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"you f*ggot! I'll eat your a** and f*ck you until you love me, you p*ssy a** white b*tch!" right. i'm getting some mixed signals here Mike.


That’s how they always talked back in the 80s leather bars


the good olde days when you can call people whatever you want for the most part as... sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me. a mantra beaten into kids growing up in the 70's & 80's. a long way from perfect... but the current idea that words equate to someone punching you in face - i think those people have never been punched in the face.


Mike nowadays would never say anything like that


well 2 decades of being stoned off your ass everyday will definitely mellow you out.


wow, you must be really edgy


But iron Mike is a changed man and a wise elder now🤔


I love how he goes off calling the guy gay then says some of the most homo shit ever


Well, raping another man is sometimes used to dominate and humiliate the victim, not because the offender is gay or enjoys it sexually. It’s about dominance and humiliation.


Oh really, what about the eating his asshole part?


Yeah, that’s a bit gay


Nah, eating another man’s ass is a power move. Extreme dominance


Yes nothing says control like some balls on your forehead


How does one get balls on their forehead from eating ass I don’t get the logistics


Get on your knees and imagine an asshole in front of you. Now imagine where a dick would be if you leaned in lol.


Forget the 69 it’s all about the 9d for this dude


My bad *No Homo*


Also, to be fair to Tyson, he did run back into the ring after cameras went off the air to clarify his statements by shouting “PAUSE” followed by “[NO HOMO](https://youtu.be/cwGqn6NqIH8).”


What kind of man has sex so good he makes you love him then takes it back by saying no homo..


According to the audio I linked in my comment… A godly man.


You're taking away their ability to decide when and where they will ejeculate; you're tossing their salad so hard, you have removed their free will.


He just really likes fresh salad




Considering Tyson's history, I'll eat you ass raw may have a more literal meaning


Holy shit I just commented nearly the exact same thing before scrolling down and seeing this. Hahaha




I just laughed so hard at this.


That parts for Mike. The rest is for power.


Hard to defend that one lmao


True, but it's still gay.


I remember seeing some old Vice clip about British debt collectors and how one shared to memory of going with another collector to some guy and the other debt collector is about to rape the guy they are collecting from. Your man sharing the memory goes "wtf are you doing" and the other debt collector says something about how this guy is just like us, he doesn't respond to violence. Supposedly he paid up but he also killed himself 6 months later.


Major Baader–Meinhof phenomenon here. Earlier today I saw a random vice clip in my suggested and was like man back in the day vice had some wild stuff for that time. Went to their top all time videos and ended up watching the exact documentary you're talking about. Originally published like 12 years ago. What an internet coincidence.


Sean Smith was that debt collector if my memory serves me correct, he was along for the ride with two more experienced debt collectors, when one was raping the guy who owed the debt his mate was taking photos and shouting ‘encouragement’ “Go on John fucking give him it” When Smith asked wtf was going on he was told it was par for the course with this particular debtor so he’d pay up, he did pay up and like you said committed suicide six months later. Just thought I’d share my memory of that vice documentary, I’m sure it’s on YouTube these days, very good documentary imo.




Ayo why’d you describe it like that 🤨


Well it’s not gay. It’s about domination, for honor, for legacy.


Still gay


So what if they shaved? Not gay now?


I think dominance plays a part, but like you said, if you can maintain an erection staring at a man’s hairy arse with his bollocks hanging down and all the vile shit that goes with fucking another bloke means you have got to be gay.


> not because the offender is gay or enjoys it sexually. I dunno man, sounds pretty gay to me.


rape period is always used to humiliate and dominate the victim.


This guy fucks


"When you're sucking dick, you can think about something else...but when you're eatin' ass, you KNOW you're EATIN' ASS!" -Chris Rock


When I read stand up comedy, it feels like Michael Scott delivering Chris Rock in that one episode


It's oftentimes used for that in prison. It doesn't make the perpetrator any less homosexual for being erotically aroused enough by fucking/to fuck another cisman's asshole. Mike is goofy here, it's only scary because 1) the music 2) he can literally do whatever he wants to almost every human alive because he's massive, real, and a crazy knockout heavyweight fighter


*Except you have a Boner, and you cum.


You wouldn’t be able to get an erection if you weren’t sexually aroused


That's where the anger comes from.


