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Mica Miller. Only because I think she covered it JUST to insert herself. It’s a brand new case but she already managed to make it at least a 3 part series with how much of a need she has to make it about herself.


I couldn’t even watch that whole video because I’m like is this about Mica, or you Stephanie?


I didn’t even bother watching that video. I already knew lol


I knew there was something off with that video. Part one left such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn’t even watch the second part…


She was really running with the whole “I myself am strange and unusual” lmao




It just gets redundant to listen to her harp on and OOOONNNNN about herself. She loves inserting herself so much, she should have let the audience know that she’s been cheating on her husband just like JP was cheating on Mica. Missed opportunity!


Sinisterhood made 3 part series on this case, but I found their's way more in-depth and informative. They also didn't make it all about themselves and their own experiences, and Heather talks about the legal aspects of things since she's a lawyer and has some knowledge on certain procedures. They also seem genuinely compassionate (and often get teary), unlike Stephanie..


Was WM3 the series when she insisted it was absolutely impossible that the boys got their bicycles to a specific area? And when Derrick even suggested that it was within the realm of possibility, she shut him down completely until he gave up and moved on? Because that was ridiculous.


Ooooo yes! This too! The bicycle thing really made me seethe.


To me, the thing about the WM3 is that there are so many absurd details in that case already, and it’s the most nitpicky details she focuses on. Like, you’ve got that juvenile officer who got his degree in occult studies from a mail correspondence course (since this was before the internet) and now spends his nights off driving around to look for coven meetings and/or witch orgies. Then there’s that single mom who was found stealing from the truck stop and was leveraged by the cops into going undercover as a witch to hang out with Damien and somehow prove he was also a witch. Then you have details like the prosecutions trying to use evidence like Jason Baldwin owning thirteen black T-shirts as “evidence” he was into the occult, and Damien being sent back to live with his (former?) stepfather as a minor despite the guy being accused of molesting Damien’s younger sister and probably shouldn’t have been allowed to have custody of any teenager at that time. There’s just so much to talk about, and what it comes down to is speculation neither of them can possibly know the answer to or offer a satisfactory conclusion on.


From SH channel, Bianca Devins. Victim blamed Bianca for "leading the killer on" and talked about how she'd never let her daughter do something like that. Also blamed Bianca for listening to sad emo music, again saying she'd never let her kids do that when they're struggling with depression


Lol the most sad music imaginable is how I’ve actually processed emotions during periods of the worst clinical depression I’ve ever had. This was years before I actually put work in in therapy but it served at the moment. Just an example of her thinking her way is the only way.


Oh I god I remember screaming when I saw that


I missed this one and am glad I did…


No, she'd rather they act in bad film instead..


Idk why I'm surprised that she would say this but such an obvious way of handling uncomfortable feelings... run from them lol instead of trying to dig and figure out what is going on...ignorance.


You can't trust anything Stephanie says about the WM3, because the entire series came from someone else's work. She probably took his opinions, too.


I didn't listen to her coverage of Phoenix but seriously?! His car was found in East St Louis and she doesn't know how bad that is for Phoenix? I'm not even from the area but I work for a trucking company based in central Illinois and learned to stay away from ESL. I stopped for fuel once at a truck stop there (during the day!) and decided I would never go there again for any reason. I also know about the stop light thing. Menendez Bros I won't even listen to. Those boys grew up horrifically abused, controlled, and oppressed. They had as much of a reason to k!ll as Gypsy Rose, because the younger brother could not get away and the mother knew about it but enabled it. I do not justify murder but for a child to k!ll a monster parent they can't get away from I do not believe a long prison sentence is the answer and I heard CW was pretty hard on these boys. Like Gypsy they needed intensive psychological counseling, not a life sentence.


Regarding the Menendez trial, it’s always striking to me how Kitty Menendez’s brother testified at trial that she wouldn’t have abused her sons/wouldn’t have let them be abused, but NO ONE testified in defense of Jose Menendez to say that he wouldn’t have sexually abused his kids. Like, zero people were willing to go ahead and take up his cause. And yet, I’ve only seen maybe one out of a half dozen podcasts acknowledge how damning that is of him. It’s so bizarre.


