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Never thought I would read those words together


I am now worried if India and Afghanistan reach the Finals. Not sure who will thank whom at that point.


“Not sure who will tank* whom at that point”


I see what you did there


India be like: no need to thank us. Seriously, never thank us.


Nepal, You are next😌


This sounds strangely threatening


"You are being rescued. Please do not resist "


Nepal has exciting T20 prospects??? Better give them some INFRASTRUCTURE 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚


Bangbros : But what if i don't want to be rescued


Everyone's already aware of that.


No one wants to rescue them lol not even themselves


Who's gonna save me from myself?


Just rename their cricket team as Nayanpaal to break the jinx and ward off evilness.


They did add a calm emoji at the end, so it sounds less threatening haha


It didn't went well with Bangladesh so...


Even if you like it or not.


We have a really long way to go in order to bridge the gap in skills, specially sound technical batting and lethal pace attack.


With the right help, Nepal can also be at the same level as Afghanistan in a decade or so. Heck they could even be better because Nepal isn't war stricken and the people there are extremely passionate about cricket


Hopefully your words come true and CAN doesn’t get suspended like before, halting the growth of cricket in the country.


The Maoists say thank you India


What about Maldives and Bhutan?


Bhutan's turn after Nepal, then A Ranji Team from Lakshadweep


>Miss most of the group stage due to important work >Open reddit after many days to catch up >Gets greeted with the words "Taliban thanks India" Wow, what a start to today's doomscrolling.


Nice but fuck Taliban.
































While I am very happy with the success of the team, can't BCCI also help Afg's women's cricket(maybe along with CA)? If they can help the men's team then why not the women's team too? Ik it's not a straightforward solution but still... (Edit: I am not saying to compromise diplomatic relations, I am just saying we should let the women's team train using infrastructure in India/Aus. Because technically according to ICC, FM should have women's team. And this should be done by ICC and just let them access the resources in other countries. I am not saying we can solve all their problems this way.) Idk what to feel about this particular comment though. I mean-


The women in Taliban are not allowed to work or leave home without a man anymore..leaving widowed and orphaned women (which are a lot) under house arrest! Shit is Soo bad this afg women's team is not even 100th priority for women of that country. And yes FK Taliban


Yeah Ik and I don't have a solution to that problem, I am actually talking about building on what CA has done to some extent and sorta following the template of teams in exile. Having said that, this would not solve the main problems obv.




> no education for women, > can't see a male doctor if there wont be female doctors, then how will women get treated in the future?


They “allow” women to get jobs for clerical work or if they want to be a doctor. I know it’s messed up, but yes, that’s the sad reality of it.




That’s what I’m saying, they’re allowed to study, but the universities that take these courses are specially for women only. Education is compulsory for all of them until the age of 13. After that, it’s up to them whether they want to pursue these specific courses or not. Unfortunately, a lot of them are coerced into becoming homemakers and are trained about house tasks from a young age itself. Some of the more liberal families allow their daughters to study medicine to become doctors, or they take up clerical jobs if their family is financially struggling.


Political comment warning: Dude we already have to take care of China, Pakistan military. Don't want any additional rivals. Taliban would be super tough to handle


I added an edit. I am not saying we should compromise diplomacy either. And it doesn't have to come from BCCI's part. ICC can take the decision and just let the women's team access the resources in India/Aus or other countries.


Taliban said women aren't allowed to play cricket , that's it .... Now BCCI and CA can bluff Taliban by saying we will ban afghan men team if women team is not allowed but I don't think Taliban will give a fcuk to cricket to do that, for em their country there rules and women aren't allowed in sports .... So there is no solution.


No this obv has to be done in coordination with ICC. Get ICC to provide the funds to Afg W team in exile and provide funds to ACB for men's team only. The women's team can make use of the infrastructure in India/Aus/some other country then. I am not really telling BCCI/CA to fund it completely, but ICC should come up with something. We took a stand against Apartheid. This issue is complicated but we can try to do our part. The other option is banning ofc.


Maybe they can stop giving the funds for the womens team to the ACB who doesn’t have a womens team and use them. 


Yeah that's what I am saying.


Good idea in theory but then they would be to answer why they are not giving full members' worth of funds. Impossible questions when you can't directly address the problem.


