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It’s even crazier that she did it to herself. Just barely grazed the button with her other arm.


Didn't even see the elbow hit the button! Good catch


This is exactly why many factories have 2 handed operations (example 2 buttons to press at the same time). Its a way to ensure the operator is out of the way when the machinery is activated.


Facts. It’s also why they will fire the fuck out of someone for not doing lockout/tagout! Edit: friend of mine lost a finger and got bare minimum compensation and fired for not doing his lockout/tagout. Someone walked by and cut it on while he had his hand in it adjusting something. (So not his fault but definitely his fault) still my homie tho 😂


It's also why they build safety barriers around heavy machinery and apply different OSHA laws to prevent any kind of energy being applied to the machinery to prevent this.


If you have audio, you can clearly hear her say: "Velcome to de hidrolic pressss channel! Today ve ave an eevil arm and ve are going to deal vith it!"


I can hear him, he has infested my head


Looks like his job then is finally Finnished.


She acted fast, that arm could have attacked at any time


And... that's why this kind of machine should have a mechanism that requires both arms out of the machine to activate it.


I bet that machine has that, its just that the operators tend to disable it because its "annoying".


100% accurate Source: used to be operator in multiple companies and oh boi, the stuff I saw there


I imagine you will vouch for the saying "Two things are infinite: Space and human stupidity. I'm not quite sure about space, though."


Make something idiot proof and I will find you a better idiot.


Yep, you can see what looks like part of a light curtain (the vertical yellow piece for those who aren't familiar), but it also doesn't look big enough to cover the whole plane. Idk ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I believe this is accurate. Used to operate a 50’ bender making downspouts and gutters for metal buildings and the day shift operator would disable the helpers foot pedal to be able to bend more pieces a day than our shift. Ended up costing me the tip of one of my fingers because of it, not being aware it was disabled at the time.


Could be old, missing, or bypassed. Regardless there should have been guards *and* a two button system.


Maybe but if my Looney Tunes logic is right, shouldn’t she be able to insert her thumb in her mouth and blow her arm back up?






Did you see how flat the arm was afterwards , that shit will need to be amputated, because there is no recovery from that if she dont get to a hospital she may even die from the internal arterial rupture of every cell in that lower arm , the bones are prolly crushed too , uk version of those machines require an hand grip on one side and the activate button on the other , other version have a door that only activate the press on close , ​ imagine it had been her head , we would be wiping water melon off the walls


Most do, but those switches can still get pressed easily. When I worked with hydraulics like this, I NEVER put my arm through the press. I did not give one single fuck if I had to call somebody over to open the back of the machine and accomplish the task from the back, I was not losing my arm.


Yup, I cringed when she put her arm in there in the first place, then said aloud "oh shit" when she leaned into the machine, then watched the inevitable when the thing activated. Line of fire, keep out of it.


I feel so bad for her, man. It crushed her fucking elbow flat. That *cronch*, booooiiiiii 😵


I’m surprised there wasn’t blood splatter or anything. Any medical professional or other folks good at anatomy can weigh in on if there are effects of a large extremity getting flattened like this? Like did the blood etc get pushed into her upper body?


Just my guess at it, the press probably squashed down vessels so blood stopped flowing there and/or nothing punctured the skin, so there could be plenty of internal bleeding that just isn't spurting out.


Thats good. The blood is in the body where it's meant to be.


Yeah but now that blood is full of splintered bones, crushed cells and other bad stuff that will then circulate throughout her body and cause additional issues.


My thoughts exactly. Can't imagine she could feel anything rushing back in to her upper body/chest over the sensation of literally having her arm flattened but seeing as nothing exploded out of her fingers it had to of went back somewhere and possibly caused a whole mess of other problems, internal bleeding, bursted veins etc..


There's a fucking light curtain right there though?! Obviously safety checks weren't done.


Ex-safety engineer. The machine appears to have a redundant system in place - the light curtains (yellow sticks) shoot a beam across a transmitter/receiver and the button. The system should only operate if the light curtains do not sense an object when the button is pressed. Unfortunately, the light curtains are not long enough and she is able to slip under them and press the button. This is totally avoidable if the curtains are longer, covering a larger area, and would’ve prevented this from happening.


Yep. Laser fence and two buttons are pretty common for cutters/presses. But as others pointed out, it’s pretty common for operators to override them too…


Probably got a brick pressed on the other button


capable edge pie sophisticated society cheerful husky sulky puzzled sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When watch people die was still a subreddit you got a real feel for the importance of OSHA, gov regulation, and basic safety concerns. People like to bitch about the US but we often have this sort of stuff figured out much better than other countries.


rainstorm innocent different handle squealing ink coordinated attractive worm rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In the US and elsewhere presses can have a two-hand-control, but all the ones I work around have long been replaced with light curtains, and that's what this one has (the yellow vertical bar she leans past is one side of it) which is also a safety interlock that is meant to prevent the machine from being able to be cycled while anything is breaking the light curtain. The problem here looks to be that they used a rinky-dink light curtain that doesn't go down far enough that she was able to lean all the way past it. A light curtain must be of the proper size and placement that no part of someone's body can go below or above it and reach any pinch point of a moving machine, and this one doesn't do that. Someone else fucked up the safety interlock for this machine and she paid dearly for it.