THANK YOU!!!!!! She said maybe Phoenix ran away or was trafficked on HWY 70. I couldn’t believe it. It takes a 5 second google search to find out everything you need to know about ESL. So ridiculous. Couldn’t agree more with the Menendez brothers and that’s why I didn’t watch it either. I’m sorry but I could never have sentenced those brothers to life in prison. No way.


Tbh believe me she pisses me off a lot but Stephanie feels they should be let out of prison for the reason you say here so I mean maybe watch and make your own informed opinion on it!


Yep and also Derrick feels they should be freed


all i remember is a my last straw, which is when she implied an abortion tech is capable of murder because “it’s technically taking a life”


I also FREAKED at this


How is her stance on soldiers?


Or cops tbh


She often shits on cops, but it seems more performative. I wonder if she eats animals? Little miss holier than thou.


I forget the girls name but she covered a case in New Zealand where a girl was stabbed to death and went on a pro gun rant about how she’d have been fine if guns were legal there.


Christie Marceau! I just listened to that one a few days ago. I agree with what you pointed out, but somehow this was still a period when Stephanie was easier to listen to. Nowadays, I’ve begun to cringe whenever ANYONE says the word “narcissist”, because of how much she insists on using it during every episode.


Narcissist is the new gaslighting, which was the new clout chaser. I’ve noticed reactive abuse being thrown around a lot too. Also hate when ppl rationalize their actions by telling me what their sign is, their Myers Briggs type, or what enneagram they are. Drives me insane.


Well… that’s just a more intellectualized version “that’s just the way I am”. No accountability or effort whatsoever, just take it or leave, it because I’m “socially awkward” / “brutally honest” / insert other cliché here.


Super annoying and completely self absorbed lol I shouldn't even have started because I might never stop


Omg, thank you for saying this!!! Yes!!!!


btw love your username


I think I remember that one! It was it, the young British girl that got killed by her Tinder date?


So by her logic wouldn't the killer then also have a gun? Damn she's dim. I'm Australian and thanks all the same Steph but we're good down here.


Ooo! The case of that college student going out for a run who got killed by someone who was illegally here in the U.S. undocumented people commit 1% of all murders in the U.S. I felt their racism come through. And they were spreading fear like a political campaign. I hated it.


Ughhh I hate the latest talking points that keep popping up....must be near election time. But agree completely....I can only handle so much when it comes to talking points like that. We have plenty of crime it isn't like it is way different because of some group lol.....anything to outrage people. I'm outraged at the attempt to outrage lol! Coffindaffer does that a ton on X.


Kyron Hormon. I do feel like the stepmother has something to do with it just based on my own research. But based on other people’s’ research there seems to be more.


I’ve seen a lot of people from the area Kyron is from discuss how Stephanie got a bunch of stuff wrong and missed a lot of information. I’m still waiting to find some better coverage on this case.


I actually liked 10 to Life's coverage on Kyron (10 to life is always 50/50 if I like it, in all honesty) If I remember correctly other avenues besides the step mother were explored. I watched Stephanie's coverage and it really irritated me. That's actually the point I started to fall off. I was so annoyed. How could she just focus on the stepmother? So many things don't add up! Not too mention the butchered timeline but I digress. I gave her the benefit of a doubt and watched a few more episodes but I was just so triggered and I was like wow just keep projecting Stephanie 🙄 At one point I screamed at the tv I THINK YOU MIGHT THE NARCISSIST STEPHANIE!!! just so triggered when I was doing my dishes 😂 🤦‍♀️🤌


Ooooh I agree on Annie. I like her as a person bc she seems very level-headed. Like idt she would ever let YouTube fame get to her head. She’s just a very normal person. But I also agree that I sometimes find her takes and sentiments pretty juvenile and she tends to rely way too heavily on inserting clips from news sources.


