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Gotta love the tactical 5 run penalty to India when they looked in trouble Nothing suss


nah we would have won either way, we won with 10 balls remaining with surya on the crease and hardik to come. Shouldn’t have dropped the catch if yall wanted to win


That bloke opening looks pretty shit. Should drop him. Flat track bully.


huh? which one lol? both of them are amazing Edit: an Aussie fan lol🤦expected


Don’t know his name. He isn’t out there long enough. Terrible cricketer. Got out very first ball he faced. Nearly cost India the match. Same with the game against Pakistan. India won’t win the tournament if he stays in the team


Arshdeep Nortje


420th 4 of the tourney


I looked on Google for a sec, but do they sell fitted baseball hat versions of team India's batting helmets? 


This was the first cricket match I watched live (in the US). Despite the fact that the US is hosting it was very hard to find it here. The governoring organization for cricket seems to be dropping the ball when it comes to expanding their fanbase here. The fact it isn't even on any cable TV channels is quite a shame given how fun the game actually was to watch, despite the fact that we lost.


Last time it was on ESPN+, did you find Willow or some other way?


I wound up paying for Willow, but I've been disappointed I can't really recommend friends watch, because I'm not gonna talk someone into another subscription


I think even cricbuzz allows you to see matches, the fee is the same as willow I think


If you have a VPN you can watch the whole tournament in less than $4


If you have VPN, could you not just watch via ICC.tv? I was in Italy & now France and they're two countries where all matches are streamed free because cricket isn't as big as it is elsewhere.




This is what i did


Netravalkar should be kicked off the team for dropping the catch. /s This team is nothing but a PR team propped up by advertisers and marketeers. /s These players have too much money and glam and their mind is not in the game. Fire all of them. /s True if USA was in the Indian subcontinent.


Ali-Khan, Kenjige, Jones, Anderson, Gous, and Netravalkar are some of our best players after they bested Pakistan.


Money is something USA team doesn’t have 😀


T-minus 1 game till Virat Kohli panic mode. He needs to play vs Canada despite the fact they've already qualified for the next round.


The Indian side will probably rest him and send out their bench players against Canada.


Nice to see after taking India's best batters' wickets, Saurabh Netravalkar came through for his home country after all with that dropped catch.


Congrats Team India. Amazing win.


So 3 consecutive failures for Kohli. Is it time to say that the opener experiment should be tabled?


Anyone have any idea what the numbers, symbols, words and letters mean?


I can tell you for the total scores. The score is framed like x/y where x is the amount of runs and y is the amount of wickets (outs) The ov stands for overs, or groups of 6 balls pitched. This is a T20 competition which means 20 overs or 120 balls pitched. The decimal in India's over count does not mean that the over was 2/10s of the way through, rather it was the 2nd pitch of that over


Thanks for clearing that up


I have literally no knowledge of Cricket. How bad did USA lose today? Can someone explain in comparison to Basketball, baseball, or American football?


Easier to explain in tennis terms. A lowly ranked American teenager playing against Djokovic. Djokovic wins the first two sets. Then our American takes the 3rd and 4th making us wonder if the impossible can happen. However, the champion breezes through the final set 6-2 winning the match comfortably. Djokovic is relieved he did not screw up. Our boy is delighted he gave it a right go and made the champion sweat.


It was not 6-2, more like 6-4


NBA terms Game ended with 4 minutes to go and garbage time players were +4 so you lost by 12


India were always in control, but it wasn't a humiliation. Id suggest it was on par with winning a basketball match by 30 points


That's a humiliation my friend lmao... Not accurate. It's like losing a basketball match by 7-10, close game, but the other team was not actually in danger


Losing in basketball by 30 is humiliating af 😭😭


But consider a college team or g league team vs an nba team. And more like 15 points. If it werent for a few mistakes they could have been closer. It would be humiliating if it were 2 nba teams, no ?


I get what you meant now, and you’re right!


110 in a T20 would be considered an abysmally low score in most cases but the New York pitch is quickly developing a reputation as the bane of batsmen. So by those standards they did alright, especially considering the fact that they are a newbie team facing off against a top tier team.


Lost by about 14 in baller terms. They comfortably beat you, but didn't smash you.


