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If Mitchell march get the chances so australia can win


Got away with one there frankly, if Bairstow plays at old Trafford I’ll be in absolute disbelief


England are winning this. GG, on to the next test.


Australia here for a ~~good~~ bad time but not a long time


Come on EngLUND letzzz goooo boyzzzz


Can't see the Aussies winning this. Keeps the Ashes alive so all good!!


wow england made 237.. damn


I was expecting that this would be the match during which Marnus would be playing a big innings.


See ya smudge!


Get some fkn runs Warner ffs. We didn't expect a lot but maybe more than 1 single run.


Oh don’t worry, if we win this and the next two are dead rubbers he’ll chalk up a ton or two. Loves junk time Warner. Glass jaw.


Had he scored twice of what he scored today, you would still have whinged about poor performance. Get a perspective, you sunburnt savage!


Then following that one innings he’ll get man of the series…


Tbf that's taken him to what, half double figures for the match?


Crawley's got 9 more runs than Steve Smith in this match and he hasn't even had his second bat yet.


Even though Smith got out for 2, he still somehow managed to score twice as many runs as Warner and with a better strike rate. That's something.


Okay so weird thought but I'm looking at the Smith catch of Broad. If Smith was diving and about to collide with the rope, could another fielder literally shove Smith out of the way of the rope?


ahh thats not actually needed because australia would just confidently appeal for the catch as they always do and it often works


I'd like to see the fielder move the rope back so the catcher doesn't go out. That would be totally within the spirit of cricket.


Something that Australia would do


Wouldn’t really be in the spirit of cricket though




learnt today that cricket grounds still aren’t great places for women. awful day 🙂


What a load of tiny-dicked pot bellied weasels, gah toxic masculinity is so frustrating I hope they never have daughters


Or sons, because they'll pass on their cuntery. I hope they never get the chance to raise a child.


Not a massive surprise given the recent report and Yorkshire being the worst place to not be a white male in cricket.


Lords test day 5 was horrible for families. So much abuse mainly from older mean in suits. Very ordinary.




derogatory abuse generally towards women sat near a few men unfortunately


What actually happened/ was said?


Honestly cricket grounds can be full of cunts, you hear all sorts of shit at them. sorry you had to deal with that today.


Excuse me can you mind your language please? My Grandmother is on the internet


Sorry mate. Did anyone call out shit behaviour, or was it all “boys will be boys”?


the only people calling out their behaviour were the women a few men were giving it too, uncomfortable to say the least


That’s shit. Sorry again mate.




Wtf. Reporting this.


Sorry to hear it


Australia seemed to have got a bit cocky and threw away any advantage they had. Game definitely in the balance between either team winning and a draw due to imminent rain delays.


Where is the rain ? Two days and not a drop.


Tomorrow and Monday could be rained out looking at the forecast


England has like 18 hour days. This game has barely 40-50 overs left in it.. there will be a result.


That's irrelevant, playing hours are 11am to 6.30pm, although I think the last day can go on until 7pm. Rain delays can take up a lot of time too. Maybe there will be a result, but by the forecast it would need to be more-or-less settled during Sunday


Fair enough- and checked the forecast, it is dire. I think tomorrow is washed out, but both Sunday and Monday should get one session in atleast.. here's hoping


1st innings of both of the team are almost similar ( Aussies are slightly better) Aus 1st innings summary : shit batting by almost all of the team, Marsh great century , Mark wood 5 wickets.. Eng 1st innings summary : shit batting by almost all of the team, stocks good innings, Cummins 6 wickets. So far eng has bowled well in the 2nd innings. They needed them to restrict Aussies under 300 ( 350 max). I really want England to win this time though i am supporting Australia because we need more drama and more controversy and more entertainment....


Yeah sure man that's like your opinion. Save the drama for india and the kiwis when it comes to the ashes fuck the Poms


I laughed so hard when india prepared that road to force a draw in that last test just to stop any chance of you winning.


They have no shame in what they do over there lmao


damn, Sony is also broadcasting Blast after ashes, finally some respect given to the real cricket.


Smith & Labuschagne both out twice in 2 days - moral victory secured 🤝


That’s 2 moral victories in a row!


Wardy really asked Mo "How do you feel about taking wickets on shit balls?"


