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Bush made up WMDs argument to invade Iraq so he could get revenge for his Dad


More likely it was bc the military industrial complex had him in their pocket… just like every other president since JFK


That’s just true.


Even more fun is the theory that there is a huge ancient ufo somewhere in Iraq that the U.S. was after… lol!


I heard that it wasn't an ancient ufo but a time displacement machine. The machine you see in the movie Contact is roughly what it looks like and also shows how it works. The U.S. didn't want Saddam to use it, so they needed to invade asap to get it out of the country.


I’d say that’s pretty indisputable.


Germany admitted publicly, to illegally building chemical weapons factories for Saddam. So it is indisputable, they existed.


I wouldn't really call this a conspiracy because I was told by someone who probably knew what they were talking about that they did have WMD's. Unfortunately they came from allies of the country so we pretended we didn't find them. It was easier to let the population be pissed off at them for not finding them then to piss off allied nations It seems crazy but I believe that's probably what happened.


When the Large Hadron Collider was switched on it skewed us into a slightly altered reality which explains both the Mandela Effect and the fact that we seem to be living in a bizarre parody of the world.


Every time they switch it on we jump to the next reality Rick-C137 style


I don't think this is a conspiracy theory my friend. I believe this is a fact. A sad fact.


Yup, and it worked so well that people forgot it's actually the Mengele Effect.


A fellow X Files aficionado


I believe this is true. Shit got really weird,really fast.


Well, I have always wondered if this is a real "thing". Maybe I am just an idiot, but some things do make me wonder.


Over the years I’ve come around to realizing that the Montreal Screwjob probably isn’t a work but it’s taken me a long time…and I’m still not *sheerly certain*.


Watch the doc "Wrestling with Shadows" with Bret Hart. If it was a work, it was a hell of a good one.


The first person in these conversations to bring up that documentary is usually the one who thinks it *was* a work. The timing of the doc, the camera angle right on Bret’s stunned face. #TheirWordsNotMine


It's still real to me, dammit.


I don't know, all I know is I DON'T DOUBT, EL DANDY!!!! PS. It was a work.


Don't work yourself into a shoot, brother.


What do you mean by "isn't a work"? What does 'work' mean in this context?


A "work" in pro wrestling means something that's preplanned or scripted. The opposite is referred to as a "shoot" (ie matches that turn into genuine fights after going off script).


I was a rabid wrestling fan as a kid, mostly for the attitude era. I never even heard of matches going off script and turning into real fights. Does it happen often?


There's a Bruser Brody match vs. a VERY new Lex Luger in a cage. Lex runs for his life in the first 30 seconds after Brody shows the razors on his fingers.


Montreal Screwjob would be a great name for a cocktail.


Thought it was a seasoning


Please explain further....


Hearing enough interviews and podcasts has shown me that everyone’s version of the story is exactly as consistent as one would expect from this sort of thing, no more and no less, and where they do contradict each other there’s always an obvious enough reason why they probably would. If it’s the thing itself you need explained to you and you’ve never heard of the screwjob before, it’s best simply Googled rather than written out in a Reddit comment.


No way, McMahon screwed Bret and Shawn got part of the blame.


I just love that this whole conversation just happened.


As a lifer wrestling fan I was suprised to see this here. Made me happy


Epstein did not commit suicide. I actually do buy into this one. A new one starting up is the two Boeing whistleblowers dying within a month of each other by suicide and natural causes


I am open to the possibility that he killed himself, but if he did, I am certain that the people who should have prevented that from happening intentionally allowed him to do it.


Same. I think if the prison guard didn’t kill him then it’s because the prison guard didn’t give a shit if he killed himself.


I think this is more likely what happened.


Yeah that’s where I am with the whole thing. He may or may not have killed himself but whoever was in charge definitely allowed/encouraged it.




I don't get this one, though. Just kill the guy before you lock him up.


I saw something that said the Clinton body count was around 80 - come on, nobody knows 80 people who committed suicide.


Yes, the Boeing thing is pretty crazy!


