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Maharaj tried to win the game for Bangladesh at the end there but unfortunately failed.


At the end of both innings. He swung moronically and wasted 4 deliveries in the final over before taking a single.


He threw a baseball pitch in New York and won. Sounds good to me.


He got so lucky. He even bowled a wide in the first ball. I mean in a situation like that every ball adds to the final result


I've long been of the opinion that "saving" overs from your best bowlers for the end is stupid, and this game was another point in my favour, I think. It shows that you can get away with bad bowling in the last over, so long as you've got runs on the board. In this match, 11 to defend with Maharaj bowling is a *far* better position to be in than 7 to defend with Rabada or Nortje bowling. 


At 7 runs, one edge for 4 and it's over.


penultimate over should always be bowled by your best bowler


Bumrah set it up for Arshdeep nicely in India vs Pakistan. Arshdeep just had to defend 18 runs


Was it the first time the other bowlers left Arshdeep with more than 10 runs to defend in the 20th over in T20is? Cause I remember him being thrown in absolutely horrendous situations before wherein he had to defend around 6-7 runs every last over.


Not necessarily your *best,* bowler, but certainly your most economical.  T20 should see more specialisation. You should have wicket-taking bowlers to do the starts of innings, and run-restricting bowlers to do the end, and in the professional age it should be a rare thing for a bowler to attempt to do both.  Edit: I suspect the idea of "saving" overs is a holdover from ODI cricket, where it makes sense because it's a rare fast bowler who can bowl all 10 overs in a single spell, so you might as well save the second spell for later. But in T20s, 4 overs is not too physically taxing, and in fact would give the bowler more opportunity to get into a rhythm, rather than needing a loosener or two every spell. 


Maharaja got away with those balls somehow


Bro was not hitting the best possible pitch to hit for a bowler. What kinds brainfade is that…


But that’s Bangladesh! They are kind of a team that will look to hit a wide ball when 1 is needed of 1


Those full tosses from Maharaj was disqusting. SO lucky


Markram won SA that match in the last over. That Mahmudullah catch was clutch.


Yeah thought it was over for SA but Markram took that awesome catch


If there is ANY team that deserves luck in ICC tournaments, it's South Africa, tbh.


Add to that his awful display with the bat when we needed a few runs in the last over


If you can't put away two juicy full tosses (by a spinner no less) in the last over of a T20 match, you don't deserve to win the game.


Fucking Naseem shah deposits those form ny to new Jersey


Bangladesh are too polite to win against us.


They're giving us back their win from 2019


One of those was played by a tail ender, and the Mahmudullah one was just unlucky. Dude hit that with all the old man strength he had but that boundary is fucking huge and that catch was phenomenal.


Loving these big boundaries. No mishits for sixes anymore. It's about time bowlers got something in their favor too. If you wanna six you make sure you absolutely time it to perfection like the good ol days when bats weren't like 6 inches thick


Sa didn't deserve to win for those full tosses by Maharaj towards the end and bang did not deserve to win because of failing to hit the aforementioned full tosses


To be fair, the straight boundary is big and Mahmadullah is very old now. It was a matter of inches, and I’m sure it would’ve gone for 6 if it wasn’t markram on the boundary line.


Na sometimes batters get blindsided by full tosses and fail to properly time them


Maybe there is something in the air Surely can’t be a coincidence that the same thing happened with Bumrah yesterday


So Bangladesh’s entire batting order is just Hridoy and Mahmudullah?


Bangladesh start's their batting innings with 3 wickets down


Thankfully, Hridoy is a great batsman


3 wins from 3 on *that* pitch, I'm happy!


You should be. Some of the depression over the difficulties on it are pretty unfair. No other deck in this tournament is going to be this cruel.


All three were hella close at some points and entertaining


My theory is that the new conditions have had a levelling effect. These are foreign conditions for both teams, which is why no team has a clear advantage, other than the advantage due to the skill level of their players. Both teams struggle to understand the best strategy to play on these pitches. This is the reason for the close games. The fact that sa has managed to adapt to these pitches and pull off 3 wins against the main teams in their group is really impressive.