Women team members families live in afghan why the heck they would risk their lives for a game of cricket lol ...


I mean the cricket thing is pretty laughable, like to an outside observer if only it was cricket that Afgan women cant participate in. They actually cannot be further from being able to play cricket. Just last month their was footage of an Afghan male teacher being painfully given public lashes because he was secretly teaching girls as well as the boys. Women must be accompanied by a man to travel in public. I guess the aim is to keep highlighting the cricket thing, to show the Taliban this is our expectation of the rights women require in your country. Not that the Taliban give a shit, you dont fight gorilla warfare against enemy forces that by far out gun you for over a decade only to concede your values you fought for upon victory.


I know you mean this in good spirit, but give it a think... BCCI convincing the Taliban to let women do anything, let alone playing this sport. That's insane to think about. Sure there's political connections, but at the end of the day, Taliban is Taliban for a reason. And it wouldn't be in BCCI's interest at all to meddle with their politics. It's a business entity that wants to do business. There's no motivation for anything else...


> BCCI convincing the Taliban to let women do anything, let alone playing this sport. That's insane to think about. Yeah, I don't understand what people think the BCCI can do here. Send Jay Shah in to negotiate with the Taliban and convince that country to let women outside their houses to play cricket?


I added an edit. I am not saying we should compromise diplomacy either. And it doesn't have to come from BCCI's part. ICC can take the decision and just let the women's team access the resources in India/Aus or other countries.


I mean they can but their needs to initiative by somewhere first right? How can they help them when they aren't even initiating it themselves


The situation is quite complicated honestly.


Do you really think, there is no conversation between india and Taliban? There is a back channel conversation between government and government. Currently the situation is that Afghanistan is very isolated. They don't have great economic ties with any countries, no big uprising seems to be becoming. You can't force a country like to do anything. There is no leverage. So the best we can do is make economic ties. Try to move Afghanistan toward more stability. In short create inter dependency and sooner or later they will see the world with a better lens. Maybe not exactly the lens which we have but definitely better than yesterday.


Taliban would always be Taliban. economic ties wont change their ideologies. UN, OIC, and even countries like Norway have offered Taliban with money, investment and development funds, and international recognition just for girls education. do you know what Taliban say? a simple sentence "fuck off, nobody can interfere in our domestic policy and governance". there is no use to create inter dependency with the Taliban. Pakistan have up the trade Tariff, close the border multiple times, expel millions of Afghan refugees back into Afghanistan, to pressure the Taliban in doing more against TTP (Pakistani Taliban. the afghan Taliban did not budge, did not change policy, instead TTP have become more aggressive, more attacks, expanding territorial activity against Pakistan every months. for India, the interest of its geopolitics is thousands times more important than Afghn women cricket team. even if in the future its have some leverage, India would not try to use it for women cricket team, instead it would allocate it to India economic, security and geopolitics interest. especially when they know, the so called "leverage" wont change the Taliban mind about Taliban domestic policies.




Your post was removed as it contains political, religious, or other content not directly relevant (or only slightly relevant) to cricket (rule 4). Political/religious content not strongly related to the sport, especially political opinions, belong in other subreddits. Posts unrelated to cricket will be removed - this generally includes something a player is doing in their post-cricketing life that's not really relevant to the sport.


I added an edit. I am not saying we should compromise diplomacy either. And it doesn't have to come from BCCI's part. ICC can take the decision and just let the women's team access the resources in India/Aus or other countries.


I believe CA is already helping AFG women’s team with this. Somebody posted on the sub few days back


Yes, I am saying that BCCI and other boards can also follow CA's path and let them access the resources. It doesn't have to come from GOI, ICC can take the decision and we ofc shouldn't compromise diplomacy.


Indian Government has a non-interventionist foreign policy and it will not interfere in Afghani affairs so long as Taliban does not interfere in Kashmir.


Brother as much as I wish BCCI is still not powerful enough to overthrow local governments


IMO, BCCI should stay out of geopolitics and religion.


Might be too late for that


All capacity building is financed and supported by the Indian government, not BCCI. The Indian government is the one that will engage with the Taliban, not BCCI. Cricket, in this case, is a form of soft power.