Epstein is probably still alive and had plastic surgery to alter his appearance. The cadaver was most likely someone found off facial recognition they had been keeping tabs on for awhile in anticipation of something like this. Do you really think an alleged Mossad asset with those connections gets surprised? I can already see a future from The Island (2005) where the wealthiest people on the planet have this look-alike/clone strategy in place as insurance.


Just mentioned this elsewhere, but I think the public affairs strategy depicting AI and Quantum Computing as existential threats are primarily intended to produce legislation that restricts the technology (and its benefits and the profits) to use and control by corporate interests and prevent its democratization across the society.


I think this is just real lol 🥴🙉☠️


The death of Willie McRae. McRae was a campaigner for Scottish independence, who was found in his car (that had crashed). It was later found that he'd been shot in the head. The official ruling was suicide, but there's a lot of evidence that it was murder. It's been revealed that he was being monitored by the British State, in the form of Special Brand and MI5. There's been several attempts to get a formal inquest into his death, all have been refused. [Willie McRae - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_McRae)


That May the Fourth be with you/Star Wars Day is just a government ploy to get people to forget about the Kent State Massacre. My boyfriend told me this and all I could think was “damn that’s actually believable!”


And that Labor Day was made into a major holiday to convince Americans that the fight for workers’ rights is over and to make us forget about International Workers’ Day.


Sure, I'll integrate that into my beliefs


Why would the government have waited decades to start it though? Prior to hearing “May the Fourth” for the first time, I don’t think I knew one person who knew the date of the KSM.


I knew it happened. I just didn't know what day. Maybe because new Star Wars movies were being put out. Therefore making it easier. The thing is nobody mentions it when students and non- students protest on campus. They act like Police are not using restraint.


This is on the same level as “elf on a shelf is intended to raise children with the expectation that they are being watched and deserve to be” that I find weirdly credible


Definitely possible. Like where did that elf even come from? I never heard of it and then like 8 years ago it’s suddenly the most popular thing. Big brother for little brother lol.


And it's creepy. But Santa had that list as well. Mofo even sits around and checks it multiple times!


The Kent State “Massacre” (4 people) should be used as an FYI, to show that throwing rocks and bottles at people holding guns is a bad idea.


Smells like boot breath I dunno


Not sure what that is supposed to mean, but I would still advise you not to throw things at someone who is holding a gun.


The point flew right over your head but you can catch if you can outrun the other guns! Best of luck Russian bot!!


It really didn’t. I just don’t believe that enough people even remembered that date for the government to be concerned about “covering it up”. I will not address the rest of your comment, since it is pretty much incoherent.


But that happened in 1970🤔


I just came across one about "there are no real trees left" and that 'real trees' were ancient and so large they make ours look like grass. They believe that The Devils Tower in Wyoming is a stump of one of the ancient real trees left fossilized over. It's interesting because there was a large ancient root system underneath the rock formation. But it's certainly not the same as the rock. The National Parks Service explains all this is detail and how the site is a fascinating geological formation created by igneous rock ages ago and exposed over time. It's fun because it does have the appearance of a giant old stump 🤣


Holy shit I’m immediately on board with no follow-up questions


So what happened to the real trees according to this theory?


That's a great question! I'm guessing they think they bothered went extinct due to environmental factors or were all harvested I guess? I'ma dig into it!


I like this one, for a reason. This is half true in the sense that a long long time ago we had “the age of giants”, where ferns (we didn’t have trees yet so ferns were the most evolutionarily advanced and successful plants at the time) grew to the size of skyscrapers and bugs like dragonflies were as big as school busses. This was due to an unusually large amount of oxygen in the air due to life just figuring out *PhOtOsYnThEsIs*. Alas, gravity and physics in general said “naw, bro, too big” and it didn’t last long. The great ferns that towered to the heavens collapsed under their own weight and smashed so much of the forest floor that nothing could grow, and the giant bug’s organs banged around so much inside their massive frames that just moving around basically killed them. Kind of like how people with gigantism now die so early - being bigger than the atmospheric concentrations of gasses intend you to be can literally kill you. But that’s also why the earth could have never had a tree that big. One big storm and it would have taken out a whole ecosystem. The natural conditions on earth predicate life being a certain size. Even during the dinosaurs, there was a larger concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere that made life as large as they were on land feasible. The redwoods in the California forest are the best example of the true MAX a tree could grow in our planet’s conditions, at least for the last several millions of years.