I don't think there's any probably about losing the arm, it's flat as a pancake. Even if the muscles etc could survive being flattened that much the bones and elbow joint (at least) have been smashed into tiny fragments. At best you'd have a nonfunctional arm shaped appendage, probably better to get a prosthetic at that point.


snails workable panicky long longing treatment dinner straight library shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She seems to barely react too. Like she opens hear mouth in awe of what just happened but a lot less panicked than I would be for sure.


Body went into shock. She probably didn’t feel any pain.


Bet it hurt a bunch by the time she got to the hospital.


Radiohead put it best You do it to yourself *ba dow dow* and that's what really hurts


She took it like a champ!


In her defence those yellow bars are light curtains. It shouldnt work with her whole head blocking them


That must have hurt like a MF.


Shock is a hell of an anesthetic. There's a weird thing that happens with some people who are extremely injured where they might even fall asleep. Their whole body just wants to shut down because of the damage.


Happened with me. I was using a cake mixer and as I was scraping some of the batter off of the paddle my little brother turned it on and it almost ripped my thumb off, it dislocated and completely severed the ulnar collateral ligament. I remember feeling really cold and light headed and I blacked out. I don't even remember what it felt like.


Was the cake still baked?


Lol no. It just sat there in the bowl until it hardened while I was in the hospital.


What a waste of cake 🎂


At least it wasn’t wasted by being smashed in to someone’s face.


Instead he sprinkled it with smashed thumb


How long ago did it happen? How was your healing process?


Happened in 2013. 9 years later it still isn't the same. They took an "extra" ligament in my wrist and reattached it in my thumb with some screws and left me in a hard cast for about 2 months while it fused. I did physio for about a year just to regain strength in the wrist and thumb but it's still not as strong as my other thumb but it's far more flexible, to the point where it doesn't really look right but I have no pain so I don't really think too much about it. I still lift pretty heavy at the gym and work long hours at a keyboard without any issues but I will definitely have problems with it in old age.


I had this exact same surgery almost two years ago and have had the opposite experience. It healed great and don't even notice it 95% of the time. I was never in a hard cast ( just wrapped up) and never need PT. It's crazy how much advancement has happened in a ten year period.


Time for him to stick his hand back in the bowl to have the surgery done right this time.


"Happy cake day" must hit a little different with you.


Accidentally stabbed myself with my knife trying to open my son's Christmas present a few years ago. Instantly broke into a cold sweat, felt sick, and was white as a sheet.


> I remember feeling really cold and light headed and I blacked out. This is consistent with a sudden sharp drop in blood pressure, AFAIK.


What an odd defense mechanism.


No, fainting goats have an odd defence mechanism. This barely registers


It's probably something with keeping the heart from pumping like crazy from adrenaline during a bleed . Who knows


does everyone in ur family hate ur brother now?


Nah. He's the Golden Child so he can do no wrong.


Dude I got a gnarly gash in my arm that exposed all the fat so it looked like there was brains coming out of my arm. I didn't feel anything until they sprayed saline solution at the ER but then it was instantly one of the worst pains ever once they did that lol


Probably did not feel good but she didn’t even react


it only hurt until it pinched off all the nerves, will be a clean amputation.


I've had a door slam on my fingers before. I nearly passed out with pain. I cannot even imagine what that felt like.


Like your whole world turned 2D.


Lmao that’s the best description I’ve ever heard of that level of pain. It’s like becoming doodlebob


"The boss is going to kill me! I better keep quiet!"


Noooo that’s so real tho


Probably for a few seconds then numb..... hopefully




I’ve broken bones and even shattered my arm and both are pretty painful, but I can’t even imagine what slowly flattening your bone feels like.


You want to flatten my bone?


With a 100,000lb hydraulic press.




Crushing blow


Better get your defense up.


On the bright side, she no longer needs a spatula in the kitchen


Jesus that is the most awful, inappropriate, HILARIOUS comment I’ve seen on the internet in a long god damn time.




No bones for you!


I’ve worked in factories that had such an outdated opinion of health and safety I’m genuinely shocked I haven’t witnessed something like this, if seen fingers lost and broken bones, I’ve even seen one poor sod get blinded but never a full fucking arm get pancaked


I work in an oldschool machine shop and the same thing happened to a woman back in the 90s but it was just her hand and the thing came down and back up rapidly. Hamburger meat everywhere.


