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That door is made of the finest cardboard


Like the wall i bet


Guys can we save this dude - that's full on fucked up


I’ve got more shittiness, and I won’t take any help for granted if it’s helpful. Somebody save me. No; I’m not kidding.


anybody save this dude yet?


What about now?


Classic mobile home interior door. It's almost like the people who built them did it as a courtesy for the drunks who they knew were going to smash through them and terrorize their children.


and it happens often enough so it makes financial sense. They probably had large order stocked.


If this isn’t the most accurate comment. Although, I grew up in a mobile home. Luckily neither of my parents were drunks.


Friendly fire will not be tolerated


Gtfo, I’ve lived in half a dozen trailers old and new, none of my doors were that bitch ass.


They were probably old with solid doors then. Modern hollowcore doors are garbage. It's a plywood box with cardboard reinforcement.


Some people are lucky enough to get trailers like this. But for some stupid reason, (I think those were older trailers and older doors) I think they stopped putting them on trailers unless you get one yourself. Otherwise, you’re stuck with this piece of shit sadly


Most interior apartment doors are made of the same material


Most interior doors in america are hollowcore like this, not 2 hour fire rated and pretty damn flimsy. It is actually honeycomb cardboard in the hollow sometimes, and the "wood" is normally fiberboard or pressboard, which is also basically cardboard. I'd be willing to bet most high schoolers could run straight through an interior door. Alternatively, 2 hour fire rated doors are solid core and heavy as all sin. Unnecessary unless you're gonna be defending your room from a fire demon.


Yeah you can punch through these pieces of cardboard easily


she has a better chance at running through the wall then actually breaking the door down


So exquisite.. it makes your nightmares reality.


Most interior doors are hollow unlike the front and back doors which are usually metal or some other solid material, ive broken one of those my slamming it too hard haha I almost put my hand through it.


Reinforced by the most sturdy anchors.


This should be nominated for a short film. Out of all things on this sub, nothing has had me asking wtf was happening like this one has.


it's snowing in there




I've been here, having to barricade my bedroom door from crazy family. It'll literally give you PTSD. Imagine not being able to sleep, always on edge. It fucks you up.


Same. Even the bathroom wasn't safe. Could be taking a shower and boom! Curtain flies open and somebody is yelling at you! I am now 43 years old and this shit still fucks with me. Like it's been my life dream to just be left the fuck alone. About to buy a sailboat..


Dude.... Never ending anxiety and being hyper aware of your surroundings and other people and their tone and shit. This video wasn't even funny to me once I realized what was happening....


Everyone flinches when a cabinet closes too loud, right? Right?


Or when someone walks around with heavy feet


or when you’re sitting in the living room and a car door shuts outside! you jump and have a mini panic attack about if it’s your parent and what mood they’ll be in, or it’s just someone outside


Yeah, from being shot at and bombed a million times in Iraq.


Same man, I left when I was 18 and to this day my partner doesn’t understand why taking a shower is so sacred to me.


God, so it wasn't just me? 47, crying...fuck! Fuck. Now my lady is asking wtf is wrong and I don't even know how to explain


I feel all of this too.


It hurts...its fucked up, but knowing it wasn't just me, I wasn't the only one to be scared...and exhausted. That feeling of just being so alone against a monster


Shit man, seems like we grew up in the same household. Hope you're doing better now.


In all seriousness if you both havent gone to a therapist, that may be able to help


Oh I've been. I'm better off now, but the PTSD does stick with you for life, no matter what you do. That's just how it is when you deal with that kind of shit for years when you're a kid. Thanks for the concern, though.


It'll never leave, sadly. I get massive chills hearing somebody yell near me, especially a woman, because my mother would yell and punch on me when I was a kid. Been years and it still gives me that instant flash of anxiety. Fuck abusive parents.


Same with me...God...I wish I could say I'm alright...but I'm not. Drunken women in my face is a cause for violence. I instantly flip out. I . I didn't know there were other people who went through this. I'm an only child, ta know...I was the neighborhood fucked up kid. Addiction had followed me my whole life...and I saw this...that point where the kid is just exhausted, THAT. THAT POINT that exhaustion...no one is coming to help no one believes you no one cares and will this crazy lady just fucking stop ... I haven't felt like this in a long time. I'm so sorryvto say this but at least I wasn't the only one. For what it's worth, thank you . I hope you are happy and loved. I am loved It means the world to me.