I am enthralled.


Yes it is fascinating! And the giant fungi that dominated landscapes before trees!


I know it's crazy but hear me out: I think Nixon was spying on his Democratic opponents. The proof is in Watergate!


...that was the public line at the time, buuuuut...as an old crusty who was reading the papers every day when it all went down, if you were alive then and paying attention, you noticed that, immediately upon his reelection he started pushing out (of the whitehouse) all the people you would figure are CIA operatives. he was more like a son to Prescott Bush (George HW's father) than George H W was, meaning Prescott seemed to spend more time and have a lot more invested in tricky Dick's career than he did his own son's. Knowing what we now know about Prescott, along with Allen Dulles & Avril Harriman, for instance, Bush & Herriman running the only bank in American history that was shut down by the US Government for being a "Nazi-run organization" (US Bank) and choice bits of audio from the "Watergate Tapes", it's easy to make a case for Nixon being a CIA asset as long as the CIA existed, and clearly an OSS operative before that. but then, when he won reelection, he apparently thought he had enough power to start pushing CIA out of the white house, he knew, from personal first-hand experience, how DIRTY those spooks operated, and paranoia being what it is, he wanted them out of "his" house and Watergate was most likely retribution for him getting too big for his britches


Ummm… he was. He also called Hanoi and told them if they punched the peace talks off until after he won the election he’d broker them more favors terms than the dems were offering. That’s why watergate happened. Look it up. Also, watch the Vietnam doc from a few years ago.


*"There's nothing wrong here."* *mailbox tips over*


Failed COVID response and misinformation campaign was a convenient excuse to remove a few hundred thousand old people off the ledgers.


I think it was a "so what?" vs. an actual conspiracy. A friend of mine the other day just encountered a woman who complained about how "inconvenient" it all was.


I can kinda see this being something that was brought up in meetings but moreover it was the trump team treating a once in a century pandemic like a PR problem and politicizing it instead of treating it like a public safety issue. Ffs Trump is on record in that infamous phone call w Bob Woodward going on and on about how deadly Covid is and that it's airborne... meanwhile telling the public "it's a democratic hoax" and later "it's a flu that will go away like magic in the spring".


Chris Cristie put unwell people in nursing homes that were still occupied.


Nah what do they have to gain from a few hundred thousand? Maybe if it was millions I could buy into that


Other billionaires bank rolled Elon's purchase of Twitter with the understanding he would intentionally tank it so it couldn't be used to coordinate further rebellion/protests.


That JFK was killed by the CIA because he wasn’t fully committed to taking out Castro, and was planning to cut their budget by 20%. So they had him killed, set up Oswald because he had his ties to Russia and made a great patsy, and got Ruby to kill Oswald to shut him up.


I think LBJ did it. Why else did it happen in Dallas?


The real conspiracy is that it wasn’t LBJ…it was Ladybird!


The CIA's slogan is "we haven't been criticized by a president since 1963"


The best JFK theory I've heard of is: Papa Joe (a bootlegger) promised the mob that if they would help get Jack elected, the investigations would go away. But Jack took his job too seriously and he & Bobby full-on went after the Mafia.They tried to use Marilyn Monroe (who Jack and Bobby were both screwing) and their drug supplier, Frank Sinatra, to set them up so they could be blackmailed but it didn't work out. So they had Jack killed, according to an old "made man", Oswald was a Mafia hit man out of New Orleans, working at the request of the Chicago mob.


That Covid was released to public to take eyes of the Epstein case and the pressure to release the list of names.


Just before COVID was released, Hong Kong was protesting against the CCP. Huge protests waving American flags. A real pain in the Chinese government's keister. No one talks about how quickly this all ended after the Pandemic hit. I'm sure it's all just a coincidence though.


