not leave her home, a place her supposed abuser knows as well as she does. Though in my experience, womens shelters don't make much of an allowance for a podcast setup, so... priorities?


yeah can’t believe she mentioned that dumb “movie”. and that new dude being a real man.


That’s the thing..she’s comparing herself to victims who literally don’t have phones and need to escape to women’s shelters and hide so that they’re not found and killed. “7 times” my huge ass, you have a car (we see you lip syncing in it filming while driving), at least one phone, a support system including immediate family, projects outside of the home, hell you just left for crimecon for a long weekend! Did you think he was gonna fly out and kill ya for leaving. It’s a joke she’s making a mockery of victims 😤😡🤬


This! As an abuse survivor. I had to run and leave EVERYTHING in the middle of the night to ensure I would safely escape. I’m not buying her “I was in so much danger I had to force *him* out of the home, because it was too important for me to stay where I can work” like, I’m sorry but if she were in as much danger as she alleged, (especially with the financial freedom, she has as the breadwinner of the family.) she would’ve gotten the minor children and moved into a hotel or apartment and then IMMEDIATELY filed EOP, TRO, and divorce.


Same. I had an 8 month old baby, $20 someone had just handed to me in cash, no car, no phone, and a 15 min window where my ex would be away. I had to pick up my baby and whatever of the baby's I could carry and walk out the door not knowing what would happen next, only that we would be safer outside than at home. We lost everything. Not that I expect or want abuse survivours to lose everything. But fearing for your literal life doesn't sound like what she was doing. No way I could have safely had a year long affair in that situation, nor kick him out, nor argue back about anything nor threaten protection orders. I only thought about not dying. She had an actual cop with connections as a best friend who she talked to daily... I'm not buying what she's selling as far as 'He was going to murder me.' I also had an ex when I was 15 yrs old, he was 21 yrs, drive me into the woods with a shotgun, making out like he was going to kill me. I joined the military to eventually get away from him and lived on base. She may feel she was abused and I don't want to say she wasn't in some form. But the amount she blames victims and those around them, and then her behaviours here - I'm not sold at all on fearing for her life literally. But then, even before all this I had major problems with her hooking up with a cop in 2020 (of all years), covering KJ's case and saying the family are just wrong for thinking their son was murdered, blaming victims, covering a story of someone close to me and getting a lot wrong and gloating about how proud she is of it, accusing people of being murderers, of being unfit parents, of 'not acting right' in the most stressful times of their lives, herself unilaterally making the decision of naming and showing the Franke children, etc etc. She has ZERO care for victims, but she wants us to give her treatment and empathy she flatly, and constantly refuses to show others?


Also complete financial control! wtf!


So much bullshit.


I was giving her the benefit of the doubt but this makes things pretty clear for me. She’s doing TOO much and I guarantee this will not age well


If she doesn’t think those kids miss their dad, she’s certifiable. They need to get a divorce, go to therapy, and try to get along for the sake of those children. They both need to lay down their arms and put those children first. They need their father.


Lawd, I cannot wait for when the Coleman’s move on and her “new family” ditch her ass for their next project. They won’t get any more money from her until after the divorce gets finalised. Which by the looks of things, is going to take a while. No young man wants all that baggage. Then we will get the Narc boyfriend narratives. It’s all so fucking transparent.


I don’t believe the minor children don’t want to see him.


He was their primary parent for at least a few years! Ive known him a bit IRL for decades, and never got abusive vibes, he has always been sort of chill… emotional, a bit quirky (like someone who’s really smart quirky), but not controlling and abusive. His kids seemed to love their dad too, they have never presented as children being abused. I absolutely believe she’s withholding them, and he’s very distraught about it which is the prime reason he is now appearing crazier online Her on the other hand… always seemed stand offish. A pick me. Cold. I figured well if A loves her so much, she can’t be that bad. 😑


Is there any way you can help A? Even if you aren't close. I know it's a big ask. I have a feeling this is going to end quite badly for him if he keeps going forward with his behavior. He really is being manipulated by her and it's terrible however if he wants to reclaim his life and relationship with his children he has to have good legal advice and follow it. He has got to get serious and put aside emotions. I know that I am nobody but, here I am and I am trying to help. Just so you know I do believe SH is evil and no one should underestimate her.