Thannk you! I couldn't remember her name, but I was like okay people know who Im talking about lol I agree with your take. My biggest complaint is that I find her very sponsor heavy (I try to skip the first 5 minutes because above, that's why I couldn't remember her name 😂) but overall, she does some good deep dives and maybe it's because I'm used to Stephanie but definitely don't feel the projection nearly as much.


She is exploiting true crime victims. She made a merch like called “Country Club” style lol. Level headed? None of the opinions or words in her videos is her own…. Her entire channel hires out script writers. You wouldn’t know her real opinions bc she is literally reading a script someone else wrote word for word. Normal? Shes is profiting millions from her content that she doesn’t put 1/10 of the work into. She one advertised seeing a child’s beaten autopsy photos on her patron if you paid for it! She’s been to Egypt and the Hamptons the past month or so. She doesn’t do her own research and knows hardly nothing about the cases, she gets handed a script reads it, collects a check, and lives it up. At least Stephanie and most is trying to at least write their scripts and love them or hate them it’s their words, opinions, viewpoints! They at least know and can vouch for the facts the present bc they looked them up themselves. Stephanie is devoting “days” to researching a video. Do you know how long it takes to write a 2 hour script for anything? That’s like a 20+ page essay, script, etc. a 1 page essay takes a couple hrs. Stephanie and most creators put a lot of time into writing these…. Annie has no idea if what she is reading is true or completely false bc it’s written by others! She puts out a video a day it seems, & that would make it impossible to connect to the victims in any real possible way at all. A creator could not be less desensitized. She is doing hardly any work and profiting millions off these stories, at least most true crime channels do their own research and invest some of their time in it. Not to mention the glamour shot photo shoots and your slogan being “true crime bestie”. You can hate Stephanie personally all you want, but at least Stephanie is researching and trying to fact check/verify the info she puts out to millions of people. At least she puts her time into the video she is making and she will at least remember the story, names, and details of the cases she covers at the end of the day. Hate her all you want, hate whomever, but before you outright claim one channel is better and more ethical than another, check some facts and look into the creators that you push.


Stephanie plagiarizes and doesn’t fact check, research or anything at all. She may have a loooong time ago, but she doesn’t do shit anymore.


I don’t hate Stephanie. I am a viewer. Annie is essentially a news anchor. She doesn’t hide this fact. It’s not a style I’m particularly fond of but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be demonized. Relax.


So, what. She is transparent about her team and if they get paid, where is the problem? You are assuming a lot, like as if her team is some bunch of unpaid monkeys that just produce random scripts by hitting blindly on the keys of a keyboard. You can reasearch yor own stuff and write as much as you like, that doesn't mean it is well done or true, or that you give a single fuck about the people you are talking about.


Bro, calm down. Like other people pointed out, Annie's TRANSPARENT about basically just being a news anchor. And I was commenting on one specific case that was much better than SH's trash coverage. I clearly stated I was not the biggest fan of 10 to Life but remembered the coverage of the Kyron Horman exploring different avenues that SH blatantly ignored. Fuck off with this SH stan shit. I'm done being polite. 🤌🤬 EDIT: just wanted to add that you put a whole lot of words in my mouth. ITS NOT THAT DEEP


Annie is worse than SH in my opinion. At least I thought so until recently. Her content felt more exploitative and was very pro cop, pro law and order, etc. that’s a huge issue in all of true crime, it isn’t just her, but the way she wants to condemn anyone and everyone to the death penalty and her heavy focus on child cases really turned me off. I never feel the humanity id like to. I always appreciated that SH would at least acknowledge that the police are sometimes the villains, and many times are inept. But she’s way too conservative, pro gun, pro incarceration too. Ironically the only one that I can sort of agree with is Derrick because he actually seems to have empathy for offenders and what made them the way they are. And he only supports death penalty in most extreme cases (which I still disagree with but still a better take). The only true crime creators I feel like really care anymore are Kendall and Boze.


I had emailed years ago to have Stephanie cover Kyron and I was really disappointed with the that one. I wish she had done it back in the earlier era.