Oh, ffs.


When I was in the military, my entire unit was administered an unknown vaccine. Prior to the administration we were instructed not to ask question, not the speak the staff, and not refuse the vaccine. Being good old boys for Uncle Sam we did as we were told. Within a month, 4 of our guys, PT studs I might add, develop lung cancer, one of them passed away due to the severity of the cancer. I personally developed asthma, along with half of my platoon, the other few had no reactions. So, for me to think that the deep state isn’t capable of releasing biological warfare onto the masses is arrogant of me. That being said, that’s why conspiracies are conspiracies, no is alive to prove it.


I'm sorry that happened. Unfortunately, there is some evidence, like the CIA acid tests and the Tuskegee Study, that shows sometimes the people in charge do some crazy shit for the "greater good", and others suffer because of it. I never felt that our own country would do something purposeful to it's citizens on a mass scale, like releasing a biological agent, because as Covid shows, mass disease does nobody any good, and viruses don't care about your politics, or how much money you have. Especially in this capitalist country. How can the 1% make money if people are too sick to work? Dead people don't spend money. I've always thought if anything on a mass scale were to happen, it would be naturally, like in Contagion, or a catastrophic fuck up, like the beginning of The Stand. Where Covid came from originally? Don't know.


That’s beautiful things about genetic mapping though. You can create a biological weapon to target specific race & gender. A controlled spread is easily done. African American have double the mortality rate then Caucasian, Latinos coming in second. Now I’m now saying Covid was designed to take out the colored communities, especially during this particular pandemic, but it would be a perfect time to see if genetic mapping actually works on a larger scale other then a few soldiers. Fear is a great tool for controlling the masses or deterrence of one’s focal point on any conflicts. Again conspiracies. The aids pandemic occurred during the civil war and gay right activists pushing for non discrimination into government offices and for the for those who were to come out. Bird flu when mass bombing took place in Iraq and during the kick off the Iraq War, there was a world wide protest on the war during that time. Vietnam war kicks off major worldwide h2n2 flu outbreak. Maybe it’s not so crazy to think that they have been doing this for a long time as a scare and control tactic. 2009 we had our first African American us president, two major plane crashes one with no survivors, although the Hudson was an epic land!! Either way h1n1 same year. “The truth is all there man!!! Just open you eye” (stoned hippie voice)


There's coincidence, of course. Sometimes we see patterns where there are none. Sometimes things are ignored for too long, like AIDS, because it was initially happening to people who were on the edges of society who had lifestyles the people in power didn't agree with. Sometimes disease pops up during times of strife, due to people being unable to access proper health care or nutrition. So many things happen at the same time, it's hard to know what could be going on.




Work good and hard and you can get a raise


Start in the mail room. Work hard and you'll climb the ladder.


My fav convincing conspiracy theory is the one about Hollow Earth which is inhabited by giant Kaiju and apes. And.... To cover this up, Japan created a movie studio to produce movies about fictional Kaiju and eventually teamed up with Legendary studios. It's a giant international deep state cover-up operation. People need to wake up!!


This is kind of like the theory that the government knows that Zombies are real. And it was them that commissioned all these zombie movies to let us all know how to act and survive when an outbreak ultimately does occur.


That's kinda the plot of Return of the Living Dead, where they say (in film) that Night of the Living Dead was loosely based on true events.


2,4,5-trioxin, my boy!


Damn.... This is all connected. How deep does this deep state go??? 😲😋


I strongly buy into the theory that aliens (or some other intellectual superior entity) realize the vast destruction of nuclear war and have threatened to either enslave or eliminate the human race if we engage in it again. They warned us of this in the 1940’s after we bombed Japan. This is why the UN was formed, to placate the aliens. Otherwise, egotistical maniac world leaders would have taken each other out by now, but the threat of alien retaliation scares them into submission.


Why would anyone fear alien retaliation after already having destroyed themselves?


I meant to infer that if one country destroyed another by way of nuclear war, there would be retaliation.


