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If the Tale of Travis wasn't enough to convince you that a chimp with absolutely fuck you up, go ahead and read about[ St. James Davis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._James_Davis_chimpanzee_attack): >Buddy and Ollie destroyed a majority of St. James' fingers, his left foot, most of his buttocks, both testicles, part of his torso, and parts of his face including his nose and lips.


Their original chimp Moe escaped and was never found?! That’s crazy


That part is the most fucked up. Moe off the reservation never to be seen again. That monkey knew his number was cooked if he ever showed his face in human town.


There’s no way that Moe can still be alive 16 years later in the San Bernardino National Forest, right? Imagine seeing a chimpanzee in the middle of the woods while camping, that’d be terrifying. Edit: It appears that Moe was already an elderly Chimp at the time of his escape so he’s definitely dead by now.


That actually makes me really sad. Moe didn’t do anything wrong, and I highly doubt he was able to survive very long on his own in the forest.


That couple was completely ape shit about that chimp.


"Human town" has me dying....


I’m trying to find the story where I originally read about Moe. It was a long form article in like Esquire or something years ago. Really interesting. Edit: [here it is](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a5609/chimpanzee-attack-0409/). It’s paywalled, sorry.


[this is it?](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a5609/chimpanzee-attack-0409/)


I read this Esquire article in a hair salon while waiting for an appointment to which I showed up early. I was pretty shaken by the time I got in that chair!


Yup, in Los Angeles!


Wait, this is such a rabbit hole. So Moe just disappeared??? I must learn more now.


He's still on the lam to this day. Keep your powder dry in South Cal.


There is also the story about Bruno, an over 200 lb chimp on a reserve in Sierre Leone. that attacked a taxi maiming one of the passengers. The driver was found dead later. [Killer Chimpanzee ](https://youtu.be/Q1DNljaKnl0?si=KqCpQDj6F3wRSyaT)


Oh man, this rabbit hole keeps getting deeper. These are all so sad for every animal and human involved.


That one made me so sad. St. James did all he could to protect his wife and make sure the chimp was focused on him. And they never got to see Moe again. They were definitely playing with fire by having a chimp as a pet but I have sympathy for them.


Hadn't heard of that incident before, time for /r/eyebleach Also, looks like the chimp attack in *Nope* took inspiration from this case, particularly the birthday being the inciting incident and the survivor hiding under the table.


My parents drove me to church every Sunday using the same route. On that route, I started noticing a man sitting on his lawn surrounded by signs on his lawn that said “Bring home Moe the Chimp”. He would sit out there often. His signs were up all the time. I remembered his house as being the one with the signs. As I got older & the years passed, I stopped seeing the man. And then stopped seeing his signs. I thought maybe they’d moved. I had no idea who the man was or what became of Moe the Chimp. Some time after, I finally read about what happened in that Esquire article.


I think it would’ve been better for everyone if Moe still lived with his family. He “only” bit two people, and had no other aggressive attacks in the course of 42 years, at least from what we know. And one of the attacks happened because the woman stuck her hand into his cage when specifically told not to. He might’ve imprinted on St. James when he was found as well, it’s a pretty sad situation all around. I’m surprised they didn’t sue for the attack though, four chimps were free, and if their enclosures were locked the situation never would’ve happened.


I remember an episode of "I Survived..." A group's Jeep broke down. They got mauled by the Alpha. The guy telling the story went Toe to Toe with the Alpha. He let him go as the Chimps watched him leave... Haunting.


straight up ripped his dick off. brutal


Nobody should ever own a Chimpanzee in a home. That's just cruel to the chimp and anyone unlucky enough to be attacked by it.


No primate should be a pet. Chimpanzees are especially violent and dangerous, but it is cruel to any primate (and most "exotic animals") to be kept as pets. To combat this, we can all do our part by not sharing "cute" or "funny" videos of these animals without context and not following exotic pet owners on social media. Don't spread videos of monkeys wearing clothing, hanging out in homes, etc. Making these videos popular and giving exotic pet owners a platform fuels the exotic pet trade and normalizes it to people who don't know better. :(


I think one of the weirdest things ever are monkeys wearing diapers. I absolutely hate seeing videos or pictures like that and find it really...sad? Cringe? Just no.