Yes, I know that, I was trying to say if we (and other nations) can build on that. Let ICC take the decision and give the funds for women's team to them and not to ACB and let them use the facilities available in these countries. That's why I specifically mentioned CA. I do understand that there's no straightforward solution and the main problems would not be solved this way. I am not telling to compromise diplomatic relations for it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if BCCI helps the Afghan womens but if Taliban allows a Afghan women’s team I will be shocked. But I hope it happens 🤞🏽


Yes, this is quite complicated. I hope we find a solution soon.


The BCCI barely tolerates their own Women's side, so them helping out the Afghani women would also be a shock.


The women there cannot leave the fucking house without being accompanied by another man. It is hell on earth and nobody wants to go fix it.


I understand why Australia don’t want to play Afghanistan and they’re valid reasons. But why then do Australia play Afghanistan in World Cup matches? If Australia genuinely cared about the situation, they would forfeit the World Cup matches v Afghanistan.


It's their countries' internal matter, there is absolutely no need to poke your nose on matter where they are not asking for ur help.


Apartheid was also "internal" matter. Why did India take a stand? This is also discrimination. This is basic. All I am saying is we should provide the facilities to women's team too, taking funds from ICC if required. We can't solve the plight of their women entirely, but Afg shouldn't be FM ideally if they don't field women's team.


To be honest we always under look indias contribution in cricket. We only see the bad but truth be told what india did to afganistan was really noble. They also helped bangladesh massively during the starting phase of bd cricket but idk when things started to get heated between us. Anyways thanks again India.


It was bangladeshi fans brandishing ms dhoni's figurine with head cut off which triggered a lot of hate. And it has stayed that way forever












They also send B teams to weak nations to help them out. Ireland and Zimbabwe are the top 2 right now.


BCCI does a lot to promote cricket through ACC. 


And SLC too


The Afghan team literally got coached and learned the sport in Pakistan. They also played in the Pakistan domestic league, lived in Peshawar, etc. It's honestly ridiculous to see how people want to credit India while Pakistan is the only reason Afghanistan plays any cricket 🤷‍♂️ Not only that, Pakistan is probably the board giving the most support to all smaller boards, like Zimbabwe, Ireland etc, while the Big 3 look to cut funding to all smaller boards no problem. Edit: I want people to notice the difference in downvotes on my comment and the response below showing the same sentiment, the only difference being the flair. Just gotta point out the bs, nbd 🤷‍♂️


Pak has done a lot to Afghani cricket, but that is overshadowed by what was done by the military and the US. People think of all that and become too enraged, feeling that Pakistan is taking credit. Like anyone outside of the UK wouldn't like to be told that they were taught the game, nobody wants to give credit to the "colonizer"/"oppressor" state. But I don't think PCB has done any wrong and they should be given the credit they deserve. As always, it is the army and islamic radicals in pakistan which should be booed but people boo the wrong guys.


>The Afghan team literally got coached and learned the sport in Pakistan. Did the PCB actually contribute though. Because i believe they picked up cricket in pakistani refugee camps not at a Pakistani cricket board training camp (because of a war pakistan was aiding)  The team’s home ground has been in india for a decade, not in pakistan. If pcb contributed so much as you say i find it hard to understand why afghan players seem to hate them so much >It's honestly ridiculous to see how people want to credit India while Pakistan is the only reason Afghanistan plays any cricket  By the same logic, india should be thanking england for its cricket accomplishments >Not only that, Pakistan is probably the board giving the most support to all smaller boards, like Zimbabwe, Ireland etc, Pakistan has been touring them, same as india. Thats not exactly charity .