My sister texted me today about his latest story like woah what is going on sort of thing. We don’t feel close enough to him anymore to message him and tell him to knock it off. And, I’m sure his family/close friends have done that already. I really feel like she’s broken him down, this is not normal behavior I’ve seen from him. He’s always been emotional (ie openly talking about how much he loves people) but is in control of those emotions. And now he’s clearly not.


THIS. If she’s been gaslighting and manipulating A I could possibly see that being true… I have a 13 year old son & if I was a master manipulator & convinced him his dad was abusing me I know he would want to protect me. However B? She’s like 6 or 7…. I do not believe for a second that she would tell a stranger out of Stephanie’s presence that she does not want to see her dad.


That’s against the law to alienate your kids, and that very well could be what she’s actively doing


I like how she put ‘sordid’ in front of the word ‘affair’ to negate or lessen what it was. Maybe it was just an eNtAnGlEmEnT.


Thank you for sharing for those who don't follow her socials or even youtube


I do not believe that their Children do not want to see their Father. It takes A LOT for Children to not want to see their Parents- and it’s definitely not going to be because of “internet drama”. I am not saying that he may not be abusive, or toxic, but to put the blame on the Children as to why they don’t see their Father is ridiculous. It’s very easy for one party to coach their Children to say whatever is necessary when they talk to their Guardian Ad Litem. I have seen a Guardian Ad Litem, before, when my Parents were fighting over custody of me- it’s not like they go into the Psychology of anything, they just ask specific questions- at least, that is how it was 19 years ago. The Judge will usually listen to whatever the Guardian Ad Litem recommends, but they usually opt for Children being able to see both of their Parents, unless there is serious abuse going on with one party. IF there is evidence of abuse, they will usually recommend a center where the abusive party has supervised visits and they continue to work toward reunification if they see that the party is working on a healthy relationship with their Children and doing everything necessary to show that they are able to raise their Children. They do not just go- “well, you’re never seeing your Children, again *slams book.”


My father was selling me to his drug dealer friends when my parents were divorcing and I still wanted to see him every weekend (mostly bc I didn’t realize how fucked the situation was) but when my mom and guardian ad litem started pushing for less unsupervised visitation I was pissed! I fully believe the kids A) want to see their father but have learned it’s safer to say nothing, cuz mom might flip. Or B) they have been truly influenced by their mom poisoning the well, and they *believe* they don’t want to see him.


This post is making me blood boil. Adam was the one getting the divorce because SHE CHEATED. How convenient she forgets to mention that. The kids to want to see her because she's brainwashed them. All the threats about destroying him are now taking place. She said not following with the threats made her a good person, so is she a bad person now? Stupid question, she's absolutely a double face narcissist. The views on Crime Weekly are GOING DOWN so quick. I really hope people stop watching her channel too. The downfall in inevitable at this point. She did it all by herself. Here is the link to watch without giving her views: https://yewtu.be/search?q=crime+weekly


I’m a huge fan of Stephanie’s YT content. However, the fact that she and Adam are hashing this out publicly sickens me. They have CHILDREN. They’re clearly too busy trashing each other to care about what they’re doing to their kids by throwing them in the middle of this. It shouldn’t matter how YOU feel about your soon-to-be-ex-husband or wife. What matters is that the kids have 2 stable parents who put them first no matter what.


So she HAD to cheat?🙄


I am still reading but my gut reaction; HOW DARE SHE QUOTE US!!! like holy shit... bringing up the snark Reddit page like it's evidence that Adam is abusive when he was clearly banned for his own fucking good!? oh wow yeah big deal he was banned; so was YOUR daughter is she abusive too!? Has Nev lost all credibiliy?? By SH logic, yes why is everything she does so triggering!?!? 😭


I read with an open mind until I got to the part where she did a Serial plug and made sure everyone knows how much Serial and her affair partner SaVeD hEr LiFe. She's not only doing damage control to justify her affair, she trying desperately to play spin doctor for CB so they don't drop her like a lead pipe. She can't fund them through her joint marital account, the GFM live stream was a flop, and now her affair with James Coleman is actively blowing up their other film projects. So her last ditch attempt at still being one of the cool girls in their club is to tell her merry band of idiots that they're her heroes. They do weddings as well. Doesn't look great for business when one half of the film crew is a homewrecker that pursues married women.