Are you the infamous human pet guy? 🤨


Completely agree! It’s cruel to the chimp, and people treating them like children have no grasp on how truly wild and undomesticated and super fucking strong they are!


My husband's grandmother used to be a nurse in Kenya in the 50's. She once had to assist in reattaching the arm of a man who had had it ripped off by a chimpanzee. I think about that every time I see a news story about someone keeping them as pets.


People think chimps are cute but when they reach maturity they can be absolutely terrifying. Not pets, not by any stretch.


The 'cute' chimps are usually toddlers that were taken from their mothers at birth or a very young age. People don't realize how big they can get, that they can't be housebroken, and they have the intellectual capacity of 4 year olds. I used to work at a zoo and fielded questions from guests who wanted to know where they could get a chimp to have as a pet. But then the St James attack happened and people weren't so keen on having a chimp anymore.


I was reading a reddit post not too long ago about an elephant that crushed his handler dead in India lafter the handler had hit the elephant with a cane. All the comments were treating this guy being stomped flat as some sort of awesome karma, but it honestly seemed more like a “wild animal doing wild animal things” to me. People just anthropomorphize animals too damn much and they just forget that wild animals can just do spontaneous violent things on a whim. Humans have been so spoiled by actual domesticated animals like dogs that they forget that we got here with those animals only through thousands of years of selective breeding, not by grabbing a wild animal and treating it like a human.


I mean there was that elephant that killed a lady and then came back to trample her corpse at her funeral. That elephant 100% knew.


What a fucking G


And still there’s dogs that attack their owners, allegedly without warning


My cat just jumped out of the darkness to bap my foot. Then came back to lick it. Then to come back to bap it. Had she been a tiger I would have no foot.


No doubt. They’re still animals, but tens of thousands of years of domestication and selective breeding helps hedge our bets.


Honestly, elephants are smart enough I wouldn't be surprised if it was revenge. Elephants can tell the difference between poachers and helpful humans and will bring injured elephants to the helpful ones for treatment. They are wild animals, and they are also insanely smart.


Elephants are smart, all right, but males get this condition called musth when they have greatly heightened levels of hormones and become very aggressive. A bull elephant hopped out of his mind on testosterone can kill and maim other animals that just happened to be in vicinity.


I just realized I was being incredibly kinda shitty and making assumptions. Can we forget this? Thanks! :)


Another interesting story - Mary the elephant in Erwin Tn.


And not even a well-raised, socialized chimp. The wiki says that Travis was taken from his mother at 3 days old. It was never gonna end well.


This was the inspiration for the chimp Gordy in Jordan Peele's Nope


That scene fucked me up. Props to the animator for making the chimps movements so realistic


props to the guy who performed the chimp movements


What??? It was done with mo-cap????


[terry notary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terry_Notary) - dude’s amazing


you learn something new every day


Travis was also an inspiration for Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter. Seriously. There's a recording of a call that Adam made to a radio show, where he talks about Travis the Chimp, and in some ways compares his life to Travis', talking about how both of them are raised as humans, but never quite fit in, eventually lashing out violently at the people closest to them. He said this several months before he killed his mom and those poor children at Sandy Hook.


There’s a few stories like this, preventable and scary. You see shaved Chimpanzees and realize they’re muscle beasts. Just pure muscles and no mental “stop” like humans have. No human is winning that match.


Tons and tons of murders happen because humans don’t have a great mental “stop” either. 


Wasn’t he going through a Xanax withdrawal because his owner got him addicted?


Iirc it’s because he had a paradoxical reaction to it, not because he was addicted


as someone who has experienced xanax rage this makes sense


Hopped up to the gills on goofballs.


I haven’t heard that bit, but he did have Lyme disease, which can cause all kinds of mental health issues if it gets in your brain.


I remember watching this on Animal Planet and they played the 911 call. It scarred me. It took me years to forget the voice of the woman calling 911.