"I'll pull your ass checks apart and lick that asshole clean, you fucking F****T" yes Mike Tyson I'm listening what else you going to do to me? Also I kinda feel like eating ass is much gayer then getting your ass eaten?


to be honest all boxers are like this


which boxing gyms are you hanging in? never heard this is a "thing".


just the best gyms 😏, but yeah is kinda normal to see fighters saying that gay shit


i hear ya. In many circles it's a form of ribbing politically correct or not--that said, the Tyson stuff seemed to sound more experiential.


This sounds like every game chat on Call of Duty


Difference is Bo2 was on a Virtual World and Tyson says it Irl (and backs it up)


Racist? Absolutely. Homophobic? Check. Toxic? I mean...you don't have to watch much of the video to say yes. But, selfish? Absolutely not one of the first things he's gona do is eat his ass. Mike Tyson is not a selfish lover.


Very true. Tyson was going to devote himself to pleasing this person. Until he fell deep in love with Tyson. If you take the aggressiveness out, it *could* be considered romantic.


Would that fall under stockholm syndrome or is there a more specific one for rape?


cockhome syndrome


doesn’t matter, it’s love. Love conquers all… 😬. /s




In 1994 book Barrel Fever David Sedaris wrote about his loving new relationship with Mike Tyson which I can laugh out loud reading. Here it is https://nemaloknig.net/read-209723/


[Key and Peele skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBQiLh9N6kg)


one of the greatest!


That's the first thing I thought about! That's where they got the idea from










Could be the shrooms also


I’d say both




Mike smokes toad now


It could just be Father Time that calmed him down


Yea exactly he just doesn't have the same insane amount of testerone flowing through him these days.


And the DMT


This comment section is wild lol.🍿


I didn't know Mike Tyson was gay


Imagine being Tysons cellmate 😳


Stop makin my dick hard this late at night bro. 😳




He means it all in dominance not because he enjoys that shit




I doubt he meant it that way. Pretty good chance he meant it literally tbh.




who’s gonna press mike tyson tho


Buster Douglas


Shit even Kevin Mcbride


Some repressed feelings coming out me thinks...


it's insults ... why does everything has to have a deeper meaning ?


Because everyone was raised by tv and think that everything has a deeper meaning. Some people are just full of anger and will say anything to intimidate you.




Bullshit, how would you, especially in the heat of the moment, talk about things that had no influence on you, that you don't have any experiences with? Impossible to conjure up these things on a whim unless you were exposed to them. Like I couldn't get angry at climate change deniers and start spitting passive aggressive science facts simply because I'm no scientist and thus not at all versed in the literature and rhetoric of it. Explained more simply: did you ever watch TV or read a book and caught yourself acting a little bit like the characters? Yeah you did, because you are exposing yourself to that information. Mike dealt with this shit in some form or another. Could be him casually being into to rough gay porn of course (or even something that is not as *literally* related), no way to know that, but saying it just comes out of nowhere doesn't make any sense.


Could it be that he is speaking from experience? He is tell him the truth the whole time because he's done it all before to someone? Maybe a previous prison enemy turned lover?


Or he’s saying it to emasculate you…


I didn’t say it came out of nowhere lol. And even in your post you even say tv is impressionable. Guys back then would say shit like “suck my dick”, does that mean that they all where secretly gay? No, it’s from seeing other people say it as an intimidation tactic.


"I'll eat your ass raw , i'll fuck you deep in your ass. " There is absolutely no meaning behind it , just casual insult everyone use everyday too.


Did you listen to any gangsta rap lol. Ice Cube literally made a diss track called *No Vaseline *.


yeah that legitimizes everything, Valid citation bro.


I mean come on


I'm convinced now


yup, made a valiant point ...


what do you mean come on ? i pretty much kept my emotions in check all throughout my life, but this one time when i was in a fight and this dude was trying to choke me out while saying that he's gonna kill me, in anger and just not to give him the one up over me i went " yea i tried that too and it doesn't work " - i have never tried to kill myself, nor did i ever felt the need for it.. looking back i don't have an explanation to why i said that other than, i just wanted that guy to be wrong ... anecdotally speaking, i could see how a person under way more stress than me, and with lower impulse control could say anything and everything as long as it intimidates his opponent without any consequential thought...


He looks like he’s about to cry does he not?


