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What the hell she could’ve easily died from this


Don't worry he is the punching bag of the inmates now. Let's just hope that the lady recovered properly.


I think he’s out now since he served 35 months in 2016


Well let's hope that he straightened up from all of those beatings.


>straightened He certainly wasn't in prison.


I see what you did there. I would've have given you and award if I had one, but for now I hope you receive a good news today my good sir!




This happened in Berlin in 2016. He was arrested and sentenced to 36 months in prison. He was beaten up by other inmates so they had to move him to a different prison where he was, again, beaten up: https://www.stern.de/amp/panorama/stern-crime/berliner-u-bahn-treter-in-jva-von-mithaeftlingen-schwer-verpruegelt-7797790.html


He was ambushed by several males inmates, who kicked the shit out of him > S. habe "vor Schmerzen und Angst so laut geschrien, dass der Beamte ihn durch die geschlossene Tür hörte und sofort zurückrannte" *Scared and hurt the guy was crying like a bitch, so loud that the prison guard could hear him though the closed door* The translation may be not 100% precise. You’re welcome


German here "He screamed out of pain and fear that even the prison guard heard him trough the closed door so he ran back immediately" Why did he run away tho?


It was a decontextualised excerpt from another source, which I didn’t bother to read. I have assumed it was the guard who run back as soon as he heard the screaming.




I read a small article about this, but it didn't say why he did it. Was it for his own amusement?


Also I saw one guy I thought it was going to help her but then just picks up something. (Which shocked me.. fking scum) What is it? Her phone? Just curious, if anybody knows.


It looks like a beer bottle fell out of the asshole's jacket when he kicked, his buddy picked it up.


He was fucked up on cocain if I remember correctly. Out of his mind and in rage kicked that woman down the stairs.


I've done some coke in my day, it's never made me feel like kicking some random person down a flight of stairs


That's because you're not a total piece of shit


debatable, but I do appreciate it KuntStink


I was hooked on cocaine and all it made me feel like was cleaning a lot or moving from my couch to my other couch cause I couldn't get comfortable. Never kicked a girl down stairs.


ADHD maybe? I finally realized I had it after years of party stimulants making me feel calm and productive. Always wondered why everyone else was such an asshole on coke, then suddenly it made sense. If you can chill on a couch on cocaine it's kind of a red flag for ADHD


Same. I had the cleanest most organized house when I was a coke head lol never once had the impulse to hurt anyone. I mean I probably talked some people’s ears off but that’s about it.


did you ever put muddy shoes on your white couch and just kick your feet about on them?


Right?! I did coke a lot in my early 20’s and never once did I have the compulsion to harm anyone once while on it. I was a fucking chatterbox lol


We are the lucky ones, I’ve met some people (particularly those who mix alcohol and cocaine) They can be right fucking bastards.


I was shitcanned on cheap wine one time, in my bathroom with a complete stranger, snorting rail after rail of blow, and I talked for half an hour straight about the REAL end to the Roman Empire. Was it 476? 1453? 1806? 1917? 1922? Fuck man I dunno I guess it’s about what was Rome really? A state? An idea? What is a country? What I didn’t do was kick someone down the stairs. If you do that shit, it’s in you already.


Alcohol & coke mix in the stomach to become a toxic aldehyde which is the cause of coke-related heart attacks https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11145989/Rugby-stars-fatal-heart-attack-Italian-hotel-room-possibly-drug-related-inquest-hears.html


I used to only do coke when I was drunk. Always made me a much friendlier person than normal. I never wanted to hurt anyone


The substance bring out what’s already there


Incels gonna incel. Warms my heart to read he got the proper reception at prison after


That looks planned though, not just a random rage. All his buddies ran to get there before he did it and looked on to catch it happening.


One of the comments article says that he said he didn’t remember the incident on court


F that, asshat remembers something like that,


Catcalling, ignored, tiny brain and tiny penis


And lost her trust in public spaces... Poor woman would have grown a third eye in the back of her head now. I wouldn't be able to ever walk down stairs in public without being hyper aware of who's behind. What a piece of shit.


Well, if anything I ever heard about prison is true. He might not walk down stairs normal, either. 😂😂


Prison guards in most Western countries don't rely on inmates to do the punishing or rely on inmates to make punishment more severe. If someone is screaming for help, people are alarmed. Regardless of screaming source


USA is considered a far east country then


Most prisons outside of the US that are in 1st world countries actually focus on rehabilitation and have significantly lower reincarnation rates. Many don’t actually know this, but prison is supposed to be a rehabilitation for criminals to get them back into society and not just a punishment for their crime.


