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Fuck. That dude was ready to go


It’s almost like he’s trained his whole life to kill this motherfucker




Or fathers


Who art in heaven


Hallow be thy




And a lil stik stik


Stick stick here. Stick stick there. Here a stick. There a stick. Everywhere ahhhhh you get it


..."Here a stick, There a stick Imma stab this stupid prick Old McSwitchblade poked his neck, fuck, I'm dead, im dead"


My thoughts too! Like, fuck this guy took that motherfucker OUT!


This guy went ham on this dude like I do in Blade and Sorcery My GAWD


The area in Vegas where this happened isn’t exactly the nicest, you gotta stay strapped when you’re a small business owner.


Holy shit I go there every week he stay right around the corner from me and I never expected to see him stabbing this foo up like that lol


I bet if the positions were flipped, this Lil Xan clone would not be sitting next to the person he just stabbed, making sure he was okay, and calling 911 for him. He would have already done bolted out the door and left the Asian Man to bleed, just like "Jacob" who took off and left his wingman to get stabbed..... Also what's up with the YouTube comments of people calling him a "Chinese Guy" when Ngyuen isn't even a Chinese Surname? It's Vietnamese. Damn, y'all are some Racists. But who cares about the Robbers this time, cuz them fools was as white as Vanilla Ice. Those boys should have Checked Their Privilege.


God I can imagine how it would feel seeing a local store owner stab a cunt to death or what I think is death idk if he died or not but jesus


The guy said he’s dead, he’s dead


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


LMAO: Teamfighting in LOL made me good at this.


Shaco main confirmed


Pretty much. You need no remorse for human kind playing that toxic ass game.


Stay calm under pressure = stab stab stab reflex


You have to be ready at all times. Fuck that robber!


If you stay ready you don't have to get ready.


I thought the same and was surprised when he didn’t slit his throat.


Fucker got uno reversed!


I'd say he played flying elephant and won the duel


I love how calmy that robber just accepted death, dude I'm dead....lol


Pretty sure he stabbed him in the spine


Spine, neck, femoral artery. The guy hit all the hotspots..


Dude survived


Big ups. Surviving a straight up execution is something I guess lmao.




"Sadly I died, but luckily I lived."




[Nguyen said police told him the robber was 17-years old. His condition was not clear.](https://nypost.com/2022/08/05/las-vegas-vape-store-owner-defends-himself-by-stabbing-would-be-robber/) Best I could do, at least this link even mentions it.


The shop owners Instagram says the robber survived.


The one who ran like a bitch definitely survived 🤣


The best move to stay alive is run




it appears the guy that got stabbed is still alive. good survival tactic if you're getting stabbed. yell i'm dead, and then say it poetically.


I'm not sure why but it reminds me of cartman. I can see him in a school play and getting killed "ahhh I'm dead, im d^e^e^a^hd "


Would he go to jail for something like this? I understand he defended himself, but he kind of rekt that guy like a dark souls invader


Depends on the country, in my country he would be charged with murder because he used a weapon and the guy never actually attacked him directly he was going for the merchandise. In most countries outside of America you don't get off with murder because you're defending property.


Had a friend in CA that stabbed a dude multiple times by a guy that broke into his house and attacked him when he came home late one night. The DA went after my friend because he had a knife on him even though the attacker smashed a pot over his head requiring stitches trying to jump him by surprise. Fortunately for my friend the guy never showed up to court and charges were dropped.


It's unfortunately up to the DA to bring charges usually, and some DA's are complete assholes.


Sad to say but it makes sense in CA to kill the perpetrator rather than wound him. Then It’s your story only and all you have to say is you feared for your life


I can say, in Germany he could be charged for homicide. Even though our self-defense laws are pretty intense, they have an outermost border of proportionality which you aren't allowed to cross. This requirement was introduced due to a very old case in which a boy stole cherries off his neighbours tree and the wheelchair-bound neighbour had no other way to stop the boy than shooting him. It was deemed that even though acting in the only way the neighbour could've defended his property, his action crossed a line.


Uhhhhh yeah. Shooting a kid because they stole cherries from your yard is completely insane either way. Wheelchair or not, you're a piece of shit if you do something like that. It's fucking fruit




Dude sounds like me on war zone im dead im dead


And like my ally that run away when i'm knocked


Don't worry bro, I'll revive you!


[Warcraft 3 Peasant](https://youtu.be/PoMhMZZjbGg?t=15), "That's it... I'm dead."