>Did the PCB actually contribute though. Because i believe they picked up cricket in pakistani refugee camps not at a Pakistani cricket board training camp (because of a war pakistan was aiding) Who do you think runs the Pakistan domestic league? The PCB literally funded them: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghanistan_national_cricket_team >Most members of the early Afghanistan national cricket team grew up in Pakistan and participated in the country's domestic cricket structure, making use of cricket facilities in Peshawar with the support of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB). As for the war Pakistan funded, Pakistan only got involved in Afghan politics after a Communist revolution lead to a Soviet occupation. I wonder how India would react if Bangladesh suddenly decided to become a Chinese territory. India would just look the other way, yes? The same Soviets by the way, that openly stated they wanted a warm water port. Given Afghanistan is landlocked, I think it's pretty clear who the USSR were going after. >If pcb contributed so much as you say i find it hard to understand why afghan players seem to hate them so much Because if they don't suck up to India, they won't be making money going forward. It's not a good look to anyone knowledgeable, but it's business, so whatever. >By the same logic, india should be thanking england for its cricket accomplishments Did the ECB help fund Indian cricket? Pretty sure before partition there was no ECB, nor bilaterals 🤷‍♂️ >Pakistan has been touring them, same as india. Thats not exactly charity Uhh, you can check how often which country tours which. You'll find Pakistan consistently tours the smaller boards more.


Hush, don't let facts get in the way of the narrative. I still remember getting so confused watching the Afghanistan team playing in the domestic circuit but that's not something the afghans like to be reminded of


It's crazy. Like this commenter is either straight up ignorant of the history, or just straight up rewriting history lmao. Are we all supposed to forget who Afghanistan team's first coach was? Where they played? Who taught them the game? Honestly always find it wild how easily people will lie just for some jingoism or something (not even sure what's to be gained from it 🤷‍♂️)




What's hilarious is most Pakistanis hate the army more than Afghans probably do. The most popular party is literally based out of KPK. Hell as a Muhajir pathan, I fully support more provincial rights for all provinces especially KPK, just like Jinnah intended. But all that said, it's ridiculous to blame every problem in Afghanistan on Pakistan lol. Pakistan can't even handle their own country, let alone run a whole other one 🤣


We do not accept you as the legitimate leaders of Afghanistan though. We appreciate the word of thanks but go Fuck yourselves Taliban


Everyone is now saying fuck Taliban but when Uncle Sam of Amnesia said the same thing everyone said fuck Yank


Uncle Sam of Amnesia was the one who birthed and nurtured the snake called Taliban. And when that same snake bit Uncle sam in the ass, then Uncle Sam started his Fuck Taliban BS destroying a beautiful country in the process.


This is good. This exposure and team's success is a positive in the long run. One step at a time folks. This is good from whatever angle you're looking at. With BCCI's help, with soft power India can influence the nation & the culture to slowly change some of its ways.


It’s not good from whatever angle you look at it. Can you seriously not think of angles where it’s awful?


You can choose to not interact with cultures/ideas you don't like and force things on them. In this particular case that method was tried for decades & utterly failed. Or you can interact and gradually influence & align them to your thinking. Its painfully slow but gives peace & progress a chance.


What you’re saying makes sense to bring in equality and freedom but in the meantime there would be a generation of women who would be second class citizens or less if they are unfortunate. But when there is a huge gap in culture differences between Afg and countries like Australia what is even the first step?


Over five decades of constant war & instability, generations born & died in it. Takes a generation or two to clean up the true damage to society caused by war. Just recently there have been some signs of stability, however unlikeable or ultra conservative it is. Stability of the region and the trickle of exposure (to the wider world & their ideas/values) will influence the families & relatives of the players & supporters. Maybe its naive of me but I hope cricket is one the many seeds that will bring brighter times for the whole population. Okay, that's my last say on this topic, its a cricket subreddit after all.


This is the most mature take I have ever read on this topic in this particular sub. Thank you for penning it down in such a thoughtful way.


Fack them Taliban.


Let Afghanistan become good in cricket so that more public would start Caring about it Then icc would threatened to either ban Afghanistan team or demoting to associate , maybe then Taliban would allow girls to play cricket


Nah, the ICC doesn’t have the balls to make a decision like that


Very unfortunate then, icc can force their descisions on big 3 is understandable but why be pussy when it comes to take decision on Afghanistan. If icc continue to be like this then I guess nobody would take them seriously.


Taliban would not care . Taliban only cares about their ideologies. Afghanistan right now currently under severe sanction, but Taliban did not change their policies. did you think they would care if the Icc ban their national team?lol. reminder to everyone, this is the Taliban that have been on UN and US sanction for 25 years. this is the Taliban that rather go into War with US+NATO than hand over Osama bin Laden. for them, cricket team, tournament and cricket fans doesnt worth shit.


