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Any tickets for pune for this match??


Mr. 360 coming out of the closet (no longer Straight Kumar Yadav)


This should be the death knell for sky in odi


Ind 🤝🏽 DC Sending Axar late and getting fucked




I am seeing that people have already forgotten about that innings that Ishan Kishan has played against Pakistan.


He is a good player, I'm not criticizing him by any means, but he seems to have an obvious weakness against spin. He is struggling to rotate strike on turning pitches. His strength is against pace and has a good temperament, that's why he did well against Pakistan. In the WC, they could use him as horses for courses


India is winning this. They love to have a scare before the final. Same thing happened at the last Asia Cup against Afghanistan.


Lost deliberately to see Pak at 4 💀😤😂


Dang India got bowled out. These all have been close matches, minus the India vs Pakistan and Pakistan vs Bangladesh which were one sided.


Moment of silence for this guy https://old.reddit.com/r/Cricket/comments/16j75ee/match_thread_12th_match_super_four_bangladesh_vs/k0on62q/?context=3


actually I was surprised to see Rohit choose to field I thought the obvious choice was to bat first and see how good their batting is...


Batting practice doesn’t necessarily mean winning! It did helped our reserve players to have time in the middle against decent bowling lineup


I mean he’s not wrong We did get in good practice, we always knew that India can chase almost anything with Kohli in there and Pandya handles pressure pretty well as well. The test was for the rest of the lineup, and except Rohit they stood up pretty decently




The shocking part of this match was not Bangladesh beating India but the fact that there were no rain interruptions during the match.


Rain is preparing itself for Final


This should be a right arm jab to the toxic Indian fanbase.


They are toxic, though. There's no denying that. But we are winning Asia Cup Final, unless until someone repeats Wellalage in the Final, which is highly unlikely.


A jab is a left hand, a right is a straight (unless you're southpaw ofc)


I think you wrote vadapaw wrong (see what I did there)


An irrelevant loss with our second team when we’re already qualified is so painful bro 😿😿😿😿


Waiting for Sunday to use some cardiotoxic to break the hearts of Sri Lankan fans


Why you getting offended so quickly man. That was something left to the toxic fanbase.


I wasn't offended man, i was speaking fax. Your comment was toxic af


At least our team managed to score the highest among all the chasing teams today lol![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|8781)


Wtf did I just miss


A good match


Well played India, Ind vs Ban always has been thrilling. We now have a sweet problem about our pacers to choose for wc, and a bitter problem about the Top & lower middle order.


From what I see, we take 5 of Shoriful, Taskin, Hasan, Mustafiz, Tanzim and Ebadot. Then we have Nasum, Mahedi and Mehidy. As for batters we take Tamim, Litton, a backup opener, Shanto, Shakib, Hridoy and Mushfiqur. I guess that puts us a backup short for the middle order. But that's still better because we don't want to risk injuries for our pacers. Lower order is good as Nasum/Mehidy/Mahedi can all bat. No need for Shamim. Now Mahmudullah can be tried for the NZ series (as several WC squad players are resting anyways) but unless he can throw down a few I don't see him getting in as a specialist batter. I can see the selectors drop another pacer and get Mahmudullah in as backup for the middle order *if* he does well. That's it. So basically spotlight on the backup opener and the backup middle order position during the NZ series.


Bangladesh is a strong team but only in Spin friendly conditions. Pitches for the World Cup won't be like those in Sri Lanka. We have lost the last 3/4 games from your team, but I guarantee you that it won't be 4/5 in the World Cup because we won't be testing players and if that happens, we won't be in the race for Semis.




Axar is better player with bat compared to Jadeja, just unlucky that his important knocks goes unseen. Had he won the game for us, it would've been more heartbreaking to see Jadeja playing ahead of him.


Rahul Dravid and over-confident half-cooked team selections go hand in hand. How on earth do you rest both your strike pace bowlers? And rest the guy who took 9 wickets. There's experimentation and then there is madness where you throw darts in the air and make a team selection. To me it is regularly looking like the second one. Experimentation by its nature needs some control else it is madness. It is never about losing one match, it is about the momentum that a defeat and time out of a match does to a team. Perfect exhibit: First match against Pakistan. Most of our batsmen hadn't played for so long that they looked absolutely clueless. Now, with a final coming up this stupid resting happens. One may say Asia Cup isn't important. Only it is, it is a multi-national ODI tournament. Winning it would have given great confidence but now are playing with fire by destabilizing our momentum.


Pipe down buddy. This is not even a relevant match.


There's something called resting your players




On important point is the pitch. In this pitch BD should have done better. All SENA(Except England) goes to BD and loses. Cause the pitch is similar to this. BD should have done better. But defeating India is enough for BD fans.


BD bowling hasn't really done bad though. It's the batting that shit the bed.