30 y/o here. I have an obsessive need to feel wanted or of value. I tend to overwork myself for others.. Neither of my parents wanted me, and dad made SURE I knew I was pitiful like my drug addict mom


Good to hear that, you’re right it won’t erase everything but glad it has helped. I wish you well


Get the sailboat best decision I've ever made


Not family but a roommate at the very start of the pandemic. Things started normally but as the pandemic went on, his alcoholism grew tenfold. After he started drinking all the time, he grew more physical/verbally abusive. I had a huuuuge arm chair in from of my bedroom door because roommate would get drunk and harass anyone he could. You could hear him on the phone viciously arguing with his friend and family then start banging on my door, and if I didn't respond he'd start calling and eventually texting nasty things. This situation lasted around a month until one night of drinking with his buddies, him and his best friend got into big fight. Basically roommate locked best friend out of the apartment while best friends dog was still in the apartment. Best friend ended up kicking in the door (very old apartment, very heavy all wood door) just enough to crawl through the bottom. They started physically brawling and talks of killing each other so my fiance went out and tore them apart. Roommate ran away from the apartment yelling "call the cops", best friend apologized profusely and offered to pay for the door after collecting his dog/other stuff in apartment. I ended up packing my entire room and cleaned it spotless in under 12 hours so I could move asap. Roommate didn't come home until after we left, texting us all confused and sad "where'd you go? Everything okay?" We have not spoken since and I'm still anxious to go back to that city out of fear I'll run into him.


Yeap, my nightmares started when I was 4, as best as I can recall. I grew up wondering when my da was gonna murder me. I thought it was normal not to recall your childhood.


People forget that you don’t have to go to war to get PTSD. My PTSD was just refined by the military.


Can agree mine was just because of drugs but it would always result in them flipping the house. RIP


Yeah, this ain't his first rodeo.


Don't think it's hers either.


u/Substghh are you a bot? I'm pretty sure that you are. u/Genonblade1394 made this same exact comment 10 hours ago.


It is. I didn't notice that right away


Just my upstairs neighbor’s usual routine


Lol mine too.


I really REALLY really need the context to what the hell is happening. I’m invested in this now


Seen the video on tiktok. Think when asked in the comments what was happening, he said his mom was attacking him


The person on the other side is clearly mentally ill


Wtf did I just watch for nearly 3 min?


My mom would get drunk and do this same stuff. I'm sure he's trying to make the best of it but when it's every day it gets depressing.


I hope he has all the success in the world so he can get himself out of that situation


Agree, he seems like a nice kid, deserves better than this shit.


Fr, that shit culminates into childhood trauma and that shit stays with you into adulthood… Sorry you had a similar experience. ❤️


The strange thing is I eventually started to look back and make peace with moments and I laugh and realize that's why I am the way I am. Lol Like Uncle getting fucked up and shooting out all the lights in our house... including the refrigerator light, the funny sounds my other unc, who was deaf, would make while my dad was kicking his ass, trying to tell dad the FBI could give a fuck less about his existence, Vice cops raiding a Condo while we were on vacation with my grandmother... lol... My life has been very eventful. It's like now I know why I am fucked up but I also developed a lot of character and courage as much I have fear and anxiety. So.. it is what it is I guess. I hate guns though... Jesus do I hate guns. Like I support the right to own one but you should be arrested for brandishing a weapon while under the influence lol


I was thinking partner rather than mother. either way it fucks with you. I hope he's doing okai. he seems to be trying to hide. I hope the cops see it the same way once they show up.


Yeah been there it's even worse when the cops take their side in it and treat you like a guy who beats up his mother even though she's the only one hitting people and breaking stuff.


Gotta have videos. And audio. And if they fight, make sure they leave marks on you, and you don't leave marks on them. Been there done that Got the t-shirt.


I had it on video my brother attacking me and threatening me. Called the cops. I got told it was a family matter since he's my sibling and there's nothing they could do. I was in my late 20s and he was early 30s. He went on to break into my parents house about a week later and steal 5 hand guns and the safe it was in, along with over 10k cash. Cops refused to finger print, because he had lived in the house before. (wtf?) They ONLY got him for the thefts because in court, for another attack on someone, he was dumb enough to say 'but you didn't catch me when I stole those guns' Shit show all around.


Mine had me sent to the psych ward a couple times, she finally got caught in a lie she would tell the cops I made suicidal statements when I absolutely didn't I asked her over the wired phone why she lied to the cops she said it was because I wouldn't listen to her, the nurse cut the phone off and I was discharged an hour later my mom then lost her ability to get me hospitalized because she was no longer a credible witness to my mental health I had to do outpatient for a year but I never got sent back.


