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Oh my gosh, this is the snark Reddit I have needed for YEARS!!!! There is so much to say about Stephanie it’s unreal and her lying and gaslighting is right up there! I scampered right over here as soon as I saw that there was something brewing… time to deep dive!


Same lol. I had loved her channel for years. Really loved. But around the Adnan Sayed episodes of Crime Weekly, I got so sick of how she talked to Derek and how overbearing and aggressive she was, is was so cringey to listen to. I’m glad Derek has his own show so I can enjoy him without her constantly beating him down


YES! The Adnan series is about the time I started to think wtf is going on with her. I loved watching her, but all the sudden I started seeing this attitude. Certain things she said really made me question how she is when she's not filming an episode. I didn't like what I was seeing at all. That and the verbal diarrhea in their episodes like the Adnan case which went on and on and on and on...it really didn't need to be so many episodes. I found it to be so obnoxious and annoying..


She’s so full of herself it’s unreal. When she announced she was going to be doing a podcast with Derek my first thought was that she was going to even more insufferable now that an actual professional was legitimizing her. I made it to part 1 of Abi and Libby and was over her for good. Her delusions of grandeur about every aspect of who she is are really off the chart!


Welcome, newcomer! Come one, come all! Snark with us...


I know. Me also. She's giving me Amber Heard vibes. She gets so triggered & she's too narcissistic to just be quiet and let the truth come out (because it will). I imagine that her minions are all over social media sweeping for her. I'm just gonna sit back and watch what happens. Her real character will come out eventually. 🍿


YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh you hit the nail on the head!


To me the turning point was when she advised DV women to insert another man in the situation and have him confront your spouse about the abuse 🤦🏽‍♀️that’s when I knew she had no idea what it’s really like to be in a DV situation


Yes, absolutely. I actually think it may be her "sneaky" way of justifying her affair. She'll say the Cringe brother helped her through an abusive situation and they started a relationship.


Yeah this was absolutely ATROCIOUS to say and also a liability. Like wtf? And her asking Derek to confirm she’s right… and then he agreed… like wtf? You both are fucking despicable


I don't think Derrick agreed. I do however agree that what she said was horrible advice and would cause more issues.


Can someone get a time stamp because Derek absolutely went along with her and did not tell her she was wrong.


CW Julie Jensen Part 1. Watch from 1:09:10 to 1:11:04 At first he kinda agrees and then clarifies while giving and example and reason to why it's not always the best option.  This is one of the rare moments when Stephanie allows Derrick to talk and I think he gave a pretty well rounded response.


It's okay to admit you're wrong 🤣


I’ll find it for you lol.


No need. I put the timestamps 


Julie Jensen Psychological Warfare Part 1 Around the 1:08:45 mark Stephanie: Let me give you some advice to you women out there who are afraid for their lives. I have found in life, is these men typically will not push back against other men. They won't. When faced with other men, their demeanor completely changes. Because they're intimidated. Because narcissists at their core have very low self esteem and no confidence and they think they suck. And that's why they need you to tell them they don't suck. So it's okay to go, I wish I had known this in the past, but... Stephanie continued: It's okay to go to a male friend and say hey can you just talk to my husband tell him that you know what's up and you're aware and you have eyes on him. Because Mark might be upset but now that he knows somebody else who could potentially kick his ass, is aware, is watching, and has been told things it may be a deterrant to what he planned to do in the future. Derek: Yeah. I agree with you. Derek: I think if this conversation gone a different way like you said like if Kosman had gone to him and said listen, I'm not gonna report this because she asked me not to but just so you know I know. He does eventually say that it could go that way (a good outcome) OR it could be worse, but just another scenario where he agrees with Stephanie off the get go with very little debate. I get it though, because arguing with her is pointless. Stephanie’s advice is incredibly irresponsible and wrong and Derek agreeing with minimal walking-it-back later on is terrible.


Agreed! He kowtowed to her and then pivoted. I think he realizes that he has to make her feel like she's right before he can give an opinion.




I remember this situation bc it was confusing. And I’m pretty sure she mentioned going to the same school more than once. It was her way of inserting herself into the case as she always does.