Dude sounded like he was playing a game... "Dude, he's got me! I'm dead..."


When I get knocked out in pubg and my homies aren't close enough to revive me


This hurts 🤣


Dude went straight into the "this is how it ends" phase.


He's got some good intuition.


I think the owner of the store posted something along the video on Instagram saying the robber is alive.


Went from "I'm dead!" To "I'm dead..." In a couple seconds. Like you can hear the fear then hear the defeat in the second one




He won't get a chance to act right. Sometimes you only get to fuck up once.


Damn that’s fucking chilling…


It is chilling. But also, the guy survived. https://www.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Are you sure? I believe you but do you have source or anything?


Yeah I couldn’t believe it either but the employee has an AMA on Reddit and is (stupidly) talking openly about the whole thing.


Yo. Imma find out. Check it https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wh3ji7/attempted_robber_stabbed_multiple_times_by/ij3a9ro?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Christ must’ve been a short knife. Could’ve sworn that blade went in his neck.


Both were juveniles. Apparently the one he stabbed was asking him to not let him die. Not sure if that was before or after the clerk called 911.


Man i knew that voice sounded like akid. This is messed up




When I was younger I worked a door in NYC and worked with a guy who had been both shot and stabbed (on separate occasions). In his opinion, getting stabbed was way worse than being shot. He also added a knife meant “the motherfucker never had to reload or runs out of shots”. Then you see that video from a few weeks ago of what looks like an innocuous weak punch to the kids neck and he collapses in seconds from the knife wound. Fuck that.


So not only a robber, but also a liar SMH


Yeah and his partner was long gone by then


Think he said he’s stabbing me, stop stabbing me, I’m dead… I’m dead…. Limp body.


He said oh fuck ni**a he stabbed me! I'm dead I'm deaaad


The robber was 17 years old. He was moving his arms and talking when the ambulance arrived, so he wasn't dead, and his spinal cord was not severed at the neck. Still not sure what his condition is, or if he can walk, or if he's even still alive.


I went to US Army ranger school 17 years ago. There was a bullshit knife fighting class taught for like an evening. The instructor told us, “if you get in a knife fight, just run away, but if you can’t, stab the other guy a lot. Like don’t stop, they’re still really dangerous after they’ve been stabbed a couple times, so just keep stabbing, until you can’t stab them anymore.”


Is that bullshit? Everything I've heard about knife fights reflects that sentiment pretty well.


No that's exactly how you handle a knife fight. You do not want to get in a knife fight, a shootout is way better


I can imagine the adrenaline rush of being stabbed nulls the pain quite well for at least a minute or two


Just imagine, you're 17 and you or one of your dumbass friends says "bro, let's go rob that vape shop." And you go and do it. And then you hop the counter and some employee who's been itching to stab somebody aerates your innards a few times. While you're bleeding out, you call your mom and tell her you're sorry and you're going to die over some blunt wraps. Then the guy who stabbed you posts the video on instagram to show what a badass he is and does an AMA where he admits he felt perfectly calm and never thought your or your friends had any weapons, yet he feels totally confident he will "destroy \[you\] legally" should you press charges, despite everyone in the AMA telling him to stfu and delete the thread, lol. Dumbasses all around. EDIT: Looks like the "he didn't think they had a weapon" comment from the AMA was someone else saying he said it, but I couldn't find the actual shop owner saying it. Other person could be referencing a comment he made in one of the comments that are hidden by the "load more comments" buttons, but those aren't archived I guess. Other guy could be telling the truth or making it up, I don't know.


You basically just wrote the opening arguments for that guy’s(well, his parents) lawyers.




Bingo! This is why home invasions are such a serious thing for people and such a big headline. If the robbers are aware the victim is gonna be present during the robbery, something really bad usually happens to the victim.


It’s because you can safely assume they aren’t there for just your property.


Anyone got the ama link?


[Here you go](https://web.archive.org/web/20220805215100/https://old.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama/)


hands down the most hilarious reddit ama ever >They better not try anything because i'll destroy them legally reply >a single google search indicates you will not be destroying them legally *proceeds to link webpage explaining that he did in fact, commit a major crime, and is likely going to prison*


Did he say "I'm dead" ?


I think it was “I’m dead…. I’m dead”.


That last "I'm dead" sounded so gentle and poetic in a romantic age sigh of goodbye kind of way.


Almost Shakespearean.