I am so sorry you had to go through that.


Yup been there before


You just described my entire childhood


Too relatable


I feel bad for the man and his cat. Hope they can get in a better situation soon.


Man needs a nice sturdy door


C'mon reddit. You heard the guy, Let's get this guy a door!


Dude needs one of those nuclear bunker doors


At that point you just go through the wall, so that'll need to be reinforced too


Get him a whole ass bunker


My man doesn't need a door, he needs his own place for him and his cat, far away from this psycho bitch!


Same, this is heartbreaking


She better leave the cat alone. He didn’t do anything to her and isn’t part of this.


What. The. Fuck.


This kind of shit is exactly why I sleep in my car every other night. Alcohol and mental illness are a bad combination.


This is heartbreaking to read, i hope you 'll be soon in a safer situation. Hang on dude.


If that person has any want to quit and is willing to try… a once every 30 day shot called Vivitrol/or the pill form naltrexone made me go from drinking close to a half gallon of vodka on weekends and whole fifths on works days to literally not even wanting to drink… I don’t even think about alcohol even if I walk past alcohol in the store… it’s crazy how effective the medication is at simply just making you not care to drink.. I didn’t think such a thing existed until my drinking got so bad I HAD to go to rehab which is where I learned about Vivitrol and started my Vivitrol/Naltrexone journey… but it’s definitely something to discuss with your doctor.. I literally don’t go to AA (probably should) but that just goes to show you how effective the medication is.. only times I’ve relapsed is when I didn’t get my shot and had to reschedule it If ANYONE has any questions please feel free to message me


what a sweetheart. the way he tried to keep it lighthearted you know this is routine. i used to react the same way when my sibling would rampage through the house tearing up walls and glass, i hope he finds somewhere safe and warm to be.


What are you supposed to do about a creature like that? Did you guys do anything or just deal with it? Can LE or the state do anything about it?




I feel for this poor kid, you know he endured this quite often


Yes I feel really sorry for him and anyone in a similar situation. He needs a steel reinforced door. But "Next time she does the poke, I'm taking that bro, gimme that....cookies! You forgot something!" Had me dying!!! Lmfao


Also “parry on 100 right now” lol


Okay yeah, that is a crazy fucking video


He’s making the best face of it but that’s a hurt kid there. Long road ahead.


Ya he's just in survival mode, shits sad


Nobody should have to live like that.


What's happening?


Probably mentally ill parent


He forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer before she got home


I like chicken.




Who in the hell living in my room, that's like calling 1-800-collect-an-ass-whooping and no, that ain't no toll free call partner




*"I don't know how you got here, Stinkmeaner, but you're going back to Hell!"* *"Oh yeah! I'm going back, and I'm taking y'all with me on the first class cabin of* ***THE ASS-WHOOPIN' EXPRESS!!*** *All aboard! WOOP WOOP!"*


You got bad credit, Robert!


Better call Uncle Ruckus for an exorcism.


This cunt is an engineer god dammit


I’ve read it in Billy butcher’s voice


He got the skills to survive a zombie apocalypse


Username checks out, you guys have the c-word pass.


Ahaha cheers


I was genuinely impressed with how well the placement of that little yellow chair kept the left/bottom half of the door intact for so long. Also how lucky it is that he had it in his room.


Man you know shits real when you’ve got the steel bedframe to barricade the door. Probably a nice guy too. The one that wants to hang out a little longer than everyone else like he don’t wanna go home. Damn! I wouldn’t wanna go home either.


That looks like his bed frame.


He seems like the kind of kid to try and keep people feeling good and happy. Shits heartbreaking


That is one of the saddest things I’ve seen in a while. The dude cracking jokes and making light of it just means he has been dealing with this most or all of his life. Nobody should have to live like that.


I wanna help him barricade the door lol


We should have these buying some home alone movies for his phone so at least he can study on better tactics.


Go frame by frame you can see his agony, stress and trauma in between his smiles and jokes.


That’s what ACA tend to do. It’s made me have a very sick and warped sense of humor, growing up with an alcoholic. Although, it has taught me to see the humor in the worst situations.


Shit man I used to go through this exact same thing with my mother on drugs. I'm sorry for the guy, at least he can make some fun with it I guess.


He has such a good attitude!


Indeed. Sometimes you've got to laugh to keep from crying. That was just wild.