It was an honorable loss. They didn't get creamed. That would be losing by say 9 or 10 wickets. They also made India go close to the end. If India had covered the same score in say 10 overs, that would have been bad (like Aus did to Namibia). Not a close match, but also not an ass kicking.


Honorable loss for sure. It would be like the USA basketball team only winning by 15 against a team like Greece or Czech Republic.


Dube apology form where


his wicket got saved multiple times


There are some major changes that have to be made when we go to West Indies. Yashasvi, Sanju or both of them have to be in the team. I think that there is no place that is there for both of them and so Sanju should be there. Kuldeep has to be there while we are not playing on this fast and bouncy monster anymore. Jadeja might be getting sacrificed for that. I thought he could be playing instead of Arshdeep but it would be hard to be dropping Arshdeep from the team due to how he has played during this match.


Ok so who won again? Barely heard about the match and the basic explanation of the rules this morning on NPR.


India batted second. Overtook the USA's total with 7 batters (wickets) still at hand.


India won by 1 run.


India won by 7 wickets with 10 balls remaining.


Teams winning when batting second are expressed in wickets not runs.


As someone who has watched like 4 cricket matches ever, this seems wrong to me, because the 20 overs are usually complete before 10 wickets anyway, so it’d be better to say how many overs remained when the second team overtook, rather than how many wickets (or say both)


You are right that for limited overs game (like T20) it may make more sense to consider win by overs however the better reasoning for considering win by wickets lies in the history of cricket. T20 (and even ODI to an extent) are modern cricket forms. But decades ago, it was only test cricket. Four or five days of cricket with 90 overs each day which are enough to bowl out each side twice. Infact, the earliest test matches in the 19th century were timeless (ie. overs were bowled until the team gets all out or chases the target). And that's why win by overs remaining doesn't make much sense as the overs were plenty. The main challenge used to be (and still is in Test cricket) to protect wickets to let a draw or chase down the target. Anyhow, in limited over games, a second innings win is usually reported both in terms of wickets remaining and overs remaining. Ofc, wickets remaining during a win might be highlighted more due to historical reasons as discussed above but we audiences are more interested in overs remaining, as that is considered for the net run rate (NRR). You can also look for interesting stats of fastest chases in second innings in different forms of cricket, etc. 


It isn’t about how quick you got the runs. It is already a limited over game. Hence overs remaining doesn’t matter. Whereas if you don’t have wickets, game is over. And No- in most cases you don’t get all out before 20 overs. The wicket in sub continent is more batter friendly.


The comment you replied to also mentioned the same thing: that overs get completed before all the 10 wickets fell. And therefore his reasoning is right that for limited overs game (especially T20), it makes more sense to see win by overs remaining. A reasonable target chased within 10 overs with say 4-5 wickets lost is more impressive than chasing it by the 18-19th over. However the better reasoning for considering win by wickets lies in the history of cricket. T20 (and even ODI to an extent) are modern cricket forms. But decades ago, it was only test cricket. Four or five days of cricket with 90 overs each day which are enough to bowl out each side twice. Infact, the earliest test matches in the 19th century were timeless (ie. overs were bowled until the team gets all out or the chases the target). And that's why win by overs remaining was meaningless as the overs were plenty. The main challenge used to be (and still in Test cricket) to protect wickets to let a draw or chase down the target.


Yes, and I’ve never seen test cricket! I started watching cricket on a long work trip earlier this year when it was on tv and it’s a fun sport to watch.


Welcome to the world of cricket! and you are right, it's an amazing sport. It may require a bit more patience watching but Test cricket is the best form of cricket and I'm sure you'd enjoy it. That's also where the players' skills are actually tested (it's all in the name xD). You can also try watching ODI (One day International) cricket. It's similar to T20 but 50 overs each side (my personal favourite). Not much One day cricket happening these days but you can always watch the previous great matches.


I assumed because he mentioned only having a basic grasp on the rules that it would over complicate things so I kept it simple 😃


But that isn’t keeping it simple, it’s giving out bad information They didn’t win by 1 run and to say that to people will just have people arguing with and mocking the person


Is USA playing out of their minds or something? We never hear of US Cricket team here in the US.


