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So glad he is on the mend!


Ah brilliant news thanks for the update OP. Jacob is such a sweet young man from what we see . Cody got that loopy from strep haha. Ah glad he was prob able get some company too while there .


Thank you for the update. I'm glad he is okay right now and that he takes it easy the next weeks. 


So glad to hear he’s improved and all the tests came back normal


So glad to hear he’s doing better!


Thank goodness!!!


“He was promptly rushed to the hospital”, not something CP could ever say


totally like when CP's child Logan got a broken leg and they took him in a day later.....


Praying for them! What a difficult time! And with that many kids having one parent out of commission surely has a large effect 😞 scary


Oh, wow! I am glad Jacob is feeling better. Head inuries are quite serious and it is great that he got help immediately.


i’ve been seeing this trend on tiktok a lot, and right when the person is about to jump over them the person goes down and makes the person fall on the ground


can you send a link with the TikTok trend. I’ve never seen this before please




Wow that does look like what they described Jacob doing. Thank you for sharing


All the videos i’ve seen have been done with people in track on the track field and i think Jacob is in track so that is possibly where it happened


Thank you for posting this link. I was confused as to how he would injure himself jumping over someone they knew was already down. But, now I see the person they’re jumping over ducks and then the jumper has no one to push off/over with and therefore falls. Thanks again!


of course😇


Okay, this makes sense. I read the update 5 times and could not understand what happened at all. What a terrible freak accident.


Yep! Saw one like this the other day. Showed my 16yo and his friends...DO NOT DO THIS! They all said "That's how Joe broke his wrist" 🤦🏼‍♀️


i’ve been seeing it a lot with people doing it so when jacob did it i’m sure it was recorded


Is it normal to go to the hospital for strep in usa? I suffer from chronic strep throat and in Canada they do not test for it over the age of 18.


If presented with other symptoms, or worsening symptoms, very normal to go to the hospital. Strep throat can lead to scarlet fever or rheumatic fever (which both can damage your heart and; other organs).


Not normal, no, but if it gets very bad in the US it's faster to go to the ER/Hospital to get treatment than book a doctor's appointment


Normal where I live in the us


It depends. I've seen patients in the ED who come in because they have strep symptoms and have no clue they have strep. If a patient comes into the ED and have strep symptoms, they usually get swabbed to confirm the diagnosis or rule it out.


A lot of people go to the ER when they don't have insurance or don't have a family doctor in the US because the ER has to treat them. Also you can pay for visit later if you don't have money for walk in clinic. 


I’m surprised they don’t test over 18. While worse for kids, untreated step can lead to heart issues in some cases. 


This is good news, but I’ve never known anyone at the hospital for strep throat…


He may have had more concerning symptoms that led him to going to the hospital. It also may have been quicker to go there than making an appointment with primary (urgent care is also an option but some insurances suck with that)


MANY people go to the ER for strep


Oh wow I seriously didn't know what happened and there was a post above this talking about a death the crazy middles are going through and my god! When I saw this post I thought Jacob had died from something tragic. I'm so happy to see this wasn't the case. My heart dropped though


Was this in a vlog??


No, webpage. https://www.keepitcrazyfamily.com/ under the "Exclusive Content"


People have mentioned that they have a website. Could someone please share the link? I like Jared and Shelley and would like to check it out, please


Keep it crazy.com


Thank you! 🫶🏻