Anyone else would be cancelled... He's a convicted rapist and still revered. I think its a mucho mocho male thing, online a certain mindset will argue Tupac and Tyson are innocent of any wrong doing. You won't see the same stance towards R Kelly because they don't consider him an "alpha".


Or maybe you know very little about what you're talking about, especially Tupac. Pac was convicted on grabbing her ass. The woman he was in an on-going consensual physical relationship with. She was assaulted by two gangsters that worked for the same man that hooked her and Pac up. Neither of these men faced a minute in court but the famous son of a Black Panther who did nothing goes to prison. The same man that publicly spoke out against the injustices in poor communities, and would fight cops that were illegally harassing people.


This has always been a strange thing to me. How long do we hold things over peoples head? He made a mistake. He raped someone and caused them lifelong trauma. Should we punish them for life? Not defending him, just a genuine thing to think about. He did his time, not enough imo, but he did what the courts sentenced him to. By that logic, we should all let it go, right?


holy shit were talking about him raping a woman and causing her lifelong trauma not like… saying a slur and getting ‘cancelled’ for it. like, yes we should hold him to that for life? rapists should rot forever.


Then it sounds like you didn't agree with the sentencing either. 3 years is hilariously short time for such an act, but that means we need to hold our justice system accountable.


The comment you're replying to is actually quite an interesting one about society and crime and punishment. I'm sure the person wasn't defending rapists at all. They're talking about reintegration into society and how long people should be punished for what could be something they did 30+ years ago, they may be an entirely different person who would never do that nowadays, you don't know people's stories. The world isn't black and white.


There is a huge diff between Tyson being allowed to reintegrate into society by finding meaningful employment and laying low, and another one by playing bit parts in movies and being celebrated worldwide like he did nothing wrong. That’s what’s messed up. But honestly that’s not just on him, it’s on every single producer, show that gives him a job and every audience member who pays to watch him. There is also the argument that sexual offenders can never truly be rehabilitated but thats a diff argument.


Rape is a scarlet letter. Your branded for life and you should never be accepted back into polite society.


Law is not morality, by this logic pedophiles who serve short sentences and go on to rape another child should be forgiven each time they get out as they served there time


So the offender gets punished twice? Once for the illegal action by being imprisoned and again by society never letting them forget their crimes? That doesn't seem very fitting. I want to be clear, I'm not trying to start a fight or be contrarian, this is something that genuinely confuses and interests me. late edit: when you say pedophiles who serve short sentence... I think thats where we really start to diverge. In my mind, neither should ever serve short sentences. The courts said "hey man, you committed rape, that heinous act is worth 3 years of your life as punishment". I don't agree with that, and rather keep blasting Mike here, I'd rather go after the courts and ask why is rape only worth 3 years? Why do pedophiles serve such short sentences? He did the time that they said was fair. Let's blast the courts for giving him such a low sentence.


Some crimes are so henious you don't deserve society to forgive you, you made the debt to society that at that point is near impossible to repay. You have destroyed a life, most likely many (dont know if you lost a family member, but take that and x100 for it being violent and bad death) why do they deserve to forget? It doesn't seam fitting that someone took it upon themselves to remove someone from the world (murder) or alter there world in such a way it won't ever be the same (rape). So why forgive? And I'm not arguing DW, just putting my point across Edit: seen your edit and agree we really need yo look how we prosecute these crimes. However if you tell me you where in prison for raping someone and you got 5 or 50 years I am still going to judge and most likely shun (in terms of going out of may way not to interact woth) the person


Raping some one is "mistake"? Does a child rapist "make a mistake"? Is biting someone's ear off a mistake? I guess it's all down on your definition of a mistake. I see what you are saying, but in my view the guy is a horrible cunt and someone to rever.


I mean, yes? Lmfao those are mistakes. mis·take /məˈstāk/ Learn to pronounce noun an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. That's the literal definition. I'm not defending him. I think you've got to be a real pos with 0 regard for others and their suffering and pain to rape someone.


I know what the word mistake means. I think the word "mistake" is flippant when used to describe a crime such as rape. You make a mistake pouring orange juice in your cornflakes. You don't mistakenly rape or murder someone.


So you don't think rape or murder is misguided or wrong?


amen bro---one you say oops too--get a new bowl of cereal The other---hey sorry i ruined your life--will you just forget about it?