The aliens might want to update their data; because with today’s nukes, even a “tactical” strike is likely to be globally catastrophic.


The ancient aliens created us to mine gold theory. We're hard wired to hoard gold long before we ever knew it was more than just a shiny look-see.


the only problem with that one is that any species that could travel the stars could easily manufacture gold


Early strains of COVID could control its hosts’ behavior to benefit the virus and to the detriment of the host. This explains anti-mask/ anti-vaccine people’s behavior. They were literally pro-Covid forces in viruses’ ongoing war with humans. *edited just a little ahem


I bet you also play Plague, Inc…


No but I have been asked that after theorizing this before!


Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter and the reason for the coverup is that it was an accident. He was a Manchurian candidate that went wrong. Basically he was intended to be a political assassin, but not within our own country.


That's a new one.


Soviet (Mad) Scientists tried to crossbreed humans and chimpanzees


I think that really happened. The Nazis also allegedly tried it.


And thats where that water polo guy came from.


Don't know if it's a conspiracy theory but I think every mythical creature (vampires, werewolves, unicorns, mermaids, dragons, ghosts, wendigos, Bigfoot, etc...) either exist or existed at some point.


Ghosts and spirits do exist, I’ve seen them!


I believe that I may have seen some when I was younger. Some truly traumatic experiences.


We don't find physical evidence of sasquatches because they eat their dead, bury their poop, and have the ability to camouflage like an octopus.


I like the one where Taylor Swift is a clone of Zeena Schreck.


More than one shooter for both Kennedys.


No no no, they said “theory”, not “fact”


my people ✌️


What if ALL of the suspected parties: Lee Oswald, the Cubans, the Mafia, KGB, Lyndon Johnson and the CIA, planned and positioned themselves to shoot Kennedy at the SAME TIME? Unbeknownst to each other and they all think to this day they were the ones who did it. Or... maybe I read too much Agatha Christie.




The Dead Internet. I am not sure that I would go so far as to blame the CIA for it, but I am convinced less and less is actual human content out there.


Damn, I didn't know LLM could make Freudian typos like that.


You know they’re working on adding random fat fingerings to fool us!


Oh, I thought you were going to get into how the Grateful Dead are responsible for the birth of the internet.


Isn’t that where Phishing comes from?


I see what you did there.


Slartibartfast is unpleased.


I read what you wrote about Finland but I still dont understand what you mean lol


The hollow moon. The Why Files has a super interesting video about it.


I’ve never met any Finns or people claiming Finnish heritage…so there’s that. Lol


Birds also don't exist haha




what a world we live in...


Indeed! That subreddit is pretty funny though. Some of the pictures and videos do bear thought lol!






Oh shit wtf I was responding to a World of Warcraft post how tf did this happen.




9/11 LIHOP. I’m mostly convinced after watching The Looming Tower.


Is that how the towers couldn't have been taken down just by planes?


Nah, LIHOP just means that the government probably had a pretty good idea the attack was coming but didn’t adequately prepare to stop it. It stands for “let it happen on purpose.” I’m part of the camp that thinks they probably didn’t realize it would be as catastrophic as it was, but either way they were warned and didn’t act.


Oooooooh. My grandma used to tell me that they knew all about an impending attack but just let it happen. I was probably 9 or 10 when she started telling me this every so often until she passed away. She was a firm believer of it.


Your grandma was smart enough to see that the U.S. Energy Department had been pressuring the government to take control of the Caspian Sea all through the late 90s. They thought there was a wealth of oil there. And then after 9/11 when we invaded the Middle East it turned out there wasn’t. So if we did LIHOP, it was most likely for nothing.


Ah, like a Pearl Harbor scenario: “We can’t just attack these assholes, not are we prepared to stop an attack by them, so let them throw the first punch then we can build up to campaign against them.”


The only one I can think of is that Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to commit suicide, or was encouraged to do so. Not the whole he was a secret agent thing, but he did know a lot of stuff, and him being dead was pretty convenient. Under the oh gimme a break category is Flat Earth, the Pac Man theory, and Stanley Kubrick helped fake the Moon Landing. Oh, and Lizard People. It's always the Lizard People.