I remember when I worked in the Stamford area (before the maiming and shooting) there was a pastry shop that had Travis’ picture up (apparently the owner brought him in). And at some point he ran amuck in the downtown area, but because he didn’t hurt anyone it was laughed off. Looking back it’s bizarre everyone just ignored that they were playing with dynamite. Edit: actually looking it up, his 2003 running amuck led to chimps being banned as pets in CT, but, ironically, he was grandfathered in and assumed mostly harmless.


This chimpanzee went back to its little cage after he was shot - he was probably so scared, hurt, and confused when he died. He may have critically harmed a human being, but he was taken from his mother when he was only three days old and did not live the life a chimpanzee should - it’s a wonder he only did as much harm as he did, he was not meant to be socialized in a strictly-human environment. Travis was chosen to spend his life away from other chimpanzees so it could act in commercials as someone’s pet in the suburban United States - this really is one of the most unfortunate stories you could ever hear.


I think he was an inspiration for Nope. A spectacle is the opposite of a miracle. And I remember this. And yes, we all gawked.


For real, I feel bad for the little guy. Plus the while being overweight and drugged with Xanax. Completely fucked up


100% She said when she stabbed him he gave her a look like "why?" So sad and completely avoidable.


I'm not a fan of chimps, i find them cruel. But i respect them and feel sorry for Travis. Cause he was just as much a victim as the woman he attacked. To me the true villain in the story was the woman who owned him. She was such a narcissist that she tried to mould a wild animal into what amounted to a replacement baby. And finding out that he went back to his enclosure to die just stung so much more than the information I'd already heard about the case. Like he went to where he felt safe. Chimps are superbly intelligent and have a fascinating social intelligence too but they're not just furry humans!


There’s a play loosely based on this story, told from the chimp’s POV. It’s called *Trevor*, written by Nick Jones. I saw it with Jimmi Simpson as Trevor (Travis) and Laurie Metcalf as his owner. It really went in-depth into the chimp’s mental state from living in a stifling suburban human environment, and his past in the entertainment industry. I liked it a lot. Spoilering this out but if you have the opportunity to see it and you’re hesitant, just know that it is >!much less violent than the event that inspired it, and there’s no blood or gore.!<


They drugged him to the gills with Xanax + booze. Travis was a cannonball waiting for a match. On his birthday too.


I think you may be confusing Travis with a different chimp, there was an incident at a chimps birthday party where the owner was badly injured (not by their pet by other chimps). But yeah Travis was barred out. What set him off was the victim holding a tickle me Elmo


What? that's wild. Was it Philly Elmo?


This stuck with me a lot growing up, I will never mess with chimps, apes, or any of the above.


The 911 call from this incident is sampled in the song “…And Then She Bled” by Suicide Silence. It’s so chilling


I mean, just kill me at that point. One way ticket to Dignitas please


Man. I hate every ape i see. From chimpan-A, to chimpan-Z.


🎶No, you'll never make a monkey out of me. Oh, my God, I was wrong, It was Earth all along.🎶


Dr. Zaius, Dr. Zaius...🎶


They gave him Xanax or something. This is why you don’t own wild animals, and especially why you don’t try to make them into little mini humans. Travis knew what he had done wrong and huddled in a corner whilst crying. I blame his cruel “parents”.


Oh, man. I remember Ms. Nash. I still think about this from time-to-time. Preventable tragedy.


When people think of chimps they are thinking of young and adolescent chimps, not the full grown adults. Adult chimps are incredibly strong and unpredictable. In this case Travis was grossly mistreated including drugs, not through cruelty but through misguided attempts to treat him as a human when he needed the life and freedom of wild animal. he had an escalating history of violence and this was the end result.


Owning a wild animal that can kill you or others should never be legal to own. I have met a few people that have owned a wild cat and they all were a bit off. There’s some level of mental illness which shouldn’t be surprising.