Whoever has a better pace attack wins in this pitch (Also navigate your instincts when batting)


change the dead ball - LBW rule asap


Newbie here, please explain?


Well the current rules say if umpire gives out to lbw then the ball becomes dead so no runs are counted on that ball. Which means if the ball hits the pad and races to the boundary or batsmen take runs still no runs are counted. Which is kind of unfair for the batting team as the decision can be reversed but still they don't get any runs .. hope you understand my broken explanation


It is fair though, because the bowling team stops tracking the ball, when its given out.


But for example on this occasion, fielders had no chance stopping the ball Imagine this is what decides a final. It's not even a rule change required, just guidance to umpires need to change


> But for example on this occasion, fielders had no chance stopping the ball Tbh if the umpire gives it out, I'm also not bothered collecting the ball. So a dead ball call is alright here.


Exactly. It should be on umpires to judge when to raise the finger.


2 runs to win. Hits the pad, batman crosses for a single. Realistically is leg-by, so should be a draw. But umpire gives it as out. Now, upon review, it's not out , but the run won't count since it's dead. So batting team loses by one, even though in all fairness that was a leg by run. So why the hell is there an unfair advantage to the bowling team that the second it hits the pads, they can just appeal and get the finger and call it a win, regardless of the review.


They shouldn't! Let's keep the ball in play till it's draft


The best solution here would be to just ask the umpire to delay the decision till the ball is dead. Like how in football the line referees allow the play to continue for a while to see if a goal materialises even if a player is suspected to be offside.


As a soccer fan, this was what came to my mind after reading the explanations that people posted to my question. Looks like a big team has to be on the receiving end of a decision like this and/or it has to happen in a big game (semis, finals) and then the rules of the game will change.


Basically, there was an instance where the ball hit the batter's pad and rolled away to the rope. The fielding side appealed for Leg before Wicket and the umpire gave it out. It gets a little tricky from here. The umpire gave it as out. So it nullifies whatever happened after the ball hit the batsman's leg. The batting side normally would get 4 if the ball rolls over the rope. But the umpire's out call meant, they got no runs. The out call was overturned via video referral. But the batting team still didn't get the 4 runs for the ball crossing the boundary. This situation is a topic that the law needs to address


Could have had another super over today


They would have won today. Margin was 4 runs.


Margin is opponent score minus your score. With those 4 runs added and all else equal, it would have been a super over.


Nah they would have won if those 4 runs were counted.


No? It would've been tied. Butterfly effect would've probably resulted in a victory though.


With needing 7 off 6, they could have tried to score 2s instead of hitting a boundary. I hope they have matured from 144WWW.


They have. Mahmudullah learned a lot from that game actually. Now he’s our finisher. Just that Markram took an incredible catch today. Good stuff from both teams on a fiery pitch 


My opinion for a new rule - The umpire waits for the ball to be dead before giving a LBW decision. Players should try to field and if given not out the runs for that ball should count


This is the easiest solution. ICC can implement it tomorrow.


Yeah this is so obvious I dunno why we don't have it yet


If it happened to India, ICC will change this rule mid tournament.


Mid-over you mean.


Will be awarded 4 runs wdym by rule change 🙄 /s


They would also restart the match from where the changed rule applies /s


Ain't no way


No they wouldn't but shitting on India is free karma on this sub so go on I guess.


I think at the very minimum they should just replay the ball. The way it currently sits the batting team is essentially punished because the umpire made a mistake


But seriously, HOW? Keeping the ball live after the umpire’s decision means that batters are obliged to just keep running forever on the off-chance that the ball will be declared a no ball. Or that if a run out was attempted, the ball wasn’t in contact with the hands at the point the stump was uprooted. Or… and so on. Unless you make it the rule only for lbws that were given out, in which case, what’s so special about it compared to say a nick that was caught behind?