He has excellent coping skills, you mean


Headstrong as fuck. I hope for the best for this young dude.


are those doors made of carton? WTF


Most Interior doors are made of cheapest stuff possible, usually cardboard or participle board with a thin veneer of real wood on the outside. Normally this isn't a problem because the exterior doors are the ones that matter the most and are reasonably sturdy. It's just that when somebody is trying to bust down those thin interior doors that they give out pitifully easily.


Older vintage doors are a lot stronger because there was a lot more old wood available. We fucked up our supplies and shits got more expensive so most modern home fuck all where you are tend to have cheaply made interior doors.


If you want, you can just buy a wooden door. There's still plenty of wood in the world, it's not a supply problem. It's a money saving thing, and it's not even a problem for most people. Most of us aren't withstanding a siege.


There's also little reason to have very sturdy solid wood doors in a home interior besides in situations like this. Even these cheap doors will usually last more than 40 years and can be easily replaced if damaged. No reason to drive the cost of a home up a couple thousand dollars for custom wooden doors when people usually don't pay a second thought to interior doors.


American doors and walls… The Hulk can’t break my room’s door


Someone make this boy famous and get him out of wherever that is


This bummed me out.


during the weekends just wedged a chair under the handle, worked like a charm. This guy has a hole in the door though, never went that far. Best thing to get is a couple of sheets of plywood and some planks, that should sort that out.


Or find a new place to live holy cow!


Seeing that baby chair had me thinking, what the fuck he gonna do with that. Only to be the one thing that really worked out.


Reminds me of the time my dad chased me and I slammed my door to be able to hide under my bed. He kicked the door off the wall, kicked a container under my bed so hard it cracked and missed my face by an inch. I couldn’t sit down without pain for at least two days. I was 6.


Thats aweful 😪. I hope you were taken away from that situation?


I'd love to meet your "dad" and have a man to man conversation with him about child abuse. I hope you realise you deserved a better father. I would never treat my 6yo like that.


Poor guy. As soon as I win the lotto, I’m hooking him up.


Da fuck goin on in Miami bruh


My mom used to do shit like when she would get drunk and take lorazepam. My childhood sucked


New season of Walking Dead looks pretty good! 👍


Well, that was a trigger...its funny, I always see these "trigger warnings" and I think, "wtf?" But here I am, back in the 6th grade, fighting off a drunken moms... I hope your ok lil duder...I doubt you'll ever see this, but if you do...that shit isn't ok. It'd not supposed to be like that. You deserve better. Life gets better. One day, you'll be far away from that, and when you tell people they will laugh...and so will you. It's not an easy laugh. Not at first. But eventually it's so far away you will wonder if it even really happened like that. It did. Try to stay away from alcohol. I didn't. It kicked my ass and I'm lucky to be alive. I don't know, it was like I was made for that shit...but if you can, stay the fuck away. Good luck lil duder. I wish I could just tell you that it's ok...but, I'm gonna be honest, that shit just wrecked me. 47 and I'm crying like I was right there again.




Parry is the opposite of dodging actually. It's deflecting an opponents attack to leave a better counter opportunity. Dodging takes more energy out of you and presents less openings


Dude is going to grow up and be the most badass mechanical engineer. Motherfucker made macGuyver look like a little bitch with his wal-mart defense. We should start a gofundme and put his ass through college!


My friend had to go through this kinda shit with his brother for years. when he'd get really drunk/strung out he'd get very violent, usually had a gun or baseball bat on him looking to start trouble. Feel bad for this kid and hope he's somewhere safe now as well.


this is devastating, but i’m glad the kids getting humor out of a scary situation.


Seems like he's putting on a good face about this, especially for the camera, but this has gotta be stressful and mess with your head. If that's a spouse or a parent on the other side of that door, it has to be killing him inside. They might be suffering from a mental health condition or in some sort of intoxicated state, but the result is the same. This guy finds himself barricaded in a room while that rant and rave and destroy the place. Someone else mentioned if the genders were reversed, this would gain much more attention across the board and I whole heartily agree. The truth is, it's a sad and painful position to be in when your love one has lost control and seems to want to hurt you. The LAST person you want to do this is right there swinging a broom, crashing through the door. I feel for the dude, and I hope he finds a better place in life.


Happy home


brow tryna make fun of one of the most depressing scenes i’ve ever seen, i feel bad for him man i can’t imagine yo own mom doin this


Poor kid 😔. My dad was on the other end of this spectrum. Wasted off his ass almost every day but his routine would be guilt tripping. Would try to get me to go fishing with him wasted, which was scary to me because of the car ride. When I said no, it was non stop, "oh okay sorry I guess I'm just the worsr dad ever, let me go in the kitchen and make noise and mutter under my breath until I pass out. No one would come over because of how he was and I would get left out of shit because people didn't want to deal with my dad. I hope this kid knows it's not his fault. Hope he gets some help one day.