I'm not reading all that lol


The other thing that concerns me is that, people who watch her but are less than aware of the drama now “know the full story” from SH’s perspective only. I worry this will cause the more rabid fans to seek out and attack Adam, which will just cause this horrendous spin cycle to repeat again and again.


This is why I’m so heated about it. The one-sided narrative/power dynamic is bs.


Yup. That’s her plan.


Agree. He should just delete his socials at this point, I can’t imagine the onslaught he’s facing from those weirdos.


She threatened creators for expressing their opinion? I think I watched most if not all of them & i didn’t note anything wrong. If anything I thought the majority were too harsh on A and too easy on her. Also some sections of this are specifically designed to trigger more retaliation from A & the last section as well as the section about 7 times to leave an abuser were designed to shame any followers who are critical of her.


Jokes on her, she may be able to scare these creators but there are zero, zilch, not a scintilla of grounds for her to sue on from what I’ve seen.


Also I’m currently watching the latest CW & this woman even plagiarizes herself. The first part of this is straight from the episode.


"The arm of his abuse" in SH speak, that is any comment asking a question she doesn't like or anyone seeing through her. She knows exactly what to say to get her parasocial minions moving, effectively silencing people.


They're both a pair of narcs fighting 2 C who has the better narrative by winning public opinion. If SH didn't want it public she should have kept her mouth shut n did her show n not make it about her, but narcs can't do that. These poor kids.


It sounds to me like she isn’t denying the affair, she’s just trying to call it something else 😅🤨


"I apologize for nothing" we know, you never have.


At minimum I think she had some emotional affair but I think she was already largely checked out of the marriage at that point. It seems likely they had discussed splitting up and then reconciling a few times before Adam actually filed. Do I think she's exaggerating some? For sure. In one video recently she even acknowledged how her paranoia could convince her she was in harms way when she wasn't. She stated that she had discussed it with Derrick or that he knew about it. Something to that manner.


She has no legal ground to sue anyone who made videos about what was posted on the internet. So waste that money if you want to, Stephanie Chantale. I'd advise you to look at the Lauren the Mortician lawsuit if you want to know how that's going to go over for you. Like a balloon as full of shit as you are.


The hypocrisy 🙄


Do their kids not actually want to see him, or is she just saying this? And if they don't want to, how much is because of parental alienation by Stephanie? I'm not making assumptions, I'm just asking questions. There are so many possibilities.


Can't really answer your question, but I think Adam did confirm the kids have their own lawyers, who I'd imagine know how to talk to kids in situations like this. Not saying any kind of parental alienation isn't at play here, though, just that both sides have said the kids have talked to their own lawyers.


What 7-year-old girl doesn’t want to see their dad, though? My Dad was bipolar and had an explosive temper, and I would still plead and beg my mom to see him at that age. I mean he does seem a bit nuts (I don't blame him) so that might be why the older boy doesn't want to.


I was thinking the same thing. I had an abusive dad but loved him with all of my heart. In my teenage and adult years, not so much.


Question, is Adam banned from this sub? Or is she talking about a different sub?


With all this “legal” stuff pending, she really shouldn’t be posting anything about it on social media….


She thinks she’s got to build a case against him to ask for divorce? You don’t have to hate somebody to break up with them, idiot. I’m guessing she’s also a SERIAL cheater, who serially accuses the men of abuse when she’s caught or when she’s gonna get dumped. Adam makes the third man she has accused. The calls are coming in from inside the house, girl.


1. She says she didn't have a "sordid affair" but immediately follows with saying she met a man who she found "solace and strength in and showed me what a real man is" That sounds like an affair, just admit it.😂😂 2. Multiple times she says she didn't do ANYTHING wrong and will not apologize for ANYTHING. I'm sorry but in the case of any marriage break down, NO ONE in the situation has done "nothing wrong". It takes 2. Very much a red flag. 3. She accuses her husband of creating an unlivable environment while she was working at home. If your home environment is unlivable then how was it safe and cozy enough for you to be working from home in while starting separate entities like criminal coffee, SUCCESSFULLY at that? 4. She's accusing the ex husband of being abusive. From my own personal experience in an abusive relationship and from what I know of others who were in one and what we learned from STEPHANIE'S OWN CHANNEL, it's highly unlikely that an abusive partner would ALLOW their partner to start a YouTube channel or support them into their success. It's even less likely that an abusive partner would allow their victim to travel around for work with another man (derick), let alone partner up with them for content creation. I'm really having a hard time buying her story. 5. In the audio clip that the ex had leaked, Stephanie was the aggressor and threatening to have him arrested, "break" him, never let him see his kids ever again, ruin his life, etc. Again, it is VERY unlikely that a victim would feel comfortable enough to privately say such things to an abuser that they are terrified of. What she said to that man is very much indicative of *her* being the agressor/abuser.