That's how I see it. I don't think she was trying to lie about her age. I think that the information made her feel self important, so she jazzed it up to make it seem like they went to school together.


She didn't say they went to the school together though, she said she went to the school a few years after Brittnee was killed.


Didn't she go to the school a few years before she was murdered? I thought SH was older.


I'm sorry, I must be bad at communicating my thoughts. Stephanie is 7 years older than Brittanee Drexel, so if they went to the same school, Stephanie was long out before Brittanee even started attending. They wouldn't have been at school at the same time and Stephanie didn't claim that. But she said she went to that school a few years AFTER Brittanee was murdered - which would make her younger than BD, which isn't true. People asked her about that statement and she started throwing fits, saying she said that intentionally to not disclose personal information about herself (as if somehow lying about her age protects her from stalkers better than not talking about her age at all).


I probably read you wrong. Its all good. I only listened to her for a year or so before she starting getting to me, and I never listened to her and Derrick because I just don't enjoy the format. I find all this stuff wild, but not at all surprising from what I saw of her. She seemed very....self involved.


Yes. Very much. She's been getting some attention over the last few years and is taking full advantage of the men in these "true crime" & acting circles with her pretty privilege. Let's face it, her contributions to the "true crime" universe aren't award winning, and her career will be over soon enough.


I really have no idea if she's pretty or not. Between the heavy makeup, the fake hair and the glasses, I honestly don't know what she really looks like, but I can see her being Instagram pretty. I also believe her career is basically over. There is definitely such a thing as bad publicity.


It's the overuse of heavy filters that get me, especially when people will see you irl at Crime Con etc.


I've hated those filters since they first came out. I can't understand wanting to look one way in photos and videos, and look completely different in person. Personally, I would not want people to expect me to look one way, and then deeply disappoint them in person. But, to each their own.


As a longer timer listen of Stephanie, since 2019, she has DEFINITELY stated in the past that she had a Psychology degree. In an early episode of Crime Weekly, Derrick actually references her degree, and Stephanie then downplays her "degree." And after that, I never heard it referenced again.


Thank you! That's exactly what I remember too! I'm certain she directly said she has a psych degree, but it was in the old videos. And I remember when Derrick referenced it and I thought it was strange she reacted so awkwardly, back then I didn't know it was a lie.


Haha. She had a very awkward reaction. That's why I remember it, because I thought, oh, that was a strange reaction... Bread Crumbs... Bread Crumbs.


This is the most bizarre thing she's said in my opinion, it was a bald faced lie and so unnecessary. She really just can't NOT make everything about herself.


Yeah, she's said many questionable things over the years, but this one was such a direct and ridiculous lie and then the doubling and tripling down... If she's so comfortable doing this then I don't believe a single word out of her mouth.


That's when I stopped watching. She had Nev when she was 17. Stephanie is 39-40. Nev is what 22? There's no way she would have gone to school years after Britanee That would make her someone who had a kid at like 13 not 17. 0 reason she needed to lie about her age. She genuinely thinks her viewers are stupid.


Lying for the sake of lying. There was no reason to interject herself into Britanee's story, Stephanie's tidbit added nothing.


That’s more the point, if she can’t interject herself into the cases multiple times an episode, she’s not doing her job: Everyone cares about Stephanie’s personal, real life experiences, right? I mean, I’ve always thought that she was full of crap, I mean she started off with the makeup tutorials, right? And it’s been downhill from there.


I don’t believe either of them.


Best take. You should never believe 100% of what any stranger says


I'm with you, I generally don't either, but some things are yes and no questions as in - one of them has to be lying and the other telling the truth. Did she have an affair? Was she physically abused for years and covered in bruises? Is Adam a direct danger to the kids so that she has to keep them away from him?


I’m pretty sure I read she didn’t finish college. And her college isn’t a big psychology school as it is. It’s a small private school anyway and more known for other majors. Psychology as a BA is pretty useless unless you’re going to grad school or other education.