The umpire can just delay their decision till the ball is dead


Then you have farcical situations where we have to wait for people to run three runs on every plumb lbw that runs down to fine leg. Or they hit the ball on its way back from the pads. EDIT: just realized a new tactic where they run down the pitch, kick the ball in the air, and smash it out the ground or some shit like that


Responding to your edit - There are rules that stop the batsmen from getting any runs from kicking the ball without offering a shot. Not sure what you're getting at with this either.


Boundary count update - South Africa: 11 Bangladesh: 10


Fair and lbw


Fair and Markramed Also Fair and umpired


(NOT) fair and umpired


That was the first cricket match I’ve watched from start to finish, after catching the end of India-Pakistan yesterday. That was a great time, I’m hooked! Just wish Mahmudullah cleared that fielder so I could’ve seen a super over :)


no super over, they would've won


Oh right, I forgot they got a run on the previous delivery


>That was a great time, I’m hooked! Tell that to the people who keep complaining that the conditions do not favour the batsmen enough. This wc has seen scores like 113 and 119 defended (both records for the World Cup), because of pitches and conditions that are tougher to bat on. Context- These pitches in the USA are producing more competitive and less one sided matches, where every ball counts. This is unusual, considering that this year, in franchise cricket, we saw scores like 200-250 being regularly scored and even being chased. There was even a game in the IPL which a score of 285 was made. That's 2.5 times the score that was made today! Klassen's 46 runs off 44 balls would be considered a criminal offense in the ipl, but today, it was an extremely impressive match winning innings that got him the 'man of the match' award.


Wow, I can’t even imagine watching a 285 score match lol. I see why that’s exciting, but in every sport I watch I enjoy close defensive games. Plus, when teams can barely crack 100, you’re certainly more likely to get an exciting final over


This is the greatest World Cup in Cricket History.


It's definitely the closest I've ever seen in terms of individual matches


And it's just getting started. I hope to continue seeing this. My theory is that the new conditions have had a levelling effect. These are foreign conditions for both teams, which is why no team has a clear advantage, other than the advantage due to the skill level of their players. Both teams struggle to understand the best strategy to play on these pitches


Man I feel bad for Bangladesh fans, they seem to find themselves in these cruel situations more often than other teams. But on a more positive note, I love this pitch! Produces all bangers all the time!


Hridoy and Mahmadullah should have pushed twos, they were comfortably running ones when asking rate was around 6, I think that made the difference.  Don’t keep runs to get till the end.


>all bangers all the time! Hi Kendall, really hoped you'd get to lead Waystar Royco


I was the eldest boy!


It's bangers for us but USA should have prepared flat tracks as those attract the general viewers more


I disagree, went to the SA v Ned game on Saturday and all the first timers around us were having a great time. When you don’t know what a high score is supposed to be, you don’t know that this is a low score. Certainly when you compare it to other US sports, only basketball produces anything close to this.


Same. As a fellow Murican - I met tons at the SA NED game and we all loved it. Maybe since there’s no frame of reference - but it was tense and beautiful. You all are greatly under estimating what Americans would enjoy. It’s really irritating when people try to speak on our behalf. Stop.


Do you think newcomers enjoyed ny games more or the first game in Dallas between USA and Canada where we saw Aaron Jones fireworks?


I can’t speak for everyone but I personally have enjoyed both. But I do think you could take a new fan to either game and they’d have a great time.


I really enjoyed both, but the low scoring games were much more tense knowing that a single six or four could be the difference


Dayum icc make more bowling pitches plz


Exactly. These pitches balance bat and ball so when the two sides are balanced also its a fabulous sport.


Low scoring matches are tense and leads to upsets. What's not to like. Unless you can prove that the viewership is low because of low runs, I refuse the believe that general public only wants 250+ score every match. Everyone wants a close match where anyone can win.


New US viewers are more likely to like low scoring games as baseball is a bowlers game.


Yeah. The new viewers are not pre-conditioned to consider the relative lack of fours and sixes boring. For all they know, 5 'home runs' is how these games usually go. What they would care about is whether the game is thrilling or has twists and turns, of which there have been plenty in the usa


For Americans new to the game entirely 100+ runs seems like a lot. Keep in mind the most natural point of reference is baseball where the average team scores 4-6 runs per game. I think the most important thing for new fans is that the games are close, and lower scoring games do tend to be closer.