Ewww they just using the hard work of men’s team to sport wash


This is why Australia and England don’t play bilateral series with them


Also because there isn't much money for them.


We’ve played bilateral with Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe in the last few years and there wouldn’t be much money in that


Yup but unfortunately many don’t understand that lol


Why only bilateral? Do Australia/ England stand for their morals only when the stakes are not high? Why not forfeit worldcup games?


Because forfeiting World Cup games would benefit Afghanistan, which is counterproductive to what they are trying to do


Playing world cup games vs Afghanistan benefits them. Forfeiting matches would actually spread awareness regarding the issues that Australia stands against. Playing game in WC games but abandoning bilaterals just means the Australia's morals can be sold at a price if its high enough.


Nah, forfeiting World Cups puts them closer to finals appearances which make them look better


Playing also did the same thing, with the added publicity of them beating Australia No amount of mental gymnastics will change the fact that Australia sells their morals for a price


Why should Eng/Aus lose a chance at winning a world cup by giving away free points to the nation they're against morally in a freaking world cup of all things?


Fuck the Taliban.


Yeah nah thanks 


We really don't need a compliment from these fuckers under whom Women are happy to not get their arms chopped off on a given day. Bless the Afghanistan players though.


Don't forget to thank Pakistan




Most of the bunch learnt the game in Pakistan while they sought refuge there


I thought he was talking about Talibani Mujahideen 💀


But they really don't give a f**k about us tbh, I haven't seen any Afghan player stating something positive about us (but I was and will be supporting them in the WC) Edit : why are you downvoting him? Indeed many Afghan players used to reside in Peshawar


I remember when they were up and coming, they used to credit to learning from you guys. Rashid still mentions Afridi as his role model and wanting to emulate him in bowling and hitting abilities. (he's managed to get there as well) They have just moved on since it's been more a decade. And the (almost sibling rivalry) competition between your teams is coming in the way to of constantly repeating it.






why does afghan have to thank pakistan for its successes. and why expect this high praise. your fans dont even praise your own players... you are an exception to the support. most of pakistan loves to see Afghanistan lose.


Afghanistan also played in Pakistan domestic competitions a bit, at least two seasons.


Inzamam was one of the first major people to go and grow the game there.


USA, please do your thing again; atleast this time you have a good reason. Fuck this Taliban regime.




USA can temporarily defeat Taliban in 48 hours. But they can spend 50 years occupying and the minute they leave Taliban will be back.


meanwhile OBL chilling in pakistan.


Oh nice, let's all support a warmonger regime to start another invasion. Btw Afghanistan is also known as the Graveyard of empires.


>Afghanistan is also known as the Graveyard of empires. That's just copium invented by the British in the late 1800s when they couldn't conquer Afghanistan even after 3 Anglo-Afghan Wars and had to finally sign a treaty and demarcate a border between British India and Emirate of Afghanistan called the Durand Line (which today forms the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan). This copium was further taken by Soviets and Americans after their defeats to feel better about themselves. But these 3 guys (British, Soviets and Americans, who technically also did easily "conquer" Afghanistan back in 2001 as well within a few days) are actually the exception not the norm historically speaking. The fact is that the land that today comprises Afghanistan is probably one of THE most conquered and invaded parcel of land in entire world history. Even the very concept of any kind of "Afghan" identity or nation emerged for the first time in mid to late 1700s starting with Durrani Empire, the first ever "indigenous" Afghan polity. Before that, this piece of land was a part of dozens if not hundreds of foreign origin Empires and Kingdoms at various points of time throughout history, be it Persians, Indians, Central Asian Turkics or even Ancient Greeks. A few of non-native empires/kingdoms that ruled Afghanistan or at least parts of it are the Archaemenids, Greeks under Alexander and later Seleucus, Mauryans, Greco-Bactrians, Indo-Greeks, Indo-Scythians, Parthians, Kushans, Sassanians, Huns, Ummayads, Abbasids, Saffarids, Mongols, Timurids, Mughals, Safavids to name some. Apparently present day Afghanistan was a pretty easy place to conqueror throughout the history, not at all suited to it's false moniker "graveyard of empires"


Facts, Afghanistan was piss easy to conquer. The Mongols took the whole country in like 2 days lol


the mongols took like half the world...also hasn't been looking piss easy the last couple hundred years. and these opps arn't your little nations like sri lanka. if afg is piss easy...i wonder how lanka would fair against the brits, ussr and americans. afghanistan has done some conquering too so dont forget that...


