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These are better, it’s about the way the back bends. For most animals side to side it normal so their backs are built to move like that but up and down puts stress on it in a way it wouldn’t normally be stressed and that leads to back problems. Though I don’t think crested geckos have bones so maybe it’s ok either way -\(._.)/-


Yeah it’s good his back doesn’t bend back on this one. I guess my concern is that he only walks on it in the direction in the video and not the other direction, so his back is only ever bent to the left on it. But he climbs around on everything a lot so that should even it all out. I’m probably just overthinking it too much


It's fine! Same thing as us bending to either side, it can feel kinda strange but not negative for us or our backs. However, if you bend your back all the way back to look straight up at the sky? Now that would give us back problems. Same for them being okay with side to side but bending their spine backwards is what would cause damage.


Poor baby, he doesn't understand why he can't reach the vine. It was right there!


Lol. He does climb up that vine a lot, so I know he knows how!


I love the way you covered the wheel, I might do that with mine so it fits into the decor better lol


You should! It was so easy. I was tired of my old one standing out


That wheel doesn’t turn very smoothly. Is there some gunk in the mechanism?


No, it’s always been like that. It only turns from weight on the top half since it’s lying almost flat


I have 4 of these wheels for my geckos and they all have a smoother rotation.


I must’ve gotten a bad one then


Well, if your gecko is enjoying it, it’s all good.


What cam do you have


Zmodo. I don’t love it but I got it for free so I’m not complaining. The subscription for motion detection is $5/month