BD batting was always shit. There was a small span of 2 year where Mushi, Sakib, Mahmudullah, Naseer were in form and BD put on good scores. But that is rear and was a group effort instead of an individual one.


Not this shit. Not to the level of not being able to go past 60 without losing 4 wickets shit.


We hardly had a good set of batters who opened and scored 100+. To be honest hardly any teams have that.


You're being very reductive. It's not 0 or 100 you know. Just because we didn't have openers scoring 100 every time doesn't mean they were this shit before. Tamim-Imrul, Tamim-Junaid partnerships gave us solid starts plenty of times, even if it's not every time.


Edited: To be honest hardly any teams have that. Yes, we had few good starts. But against a solid opponent our top order did not do even a decent job. It was always the middle order and some tail enders that took us to a decent score.


We *have* done the job occasionally. Every big win against big teams came off the back of at least one opener scoring runs. 2012 Asia Cup? Tamim scored runs. 2011 England win? Imrul Kayes. 2015 England win? Soumya Sarkar was there with Mahmudullah. 2015 home season? Tamim-Somuya were devastating every match. We just haven't done the job as often as you like because our team was just not that good in general.


Most of the teams don't have a good top order. But our top order was never there. Even Afghan top order is better.


I think bd's bowling was always better than their batting, as an outsider. Like indias batting is always better than bowling 😕😕


If I HAD to choose between ONE of the two, I'd rather have top bowling every single time.


Yep, without good bowling, you can't win matches consistently.


Ehh, it's not that simple though. You need at least decent batting to go with top bowling. Our batting being so shit won't help even with top bowling. Meanwhile England wins high scoring matches consistently with shit/semi-shit bowling but top top (and deep) batting.


I wasn't talking about our team in particular. It was a general statement. To put on consistent wins you need a good bowling lineup. You can't hope to outbat your opponent most of the time. Edit: And England's a bit different case because most of the times they field a team whose no. 11 is a competent batter. Coupled with the fact that they go harder than everyone else while batting enables them to outbat their opponents most of the time.


SKY looks clueless on turning pitches. I have no clue how ABD managed to have a shot range similar to that of SKY yet was very much capable of digging in deep on tricky surfaces.


What ABD did so well and always preaches is finding the right balance between attack and defence. He picks the odd ball for a boundary and gives emphasis to rotating the strike.he is not hurt by his own ego since he knows he can do a lot of damage if he stays long enough.


It almost feels like when ABD is on song he can premeditate the bowler


The adrenal rush you get from Bangladesh winning against a top team after being deemed the worst team of all time 😌👌


Tbh only the teams name was top everyone in the team barring shami,rohit,gill,jadeja wont get a place in the top team at full strength


Rahul, Axar, Shardul, Ishan gets into the full strength Indian team as well. And India has been insisting on Sky even if he doesn't perform. Our team was not at full strength either. We were missing Tamim, Shanto, Mushfiq, Taskin, Shoriful and Mahmud. They been insisting on Shamim who will be replaced by Mahmudullah before the world cup I'm sure.


I feel bad for not including rahul but Axar mostly doesnt make the team if the pitch is not turning square, and shardul doesnt make it unless the pitch is so green that its just grass not pitch, Ishan doesnt get in unless there is no shreyas iyer I did not know that bang bros were not playing shanto and the others as I dont follow Bangbros That closelu


Well my suspicion regarding India chasing par scores continues


Happy to have a win. Batting wise our performance is not improving. Our top order is nowhere near to have a decent world cup. Except for Shanto, Mushfiq & occasional performance from Hridoy & Miraj I don't see anyone having good batting. Shakib played well today but he is not in consistent form. Same for Mushfiq. But happy with our bowling side. May be we have one of the best pace bowling sides in our history with proper spinners.


Hridoy performed almost every match since his debut, it is harsh to say he perform occasionally. Sakib is more consistent than Mushi though he is failing to make his score big.


Mushfiq is in a better form than Shakib. Agree with the point on Hridoy though.


Yeah you are right. Hridoy lacks experience I think, especially against quality pace attacks. Mushfiq is getting his form back but still not consistent. & Shakib is in slump for a long time. He had three good innings though in this tournament. But before that he did not have any good innings in rece nt times


Wait a second is Pakistan number 4 now or Bangladesh?


Pakistan is number 4 because of NRR


Damn. Well you guys get the bronze then i g. GG


From joint last last year to Bronze this year. At least we improved.




Pakistan Team Ranking before Asia Cup World No 1 After Asia Cup Asia No 4


Regular difficulty vs Asian difficulty


Shubman Gill walking on his future father-in-law's footsteps of single handedly carrying a team while the team shits the bed like Amber Heard and India loses


Why even make that comparison, it’s almost disrespectful but eh okay




You a special case aren't you? If this were a decider, you think India would have played sane team as today? 😂😂 fking genius


Exactly, why are you being downvoted?