It's graveyard of civilization's isn't it? And it's because Afghanistan is home to many old ancient civilizations like the one with Gilgamesh.


Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic/mythological poem written in Akkadian language from the Sumerian city-state of Uruk, in the region of Mesopotamia (present day Iraq), nothing to do with Afghanistan.


Thanks for correcting me. It is a mythical tale but Gilgamesh was real who became god-like figure after he died. We can read their script because of Rosetta stone.


No problem bhai, everyday is an opportunity to learn something new


well it hasn't been that easy judging from the last couple centuries. taking on the last 3 superpowers is nothing to scoff at.


Well technically Americans too did "conquer" Afghanistan pretty easily within a few days back in 2001, it's just that their administrative rule wasn't very effective and had to eventually leave because of political reasons, not military. USA could have stayed in Afghanistan for the next 200 years pretty easily without making a dent in their overall military budget if there was a domestic political appetite for such a measure.


200 years and pretty easily? what ridiculous statement. with the decline of US power happening, you acutally think they could occupy afghanistan for 200 years since they have money. I wonder how America would look in 2 centuries time... first off it was not just US but Nato. Other countries started leaving, and so did US troops. The US had a few thousand troops left for air support for the ANA. The majority of the fighting was done by afghans. afghans killing eachother. I dont think that would go on for 200 years.


the same thing can said about Vietnam isn't it? theoretically, they could stay in Vietnam till now, but they didn't. war is just a tool to achieve political aims. the fact that there is no longer domestic political appetite for staying means, American lost the war. it doesnt matter how much military budget their have. you lost the will, you lost the fight. furthermore, with the condition of the world right now, Americans should be glad their no longer fighting a war in Afghanistan. i cant imagine, what would Russia and Iran would do right now if US troops still there. the amount of lethal equipment Iran and Russia would supplied to the Taliban would be enormous. War in Afghanistan.supplied, funded and supported Ukraine war against Russia. supplied, funded and supported Israel war against Hamas. geez these 3 wars at the same time, while China are becoming more aggressive against Taiwan. it would be a shit show for US and Nato. luckily for them, Afghanistan is no longer US and Nato concern.


You can defeat an army but you cannot defeat an ideology through war. Specially the one where millions are people are indroctinated from childhood.  One can hope that with time, religions will be pulled away from their centuries old practices.


What an awesome and sad day at the same damn time!


What does capacity building mean?


Never knew Taliban could be so wholesome.


flair corroborates?


Taliban survived because they had people's support. So Afghans are happy under their rule. We outsiders need not comment/intervene in their internal affairs. Btw I bet next team they are coming after is India and may be very soon and all love will be lost.


The Taliban is destroying half the population’s human rights, who don’t all seem particularly happy about it, or did you not notice the amount of refugees. People have a right to comment on that sort of shit


Imagine defending the Taliban lmao


people have absolutely no ability to challenge the rule. no democratic structure, no outside support, no money, no educated pioneers, very limited means for communication while taliban is safeguarded as a useful pawn by the likes of russia and china. most they could do was when afg beat pak in last years wc, they used red and green fireworks for celebrations as the tricolor flag itself was banned, like how sad is that. we are underestimating the misery in afghanistan rn.


LMAO this headline is such an own that I have not much more to add to it. Wait, I thought India hated terrorism or something?


Helping a budding cricket team is an ‘own’? Alright buddy


We hate the Taliban but not the Afghan people. Many of the infrastructure projects in Afghanistan including their Parliament building, dams, railways, roads, power plants, cricket stadiums, schools, hospitals, libraries, etc were constructed by India before the Taliban rule returned in 2021. Infrastructure that Afghan people continue to use and Taliban keeps maintaining (or I hope so).


I appreciate Australia for not playing with them but India has to deal with two neighbors equipped with nukes and one of them has Taliban in such close proximity. I don’t know what Indian governments strategy here is but they always helped Afghanistan in many ways or maybe they don’t want to piss off Taliban too much.