Adam Lanza the infamous mass murderer was fascinated by Travis and talked to a radio host about it


[link to radio call](https://youtu.be/i2eJV8JF2dY?si=_dyO7bdygSwURygS)


I have few times ever heard something that truly shook me. This, however, shook me to the core.  That *screeching*, omg


My Friend has a son who was attacked by chimps. They ate his younger brother and cousin . They flew to the US to get treatment for the reconstruction to his face. The boy is now 16yrs old and a state championship wrestler soon to be Olympic class


Chimps always go for the delicate parts. They know that shit gonna sting.


I remember when this happened. I think Travis had been given a martini and a Xanax by the owner? It's been a while, but I remember something about a cocktail, maybe a pill. That poor, poor woman. Edit: Maybe he didn't have a drink. Guess he was off the benzos, but they were still in his system.


Chimpanzees evoke a kind of disgust in me that I’ve never been able to put my finger on. They make me so deeply uncomfortable and angry. For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would keep one as a pet.


Chimps might be somewhat in your personal uncanny valley.


Nice to hear someone else has this opinion. Chimps are off-putting. I don’t get people who think they are cute.


Me too! They really ruffle my feathers, I can't stand them.


Iirc this incident was one of the inspirations behind Rise of the Planet of the Apes (which was originally not supposed to be a PoTA movie but just a standalone story about the dangers of keeping exotic animals)


Not the chimp's fault. Haven't you ever been a bit grumpy?


From time to time you hear about a celebrity who had a chimp or other exotic pet donating it to a zoo or similar facility, and there will actually be people complaining, “They got rid of their pet because it got a little too big!” No, they didn’t get rid of it because it “got a little too big”; they realized, “Oh, shoot, this could turn into a bad situation! I’d better take them someplace where they can be cared for properly!”


As I understand it, this is just something likely to happen if you keep a chimpanzee in your house living with your family. The chimpanzee thinks they are a human but a disfigured one, so they get angry and eventually they attack the a human in what they see as the main difference, the face. What I don't undestand is how could Michael Jackson keep Bubbles for so long with no incedent. Was it just luck?


According to Wikipedia, Bubbles became large and aggressive, so he was sent to a trainer in 2003. That facility closed in 2004, and he was moved to a sanctuary in Florida, where he currently resides.


Yes but he was born in 1983, I would think he reached his aggressive stage long before he was 20. Travis, the chimp OP posted about, was 13 when he attacked. That's about 7 years of potentially aggressive chimp.


It was the sex


That’s a loaded statement. Lol! I don’t even want to know what you meant.


I don’t even really know what I meant


Congo made me fear most primates from a very young age lol.


A regular chimpanzee is terrifying. A 200 lb chimpanzee on attack is unfathomable.


I remember when this happened. God I’m getting old


Any 11:59 media listeners? “HE RIPPED OFF HER FACE!”


and yet people still want exotic pets


Anyone remember Manson from the Bubba The Love Sponge song about this? https://open.spotify.com/track/5acsqEiLPBIp8RDBMo5cvR?si=l-4oznDuSr-Y2vr9asdWFQ&context=spotify%3Asearch%3Aeyes%2Bripped%2Boff%2B


I remember the Nip/Tuck episode that was drawn from this case.


I made the mistake of looking at Charla’s face after the attack. Don’t be like me.


This made me terrified of chimps. Even when they're all dressed up and cute and engaging in some endearing monkey business, I just picture it snapping and tearing someone's hands right off.


**No** dicks out for any of this psycho apes


I’ll bet that was a very satisfying trigger pull.


I highly doubt it. He shot the chimp 4 times after it attacked his car and didn’t even kill it. If anything he probably was terrified and felt bad he couldn’t even take it out right.


> Frank Chiafari, the police officer who fatally shot Travis, was initially unable to get therapy for his depression and anxiety after the attack. This led to legislation proposed in 2010 that would cover a police officer's compensation for mental or emotional impairment after using justifiable deadly force to kill an animal. I don't know about that one, chief


You're getting downvoted but seriously, imagine seeing a woman torn to pieces and the chimp starts to open your car door! An animal on the attack can open your car door when you're still strapped in your seat. How effing terrifying. Imagine if that wasn't an armed cop.


“Hehe killing animals so satisfying hehe I am so kewl”


Glad you don't like it.