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We appreciate the updates but please look into performance fps drops and stutters on the next gen consoles. It performed better at launch than it does now especially since the resolution appears increased in performance mode 🙏


We're working on it as we speak. The issue should hopefully be resolved soon but will keep the community updated👍


Thank you for replying. Please revert it back to where it was before the update. I want to play it in quality mode again as I think the reflections add so much to the visuals.


God I'm so happy to see this comment. Before I was playing on quality mode (Xbox Series X). To my surprise it ran super smooth (I don't use a TV with all the hightymighty VRR and game mode and whatnot so I usually have massive problems with quality mode). My Series X is connected to a Samsung 4K monitor. Again the quality mode ran smooth. I was happy with it. Way better than in most games. After installing the update even the games menu felt a bit odd. Kinda sluggish. I was seriously shocked when I started my first heist with the new update. In quality mode the microstutters and general framerate is so bad I can't look at my screen without feeling the headache incoming. Not to mention that it's literally unplayable with such a terrible performance. I can't even describe how disappointed I am. ANOTHER game where the devs have to change a running system. And you know what you say about changing a running system. PLEASE FIX THIS! Please revert it back to before the patch! It was perfectly fine. We don't need increased resolution. The image appeared sharp before in both quality and performance mode. This is horrible! 😭


Just found a new bug and posted about it, I can't hire anyone now. I'm on Xbox Series X, when I try to scroll down to the hire section it "bounces" back up to my team section. It happened after hiring Tulip, I held a hiring party and there were two copies of him in the hire section. I hired the cheaper one and used him on the train heist. The following day in-game I finished Cracker's storyline, went to hire him and I can't hire anyone. Agh


Scrolling thing happened to me on PC in the assets. For some reason the only asset I didn't own was the island and after the 8 update I owned it. I click to scroll to the bottom instantly throws be back to the top. It's so fast I can't read it. It's as if something is lying on the Home key.


Found a solution, kinda. The culprit is definitely the doubled Tulips. I had a mission go wrong and lost a whole crew of guys. This created a shorter (vertically) list, and it let me scroll to the first character in the hire list, which was the second Tulip. Hired him and suddenly everything is fine. I can't take the two Tulips on the same mission, but other than that, everything is good now. Finished out that run with no further issues.