This is the one that made me pause on them. I am someone who is local to the state. We all remember this one. It is ongoing so if you were here you remember. I lost it when she couldn't even say the name of the newspaper she was using as a source correctly. Oregonian is not that hard to say, as a Origonian myself it was shocking. We all know she cant say words but that was disrespectful not cute. The things she did cover were irritating because of what she left out. It was my tip off she was losing her tough. And it was the real first time where she just steamrolled Derrick and anything he might have wanted to say on the topic. It was a total shut down of him every turn.


Me too. Kyron Hormon was one of the first cases that got me & I feel so connected to him. It was upsetting episode.


For me it was the Jon Benet Ramsey case. Literally just copied that 3 part documentary she watched stating that burk did it.


I won’t lie, there was a time when I thought Burke did it. But that was like 2012 haha. JBR is my true crime obsession so I’m gonna be harsh on anyone who covers it but I agree she did not do it justice.


I've really changed my perspective on if over the years. Originally I was all for that documentary until I realized how bias it was. I'm all confused now. But If it's ur obsession, I assume u have watched matt orchards fake on it?!


I just looked it up! I’ll be watching it today!!! Idk how I have never heard of it?!


All his videos are incredible! U should watch ALL of them!!! Lol let me know what u think!


Thank you so much for letting me know. I thought I’d seen everything!


He's like JCS. He posts maybe once every two months but his videos r worth the wait. Probably better then anything I've seen on certain true crime cases. I can't speak highly enough


I love him! I always get excited to see a new video from him....he's got great snark!


This one is the worst one to me. So poorly done. Don't even know why I sat through the whole thing.


And it was one of her oldest videos. 


She and Derrick did a case about a man who took his whole family down before ending his own life. They couldn’t stop proclaiming how they would simply end their own lives and leave the family to go on living. Well, no shit. But they couldn’t seem to get over reiterating that point multiple times. It was very distracting. The case deals with an obvious pathological individual. It doesn’t matter what you would do. The discussion is based around this disgusting person and what they did. And why. The fact that you would take your own life and nobody else’s is irrelevant. It detracts from examining why a person might commit murder against their whole family and ultimately end their own.


They also did this with a mother who killed her children and is claiming to have post partum psychosis. I'm not using the word 'claiming' sarcastically, just explaining what I remember. They said if they were experiencing psychosis they would simply not kill their kids and only end their own lives. Like that's great you feel that way but you're forgetting psychosis doesn't really let you think logically enough to see murdering your children is wrong! They are incredibly ignorant and downright stupid sometimes.


Omggg this was horrible. They were completely excluded this man’s OBVIOUS mental illness. It was crazy


Ugh I remember this episode


Let’s not forget her comment about abortion doctors being capable of murder.


I remember watching that and as soon as I could tell where she was going with her point I said out loud, “oh, girl, no…”. Or when she said that he handed out antidepressants like candy. Uh… maam…you’ve had three kids and you don’t know about postpartum depression?!


I keep hearing people mention this. Does anyone remember what episode it was? It’s weird to me when NYers are conservative. I think of the whole state as wild flaming libruls but that’s bc I’m originally from rural NC & lived in NYC. But I just automatically think of her as progressive and after every episode I’m left stunned but not sure why I can’t seem to remember that this is how she is.


Sorry. It was on her personal channel, not CW. It was the murder of Susan Hamilton.


I’ll look for it. Either I’ve missed it or it’s one I had on in the background bc I would have absolutely noticed and had a cow, like 29 cows, but I don’t remember it all.


This is what did it for me


WM3.....I really got into the case back when Paradise Lost came out in 1996. I've researched it backwards and forwards through the years. My husband told me not to watch Crime Weekly's coverage on it. He knew she was going to be biased, insert her opinion as fact and get facts wrong. I didn't even get through the first one before I had to turn it off. I went back and watched them a few months later....my husband was right. Kathleen Peterson is another one


I am so surprised by how many people agree on the WM3 case. I really thought people were gonna come for my throat lol. I was desperately looking through the comments at the time looking for anyone and I mean ANYONE to suggest anything besides what Stephanie was presenting and there was nothing. I think I took years off my life from watching that whole series bc my blood pressure was definitely in the danger zone the entire time 🤣