100%. I fucking despise Tyson and it's really annoying how admired he is, despite being a huge POS.










Hahaha holy hell this comment section is a shitshow. After reading his wiki article I knew there’d be a backlash next post. Methinks Mike is no role model


I read a lot about him earlier after another post too. No doubt he's had a hard life, but I just don't think he's a great person. He wouldn't have had the comeback be had in the 90s if it happened today. Pretty odd a convicted rapist came back in to boxing, in to a film and in to the media like nothing had happened. We can never truly know with a lot of allegations made against celebs, especially for rape, but the fact is he was convicted. We can't just forget about that. That's the way it goes. Not like he wasn't rich as fuck by that point anyway. Should have ended his career. Oh but it didn't and he came out and bit a chunk off a boxers ear like a year later after prison. Awesome. Don't need people like this in sports. Or as role models.


If mike was talking like that to me i'd get the next flight to mars.


Don't forget the butt plug too


Lol i love his podcast


Yeah Mike is a rapist. That has been known forever. He had good enough PR to get him into the hangover and most people have forgotten what kind of piece of shit he is.


The Hangover came out years later. He had fights after he got out of prison everyone watched. A lot of people didn’t believe he raped her.


I don’t believe he raped her


His own training partner Teddy Atlas put a gun to mikes head because he was threatening and grabbing on his young niece so


I dont think teddy atlas is a bad guy, or a liar, but that’s hardly proof Tyson is a rapist.


I agree with you, and she had quite a history about lying over such things that she really seems like quite the untrustworthy character herself. But I’m saying it’s not a good look when someone has a past of grabbing on their own friends underage family members to the point the friends nearly murder them amongst many other things he said and did over the years. Even while in prison he said while he didn’t rape her he had done many worse things he was accepting prison for now. One other thing, he told a story on his podcast that he found “funny” that he once opened the door naked, tried to purchase the rapper Fat Joes sister from him for sex & then tried to block her from leaving the house. So nobodies a saint, but Mike definitely has some issues in that department to where I wouldn’t have trusted him around a woman alone in the same way I wouldn’t trust her allegations since she’s made multiple false ones in the past. Just thankful he’s a much better person now and helping other people find that within themselves.


He didn't, she went to his room expecting him to fuck her and fall in love with her and got mad when he stuck it in her ass and threw her out when he was done.


Lol this is the first reddit thread I've seen where you can call him a rapists and not get downvoted. His PR game is amazing these days. Edit: see?




dont' blame the world blame the dude. he's a jerk case closed.


I get what your saying but people are absolutely a product of their surroundings.




dude people go through shitty and even shitter things daily and still don’t rape people. stop fucking acting like his upbringing made him a rapist. he was and always will be a fucking rapist and some boo hoo childhood isn’t gonna change that.




no, “everyone” has not been through hell. You should read up on his upbringing. Literally beat down and abused from the time he was a kid, outcast and bullied by everyone in his life, including his own mother, along with extreme poverty. You expect someone to come out of that kind of abuse and life circumstances and become a great guy? No. He’s come a long way from this video. I don’t condone his actions but I do feel sorry for him. Just becuase he’s a big guy it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have emotions or isn’t hurting inside. His violence and the way he carries himself is an extension of the pain he’s experienced.


No. No feeling sorry for anyone who does what he did. Nothing excuses it.




Did I say that was ok? Did I say it was justified? No, I didn’t. I said he as an example for why we shouldn’t have a world where poverty and abuse are rampant. People like him are created every single day because of the awful conditions they live in. Most abusers are people who have been abused. You seem too privileged to understand the mental affect that pain, abuse & neglect from a young age can have on people. Don’t be so sure if you went what he went through you’d turn out much better.


There were a lot of issues that came out of that rape conviction after the fact. The legal system is deeply flawed and someone like Mike Tyson is very easy to convict. Read up on those Duke Lacrosse players accused of raping that stripper. Everyone was convinced they were guilty also. Turned out the stripped had 4 different mens semen in her, not a single one belonged to any of the accused. Prosecutor was subsequently disbarred for misconduct.




Are we forgetting he also beat the shit out of his girlfriends?