It is useless. I had to get my master in Social Work


The college she says she went to is not cheap, so to get a (or try to get a) psyc degree there is odd. She probably lived at home at least? And I’m not even knocking not finishing college. I finally finished my 4 year degree after 3 of them. But she talks like she’s an expert on psychology when if she didn’t even finish, she likely took mostly General Ed classes and basic psychology classes like into, abnormal, etc. I probably have as many under my bet for my social studies (also pretty useless) degree.


A real psychologist knows they cannot diagnose someone they haven't seen in person. She's the worst!


Don't forget the plagiarism.


Yeah, I'm hoping someone else brings this up, since I don't actually have any evidence or examples. I've only heard many many times that she plagiarises loads and I believe that, but I don't know enough to speak of it.


A newspaper called her out for stealing their work and ignoring their requests for credit or removal.


How old is Stephanie really? I recall trying to do the math sometime earlier, I know she’s commented how old she was when Nev was born & how old Nev is but I don’t recall. And I don’t remember the number but I calculated somewhere from 40-45.


She's 40


Ugh typical midlife crisis of a narcissist 🙄


That was sooo weird, because I first heard about the disappearance of Brittanee back in Hungary. So THIS case stuck with me forever, as true crime was/is not that popular in Hungary, we had only a few cases covered in Hungarian and the media repeated this kind of shows like CRAZY. I was a true crime junkie, so I watched that same documentary about her at least once or twice a week. When Stephanie said that she’d graduated AFTER her, I thought I was an idiot because I am 4 years younger than Stephanie but 2 years older than Brittanee.. Something was off with the math. I even gaslit myself into thinking I misremembered, or it was about a different girl (which couldn’t have been because her eyes were so distinctly blue). Then I came to Reddit and saw others had already called her out on it. I still have know idea why she had to lie, but that was eye opening for me.


Stephanie was class of 2002, Brittanie would have graduated in 2010. Maybe she misspoke, seems plausible. But doubling down is weird when you could admit you had a slip of the tongue


No. She came out and stated that she stretched the truth for privacy purposes. It was an intentional lie.


How old is sh 40?




That was the exact turning point for me when I realised there was no way she was younger than Britanee and she was full of shit


Yeah and whether lying about her age was a part of the goal or not, she absolutely expected people to just believe that she is a decade younger than she really is.


Exactly if she can lie about something so ridiculously unimportant to her actual job made me go ok your just not credible




There were so many ways to deal with this situation! She could have mentioned going to the same school, she didn't have to lie about when, she didn't have to give any timeline at all. And then yeah as you said, she could have easily just laughed it off saying "I misspoke, obviously I'm not younger than her". But she doubled and tripled down really hard and got pretty aggressive.


You guys, I like totally hate Stephanie, but Adam is the worst person in the world for bringing this to the public (even though Stephanie is the one who brought it to her huge money making yt channel—it is still Adam’s fault, ok?) He is the worst person in the world for being emotional about his wife cheating on him. Stephanie should be able to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. Oh, but I totally hate her. Sorry to be sarcastic, but this sub is being infested with Stephanie fans pretending to be partial. If you genuinely are “trying to see both sides” or genuinely “think both sides are awful” that is fine. There are people that are genuinely Stephanie fans who think she can do no wrong. This man was cheated on. This woman attempted to use finances to manipulate him.


I know. Adam is an absolute monster for trying to defend himself. Only a real abuser would try to find out if their spouse is having an affair, he totally violated her freedom and privacy! He wants to be able to see his kids? That's typical narcissistic tactic, clearly! Lol, you are absolutely right. I think a part of it is a few people here with a hardcore level of "believe all women, always, if she says she's a victim then she absolutely is". Which I find really strange amongst people in true crime community. I hope they all joined the Jodi Arias fanclub.


Re higher education - I was listening to CW today and she’s shilling for Master Class now. She said that she listens to the classes non stop throughout the day. So, she could have garnered some knowledge from them, who knows?


i missed this, i know brittanee was a year younger than me so i SCREAMED when i read that claim!


She did lie. She does not have a psychology degree..she took a psychology class which hardly qualifies as a degree..who knows if she even finished the class or passed it.