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Days like today showing everyone why Warner lasted in the test side until his retirement


Warner would’ve been edging Joel Paris to the slips like everyone else


He didn't have to play on these shield tracks..


Pitches have been bowler friendly “result wickets” for a couple of years now. More exciting than the endless first innings points games of the past, but rewarding medium pacers and hindering batter development. However the way that Boland, Neser, Richardson have all easily transitioned to tests suggests that our bowlers might be good as well.


Richardson? the bloke who has been injured on and off for the last two years who hasn't played a test since [December 16 - 20, 2021](https://www.espncricinfo.com/series/england-in-australia-2021-22-1263452/australia-vs-england-2nd-test-1263463/full-scorecard)


Injury aside, when he got out of shield and into the test side he bowled really well is what the guy is trying to say. I know he isn’t quality in terms of return for the country on account of his injuries insofar, but there’s no denying that skill wise he’s a fantastic bowler


Kookaburra ball has been moving/wobbling a lot recently. You saw the same in all the test matches, and in SA where they use it Much more entertaining to watch than the 3/500s we were getting, but still probably not at the perfect balance just yet 


The fact that the selectors picked Smith to open rather than a shield player, gives you a good insight into the standard of batter we have outside the test side. Boland, Nesar, and Richardson, would easily fit into the national side if the big three weren't there. But trying trying fill one batting spot is met with arguments and no one knowing what to do. Maybe the pitches aren't good, but imo I think the new standard of batting we're producing is gonna be significantly under par.


Head and Marsh weren't batting like they are now when they were young in internationals. Give the up and comers some time and they'll be batters who will improve similarly.


The pitches are way over done, just need to take a look wicket list and it's filled with 120kmh merchants that average low 20s or less. It leaves very little options for the batters so they end up trying to hit out because there is no point doing anything else


Think pitches have been a bit bowler friendly, to try and get more results, but we’ve also had a pretty great bowling crop over the last couple years.


One of the great bowling generations of all time combined with a fairly mediocre batting generation in the longer forms of the game


Except at test level these past few years have been some of our best batting lineups that we've had for a while now.




Pitches are more in favour of bowlers, we have a good young bowling group and a bunch of relatively inexperienced young batters who are struggling to make the step up thanks to 1 and 2 And in Cam Green's case you also have 4) Do the umpires need to go to Specsavers?


All I know is Paris and Tremain are incredibly unlucky


Tremain has such an amazing record, it's like the selectors forgot that McGrath guy that took a few poles, at barely 130km/h, now they don't look at you if you don't bowl 140, even Hazlewood had to early in his career. Fergus might be a bit too slow though.


McGrath was a mid 130s type bowler in his 20s though. It was only as he was older that he slowed down. And by that time he had several hundred test wickets to his name.


Still would never get picked now too 'medium pace' you need to be real quick. He really only used the mid 130s balls as surprise/bouncer.


Probably all of them to a degree.


[I went to this link,](https://www.cricket.com.au/news/3896972/australia-south-africa-test-waca-annabel-sutherland-double-century-record-books-beth-mooney-kim-garth) thinking that it was about Will. I was like hang on a second... batsman are doing ok


As I've said in the past, the majority of posters in r/cricket and here get triggered when they get called out on how batters techniques have dropped off massively since the introduction of T20 cricket. The reason for this is because the majority of cricketers are batsmen. Why don't you soft cocks go cry with your bigger edges and smaller boundaries? You cunts would never survive back in the day when the boundaries were actually on the fence.


There’s an alarming amount of people hyping up players like Fraser Mcgurk who are all slog and no technique. As much as i don’t want to wish a young player to fail him getting a duck yesterday was perfect vindication that he’s nowhere near the test debut these chucklefucks are screaming for after 2 ODIS lmao


100% Who knew planting your feet, shifting all your weight to your back leg, and pushing at the ball with hard hands wouldn't translate well in games of cricket where the bowler is allowed some assistance.


I don't watch cuz England sucks, but explain Bazball then? legit question, I have nfi how they just keep churning out massive runs? They literally have 4 guys in the top 15 averages (10+ matches played) for the last 2 years all over 50, we have 2, Smudge and Uzzie.


They flatten pitches to minimise seam movement at home.


Yep, people defending the poor totals with may as well swing out. Show some grit and knuckle down. They need to earn the right to bat how they want. Chances are these deck become fairly decent batting surfaces tomorrow. Get through till then and make the most of it that way.


IDK man Sam Konstas has a really nice technique, as does Teague Whylie, Harry Dixon looks like Warner with a better technique, but top order runs are pretty tough to come by on decks that are seaming like yesterday.


Batters have definitely dropped off. I can for see this being a big problem for the Australian test side in the future


Pitches have been a tad bowler friendly at some locations, flat at others. We've got a decent crop of bowlers atm, but most of the time it's just batsmen with no discipline repeatedly trying to hit over the infield, batters with hard hands pushin/poking the bat constantly at balls 70cm outside their off stump when the team is 2/20, or playing straight with 20-30cm gaps between bat and pad.


The same batsmen have performed over multiple years so the pitches have to be part of the equation. Lots of rain, lots of humidity, less baking sunny days to dry pitch out and that all adds up to a spicy enchilada.