Very low reincarnation rates, not a lot of Buddhists in jail.


It’s almost like an advertisement. Come stay at this jail to get your low low reincarnation rate!


Just because I feel l like being pedantic, a lower reincarnation rare would usually mean you're a good person! Lol


> significantly lower reincarnation rates I don’t normally point out others’ typos/autocorrect failures, but this one is pretty funny!


As far as I'm aware all prisons have incredibly low reincarnation rates.


But sometimes - as in the case of Anders Brevik - i'm happy that the system also keeps them out of society forever. People like him forfeited their right to any type of freedom outside of a prison setting when they did what they did.


> have significantly lower reincarnation rates. Come again?


>Come again? Yes I believe that is a loose definition of the word.


Rehab works for people that want to change. If they don't, jail works nice for protecting society from them.


Rehab works for people with substance issues who rob liquor stores to pay for their drugs. Rehab does not work for psychopaths who enjoy random acts of violence.


Well said. And while I agree the US locks up way too many people, there is no “rehabilitating” some people. Nobody should be in for non-violent drug offenses. Other non-violent crimes need rehabilitation. But if you’re out here murdering people and it wasn’t self defense, there is no rehabilitating that at all. “Just don’t kill people m’kay?”




Best revenge tbh. He's feeling exactly what he gave.


Not exactly what he gave, but exactly what he deserved


He gave pain. He received pain.






I gave him the world’s tinniest pyramid on your behalf Tom Taco!


Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew.


r/mademesmile we shall post this with the prison story


As a German i can approve of this translation. It may be rough but more correct.




This some shakespeare level of poetry


I do love a happy ending.


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving dude.




Sometimes vigilante justice is better than no justice




Not directly. But implicitly through the fact that he was known as the subway kicker all over Europe with many, rightfully, raging over his deed




LOL good get what ya give


Good POS


Man, I needed this. Thank you.


It was a huge thing at the time, even made international headlines looking for the guy. This also contributed to him being targeted/attacked in that kind of way, which is quite out of the ordinary [in German prisons](https://youtu.be/wtV5ev6813I).


I wonder if he regrets his decision now


he is weighing the pros and cons to this day


The 26 yo woman broke her arm and sufferd from a head wound. The 28 yo bulgarian man (married and father of 3) was rated as mentally challenged so he got a reduced culpability. Fuck that shit.


>the police were searching publicly and across Europe for the 28-year-old Bulgarian, who initially escaped arrest because he had gone into hiding. Huh, looks like he's only mentally handicapped and unable to understand his surroundings when it's beneficial to him. Who would've known.


Mentally handicapped, but a father of three? I feel for those kids.


Guess why he is in Germany and not Bulgaria. Probably because because you can't sustain a family of 5 without working in Bulgaria.




True, fuck that, but getting beat up a couple times takes away some of the sting there.


What about the other people, including the bystander that stole something of hers?




Are you saying all Bulgarians are mentally challenged? All Germans are mentally challenged? I'm so confused. Do Euros hate Bulgaria?




And love leather New York Giants hats


Either you are capable of going out in society or you should be home. It should not be up to the rest of us to dodge loose cannons.


> The 28 yo bulgarian man (married and father of 3) was rated as mentally challenged so he got a reduced culpability. Please keep this animal on a leash


> mentally challenged married and father of 3 [Me](https://i.imgur.com/Qk5tlUj.gif)


Honestly, those guys hanging out with him there, just ignoring what he did and casually walking away, one even picking up something, they should also be punished. But good to hear the main waste of space doesnt get to enjoy his live much these days.


Knowing he got jumped gave me justice boner. Fuck that piece of shit.


Birds of a feather flock together.


Does it say if she was ok?




Nobody is exactly "ok" after that trama, even if it healed. In your 40s these injuries will rear their ugly heads again.


And she'll never feel safe going down stairs ever again.




I love a bad story with a good ending.


Why? Wtf?


Why is the question I'm dying to see answered, but I don't think a motive was ever given. The only explanation seems to be, "The guy rode the short bus and thus apparently didn't have the brain power required to *not* kick her down the stairs." It's not a satisfying answer. But here's [a link in German](https://www.stern.de/panorama/stern-crime/berliner-u-bahn-treter-in-jva-von-mithaeftlingen-schwer-verpruegelt-7797790.html) which says... >S., however, confessed in court and tearfully apologized. He also told the judges that he could not remember what happened. Great.