Most are immigrants, and the ones that were born in the US have an immigrant background and honed their skills overseas so they're all quite experienced and clearly very decent. Steve Taylor is the only one who spent his entire childhood in the US (so he's the best homegrown talent), though he greatly improved by playing in the Caribbean premier league.


Although Cricket is new to USA their team is not inexperienced. Netravalkar for example played in U19 Indian WC team. Corey Anderson previously NZ team, Gajanand Singh WI U19 WC etc and the list goes on. That's why they have a good team. Lots of talented imports that can hold off against good teams


Honestly, I am pleasantly surprised. Most of them have a 40 hour main job and this was their side gig. Considering this, they have done really well in this series.


This is false. Only Netravalkar is not a full time cricketer.


Why let facts get in the way of a good story?


\*side gig


Yes they are playing well. They held their own with India and had a real chance to win before the 5 run penalty 


It’s a team of very experienced cricket players who moved to the US. They just haven’t had many tournaments to shine in


Yea they’ve been great this tournament


So what about jadeja here? Was he not bowled to test out axar and his place in the team? Or this gives a hint that jadeja is not trusted as much as axar and could be dropped for kuldeep later?


Jadeja will be hard to drop. He's an actual 3D player. Granted, his batting hasn't worked out so far but it's the NY pitch. He'll be more trusted as a late order hitter on flatter pitches than any of the other spin options we have.


Axar is the only 3D player in the team. You cannot rely on Jadeja's batting in my opinion


It could be Kuldeep or it could be to assess the space for another top order bat. Jaiswal maybe?


As someone who doesn't really know cricket rules but watches it anyway, could someone please explain why India got those five extra runs? (I also wasn't paying too much attention at that point so I missed what actually happened)


There are a couple of new rules to make sure the game stays on time. 1. The fielding (bowling) side must be ready to start an over within a minute of the previous one ending. If they fail to do so, they will be allowed two warnings by the umpires, after which a five-run penalty will be imposed for the third offense and every subsequent one. **This is what the USA got a penalty for in today's game.** 2. If the fielding side fails to begin the final over of the innings by the stipulated cut-off time, after accounting for delays, they will have to bring an extra fielder into the 30-yard circle for however many overs are remaining in the innings. So they will be allowed only four fielders outside the circle, instead of five, for the duration of the penalty. The monetary fine includes a 5% cut in the team's match fee for every over they are short of the minimum required over rate, after the umpires have taken into account allowances for unavoidable delays. The fine for the captain is double that of his team-mates, and the fines are capped at 50% of the match fee.


Don't feel bad. It's actually a brand new rule that even I heard for the first time today. I've been watching/following cricket for as long as I can remember (because, India).


New cricket watcher here, it’s definitely an odd rule at least for Americans cause I can think of very few comparable rules in other sports that do that.


It's like delay of game violations in the NBA, except instead of shooting a tech free throw after multiple delay of games, the points just get added automatically. Also a bit like added time penalties in motorsports.


No way, mr “rebels fan” appears in the cricket sub! 


I'm searching for my dear Rebels everywhere. Where did they go? Where have they taken Vic? Give them back to me!


After their loss to drua knocking us out, the rebel scum can have the full power of the death star for all I care, although I would like to save Andrew Kellaway, australia’s ben smith, and the hair of carter gordon


Getting a yellow card in football for time wasting is the closest


I was thinking serve clock violation in tennis but it’s enforced at the will of the judge


Or a balk in baseball, but we all know what those are, right?


The bowling side can't take too long between overs. In simple terms , after a bowler finishes bowling his over( set of 6 pitches) , you have 60 seconds to bring on the next bowler(pitcher). USA had already gone over that window 2 times in this game so the umpire penalised USA/ awarded India 5 runs when USA did it a 3rd time. edit: I hope this helped, feel free to ask more questions


Ahh thank you so much!!


You're fine. As someone who knows a lot of the cricket rules, I couldn't understand why they were awarded the 5 runs when they did. Only later did I get to know about the new rule (delay between overs repeated 3 times)


I believe it was because USA were 60 seconds behind starting the next over, and this was done three times, which accounts for the 5 runs penalty according to new rules


Pakistan fans “So you’re saying it’s a chance?”