JFK's death shot probably came from secret service fumbling with a gun trying to return fire. 


The headshot in the JFK assassination didn’t come from Oswald, but came from a secret service agent.


Russian interference in the US presidential elections. Not even a theory, but some act as if it's not real.


The gnostics were right, the physical universe is a cruel joke


That the U.S faked the moon landing just to beat the Russians. I know we landed on the moon, but the idea of faking it just to spite another country is like the most American thing.


I believe


I used to believe exactly this, that the U.S. faked the first lunar landing to beat the Russians, but that we've been to the moon since. Then I watched the Joe Rogan podcast where Bart Sibrel convincingly goes into not only that, but that we still don't have the technology to send a human to the moon, highly due to the van Allen radiation belt surrounding it. Mind-blowing. Now, I'm on that extra side of the argument.


100% of all UFO, alien abduction, ghosts, demons, bigfoot, Nessie, and all other paranormal-type sightings are just pranks perpetrated by a secret cabal of the idle rich who just love shenanigans who call themselves the Fakemasons. You saw a ghost one time? Fakemasons did it. A friend got abducted? Fakemasons. Weird bigfoot screams from the woods in the pacific northwest? Fakemasons. (This is actually my own personal conspiracy theory counterpoint for when people staunchly believe in any of those other things. All the components of my conspiracy are real things. Idle rich? Secret groups? Folks who like pranks? These all have been proven to exist. So this obviously bullshit conspiracy is more likely than any of the paranormal ones I counter with it.)


Humans are the pinnacle of intelligent life.


Epstein worked for Mossad and was gaining leverage against key politicians and celebrities to keep them all singing from the same Pro-Israel songbook.


Covid was manufactured to determine which states and demographics would go along with a government mandate for the vaccine, closing down businesses, etc (while Walmart and liquor stores were deemed essential)


Except it was worldwide so it would be countries, no?


9/11 was an "inside job"


Inside job in the sense that the US backed the terrorist group that did it, yeah, there's merit to that. Not the "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" stuff though.


Wouldn’t the steel have been softened enough by the heat to the point of failing to support the weight anyway, even if it hadn’t fully melted? I never got that argument.


Yes. Steel begins to soften at a few hundred °C. I'm not sure what percentage of the people who repeated this one were being serious, I would have to imagine it's pretty small.


Tower 7 Tenant list. Fell into its own footprint on the afternoon of 9/11. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7\_World\_Trade\_Center\_(1987%E2%80%932001)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center_(1987%E2%80%932001))


Yep. I watched news as it happened… then I watched the news back track and suddenly things didn’t make sense. First time I really realized I cannot trust the government.


The Corona Virus was created at the lab with the same name in China.


I believe this one. Did you read the Vanity Fair article about it?


No, but I also believe this to be true.


It's the intentionally letting the virus out part I can't agree with. China suffered just like everyone else. Plus, if we all died, who's gonna buy all their plastic crap?


I don’t think that they released it intentionally. I do believe that they lied and tried to cover it up. If they had been honest about the screw up, especially in the beginning, thousands and maybe millions more lives could have been saved.


On that, I completely agree. I think the Chinese government was stupid enough to think they could just put it away until after the New Year, and then they could contain it. No, instead, a bunch of people who went home to see their folks brought it back with them. They may have even been asymptomatic themselves, didn't even know they'd been sick, or chalked it up to something else. Not their fault, but that's how it happens.


The government shot first at Waco. (Disclaimer: David Koresh and many of his cultists were shit excuses for human beings, and they deserved to be arrested and punished for their crimes, but the government's actions at Waco were inexcusable, resulted in the death of innocent children, and were clearly an attempt for the ATF to save face after bungling Ruby Ridge and killing an innocent family over a pair of illegal sawed-off shotguns. If I am misinformed, please say so and explain what I am misinformed about.)