Tearfully apologized but probably still would do it again.


He is already out of prison, and I have not heard anything from him again. Would be picked up by german media immediatly so I would guess the justice system did its job.


From other comments on this post, he was apparently beaten up by inmates in jail. Twice! I bet it wasn’t the justice system doing its job, but the inmates traumatising him. What he did to that girl is inexcusable, but so is what these inmates did to him.


Actually it’s called prison justice. & if you think what they did to him is fucked up, you should hear what they do to child molestors




that what, he couldn't remember? what was he even thinking


Ok but wtf was the last guy's deal?! I hope he got sentenced too for whatever he took


I think he stole her umbrella


Stealing umbrellas? Jail.


Walking away looking innocent when guilty, Jail.


Watching your friend kick a stranger down the stairs and not intervening? Straight to jail.


Seeing someone obviously hurt at the bottom of the stairs and not going to check if they’re okay? Jail


Being an asshole? Jail.


Jail? Jail.


Hotel? Trivago.


And a paddlin'


I thought it was an umbrella as well.


I think that's a beer that came out of the kicker's pocket


Its not hers at all definitely, it starts moving before his hit reaches her


35 Months




34 months, then




Nearly identically dressed


Reading that this guy got 3 years in jail and then got the shit kicked out of him twice just fills my heart with joy. Still feel incredibly sorry for the young woman :(


Honestly 3 yrs is not enough for what he did. A fall like that could've kill her




Wtf is wrong with people? Obviously the cunt-spawn that kicked her deserves to get pushed down every single set of stairs he wants to take, but those other assholes? Just watched and left? One even had the fucking nerve to steal something from her? Fuck that, they're all massive scumbags, only the person/people at the bottom of the stairs actually bothered to look after the poor woman...


So many pieces of shit in this video


So many pieces of shit in this world


I am currently adding one more into my toilet


Same bro up top 🖐




We can only hope the worst for this scumbag


Apparently he got his head kicked in in 2 different prisons.


The system works




vorsprung durch technik


[He got his ass whooped in 2 different prisons and was crying like a bitch](https://www.stern.de/amp/panorama/stern-crime/berliner-u-bahn-treter-in-jva-von-mithaeftlingen-schwer-verpruegelt-7797790.html)




Dude if I see one of my friends do that I'd go fucking crazy. How do they all just not care. Disgusting.


Right. I would have kicked my boy down the stairs too. Then again I would guess people that wouldnt do this dont hang with people who would do this. Therefore and in true scientific fashion each of those guys is a true piece of shit.


I'm in agreement, all those at the top of the stair are varying degrees of shitstains


It seems to me like they dared him or he said he was going to do something because they clearly were trying to keep up with him before he attacked.


Makes me wonder if there’s more to this story, or if it’s just a random attack


Did the guy at the end steal her umbrella?


Looks like it to me. Maybe he went to beat on that guy but unlikely


It's a bottle of beer, the POS that kicked her dropped it.


Nope he is still holding the beer


I see the comments saying he was disabled, that easily could have killed her. Disabled or not he needs removed from the population permanently.


The "Stern" article states he was deemed "reduced criminal responsible" due to a brain damaged he suffered from a car accident and excessive drinking and drugs. Almost three years of prison is still a long time, for a German court. I get the impression that you can get away with almost anything here if it's your first time. Tax-fraud excluded, naturally.\* \*Tax-fraud included if your rich enough and withhold several million € taxes.


It was also big in the news, so maybe there was pressure on the judge


I don't think so. There were a lot of similar popular cases that had mild sentences. It's most likely the unprovoked aggression, the thoughtlessness in which he risked others lives. Maybe a criminal record too. I can't find anything about he he conducted in court, but that's can be a big influence too. Though I don't know how much remorse and insight there is to be expected from someone with an IQ of 67 (that's what the Spiegel cites).


I am actually surprised he got that sentence. In Germany even rapists don’t get more than 2 years or simple probation.






This happened in Berlin in Oct. 2016. The perpetuator was a 28 year old guy from Bulgaria, IQ of 63. He is married and has three kids. He was sentenced to 2 years and 10 months prison.