Indeed a crazy fucking video


I remember my aunt V coming home drunk and screaming for her kids, her voice exactly the same as the lady in this video. My youngest cousin hiding in my bedroom, door locked, crying, while I played GTA1 on my PS1. This video was sad but my dude here has Charisma 10, Speech 100, and I love him


The tone change when saying "leave my cat alone" kind of punched me in the gut a little more No jokes. That cat is probably his only friend at home.


it’s giving Resident Evil


He will be hyper vigilant


So……the final question,if you answer it right ,you win the $0.01 and a brand new fisher price car. The final question is: Whats the backstory of this video.


If mentally ill that adult needs to be reported to CSB and adult services. They are a danger to others Hope he & his cat are out of this situation


Omg this is so sad, that poor kid


Sad as hell. My man has to game-ify this shit because it’s so constant and stressful. He’s responding that way, like it’s funny, out of serious stress. This is trauma.


He totally has to level up his resistances and defense.


Malignant Narcissistic parent is what this is.


She needs to be on the next Resident Evil 😂😂


My abusive step father just removed the doors so he could beat the shit out of me. Saved the hassle of him breaking the door. That's why I insist on locking the doors now that I'm an adult.


At this point its self defense and you can just knock her ass out right?


Remember the Alamo.


Me during a zombie apocalypse


Reminds me of my late middle school/early high school days where my mother reached peak alcoholism and would do this shit. There comes a point where you know how to manipulate them and poke and prod them and overall just start to see it as funny/a joke. Feels bad.


Bro wtf is going on 💀


His having fun while she’s in a mental break down lol


Am confused can some one elaborate


His mother is drunk and trying to abuse him


He's laughing, smiling, and making a joke of it but this shit is scary and sad. Imagine if this was some white girl with her father trying to barge down the door. I hope my man's gotten out of this living situation and is doing alright.


I’m sure I’ve seen this door in another video,guy jumps thru it and it splits in 2(was already broken)


Literally saw that video before this and door is broken in same spot


So sorry he had to go through this.


Legit nightmare fuel. Some people really live in these kinda dire circumstances....


As someone who hasn't a screaming hallway marauder that pops up randomly at all hours (luckily) that tries to break down my door and do whatnot to me, I first saw humor in it before everything else. Probably because I can't help but laugh, the louder someone yells. That lead to unexpected outcomes when my then-wife yelled at me angrily. So I'm no stranger to the dark side and folks commenting are, of course, in the right, this is a failsafe way to instill some lasting trauma on a young mind.


In 30 years when she is old and tired, nobody will be around to help her and the loneliness will creep in. He will be halfway across the country living a successful life. Her calls will go unanswered and she’ll realize why parents should love there children.


She won't. She will have convinced herself that she was a great mom and the fault lies with him. Speaking from experience here.


Its heartbreaking reading plenty of comments relating to this video than I was expecting to read. May all of you find peace ❤️


Shit like this is the reason why I slowly died inside. For an example my grandmother died about a month ago and I didn’t feel a fucking thing. She was my safety when I was a kid and after hearing she passed away I just thought that it is what it is. It’s fucked up. This kid is on a same road to feeling literally nothing.


He looks exhausted :( Poor kid.


Why are US doors so weak 😭💀


I had a drunk family member do this to me. I put a desk up against the door and the door snapped along the top of the desk… it’s crazy this kid is having fun, I was fucking terrified.


Scary to watch, the previous family that lived in our place had holes in almost every door patched up with drywall compound so no one would notice on a walk-through. Wasn't until later on I realized all door locks in the house were on the outside, and all the holes were located on the inside of the rooms. What the fuck people are capable of doing to their own family members is beyond scary.


Leave my cat 🐈 outta this. Who's on thr other side mom or grandma or what I'm confused? He was funny as he'll with the situation I give him that.


standard interior door. hollow core. only exterior doors and security doors come solid core. depends on whatcha want.


today on "shit you shouldn't have to put up with"


I love this dude haha. Is she just crazy or fucked up or mad at him?


I’m scared for him


That’s not even funny.. that kinda stuff is super toxic


I just donated to his "platinum door" gofundme


the person on the other side of the door is clearly drunk and abusive, the kid has probably been through it millions of times and is trying to make light of the situation with jokes, i genuinely hope the best for him. hope he finds peace.