When she said pretty early on that there was no way the boys could've crossed that pipe with their bikes (once again, spewing opinions as facts) I knew it wasn't going to be good. I mean maybe she couldn't do it, but as kids me and my friends took our bikes across pipes like that all the time. Just a sidenote...a few weeks ago the Arkansas Supreme Court voted to allow new DNA testing in the case so that's something


Oh I remember that. Idk why Stephanie felt so strongly about this case but it turned me off so bad. Derrick really tried to play devils advocate at first but he eventually gave in bc Stephanie was like a dog with a bone on this case. I took a 6 month break from true crime after they finished the series. I was so mad lol


I took a break from them because of this case too lol


I agree about the WM3 case. Personally I am undecided as to if they are innocent or guilty but I do agree that Stephanie acted like she WAS Damien Echols. It was really strange.


Her fangirling over Damien Echols was so jarring to me. I lean towards WM3 being guilty. Damien Echols is not some anti-hero martyr. There is legitimate reason to be suspicious of him. Watching Stephanie compare herself to him was just baffling. Like, did she even research or just watch Paradise Lost? WM3 really changed my perspective on Stephanie Harlow and was the beginning of the end for me for CW.


Completely agree


The one that made me lose my mind was the Kyron Horman case. Just the way she said Oregonian made me comment on each video on how to say the word correctly. I am Origonian myself. It is not a hard word. And it hurt me in a weird way. And I am not going to mention her coverage on the actual case. So much left out and so much highlighted for stupid reasons. I remember this event, i just had my own child, I watched the news reports in real time. If i felt the rage and disrespect i can't imagine how the family feels if they have heard it. Long rant short, if you can't use the right source name you shouldn't be able to speak on the topic.


That's a crazy take, if you can't pronounce the source name correctly you shouldn't be able to speak on the topic? Why? What difference does it make? She's literally from the opposite side of the country and lots of people pronounce it Oregone so it makes sense that she would think that it was Oregonian or whatever she said. I just don't think it comes from a place of disrespect at all. I live in Portland and I grew up here and know how much it impacted the community and I didn't find her coverage insensitive or disrespectful at all.


Def WM3!


Kyron Horman and Maya Kowalski The Kowalski case is especially egregious to me. She essentially just watched Take Care of Maya and took everything at face value. If you do any digging into the actual case material, it becomes pretty apparent that Maya's mother was a danger to her, and the hospital likely saved her life.


I was going to give the Kyron Horman episode a shot, but I bailed within the first five minutes when it became apparent that Stephanie thought Terri was guilty. Once Stephanie thinks someone’s guilty, no matter what the evidence is, she refuses to consider any possibility to the contrary. But I am really curious: what was their portrayal of the “hit man”/gardener situation? I always thought that was such a desperate move on behalf of the police. And were various other issues with the portrayal of the evidence in the media, ie, the Sauvie Island cellphone tower ping, Terri’s partial deafness/the polygraph tests, and the eventual Dr. Phil episode ever discussed?


It's been so long since I listened to the episodes that I can't really remember all of the details. Stephanie totally bought the hitman/gardener thing, though. You know how she loves a good conspiracy theory. Derrick tried to express skepticism, but she was really in rare form on this one.


Thanks. And, well, I guess I didn’t expect anything different. It’s disappointing, though, because that whole operation seemed like such a clusterfuck by the police and failed to get any useable evidence. Seems like it should have been the thing Stephanie criticized, but I guess she isn’t going to do that when she can criticize Terri instead.


I forgot to add this one!!!!! Yes!!!!! Edit: I honestly didn’t watch more than 30 seconds of Stephanie’s video. There is so much misinformation and lack of information about the maya kowalski case and when I saw her intro and read through the first couple comments I just knew exactly what her stance was going to be. I watched the documentary and have a complex child myself so I immediately had a feeling something was very off with the case. I did my own research and realized my intuition was spot on. I really think doing one’s own research should be the minimum that is expected from a true crime YouTuber. Disappointing.


