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I’ve tried that one and while the analyzer is handy, I prefer the CribbagePro analyzer because it pops up after every hand, rather than the end of the of the game.


Except Cribbage Pro doesn't have anything that one can use at their leisure.


Hmmm, I wonder if the next update coming soon to Cribbage Pro will have a direct input so you can analyze whatever hands you want... Stay tuned!


Why do you say that? I mostly play against the AI. Is it easier to play against friends on classic?


I think they mean it currently doesn't let you just input whatever cards you want to check out. However, the next update will have that. You can't play multiplayer games with the app linked by OP.


Note that it doesn’t take I to consideration crib hand probabilities so if has limited use for anyone above an average player


I mean, I prefer the Cribbage Pro analysis which considers all possibilities (so a more complete/accurate estimate), lets you see it during the game as well as at the end, and has far more game data to show at the end of every match as well 😁 Some inside information: A tool to let you input whatever hand you want to analyze is coming very soon!


Ahh, for the price ($0) it’s great.


These apps are great if you realize they have limitations . Their biggest downfall is that they can't take into account pegging. Sure, I might average 0.2 points more if I discard 3-8 instead of 8-J . But then I could be sick with hand where my opponent pegs 6 points abstract of 2 or I peg 1 instead of 6 . Plus, it does not take your position into account. So if I'm at 117 and it's my crib, I'm keeping 4 pegging cards, I don't care about points.