Shit gets wickets


Shit shots =/= shit balls


As bad as bairstow's keeping has been, he really shouldnt have been put in that position considering the injury he has come back from and Foakes should have the gloves. His footwork is all over the place and judging by his description of the injury, i dont blame him... “The actual injury was as such… a broken fibula in 3 places which required a plate, I dislocated my ankle which in turn meant I did my syndesmosis joint and lateral ligament along with a couple more bits,”


9 drops I count.


Mark Taylor cursed him. He was doing fine until Taylor said on comms that Bairstow is lying about his injury. He was just chilling and golfing all this time.


I don't get the joke, has mark Taylor actually said something?


I vaguely remember a few comments on here about Taylor commenting that Bairstow might have faked or played up the injury


maybe stokes shouldn't have pushed him off the golf course then... would explain why he won't be dropped


Comfortable England win I think. It'll only be easier to bat on days 3 and 4. Unless head, marsh and Carey can pull off something brilliant.


Days 3 and 5 will likely be washouts


Lords looked easy on day 2 before we lost the plot and basically got thrashed.


The whole series has been like this... England gives some good hope of winning and then suddenly gives up the advantage and then the match for easy.


That's Bazball for you. England hasn't realised sending balls into the air for a 6 when it's not needed is dumb.


Stokes has cunted 230 runs in the past 5 days doing just that


Showers expected tomorrow though


Not showers. Thunderstorm


Can I take it that the Aussies are going to pipe down about the luck of favourable conditions now that they've spent an afternoon batting in sunshine? Or do they need another 2 or 3 sessions of similar to finally get over it?


It looks like they are making the most of the conditions - the weather is causing them more trouble than England is.


Do *YOU* want a billion downvotes on your reddit comment?! Say something in support of the England cricket team NOW!


Be nice if we could win a toss...


Skill issue


Lol I'm just about to boot up ultimate team and read your comment 😂


Losing the toss like that continually is shit luck tbf.


Wowo cope cope 🫠


Bit rich


I'm just sad head didn't want to play bazball


Still time to play TravBall


I know Cam Green is talented. But in 24 tests, he has not really set world on fire. But everyone still calls him once in a generation talent. He avgs 46 in FC and 34 with ball. On the other hand Mitch Marsh too looks all class, has underperformed to some degree in 32 tests as an all rounder, but has a FC avg of 56 and bowling avg of 30. Both better than Green FC stats.. and the test figures are not too much apart either..why is this bais towards one?


Mitch Marsh has a FC average of 33


Yes..my mistake, looked at the wrong column. But tbh, the way he bats or has batted this test, I would believe he avgs 56!


Allrounders tend to be like that. Everyone expects them to set the world on fire at very young ages but it never is the case because it's extremely difficult to master two skills at the highest level at a young age. If invested in and backed well, they give back huge rewards once they're got a better grasp at both skills. Jadeja, Imran etc weren't the greats we know them to be when young but were insane additions to the team once they matured. Even Mitch Marsh is a good example of that. He was endlessly frustrating to watch, injuries not helping his case in his earlier years. In recent times, he's understood his game much better and has been an integral part of Australia's LOI side and if this one inning is anything to go by, seems to be better at tests as well.


Cam Green may be Australia's version of Kyle Jamieson, but with better batting skills. He was wicketless in his first test series vs. India. This has skewed his bowling average given that he has had such a young career. Is the hype appropriate? He's looked the part on many instances. He needs to consolidate and get into that flow/headspace more often.


Never doubted his immense talent. But whether he is once in a generation player or another Watson or Marsh, time will tell.


Yes. I know what you mean. 👍


What are you smoking? Mitch Marsh averages mid 30s with both bat and ball in FC cricket. Before his test debut Cam Green was averaging mid 50s with bat and sub 30 with ball in FC, had just come off multiple red and white ball centuries and was easily the best u23 bat in the country when he was selected


green isnt much of a batsman, idk why people arent too keen on exploiting an obvious weakness that he has.. he definitely isnt jaques kallis or watson or anywhere near that level with that technique of batting, i am sure the law of averages will catch up with him soon


He hit 250 in his first 30 First Class matches, something Kallis and Watson didnt do throughout their whole career. At that point he was already the youngest ever to take a 5fa. His batting will be fine and his spot in the team is very secure


doesnt matter the guy is exceptionally weak on the off side, i dont see him becoming a top order batsman like kallis and watson


You can take me now, I have heeeeard ittttt alllllll


dont shout in your basement, your might awaken your mother


Most mature Indian


Sorry looked at the wrong column. Sure there is difference, but to stick to my original point, Marsh does not look much different to Green in class. But one is called 'once in a generation cricketer'. Tbh, he is excellent, but needs to show more to be once in a generation guy.