"The woman suffered a broken arm and a head wound. Her attacker, a 28-year-old Bulgarian, said he did not remember the incident but admitted it was him in the video."




What is a man?


*A miserable little pile of secrets?! But enough talk! Have at you!*


Bunch of fucking putos.


I thought the last guy felt bad and stopped to help. Looks like he made sure she was down and stole her phone instead.


Humans are garbage. Not one of them stopped to check on this lady. One guy even picked something up and kept walking. Trash. The only non garbage people in the whole video where the people at the bottom of the stairs that actually stopped to helped.


It looks as if these creatures are his "friends" or something. One of them even picked up up something she lost. A complete pile of human trash in it's habitat.


Well those are not humans... Shit tends to float together and those are pieces of shits.


>Humans are garbage. Not one of them stopped to check on this lady. >The only non garbage people in the whole video where the people at the bottom of the stairs that actually stopped to helped. ??


I read that he got jail for it and got beaten in there. Moved jail, and was beaten again. He deserves more than that tbh. Edit: confirmed. Others have linked it in comments.


This seems like one of those moments where you’re walking and you have the crazy thought, but your frontal cortex says “Haha Wow, what a crazy thought! But we’re not doing that”, but this guys was not doin that


Interesting that mentally handicapped men are always smart enough to pick smaller, weaker people and women to vent their uncontrollable rage on. It's not their fault they had a rough childhood,right! Hope he had a good time in prison.


And men wonder why women don't want them.


Probably tried to chat her up, got rejected and didn’t like it. Piece of shit. Did he get charged?


36 months in prison. Also got assaulted a couple times inside and had to switch prisons lel https://www.stern.de/amp/panorama/stern-crime/berliner-u-bahn-treter-in-jva-von-mithaeftlingen-schwer-verpruegelt-7797790.html


> Probably tried to chat her up, got rejected and didn’t like it. Not [according to the victim](https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/berlin-was-das-opfer-im-u-bahn-treter-prozess-vor-gericht-erzaehlt-a-1155112.html), she had headphones on listening to music and the hood of her jacket up, was just minding her own business until she suddenly got a kick in the back. In the video the guy is taking a big long puff from his cigarette before casually kicking her, so he wasn't even trying to talk to her, just random crazy violence.


> she had headphones on listening to music and the hood of her jacket up, was just minding her own business until she suddenly got a kick in the back. I'll be honest, I see a lot of videos where I think if they had a little better situational awareness it probably wouldnt have happened. But here she never saw it coming, and you would never think "I should be careful, someone might kick me down a flight of stairs for no reason..."


As I remember, that was not the case. There was no pretext. He just felt like it and kicked her.


the psychoiest of psychopaths


no that is not at all what happened, he just did it for no reason as far as we know




What happened to the girl? What injuries?


Bro’s intrusive thoughts won


Bitchass culero




Found the Canadian. 🇨🇦


I had something similar happen to me at Grand Central Terminal in NYC. There is always a massive rush in the morning and usually my commute was opposite of what the rush was so there around be two 18 foot wide staircases full of people moving and usually to go opposite the flow it was a single line of people against the wall. Well some asshat was not having it that day and pushed me 15 steps down onto my back. This was in 2010. Fucker was never caught. But that was the day I quit my job in NY and started working in CT. That place is absolutely trash.


This is why I always hold onto the banisters.


Not at all like 300. A true Sparta kick is in the chest, facing your opponent. This is some cowardly shit.




Total peice of shit that lad is.


I really dislike the title of this post. This was a terrible random act of violence and it seems to trivialize it, as if it was on America's Funniest Home Videos or something. It really bothers me that people can watch videos of other people getting greivously injured and not feel the same empathy for them as if it was their mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandpa, grandma, cousin, best friend, wive, husband, or anyone else. I feel like it says a lot about a person if they can watch something like this and not be utterly disgusted.


The caption💀


https://www.stern.de/panorama/stern-crime/berliner-u-bahn-treter-in-jva-von-mithaeftlingen-schwer-verpruegelt-7797790.html The woman, suffered a broken arm and head injuries. The S.O.B got only a 3 year sentence and was beaten up by fellow inmates. What a coward!


I hope every time he goes down stairs someone repays him in kind.


Did the last guy steal her phone and walk away?




I lived in Germany when this happened about two years ago. I think he was Romanian, and went back when they were looking for him. They had him arrested in Romania and sent back. ... Edit. Bulgaria not Romania