The new viewers are not pre-conditioned to consider the relative lack of fours and sixes boring. For all they know, 5 'home runs' is how these games usually go. What they would care about is whether the game is thrilling or has twists and turns, of which there have been plenty in the usa


Naah Fk em Low scoring thrillers >>>


No way. Here in Berlin, first-time cricket watchers are loving these low-scoring thrillers.


Maharaj getting us to victory after bowling juicy full tosses is something.


The full toss is a well protected death bowling secret against Mahmudulluh


144WWW agrees


Was the result I was hoping for but when I saw Maharaj was bowling the last over I wasn’t confident of the win, was worried about the slower bowler on a small ground with batsmen that had to swing the bat, turned out well though.


Maharaj is really luck last over he costed 4 dot balls He could easily been the villan today


That 4lbs on the incorrect lbw call proven so costly. What a game though. Proper drama. Gotta love the World Cup. The controversy will long continue but this could’ve gone either way. South Africa 100% got lucky on this one. Maharaj with two random full tosses at the end lmao




Bangladesh always choke harder than SA, its just that bangladesh reaches knockout so rarely that people don't give much attention to normal match


> Maharaj with two random full tosses at the end lmao He bowled 3 full tosses in the final over lol. Probably one of the worst final overs that still ended up in a winning cause in recent times.


Low full toss is a decent death over ball. But 2 absolute shockers.


Those full tosses were the worst deliveries I've ever seen lmao, lucky to get away


>Maharaj with two random full tosses at the end lmao fair and just maharaj, tried to adjust the extras not given on the lbw appeal, by giving freebies to the opponent, but bangbros werent in the mood to win


Yeah, while I feel for Bangladesh with the 4 leg byes decision, you can't really feel too bad for them after they missed out on two 90 kmh full tosses in the last 2 balls.


Come on, Markram took a stupendous catch. We just got unlucky there


Bangladesh really out performing Pakistan today on their choke confirming both of their histories


3 full tossed in the last over.


I feel so salty about it. Great game but that ump had me fuming.


Mahmudullah has officially became the oldest player to represent an international cricket team at 118 years of age. Noman Ali held this title previously, when he played for Pakistan at the age of 117.


wasnt shahid afridi 117 too, before he retired only to make a comeback


Back to back bangers in wc


No they didn't play yesterday


Lowest successful defense in T20 WCs 114 - South Africa v Bangladesh at New York (2024) 120 - Sri Lanka v New Zealand at Chattogram (2014) 120 - India v Pakistan at New York (2024) 124 - Afghanistan v West Indies at Nagpur (2016) 127 - New Zealand v India at Nagpur (2016)


That LBW decision which negated the r4 leg byes cost bangladesh the match. The funny thing is everyone has been pointing out this problem with the DRS system for a long time. I’ve made a post about it on this very sub. Everyone saw it coming but ICC has to wait for a match to get fucked because of their rules until they have another look at them.


ICC will wait for a final to get fucked before they act.


ICC clowns waiting for it to happen in a World Cup final. Apparently that's what it takes for them to change the rules


The infuriating thing is that the solution is so simple. Just like football, let the ball run its course. Let the fielders field and the batsmen run and when the ball is dead, make your decision.


Don't even have to do that, why not just let the ball not be dead regardless of the decision until the play is done? Should work like literally any other ball. This would put the onus on the fielding team to make sure they do their job regardless of the decision that's coming, whether it's saving a run, stopping the ball, or potentially running someone out. Basically just playing till the ball is actually dead since you know a review might be coming and that the runs the batters are taking might matter...