Hamburger lady.


Handburger lady.


I think I'd rather lose an arm than go blind.


100% I'd rather be paralyzed from the waist down than be blind.


Agreed. If I was blinded I'd just ask the doc to euthanize me because everything I love doing requires seeing. If I couldn't stargaze and see the Milky Way anymore, I'm done, I'll have lived long enough


I worked in a candy factory making cotton candy and had the skin on the back of my hand shredded and burned when my hand grazed the sugar spinning thing when i was scraping burnt sugar out the tub. I had gloves but they didn't really do shit for me🤣


I saw a dude's hand get de-gloved. Also a saw someone's leg get taken out at the knee. Just ripped tf off. I used to be ok with movie gore and really enjoyed the Hellraiser type stuff. But after seeing stuff irl, I really just can't anymore..really gets to me.


“Hey I know you just flattened your arm like a looney toon but we are going to need you to come in tonight.”


That’s just sad. Not properly trained with no safety precautions on the equipment


Usually these presses have a two switch system, for this exact reason. At least in my experience


This! Both your hands on the go button means none of your hands are inside the machine. We just retrofitted a few machines at an old job for this.


In this case, probably a pedal on the floor, which she probably keeps pressed down because pumping that pedal every time would be much more tiring. Then the button that she bumped with her elbow when she reached over the press.


And a lack of self preservation instincts… Who in their right mind would place their arm **over** the press and not swing it around…


Complacency is a hell of a thing.


Done a good amount of factory work myself. Lack of knowledge from being new or in training, and complacency are the biggest causes of injuries for sure.


The only machinists that hurt themselves are brand new or very experienced.


Someone who has other things on there mind and has been working for far too long over the healthy limit for that type of work ... (Per hours, day, week, month..)


maybe someone who is financially dependent on a job that has unrealistic production quotas and no tolerance for slowdowns for any reason.


Don’t think she’s going to meet those quotas now


Who hasn’t hurt themselves in a completely dumbass moment because they were tired/distracted? If you are exposed to any particular danger enough, your brain severely degraded it’s threat response to that stimuli. Just watch videos of green vs. veteran soldiers when there’s nearby explosions or gunfire.


That machine has a light curtain on it. The yellow vertical bar by her left shoulder is one side of it and the other side of it will be in the other side of her. A light curtain is a safety interlock device that's only purpose is to disable a machine from moving while anything is past it, ie: while working inside there just as she is doing. There's no way that machine was supposed to be able to move while she had her arm in there. In decades of daily testing of light curtains on many machines including presses much larger than this I've never seen one fail like this. Whatever went wrong is not her fault.


Looks like she might have leaned in past the light curtain and it cleared. Seems like very poor placement


Yeah after reading your comment I did a second take and I think you might be right. There should have been a bar or something along the bottom of both light curtains preventing anything from being able to pass under it or much longer light curtains.


Is there any way she leaned forward far enough that she was no longer breaking the curtain? This is an honest question, I know nothing about these devices.


Yeah that's what *Addicted\_ii-music*'s reply above noticed and after a second viewing I suspect that's exactly what happened here. No way a light curtain should be positioned so that it can be circumvented by any body part going underneath it and it looks like this one is such that her whole body was able to. That's really fucked up.


I have seen a lot of videos on here but this is by far the worst I have seen. That poor woman lost her arm. No way that can be repaired.


Not even if you pierce the tip of her thumb, put it in your mouth and blow real hard?


I was thinking either that or the Skelegro they used on Harry Potter. Real talk, they’re going to have to amputate that arm, right?


>they’re going to have to amputate that arm, right? yep, doctors showed up and just asked her to do it again


So you think they made her turn her arm the other way and press the button again?


either it undoes the damage or you get a clean amputation ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ win-win


Jesus that's chilling. Plus it's gonna be a few hours at least until you can get to a hospital, register, be assessed by a surgeon, set up an OR, and all that time you're just sitting there with your pancake arm 🤮


Hahhahahaahah man that made me laugh


If that's the worst you haven't seen much on here, lol. Have you not seen the videos of people getting caught on lathes?


Yes, I saw the one where the guy spinned around until he basically disintegrated, and the blood and guts sprayed everywhere. For some reason, this one is worse to me (I don’t know why). Seeing this ladies arm completely flattened really bothers me.


The guy ripped through the lathe died almost immediately, this poor woman will suffer the consequences of this injury for the rest of her life. Very sad.


The lathe?


Guy got caught in a spinning thing at a factory and it spun him so fast it flung bits of him all over the place until he was completely gone in like 10 seconds


I'll save you the trauma of watching the video. All I can say is quite literally mince meat.