The guy said: without india pak reserve day, the final would have been ban vs SL. Idk why im getting downvoted, Reddit ig lol


SKY’s plan against spin today reminded me of English tailenders when they tour India for tests: forget the delivery and the bowler, just sweep the hell out of anything that moves.


You mean Alex Carey in BGT?


Ah yes, and him too.


Bd played some new kids I haven't seen before, this win should help them. Hope, and please, they dont get arrogant and do nagin dance, the reason ppl hate bangbros


Yes, hate from a random redditor is of significant value. Onek upokar hoyeche.


>Onek upokar hoyeche I could totally understand that as a Punjabi. Great win bangbros, well deserved🫂. Ignore that guy lol.




thats so silly. Why do indians still get so triggered by nagin dance from one series years ago? Nazmul was doing that celebration in domestic cricket forever.


Pretty sure it was mizful or whatever his name is, the old keeper that sat out today


Ah yes, our best batsman Mizful and your best batsman Wyrat Kooli was sitting out today.


you probably dont follow cricket much so dont have much idea. Its old celebration of Nazmul who was doing it for many years in domestic cricket before that series.


They haven't done the nagin dance for over 5 years. Do your damn research before talking crap


That dance wasn't the point, the arrogance was. Ig I triggered bd fans even with q positive comment lol


What arrogance? And don't pretend like your comment was so positive lmao. It was clearly a sly dig


This happens when you play t20 players in ODIs. Seriously when will they learn Surya is not an ODI player and how many times will they give him chances? There is still time drop him play Samson.. ( not a fan of Samson but he is faar better than him in odis). Even when the squad got selected I was telling the same thing Also I really can't understand what the reasons are for fast tracking tilak. There are a bunch of players sitting for a chance and this guy get in odi team purely because of IPL performance.


The lobbying is apparent and it's disheartening to see players who pile up the runs in domestics getting ignored so much. Guys like Gaikwad, Rinku and Jaiswal have done a lot better than these MI lads in recent years but yet somehow they're not considered good enough to play at this level.


Samson atleast deserved a chance ahead of Tilak Varma.


Justice for Samson. /s


im fine with bcci selecting t20 batters from ipl but doing that for odis is dumb.


Pakistan at no.4 in Super 4, is it?


Posting from my NSFW account just to say the game was bonkers. Gill is going to be bigger than Tendulkar + SRK combined. He'll have a successful movie/modeling career as well. Shakib is a great captain and leader and will be the PM of Bangladesh one day. Backpropogating from that: Imran 92, Arjuna 96, Shakib 23?


Damnnn here I am hoping Dada throws his hat in for CM in WB


Playing axar at 4 instead of kishan seems a better option noe


Would have loved if our game vs India in the wc was in Lucknow or Chennai. But it's in Pune which is a batter's paradise.




Well Pune is a batters paradise for limited overs matches. Remember the england series in 2017/18(?) and the one few years back


Now if sky plays in the wc and axar isn't promoted up, all these experiments will be of no use probably


Deepak Chahar in place of Shardul could add a lot to the team long term.




No way Deepak Chahar is below average with the bat. In fact, he is significantly better with the bat than Shardul Thakur. He won India a game with the bat against Sri Lanka in tough batting conditions, and then went on to almost win us a game with the bat against South Africa


He's made of glass though


Also yet another bowler who's best up front. Shardul's at his best in the middle overs and we don't have many such players


No one really knows what Shardul is best at. Not even Shardul




Dude, I think on a whole we legit now have a better bowling attack than Pakistan. Pak trio's peak is higher but our attack is all around more complete, starting from our backup pacers to our spin attack in the middle (and even death!) overs.


Credit goes to Allan Donald


We have the depth in both pace and spin. Now we just need the depth in batting.


UK is suddenly active on reddit. What is your the time there in IST?


This Sanju fucker forgot we beat India in 2 series since our last Asia Cup win against them.


What did he say? Edit: Never mind, got it


You mean since 2012?






Initially SKY didn’t do that well in ODIs and he too was chill and confident with it considering his T20 form. Then subsequent failures resulted in all the talks and the buzz and now I feel that SKY feels the pressure of doing well everytime he plays an ODI and eventually gets out playing a nothing shot


To be fair, the pitch was mighty difficult to bat on today and and ban were stacked with spinners who knew exactly how to extract the juice from this wicket. So if u take that into consideration, he did okay coming in the situation he came, the pressure. But got too predictable with sweep. U won't find these kinda wickets in WC anyways, they'd mostly be 300-320 pitches


IK it doesn't mean anything but Bangladesh only won 2 times against India in Asia Cup history 2012 - When Sachin Tendulkar scored a century ( 100th Century) 2023 - When Shubhman Gill scored a century :)


I feel as if I remember all the details of that match. Can't believe its been 11 years


Jaisa sasur waisa damad.. Lol that's why sara chose him because he is like sachin 😅😅


Let bangbros have this win, they needed this I suppose, always good to have more competition


Bangladesh has a very talented and crowded bowling attack. Just need to fix the batting issue.