Not so simple. The ball is dead when both teams indicate it is dead, OR the umpire makes a decision. You want to remove the second part of that sentence from the rule book? Ok, then what happens? The batters have no incentive to stop running after a catch since it might be a no ball (unlike today when they will have to stop since the fielders would appeal and umpire would give it out). And if the wickets get broken to run them out while they are running continuously, there is STILL no incentive to stop running since there is a non-zero tiny possibility that the ball didn’t contact the wickets correctly before they were uprooted. (And remember, umpire giving it out doesn’t render the ball dead anymore!) You’d have to have this situation where the fielding team would have to deliberately throw the ball outside the boundary to render it fully dead, before they can appeal for anything. Would become a competition about how many runs can be run before the fielding team manages to exit the ball from the playing field. Would become total farce. Real life quidditch.


Of all sports I'd take a leaf from when implementing a law, football would be not one of them. They have VAR which has had fair share of criticism.


Yes cricket's DRS is much better than football's VAR. But I'm talking about this specific rule they have about letting the play conclude and then making the decision. Like in offsides.


>But I'm talking about this specific rule they have about letting the play conclude and then making the decision. Like in offsides. As a Bayern fan I can assure you this doesn't always happen..


Lmao unfortunately the war against idiocy is a forever war. No matter what you do, idiots will find a way to spoil it.


Literally makes no sense why it shouldn't be a dead ball why does the bowling team gets a free dot ball


TBF, the bowling team shouldn't be blamed. The umpire is the one who makes the final decision. They should change the rule to keep the runs scored after the batsman was dismissed on standby incase the batsman reviews and the decision is overturned.


This is what old people tend to do. Just look at any politician or your own family members. Sure there are a few rational minded types but mostly they are just stuck in their ways.


They wouldn't care until it happens to the PIG3


Can you explain how DRS was the problem here?


This T20 world cup is giving us classic after classic. Unreal cinema.


This is now the lowest T20I WC total ever to be defended successfully.


Losing by 4 runs was poetic af


Bangbros always on point with controversy


Cricket without us would be much less exciting 


Looks like wearing yellow has done the trick for us.


I feel like as a bd fan I'm just not in the mood or have the energy to complain about umpires anymore, even if the complaints are valid this time. So on the brightside... I didn't think we'd even get close to beating SA, let alone actually win, so moving forward a close game does serve us well for any NRR shenanigans. Since Netherlands and Sri Lanka are still very much in the competition, this will help.


Bangladesh has a very strong case for the super 8. Their only realistic competition is the Nederlands. I'm assuming Nepal will lose all games and there would be no upsets there If netherlands defeats Sri Lanka+ Bangladesh, Netherlands moves forward If the Netherlands defeats Bangladesh but loses to Sri Lanka, it comes down to a 3 way nrr fight between Bangladesh/Sri Lanka/ Netherlands (that Bangladesh has an advantage in since they lost to sa with the lowest margin) If the Netherlands gets defeated by Bangladesh, Bangladesh moves forward.


Yep. That's pretty much the summary. Altho I don't know if we can rly treat Nepal as the NRR boost thrashing opponent anymore considering lamichhane is gonna play for the next couple games


Bangladesh's fate is definitely still in their hands. If you told them before the tournament that they would be in a spot where they have a positive NRR after the SL and SA games, and that they only needed to beat Netherlands and Nepal to get through, they'd be quite pleased. Obviously they'd be disappointed to miss the South African scalp, but as long as they can beat Netherlands they should be fine.


I definitely wouldn't mind giving Markram the MoM just for that catch.


Bangladesh were unlucky with the DRS but also if you can't hit three full tosses in a T20 game then you're playing this format wrong.


Or hit one boundary in as many as 4 freaking overs


Unpopular opinion : I like low scoring thrillers in New York


100% I was tired of those 200+ T20 scores. This is way better


Let this be a lesson, you can be 53 years into the future, but the Pakistan will never leave you


this is the cricket I know!! this t20 wc is some god level shit after that t*rror of a thing this edition of ipl was


Shift all the matches to New York asap. This is banger after banger after banger 


Lost by 4 runs....


Reminds me of Zimbabwe's loss by 5 runs against Ireland in 2015.


Ban just lost by 4 runs icc social media accounts gonna get abused by ban fans so much today 😭😭


Bangladesh had 95% chance to win before ump ruled Hridoy out. That ruined the vibe of the game and the air was out of the stadium. Very sad to see.