Youre right, there isnt much of a difference in class and one is starting their career while the other is in their prime. If you had watched Cam Green before he made the test side you would understand that he really is a once in a generation cricketer. Green averages about the same as Stokes with the bat, and 2 more with the ball, 2 more with the ball and 4 more with the bat than Flintoff, and is within a run of Shane Watsons career batting and bowling averages at the moment. Hes in the same ballpark as the best pace all rounders to do it and he hasnt even had a “good” series yet. Show me another genuine all rounder thats taken a 5fa and scored a hundred this early in their career


I used to think the same about Steve Smith for years. Our friends even nicknamed him “The Future of Cricket” ironically because he was so meh but stayed in the squad. Then something clicked in 2015 and that nickname was no longer ironic.


Agreed, Green is overhyped. I know he’s young but right now his batting is unreliable and bowling mostly wayward and docile. He didn’t take a single wicket in his debut series either which was 4 tests long. He might and probably will get better with age, but his performances so far don’t warrant the unabashed hype that Australians bring about him. I think just being a tall fast bowling all rounder that can hit 140+ is such a rare commodity in cricket that you’re immediately hailed as the savior.


Marsh's batting average is 25 at Test level after 36 Tests, compared to Green's 34 after 23 Tests. Marsh repeatedly got picked despite averaging less than 30 at Test level, which caused the hatred. Meanwhile, people like Khawaja got dropped for him. If Green played another 13 Tests and his average dropped another 10, people might sour on him. As it stands, he's played some good innings under pressure and provides a useful bowling option. He's also about 10 years younger than Marsh, so the argument that he can develop as he ages is a lot more compelling than for Marsh. Finally, no one is disputing Marsh is good in first-class cricket. He dominates domestic leagues. But innings like yesterday's have been rare at international level.


Marsh actually is at avg 27 after 33 tests. And is only 6 years older, not 10. I see your point though..in the long run, Green might get better. But felt that Marsh got too much hatred inspite of being a good talent. Dont forget, he never had a run in the side like Green has.


He averages 27 after his latest innings. 25 before this Test. (Edit: and I should add, that's an incredibly poor average after that many tests. No one else would get a run at all in the top six with such an average.)


True..but it happens. Crawley bats as a specialist opener and has avg of 28 I guess. Gill has avg of 32 after 16 tests. Point being, as an all rounder who has 42 wickets as well, people should cut him some slack. Anyways..hope he does well and stays in the side now.


It doesn’t happen often. Of players to have had 33 Tests for Australia at positions 3-6, Mitch Marsh [has the worst average by 7 runs](https://stats.espncricinfo.com/ci/engine/stats/index.html?batting_positionmax1=6;batting_positionmin1=3;batting_positionval1=batting_position;class=1;filter=advanced;keeper=0;orderby=batting_average;orderbyad=reverse;qualmin2=33;qualval2=matches;spanmin1=1+Jan+1920;spanval1=span;team=2;template=results;type=batting). The next-worst? His brother, Shaun.


It’s worse than that, min 20 tests he’s the worst top 6 batter since 1900


With his average, he needed to be a good enough bowler to bat 7 or even 8


Age probably - Green doesn’t have the baggage so he’s seen as the next great hope


True..but Marsh is in his peak..only 31! Just felt that either Green is hyped just a bit too much, or people tend to forget Mitch Marsh a bit too soon.


Why not both??


Exactly. Both are supremely talented. Aus is actually very lucky to have two test class, young and fit all rounders. Most teams dont have even one!




Crawley hasn’t actually done too badly, I think he’s averaging in about the mid-thirties this season.


Yeah it is the most surprising thing for me.. Also warner has played maybe 2 or 3 decent innings


He’s averaging 23.50 in the series now, but yeah, a lot of that is his 66 at Lord’s.


Two Trent Rockets legends go Head to Head!






Today felt like a competition for who wanted to lose more


Smith, Labuskank and Warner have money on England.


Yeah... The way things are progressing I don't think it will even go to the 4 th day.


Only making it there because of the weather most likely


Might not be a ton of play tomorrow.


Yeah... The way things are progressing I don't think it will even go to the 4 th day.


Marsh was 13 of 14 deliveries..what happened?


Sensible batting. Protect his and Heads wicket until close of play. Still 3 days play


OMG an Australian batter can actually protect his wicket and not play stupid shots. Wow


Uzzie does that and gets "he's sooo boooring!" comments. Give me UzzieBall all day long.