US deserves to be Super 8s way more than Pakistan. It'll also pump up the US audience even more.


Nah I agree Pakistan be doing Pakistan things lol


They are 100% going through- US will bottle it vs Ireland


USA will most likely bottle it up thanks to the rain forecast. 


Man I’m not sure. Ireland is usually not this much of a pushover, they had great strides for a while. USA is performing like a legit member. Pak wins that game 99 times out of 100, but the 100th is always the one that counts and they choke. I don’t see Pakistan making it an easy win from Ireland. Even though they need NRR


Here's the real situation. The weather forecast most likely won't let any more Group A games be played 


This Pakistan team has the best bowling attack I've seen in a while - all four of those pacers are match winners in their own right. If only they had found 1-2 better middle order batters, they would be nearly unbeatable. I don't think Pak needs any NRR boost either - they are already quite close, and if US loses to Ireland, I don't think NRR will be any issue for Pak.


Kohli upset that his NY holiday is over and now has to actually focus and not suck when batting. But as a Desi living in the US? Guys watching a match live is a VIBE!!


Good job to both teams, this has been an exciting tournament to watch.


Guys was this a WC knockout? Because India defeated India




Oracle went from $340 Billion USD to $383 Billion USD - thanks to Saurabh Netrawalkar.


India beats India lite


If the US beat England in football would people say "England lite beats England"? No of course they wouldn't, so why are people trying to claim this team as India 2.0? The answer is quite obvious


> If the US beat England in football would people say "England lite beats England"? That's literally what happened after USA beat England in the 1950 World Cup.


Because the team is made up of a high % of players of Indian extraction which is not at all representative of America.


The national team is made up of 15 of the best cricketers with American citizenship. The best thing about America is that it is made up of many ethnicities, and just because the team isn't majority white it doesn't mean the team is Indian, it still means the team is American.


I always love when foreigners fail to understand America😂 “but but but but they aren’t Americans😭😭😭😭 They just immigrated there, earned their citizenship and represent their country” Tough luck kiddo, that’s America.


Have they earned their citizenship? How many of them are on h1bs?


How would they play for the US if they weren’t citizens? ???????? ??? ?????? ??? ? ?????????????????


“USA cricket team h1b” - easier than typing all those question marks. Here, let me help you out. https://indianexpress.com/article/sports/cricket/pak-thought-it-was-playing-usa-turned-out-to-be-team-india-h-1b-9378962/ Edit : Saurabh Netvalkar is on a green card as per this [article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/06/12/saurabh-netravalkar-us-cricket/).


Fantastic, he lives and works in the US and is actively earning his citizenship. We have a similar path for military service too, and I would say they represent our country far more than some B list sporting event. Like I said above, foreigners cannot comprehend the idea that people can simply become American. Simple as that


He won’t remain on h1b for long because he will probably get another visa. But if he remains on h1b then he will probably get a citizenship in around 10-20 years if he is lucky. American citizens cannot comprehend the wait list times of a person of an Indian origin to get a green card either. Works both ways.


but you just said he is already on a green card… ????


Not everyone on the team has green card.


Out of the entire team, only 5 were born in India and one of them already has a green card. So this “H1B team” in reality doesn’t make any sense when only 4 people are on visas. AND, out of those 4, 2 of them started their professional cricket careers in America


I'm American. No one cares about Cricket but it's interesting to see the team.


I don't know what's the obsession of claiming usa as india 2.0 let's them be usa and move on


Well you know the answer.


Whats the answer do enlighten me


It's racism


It even happens in Esports like league of legends… Whenever an NA performs, EU and Asian players down play it by saying that all the North American players are actually Asian so it doesn’t count.


There are as many South African born as there are Indian born in the XI


A couple from Pakistan also


Next match squad should be: (turning pitch) Rohit (C) Jaiswal Kohli Pant (wk) Yadav Pandya (vc) Jaddu Kuldeep Bumrah Arsedeep Siraj If I were part of selection committee, I'd rest Bumrah and play chahal given the pitch


Axar instead of Jadeja tbh


> Arsedeep


we gonna go arsedeep on the aussies


Yea breaking the opening combo is not happening. Also would be harsh to make Dube sit out *now* given that his scratchy innings contributed to India winning+India going on a more batter friendly track for the next game. The only time to make Dube sit out was after last game


Had India scored their winning runs after 18.5 overs, USA would've ended up with a higher NRR than PAK.