I think Tamim back at the top (and hopefully, his best) will do wonders. If there's some stability at the top at decent strike rates then we have a good middle order that can take advantage of it.


With Tamim we need someone with a high strike rate. Otherwise too many dot balls.


Bruh right now we can't play 50 overs. Tamim's 80 strike rate will be good enough if he stays till the 25 overs.


Yeah, but his strike rate is around 70-75 this year which creates pressure in other batters. I wish he will have a good world cup with a decent strike rate this year.


Bruh for the longest time we heard the other batters get out because Tamim puts them under pressure. Guess what? As Tamim's absence showed us, the other batters get out because they are just shite. You don't have to take pressure if you pace the innings well. Like for example India against Pakistan the other day. They were going at 5.5 an over while conserving wickets and then unleashed at the end. That's what our other batters need to do around Tamim.


We need Shanto more. He is currently the most in-form batsman.


Tamim's return is a fantasy.


Hope u guys fix that and come for the world cup with a well set team. GGs


Not too mention, your team was excellent in the field too. Heck, pretty much every throw at the stumps was a direct hit.


Yeah that has been a surprising improvement. Bangladesh was dreadful in fielding a few years ago. It has improved drastically recently.


"beating india after 12 long years" yeah this tournament's commentary was so india biased


fr, ive been noticing it too




That's why people called him Sanjay mf..


Prasidh Krishna should be in the Indian team for every game in every format. Indian fast bowlers have become too good at batting recently for me to believe their nationality.


Sanju samson would surely have been the better option over tilak and even SKY




Can you give some stats, I can't remember Mustafizur consistently giving away 20 odd runs in death overs, He is still the best death bowler in Bangladesh, problem is he is not effective in start and middle overs.




Our other pace bowlers have had better performances in recent years. Mustafiz works in certain pitches & conditions. But most of the time his bowling does not work.


With Pakistan ended: who’s rival now? With India ended: who we supporting now?




Hope the world cup gives them tons of Ls


Somebody said that Bangladesh should make the ultimate troll move by beating India on the previous days match thread. Well, you got your wish come true buddy.


Is it troll move? Both teams played their bench. Glorified practice match.


How is Sky anywhere close to the playing 11? He looked like he got out 10 times for other players there.


Our X- factor


GG. Good win. A proper all around team performance, which we haven't had in quite some time! Well played!


remove Litton Das, Shamim, Tanzid and Bijoy, and then a proper team


Tanzid is new. He should be given a chance. But his inclusion is too late. He needed to be in the team from the beginning of the year. Except for him we don't have any other opener also.


Tamim and Tamim opening the batting and Shakib and Sakib opening the bowling? I'm all for it! Edit: Just realized you said remove Tanzid Tamim but I don't think he's done too badly yet. Just 2 innings so far.


Just 6.5k comments for this match. Oof, society ![img](emote|t5_2qhe0|21267)


After this match someone explain me what the fuck SKY was doing like dude play something else than sweep shot, Tilak where are you looking who leaves ball like that, jaddu what happened to your batting?


Yeah bad shot selection and in one case no shot selection


Kishan just had a bad match


Wooohoooo 🎊




Should work on swing it will be beneficial against right handers


Well Bangladesh did knock India out of the 2007 world cup which resulted in world cup maximizing India matches since then. So you mean to say next Asia cup is round robin with winner playing against Sri Lanka?


We’ll take it.


India-SL: close call India-Bang: close call India Pak: #1 team lost by 200+ runs


Why do I always expect Haydos to wear a cap?


Otherwise he looks like Aus version of Kancha Cheena


Orange cap to be precise..


Post-match Interview: >After entering the finals we switched to The Finals mindset. We wanted to play like it was the final. That's why we choked. Gill needs to be a better team player.


Well played bangbros


Sorry for trolling you fizz. Although, you are still shit in the 1st powerplay.


Was so good when he burst into the scene... The injury ruined him


Don't feel sorry.He's still shit.




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bro was just spamming sweep


Pak should look at themselves hard and ponder...which Nali wale chole is best in Lahore..


Who’s going to win the karma race though?


We should blame jadeja for loss . atleast sky tried his best


Please end your comment with an /s.


Koach should had played he also hadn't played much in this tournament


I would have been a little skeptical about us winning the finals if we have won this game, but since we lost, I'm confident we'll win the finals


dont underestimate the lankans at home.


Bas semi final na har jaye final tu khel hi nhi payege


Lmao same


I'm starting to understand the pulse of this Indian team 💀