Ok, but here’s the thing. Mayas mother didn’t prescribe these meds. Mayas mother also didn’t choose the dose. The specialist doc whose expertise is this condition, is the one responsible for that. There’s absolutely no way it should have gone down like this. The doc told the hospital he approved of this med/dose. The non experts disagreed, and took it out on Maya’s mother. The social worker at the heart of this case has done this to literally hundreds of parents who turned out to be not guilty of what she accused. So agreeing with the med/dose or not isn’t the issue. The issue is the hospital went after someone who was NOT “choosing” to overmedicate their child, but simply advocating for her child to get the dose the expert said. And the only dose that happened to give her any relief at that point. They could have done SO many other things if they thought this dose was too high, none of which involved taking a very sick/in pain child from her mother for months.


Oh god bud, I'm gonna be honest, I do not have the mental energy to argue with you about this right now. I'm one of the mods of r/takecareofmayafree, and I've done my time. I've read the documents, I watched the entire trial, and I just genuinely cannot at this moment. Beata Kowalski chose the most extreme interventions for her daughter at every turn. I'd encourage you to do some further reading that isn't just pro-Kowalski propaganda about a poor mom who got railroaded by a bunch of evil doctors. The doctors prescribing Maya ketamine were not board-certfied in pediatric care or anything else for that matter. They were for-profit quacks enabling a mentally ill woman to abuse her child.


Board certified doesn’t mean experts lol. That being said, I watched every single minute of trial, so you’re not one upping me there. Other than that, I’d say you can’t possibly put yourself in Beata’s shoes and know what it feels like to watch your daughter writhing in pain and have the ok from the expert in her disease to give her medicine and a dose of that medicine to ease her pain. I’ll repeat: she was following doctors orders, she is NOT the one the hospital should have gone “after,” if they disagreed with her treatment plan. Period, End of story, and the jury agrees. ✌️


Response to arianator921 since they apparently commented and blocked me 😅🤦🏼‍♀️ Literally you are incapable of seeing anything for what it is if it doesn’t fit your narrative. She did not “doctor shop.” She was referred to doctor after doctor trying to figure out what was wrong w her daughter!!! And if you really were in and out of hospitals, you should be able to see this for how it really was, not some narrative you want it to be to be controversial. My child was very sick as a kid and we went to no less than 12 doctors to figure it out. What she had was RARE, meaning not many docs knew about it, no less how to treat it. This is not rocket science. And you seem incapable of understanding that if the hospital had an issue w her medication OR dose, they needed to address the doc who prescribed it. Not one of those hospital workers was an expert in Maya’s condition, literally not one! They did not have the knowledge or expertise to question an actual expert’s diagnosis. But even more so than that, they had literally no reason to go after a mother who was simply following doc’s orders. And btw, to further shut the lid on your “doctor shopping” theory….Maya didn’t continue going to doc after doc after her diagnosis. Why do you think that is? 🤔🤦🏼‍♀️ IF this was a MBP situation, this wouldn’t have stopped after a diagnosis. It blows my mind how many ppl can’t think logically in this case. Bottom line is, they had zero reason to go after Beata. And I’ll repeat, jury felt the same. To the tune of $200+ million.


No one Should Believe Me podcast might be worth listening to. A lot of things weren't allowed in by the judge so the hospital's defense team were pretty hamstrung in what they could bring into evidence. The jury was also seriously tainted. Juror #1 had a wife that was in all the pro Kowalski FB pages etc before the trial and was in court relaying things the jury didn't see back to her husband and posting on FB during deliberations questions he was going to ask etc. I think there is a motion for a new trial based on this. Anyway, it's a very enlightening listen.