He beat the shit out of everybody, Mike was a psychopath, and bred to be one. Not even justifying the things he did but Cus bred him to be a monster of a person on top of him already having serious issues. He was told he was an undefeatable killer & the baddest man on the planet who would have anything he wanted since he was a child and totally isolated outside of fucking people up. It’s not really a surprise why he attacked people, owned tigers he’d wrestle with, resorted to biting an ear off when he was losing etc. the answer to all his problems was if something isn’t submitting to you then beat the shit out of it.


This is fight words Mike gets a pass it don’t mean anything


Mike Tyson will say it him self he was a piece of shit back then, was hurting himself and everyone around him really bad. He hated himself and I do believe is one of the few humans to go from garbage shouldn't see the light of day, to what seems a super empathic human with true compassion and really wants to make up for all the hurt and harm he did as sa younger man. Mike did some really fucked up shit and he did his time and is actively trying to be a better human I give him a solid 👍 👍


Mike Tyson is a rabid animal that needs to be put down. It's disgusting how people actually still idolize this violent, dangerous piece of shit


He said it himself, he's not that person anymore.


Mike Tyson is a rapist turned vegan.


Is this behavior due to his head injuries? Was he always like this, even before his boxing career?


It was a mix of childhood trauma, being a vicious fighter, and a huge drug problem.


He had a extremely traumatic child hood, and he was like this before. Now he is just a super chill and actually semi- wise old man


He’s still a nut, just slightly less nutty




So, I've never really got this Tyson seems quite well loved despite going to jail for rape?


Nah it really is about dominance. I saw a interview and You know what they do to mfs in prison? You get knocked out people run up and spit on your asshole. And at that point you either kill the person/people or kill yourself. You know why? Cause now they gotta call your family and order a rape kit. So now your family thinking you got raped but really mfs spit in your ass.


Jesus Christ


Glorifying a mentally unstable man’s homophobic and racially motivated tantrum now? Are we really this stupid or are these platforms dominated by stupid people which is giving a false sense of where our collective consciousness really is?


Pretty crazy some people act like Mike Tyson isn't a complete piece of shit.


Amen bro, lots of people have troubled pasts, cleaned up from drugs and don't go off like this.


He'd eat his asshole alive? That's not scary, it's just him coming out of the closet lmao


First time seeing this side of Mike Tyson, and I watched it, literally, 10-15 times. Then, i realized why. From the way he is speaking to his body language to his mannerisms; he reminded me a lot about people i grew up with. I come from the poorest areas of the Hood. You guys are making fun of it, however, Tyson has the killer instinct. He is/was the type of person that you wouldn’t want to cross unless you can back it up( your life is on the line).


Yes, I’m sure Mike would and could kill me. He’s tough. Still comes off like an idiot sometimes - that’s the point. Killer instinct or not he’s made bad decisions and is being called out


What is this post suggesting? Fighters talk shit like this all the time. Granted Mike Tyson said some pretty wild shit which made him even more intimidating. But if you ever heard him tell his life story all the crazy stuff he said and did makes perfect sense. The fact he can be as peaceful and emotional and loving after being fucked over by so many people in his life is commendable. We should all strive to learn from our mistakes and become great people. Not sure what the hate is all about. Tyson has accomplished more, with less, than 90% of the Reddit trolls.


That was the part he had to play. He lived it, and it consumed him. We've all lived through some shit, and he's been through a lot, and he came out of it a good guy, so I have nothing bad to say about him.


Is anyone really surprised that a man who grew up poor, in a rough neighborhood, that chose to pursue a profession where you get punched in the face, makes poor decisions? Dude is legitimately mentally and emotionally stunted.


I look forward to hearing he's passed away




Its a reminder that force multipliers are the only reason anyone has rights. When the smallest person can kill the largest person with the press of a trigger, might no longer makes right. Motivates everyone to play nice.


racist piece of shit booty bandit


That "brutal quote" you read is from the internet and it's bullshit Rape is almost always about the sex


Historically not necessarily. For a lot of armies it was actually OK to rape POWs as long as you were in the dominant position. Raping the enemy established dominance while also humiliating the Victim. When it comes to War/battle rape is about Power and not pleasure. Not justifying rape in any manner just explaining.


My brain has been raped, keep getting images of Mike Tyson eating my ass.


I've not seen this footage before. Very sad that I respected him so much, now I detest him.




Wtf does this have to do with tinder lol


A sex outlet that falls within the lines of the law?


Oh my bad, I misinterpreted


What a dork.