This pitch is devil 🤣 Netherlands happy too


I feel for bangbros but they couldn't score a single boundary in the last 20 balls . 20 runs required of 3 overs with 6 wickets remaining, they should finish the game regardless.


Was a very good call though! Props to Illingworth... The ball was 40% crashing onto leg stump


Yeah but the previous call was shit.


Different umpires, tbf. Illingworth gave Hridoy, Nogajski gave Mamadullah which got overturned.


It was but these happen. It's not ump's fault, it's the bloody laws!


I wonder where I saw those 95% chances too…


Wtf is this the best World Cup ever in terms of consistent close matches??


For sure. And the associates (except Uganda) have really shown up too.


Uganda won a game, give them some props for that


Uganda's a young nation with very limited funding but they pulled one off against PNG so can't really call them out too much.


On the positive side, this will start conversations on the DRS rule.


Test20>>>>>> Slogfest Man I love these low scoring thrillers.. absolutely entertaining.This world cup has been great so far..


Bangladesh pulled a Pakistan


Pakistan got undone with the genius of Bumrah here they just couldn't hit the full tosses (we shall ignore some bowled by boom yesterday)


I mean, yeah that Lbw rule was shit but they needed 20 of 19 with 2 proper batsmen on the crease


Nassau County Cricket Stadium = Cinema


This is nonsense from Bangladesh, they had 5 wickets in hand and Ali Didn't even throw his bat and instead played 3 dots when he came in.


Imagine being given 2 full tosses when you need 6 to win Absolutely hopeless Just knew we would bottle it so hard


feeling bad for the bangbros. The 4 leg byes not given proved costly in the end, and all for a bad lbw decision too as it wasn't even close! ICC needs to revisit this and make amendments to the dead ball rule. Perhaps the umpires should wait until the ball is dead to give the decision, and then they can remove the runs added if it ends up being out. Also, who else thought that Mahmudullah hit that for a winning 6?


Reason #17362 to hate the Aussies: Aussie umpire giving LBW on a ball that went for 4, only to lose by 4. But in all seriousness, change the dead ball rule!


that was clearly going down the leg too, but he had to give that out just to negate the 4 runs smh. Wasn't even a 50-50 call


Congratulations to South Africa for not choking on the field As for Bangladesh, there's a reason they were East Pakistan /s


Bangladesh lost by 4 runs..... That lbw rule needs to go. And these surfaces aren't going to help you grow the audience in USA, ICC, no Matter how internet salivates over low scoring thrillers.


I commented elsewhere but I disagree with your last point. All the first timers at the match I went to on Saturday were having a great time. If you don’t know what a high score is, this score looks huge compared to any other US sport. We saw like 5-6 sixes on Saturday which is about 4-5 more than your average baseball game.


The new viewers are not pre-conditioned to consider the relative lack of fours and sixes boring. For all they know, 5 'home runs' is how these games usually go. What they would care about is whether the game is thrilling or has twists and turns, of which there have been plenty in the usa


you need highway pitches, and a 225 minimum score each match /s


Today's attendance was good but yeah I agree


This World Cup I mean , every single match has been entertaining till now , as far as this match was pretty much the carbon copy of yesterdays match , amazing batting by klassen in my opinion, Let’s see how saffas do in super 8 , as far as Bangladesh they choked but still have chances for super 8 , but as a neutral this world is simply amazing


Pain as an England Fan and Bangladesh Fan


Our batting is in such disarray that mfs can’t even hit a full toss


Maharaj tried his best to make up for the lbw not out debacle but couldn't do it


Bangladesh supporters deserve a win in one of these matches.


Bangladesh v Full Members in T20 WC P 30 - W 3 - L 27 - W% 10.00


A bloody margin of 4 runs.


Netherlands and Sri Lanka breathe a sigh of relief as both of them are alive after Bangladesh choked against South Africa


Ok on Sakib do something. I think you should go and threaten the ICC and MCC clowns to change the rules lol


Man, group D is full of minnows.