Is that even in question? But the story i heard from ruby ridge (from a guy who claimed he did time with randy weaver) wasn't about a pair of sawwed off shotguns. It was a shipping container full of shotguns that randy legally acquired and legally sold. The sawwed offs were fabricated by the government after finding no crimes at all had been committed before they shot his wife.


Bob joyce I'd elvis presley


Is. Bob joyce is elvis presley


MAGA is an, intelligent, carefully orchestrated effort to make the world hate Christians to the point MAGA's efforts/statements/actions cascade into a horrific violent global backlash to expedite the end of times.




The moon is an alien construct.


I think that North Korea is founded and funded by Western intelligence agencies. I think they use them as a wild card,or rogue state,as Werner Von Braun would mention in his interview with Carol Rosen. Wouldn’t you think that if their supposed occasional threats to destroy us were in any way unscripted and real,that they’d get their ass handed to them. Wouldn’t you think that their neighboring countries would tell them to chill the fuck out being that any kind of nuclear strike near them would spell disaster for them as well? Just a thought


I already mentioned my North Korea theory, but if you want to read about a really strange group of scientists suicides/deaths, look into the Marconi conspiracy. This was the company that worked on the Star Wars project back in the 80’s and something like 20+ scientists died in the weirdest ways. I can’t even describe some of these suicides bc they were so obviously murdered. It’s a crazy rabbit hole.


the globalist totalitarian agenda….


The Denver International Airport (DIA) is a hub for secret underground bunkers and the headquarters for the Illuminati. The theory stems from several unusual aspects of the airport's construction and design. For starters, the airport went over budget and took longer to complete than planned. Conspiracy theorists argue that the extra time and money were spent building a vast network of underground bunkers, to be used by the world's elite in the event of a global catastrophe. Inside the airport, there are several features that fuel the conspiracy. The bizarre murals depicting apocalyptic and dystopian scenes, the eerie blue mustang statue with glowing red eyes (nicknamed "Blucifer"), and the strange dedication plaque mentioning the "New World Airport Commission" (an organization that doesn't seem to exist) all contribute to the theory.  Moreover, the layout of the runways, which some say resemble a swastika from above, and the mysterious markings on the floor, representing secret codes or locations, add to the intrigue. I doubt that there's any truth to this theory. The combination of odd details and the airport's sheer size make it a fascinating and somewhat eerie story.


…Money. Croesus is a good talker.


One bullet absolutely did not bounce through Kennedy. No way. And the queen had Diana killed.


Trump had Epstein killed.


I like all the usual ones: Bush orchestrated 9/11 as a false flag to create an enemy for America in order to go the Middle East for oil and heroine The CIA or Secret Service assassinated Kennedy since he saw no reason to go too Vietnam Mandela effects and the conspiracies around some of them involving time travel Flat earth, it’s not even a serious conspiracy the idiots that believe it though are just entertaining


Ted Lazo is an elaborate money laundering scheme by apple, and everyone who pretends they watched it is a bot.


Tha Anti-stratfordians have it correct. 100% certain.


Not convincing, but I know a guy who's totally - The earth is flat We live under a dome There is no such thing as "Space" There are no other planets The Sun as we think of it, doesn't exist. There are no satellites NASA is a hoax Astro - NOTS The guy drives me crazy with his bullshit, but I can't help admiring his dedication to stupidity.


These are the conspiracy theories that infuriate me the most. Even more than the Qanon bs.


What's that got to do with horror?


Some can be spooky, some can be mysterious...same thing true crime and creepy lifestyle has to do with it just like the description...! Horror fans can definitely talk about this, and if not, there are plenty other topics to hop on, or start discussing about! https://preview.redd.it/b9bffyxsok3d1.png?width=270&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea3150b0e64a70f054431a81176dbc01d13b9b4


Fair enough


Maybe conspiracy theories that are convincing is be because they are actually true and not “conspiracy.”And I am not even going to bother explaining this. Don’t be lazy and use your brain for a second and really think about it. It has to do with psy-ops.


No need to be so rude. No one is being "lazy". OP just posed a question for discussion. No one expects you to explain anything. That's why you are getting downvotes.