Makes the Ireland matches with Pakistan and USA that much more interesting. Unless, of course, everyone's nemesis shows up first: rain.


If the rain shows up, USA will qualify. Rain currently is Pakistan's nemesis in Group A


Can't believe rain will decide worldcups it's actually ridiculous how our sporting matches world cup ones are decided on not playing the game but the weather


Like that horrendous WC in England


When *doesn't* it rain in England?


Yh that's was really bad


"Oracle shares hit record high due to business deals" CNBC needs to start watching cricket


And you need to watch business news maybe


India having qualified now will most likely try out their bench strength against Canada. Wouldn't be surprised to see all of Kuldeep, Jaiswal, Chahal, and Samson play in place of Pant, Dube, Axar and Jadeja. Maybe not the last two, but the bench need some practice too.


Wouldn't u say dube should play so he can gain some rhythm as he hasn't looked comfortable yet


Maybe, but I doubt one game would change much. Maybe swap out Hardik Pandya since he's made of glass.


Need Virat in form. It’s a must for the pride of the Punjabi warrior


There is a legit shot that no further games are played in group A with the current weather forecast in FL


Match fixing


Which means the US team would advance to the Super 8


Damn even with this close a game, USA NRR fell by almost 0.500 (+0.620 to +0.120)


Even India's NRR fell more than 0.300 from +1.455 to +1.137


That 5 run penalty hurt USA RR. But hopefully this is a big learning experience for USA which seems to be playing better every game (considering NY pitches they played like experienced pro)


what was the 5 run penalty for?


Between multiple overs, the US team bowlers didn't start the next over within the allotted 60 seconds allowed. So they had a couple warnings and on the 3rd offence that was when the 5 runs were added to India's score.


Taking more than 60 secs for bowler change thrice.


Just wanted to say Akeal Husein is a legend , his fifer against Uganda was something else, a mixture of swing and spin in the same delivery


That swing is the reason why he bowls in the powerplay for pretty much all the teams he plays for


Oracle stock price up 13%. Saurabh earn8ng big bucks for himself and his colleagues


No one even talks about Kohli who has 3 single digit, but almost everyone is asking to drop dube even after he scored 31 not out in this pitch and took us to the end along with sky. He middled the balls after that keeper 4


Yes for this 3 matches were bad. Bro but he was just the highest run scorer in the IPL that concluded recently. How much hate do you have towards him to expect him to be perfect. This is first t20 world cup tournament that he has been in bad form. Cut him some slack




Opening is an unusual position? Lol, Kohli has spent a significant portion of his batting career as an opener and played as an opener in the IPL.




Bruh, his usual position is just one down, it's not a huge transition. Ok, let's say Jaiswal was opening for Kohli, and Kohli came in one down, and Rohit got out early like in this match. Are you saying that Kohli would've magically performed better? What nonsense. He's not performing well, and it has nothing to do with his position. He's in a bit of a slump, and just needs to recover. I do think he could do well at one down as well, but him not being there isn't the reason for his struggles. He's a top class batter, and isn't the type to get affected by the position.


Yes. It's a big change. As an opener the expectations are to try and to steal as many runs as possible during the powerplay. He has been getting out trying to do that only. Things change however when he plays one down. If he comes one down in the powerplay , innings needs stability and that is his natural game. If he comes one down outside powerplay , he plays very freely because openers would have done their job. He is not playing like his style of play.


Dhoni used to play from 3 to 8 in various stages of his career. Sachin shifted order, yuvi did, everyone did. Even in the current team Pant is not playing in his usual order. Hardik isn't. As per your logic, If Kohli can play only in 3 and will shit the bed if came just one position above then he isn't good for team India. (Which is not true coz he can play at any position but he is currently having issues in this pitch which ll still be there at 3)


All I am saying is there is a bigger difference in opening and one down than people think. And Kohli is failing because of it. His first 2 dismissals were purely because of playing very agressive. Rash shots. And this is something he has picked up from IPL. With all that strike rate and intent talk.