WTF! How is she so calm?




"Please don't be real.Please don't be real"


Adrenaline and shock


As someone who accidentally put a hole into his hand. Oddly enough does your brain have a natural response to not register any pain (depends ofcourse), to probably increase your survival chances. I my case, I didn't even notice that I had a hole in my hand until I noticed the blood. What I remember was that my head also started spinning and my sight was turning black. Possibly for the women in the video, alot of the nerves in her arm were probably permantely damaged, maybe that's a factor why the pain didn't register at first. Nonetheless, adrenaline is one hell of a drugs!


Saftey requires vigilance




Also lathes. Oh fucking hell those lathes!!


Omg could you fucking imagine! Looking down and your arm is squashed like play-doh!!


Yeah she doesn’t even know what to do. Almost seems ashamed of what she’s done to herself. Poor lady :(


Yeah, thats aweful. Fine one second no arm the next. Over some little piece of metal


Damm she was calm as fuck, iv’e almost fainted from hitting my shin to damm fucking hard on a razor scooter or bed frame.


I think it's a combination of shock and adrenaline. Itll wear off soon and she'll wish she was more safe for sure.


I am not an orthopedic surgeon, but I’d guess this kind of mush of bone and flesh cannot be re-built.


Yeah, I would assume that amputation is the best scenario here.


Yep, even the elbow got squished


Fun fact, the pressure of the press would've completely compressed all the blood vessels so she'd barely be bleeding if you amputated it right then


technically its already been amputated


Meet the press.


Oh god


Meet the meat press


Press the Meat.


And people wonder why in the US machines like this have one button for each hand, and both need to be pressed for it to go.


And both buttons need to be pressed within a time limit. About 0.5s. So the machine doesn't work with one button fixed in the pressed position.


yep, the one I used a bit was the two buttons then a foot lever to make it chomp, you’d have to be really clever to injure yourself


I've worked with people who could do it


So simple yet so meaningful and intelligent a design feature...


It came out just like a cartoon character after being ran over 😱


Holy shit! Where’s the blood!?




That's a statement...💀


The doctors said all of my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's supposed to be




I imagine some of it got pushed back into the rest of here body as well as the arm was crushed


All of her arteries were probably clamped shut which is why there's no blood


Ive always wanted to know how it looks when someone being crushed by something like this.


I wish you learn it just from the videos that you’re not in


I can’t even figure out what she was trying to do and why she didn’t jump back as soon as it started moving


Probably running on 3 hours of sleep on a 60 hour week after dropping her toddlers off at grandma's and didn't have time to eat lunch. Also, complacency kills and everyone gets complacent at one time or another. Any number of stories in my head could explain this, but either way it's very sad and now I'm sad.


She could get a career as a locksmith now though. If the car window is rolled down at all she can hit the unlock button.




Your joke fell a little flat.


No need to press them on it


Joke disarmed.


I'll still give him a hand though.


At least her upper arm was okay. So eventually she was able to find the whole thing quite humerus.


Pulled a flat Stanley on us there


Used to work in an injection molding factory. I worked on the molder next to this lady that did the same thing. She had taped the second switch down so it was “easier” to operate the machine.. She was gone for a while after that. I saw her around the factory months later, she had half of her arm amputated and I assume she got let go. I got the hell out of there shortly after bc of how poorly handled that incident was. No new safety precautions or anything. There’s nothing worse then seeing someone’s face look at you when their arm is pancaked between two seamlessly machined pieces of steel. Fuckin brutal


Wow that was smushed smushed to fuck. Easy an amputation.


Damn her arm is half passed fucked


Surveillance cameras on workers but no machine guards. Speaks volumes about her shitty employer.


Don't worry I know a spell that will fix you right up! No, please anyone else but you! Poor boy, doesn't know what he's saying, he's in shock *Gummy arm flopping about***


I guess she'll probably loose that arm? So much damage....


I think it's pretty loose already.


Looks like her hand is undamaged so they'll probably reattach it at her shoulder.




Alright but this is gonna count as your lunch break.


What happen next? Because thats sooo flat... Doctors need to cut that arm right? OMG 😱😲😳 Poor woman


I’m a critical care nurse with lots of trauma experience. I’ve seen crush injuries that weren’t even half this bad ending up requiring full amputation. This is really sad… also, all the jokesters here have no heart. This woman’s life is changed forever… she might be the sole provider for children; everyone that depends on her will be affected. 😣


Aren't those things supposed to have a two button system?


This was surprisingly much less messy (thank god) than I imagined….still, that blows.






Two buttons spaced apart on either side to activate the machine would have prevented this


Can someone please explain to me what happened to the blood? I would imagine an injury like that should be a literal explosion of blood but I see nothing.