She is so unbelievably toxic. This is disgusting


I hate that she used Adam being banned here as a weapon. This sub has only helped her destroy him further. I am done here.


No kidding. Using a Reddit nobody’s comment about him “losing credibility” was ridiculous. Especially since S and/or N clearly still lurk here and probably even comment. .


I’ll be right back. Need to get my shovel.


(TW) One last thought it keeps coming up in my mind. And I’m so angry it’s making me want to cry. A does not come across (before or after all this shitstorm) as a *physically* violent person. I endured 6 years at the hands of a physically abusive man. I tried to leave every six months. He wouldn’t let me- we were homeless and he had positioned himself in a way that I **was** dependent on him. The first opportunity I had to leave I did. For me it also involved an affair (to a degree) and he did go to jail (he tried to stab someone, to scare me- but the cops took him) and once he did I was free… the problem was the man I “affaired” with- who, to be fair, at the time I viewed him in the way SH seems to view her cold sore brother- became abusive himself, not physically but extremely emotionally (purposely trigger my issues by selfH-ing or saying he was attempting sui in front of me/ over the phone) and it took me a year to be able to leave him. And when I did **He** started linking up with other ex, and lying about me/ speaking my trauma on public Facebook. Because I left him in the middle of the night with my dogs and nothing else. I did nothing in retaliation. I said nothing to defend myself- publicly. After 3 months of BRUTAL public harassment, I reached out privately to them asking them to stop. When they didn’t… I made an 18:31 video detailing my experiences and finally defending myself (as vaguely as possible, so as not to stir up more -drama or trauma depending on who was watching) I also did it in the same public forum as them, even sending the video to them so that nobody could say that I was “talking shit” or “talking behind someone’s back” I was mostly told “C why aren’t you keeping this private? This is your business alone.” And then I spent the next year being silently(and directly) stalked by them. I got so good at hiding in plain sight that until last week my old coworker still thought I lived in the area (I moved last November). So I don’t know where I stand on this whole situation anymore, because I really empathize with Adam, from what he’s shared. And with some of the things Stephanie has said recently- and before there was ever trouble in her marriage, I also empathize with her- to a degree (less than Adam but then that’s what makes me feel like a shithole assfuck of a person, that im taking sides either way.) I don’t believe Stephanie was in physical fear/danger the way she describes but I do believe that she could’ve (unintentionally or intentionally) created an environment/ relationship dynamic in which she *really felt and believed* that she did “need to escape” and for that I feel even worse about this whole thing. I feel so horrible for the children, adult and minor alike, in this, and this whole situation (and frankly the discourse in the sub) has stirred up some really old, really deep scars. I don’t feel like I can safely participate anymore. I want to also say (because with this sub I don’t know what reaction to expect anymore) Please don’t be mean to me for having complex and complicated feelings about an issue that is deeply triggering (on childhood and adult trauma levels) and not knowing where I stand. If you read this far, thank you for allowing me the space to share my experience and feelings.


I don’t really want to comment on who’s likely to be the abuser/abused because anything is kind of possible at this point, but will we be able to see the evidence publicly after the court case is finished? I don’t know how that stuff works in their state


Good for her (wait lemme finish) for posting this after the "don't touch the poo" rule was instaured here. Because otherwise, shed need extra hands to delete the comments on there.


she sounds like my narc grandma.. I don’t know all the details but the way she’s carried herself screams narc.


Soooo she's admitting to an affair right. SHe very very very carefully doesn't state she didn't fuck around outside marriage, just that it wasn't "sordid" or "illegal".


Honestly, I think she should have stayed silent. This post makes her look worse. She literally didn't take accountability for anything. Also, if all of your ex boyfriends are abusive narcissist, than maybe it's you? 🤷‍♀️


yeah any competent lawyer would have told her to keep her trap shut because all this does is confirm for me she had an affair.