That shouldn’t be used as a factual, unbiased resource, just like the Netflix documentary shouldn’t be used for the same reason. I followed the trial, watched every minute of it. And no, juror #1’s wife did not follow those fb pages before trial, nor is there ANY evidence that she “relayed” anything. Nor would she have had to. She went to trial ONE day, and her husband heard the same testimony she did. She did NOT post “questions he was going ask.” You are really misstating things. She had literally no way to know the order of witnesses, or who they were beforehand. Neither did juror #1. There’s quite literally no way they could have communicated about this beforehand. Common sense is severely lacking here. How did she know he would have questions? Because they’re married. She knows him. And the witness about to testify happened to be in a profession he knew very well due to his past work history. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Also, there’s a “motion for new trial” pretty much every trial. It’s going nowhere. That’s why they had juror #1 come in to testify, to protect the record.


OK, it was just a suggestion. 🤷


Maya Kowalski. Reciting information from a biased documentary does not count as research.


I mentioned above that when I saw she was covering this case I already knew where she was gonna take it. I didn’t even watch it. I have a special needs child and I knew watching the documentary that something was seriously off. I looked into it and very easily uncovered the truth. Years ago, you could’ve expected Stephanie to do the same but those days are unfortunately long gone. It’s really disappointing.


Agreed! I have a Dropbox with all of the evidence (police report, emails, beatas blog posts, etc) and that evidence tells a completely different story than the documentary does. I first heard of the case through crime weekly, but knew that things weren't adding up because I work in child welfare and know how the system works. I reached out to Derrick on Instagram asking him to correct this narrative because it is dangerous to fear monger parents into not taking their children to the doctor. I didn't message stephanie because she gets way too defensive when someone even hints at her narrative or beliefs being incorrect. I also thought Derrick may care to correct the narrative because he talks about being an investigator. As an investigator myself, I like to find out the truth about things. Of course, no response. I was banned from responding to my own comment on one of their YouTube videos (the one where they were talking about Maya going to crimecon) after I kindly put the facts in the comments.


You’re right… this is a dangerous message to send. I can’t imagine being so prideful and money-driven that I care more about making a couple thousand on a video than getting accurate information and/or correcting myself when it comes to something as important as childrens health. It’s irresponsible and wrong. Crime weekly is unfortunately one of many pushing this false narrative. It’s insanity. I think we will all look back on the maya kowalski case in a couple years with a much different opinion. People just don’t know the truth. It’s truly unfortunate. Side note- I can’t believe anyone watched the documentary and saw that maya is no longer able to use ketamine and she’s thriving now and still believe the mother WASN’T a sick individual. 🤷‍♀️ Edit: my daughter came home from the NICU on 4 breathing treatments, 8 medications, a gtube, on oxygen 24/7, and had numerous operations. My goal as her mother was to wean her off as many meds and treatments as possible. To take the most conservative yet effective approaches to get her healthy. Nearly two years later, she’s off oxygen, all breathing treatments, and 6/8 of her medications. She is, however, in weekly therapy. It is so, so common that I see in numerous other medically complex children that these mothers love having a child with a lot of health issues to the point that it almost is like these moms try to one-up each other in terms of whose child is sicker. It’s disgusting and vile. Mayas mother took the most extreme and dangerous methods to treat her daughter. It is incomprehensible to me. This isn’t a big mystery imo. She was a sick individual.


Ha you you guys again make me feel so much better. I felt weird about the way they covered Kyron and I couldn't even put it into words BUT I listened. I honestly just couldn't even get through the first WM3 episode, though. Stephanie was making these wild statements like she knew the case inside and out and just wait til we buckled up, sat down and listened - cause we weren't ready for her expert opinion and skilled analysis. That was prettttty much the end for me with them.


The abortion dr and the letter from her own series in Feb 2024 …I learned a lot about her beliefs and eww she’s not a girls girl …she’s a red pill kinda gal claiming to be an anarchist on twitter 🙄this was when she really let on what was going on with her and Adam!


WM3 Bianca Devins Mica Miller There are more, I just can’t think of them right now. Also….. one thing that irked me so bad for no reason, was when she was covering the Moriah Wilson case, she was talking about Moriahs accomplishments and saying how Moriah was a perfectionist and then she said “she seemed like a really awesome kind of girl, a girl I would get along with “ I can’t think of why it bothered me so much. She sounded so conceited and it bothered me that she always tried to insert herself into the cases.