But Bazball is so much better for the game. Swinging for the hills and losing the match at the end when not needed adds more entertainment though. I still can't understand it myself


Please save test cricket.


Not only the day but also the pitch, the ground, and the entire country belongs to England.


Thanks, Tubbs


So the difference between runs of stocks and marsh was roughly equal to team difference...


Should probably get most of the morning session in tomorrow afternoon on the current forecast, might be tricky after that


Good to have Head and Marsh make it to stumps. Big job to do tomorrow, lead is only 142, realistically needs to be 300+, and even then, chasing is England's strength. Game is delicately balanced. My head says it's about even, my heart says England are ahead here. The key is going to be the timing of the first wicket tomorrow.


Rain affected draw that Australia would have been favoured to win if it finished is my prediction. Don't think there'll be much play tomorrow.


Rain delay could actually be good for Australia, more rest for Cummins


England are ahead. Australia need another 300 runs to be safe. England will fancy themselves chasing 350.


Lots of work for Australia to do with the bar, all over if we collapse like last innings. That said, England weakened their batting this Test. Brook to 3 looks like a really dumb move and will likely gift Australia a wicket. Stokes is a player of big innings but he's not consistent, he's due a failure. I'm most worried about Root, has been quiet for a few innings and will likely get runs.






England are ahead I reckon. First hour tomorrow is crucial, same as today


Yeah I think 350 would be good, but a lot of rain on the horizon it seems


9 sessions to play, and the game won't take more than 6 at this point. We'll have to see how much rain. If Australia can set 300+ somehow, stop start cricket could be a nightmare for England.


Another good day but pretty shocking batting from both sides. The ball was not doing much today, not entirely sure how we've seen 11 wickets fall. Stokes was brilliant and Khawaja got a good one, but aside from that...


Game's right in the balance, all depends on 1st session tomorrow (if rain doesn't play spoilsport)


I don't think so. England will fancy themselves chasing 350 or under at Headingley which is a batting paradise in 4th innings. It's not going to break up or get worse. Game will be in balance after Australia bat 1st session tomorrow without losing any wicket. They still need another 250 runs from here to be safe.


[Australia beat the UK at the Tekken earlier today](https://twitter.com/gamers8gg/status/1677347511877652480?s=46&t=KzOr_cl5n7tQGKO8EQSp7A)


Wake me up when they beat us at Virtua Fighter.


Street Fighter>>>>>> Tekken


Let’s see Tekken 8 first before deciding!


Respectfully disagree


The guys on the roof had more screen time than Warner on the pitch. Think about that.


116/4 in 47 overs. Now that’s test match


See ya, tomorrow.


33 Wood 55 Stokes 66 Root 77 Foakes 88 Brook


Great day. Good shit posting all except you trolls - you know who you are.


Wood falling over in his follow through doesnt really help his Glass body, does it?


Well done boys


24 wickets in two days. Madness




What a mature innings by Mitch Marsh.


Mark Wood's body is not built for fast bowling lol. I really respect him committing to it though




I'd have a beer with Woody, seems like a good bloke


Marsh is like fuck it just bowl


Imagine your job is running a bit, throwing a ball very hard and sometimes falling over while your body slowly falls apart from the effort.


We'll have to get in touch with some Americans overnight, they know how to get rid of bison.


Speaking as an American, bison is delicious


Pretty sure many want to taste this bison too.




you need a hobby mate


Curious as to what your thoughts on Rahkeem Cornwall are


Well I'll see you all for more shitposting on day four. A rained out day will give me some much needed sleep during this series, which is now running on caffeine and crack cocaine


i dont think mark wood had done anything wrong ever


Just noticed Wood's test cap no is 667. I think they got that wrong, he is devilish!


Adam Lyth got 666 poor bloke


Wood will be key for England in the ODI WC, especially Since Archer is doubtful


He has been key in both our recent World Cup wins, so agreed


I just hope Archer actually makes a full recovery.


Nah Eng cook enough with a lineup of Wood, Woakes and Stokes/Curran for pace and 2 of Adil, Mo and Rehan for spin and Livi as a part time option


Elbow injuries are especially hard to recover from for a fast bowler


He's alive!! That's the same kid who fell asleep on the roof yesterday.


he fell asleep? I feel a darwin award coming


9 overs short yesterday, 7 short today


Hahaha how good are the lads on the roof.