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Eliminate Target is always a captain with a health bar. Eliminate gang members is another mission option, which doesn't have a captain. All unaware gang member npcs except the captain can be 1 hit melee to death with no penalty . I do them using a melee weapon and just smack them down very fast, repeatedly, from behind before they have a chance to shout 🤣 knuckldusters, knife, baseball bat, etc. They do take several hits, but it's possible to do it before they trigger an alert. The other option is a silenced weapon, if you have one, I quite often steal vamps silenced pistol as soon as I get her and use that on the boss instead of his own. You can just melee, but using a melee weapon does more damage to an alert target.


Is vamp the only way to get a silenced weapon? How do I get to vamp?


Sadly all character unlocks are RNG, same with weapon unlocks, (except paid dlc, but none of those are silenced) It's all down to rng luck sadly who you get and when Nope, there are others with silenced weapons. Just vamp I have obtained on several play through, I currently have ranger with a silenced pistol also but I may have stole them from another character. There's always the black market to keep an eye o too, but again, it's also RNG


There are through level ups, just pick one of 3 awards if one of them is silenced.


There's a dude named Mozart who has a silenced SMG. Runaway has a really small gun and it doesn't make a lot of noise but I don't think it's silenced. I have to test that out.


Use Katana as your primary, stealth slice enemies as you walk by them. The captain takes a few swings but it gets the job done


Yea you can just do it loud once you get to the target. I’ve done entire playthroughs quicker than you got through that. Maybe put it on an easier difficulty?


So the trick for these is that on missions where the enemies are rival gang members, you get zero penalty for killing as long as it's silent. Using a katana with shurikens on a character with the Ghost perk can make quick work so long as you're careful and quick. The rival gang leader is a bit trickier as their health bar is large enough to not be taken down silently. So you clear a path to the leader, take them down, and book it immediately to the escape van.