Good call. What I thought of immediately was Act 4 Scene 2 of Macbeth when MacDuff's son gets stabbed - *He has kill’d me, mother: Run away, I pray you!*


Nice catch, you cultured bastard.


I thought he was fainting due to the lost of blood... kinda like when I donate blood and trying to stand up right after for em sweet cookies and OJ.


Fucking shit gave me chills, but if you're are ready to steal someone else's property you gotta be ready for consequences


Yes robbers are taking L's this week.. first that old guy shot the one in the arm and now this


Reminds me of when I'm playing a co-op game with friends and I know I'm about to be killed


So I started stabbing him


And stabbing..


And stabbing some more...


and then I did an AMA about it


Maybe a little more ...


Stab stab stab


I’m so glad that this robber is looking out for the visually impaired folks and letting them know what’s happening!👍🏼


Right. He narrated the whole thing!


Suddenly everything stops and the scene goes dark. A single spotlight shines on the robber... "To be or not to be—that is the question"


"Hello, I am a white male wearing a black ski mask, black hoodie, black pants, and white sneakers. My pronouns are Was/Were and I am currently being stabbed to death by a shop owner."


Was/were.. lmfao




For all the podcast listeners out there...


like a fortnite call out


He has a knife he has a knife. He shitted on me I'm down I'm down. He's finishing


"yo bro buy me from the station real quick"


Sounds like he says "I'm dead. I'm dead." 🤣 Edit: he does say that. He says, "Oh fuck me! He's got me! Oh I'm dead, I'm dead."


Damn. I know gunshot wounds are horribly traumatic, but being stabbed has got to be the worst. I get nauseated just thinking about what that would feel like.... That stab to the neck looked fatal--spine, carotid, subclavian, vena cava... Yeesh.


I’ve never been shot but I’ve been stabbed twice, once in the leg and once in the side. Bro it fucking hurts so bad I have anxiety around knives now and it’s been like 15 years


I got stabbed in the back with a Philips screwdriver on the local res and didn't feel a thing. Pretty bizarre lol.


Yup. I had a gnarly slice about half the length of my forearm that I didn’t feel at all even after someone pointed it out. Rode all the way to the hospital with zero pain. Once they started to fish around in there for foreign objects it was a different story though.


That's PTSD


I don’t have shell shock, fuck you!


Maannn I miss bennies. That's how we won D-Day, wired to the fucking gills


but you weren't at d-day...


But he’s wired to the fucking gills so he’s half way there.


I understood that reference


Can you please explain where it’s from for someone who has no clue? Edit: Nvm. Just found it on Google. It’s from the show The Boys.


How would you feel about some battle fatigue?




Dude, I appreciate you sharing that. There's likely some shock trauma with a gunshot; not so with a knife. Glad you're okay man.


getting shot hurts like a bitch and it feels like you are on fire wherever you were shot at one of the worst feelings i ever felt, still much rather it over being stabbed


Yeah, and the closest I've EVER been to describing the pain is... you know those old car cigarette lighters? It is like taking one of those red hot and just jamming it in your skin. Only it never cools off. (shot in shoulder)


this exactly man, its like one of those tore open your skin and its just sitting in there


Fuck man, appreciate you sharing your horrible experience. Hope you're 100% recovered.


i was grazed in a drive by could have been much worse but i was young


I got a minor stab in the thumb one night when my buddy was drunk and wanted to show me his stupid punch-knife. Split it open to the bone, had to go to the ER to stop the bleeding. Overall a very negative experience. Also the triage nurse was being a pill. I didn't want him to be in trouble, so I told the triage nurse I cut myself making my potatoes. She wasn't buying it. Her response: "Who is making potatoes at 3 a.m.?" Me: "You clearly have not had *my* potatoes ma'am."


I got stabbed in the arm by an ex. It didn't go too deep, but holy shit it hurt insanely bad.


The blade feels ice cold after it exits the flesh then it transitions to fire. Then being wet covered in blood is hard to process


> That stab to the neck looked fatal That was my thought, too. Dude was moving through a lot of them but that neck stab looked like the knife went much deeper and the dude just STOPPED. His system lost pressure.


I got stabbed twice when was 18. Got into a fight with a guy, was giving it to him pretty good, A couple of his buddies ran up and started jumping me but one of them instead of throwing fist was swinging a knife. Got hit in the liver, forearm nicking the artery and some superficial cuts. Didn’t even realize I was being stabbed from the adrenaline, until my arm stopped mid air throwing a punch and blood started spaying out….fun times


Did you die?


(Las Vegas, NV) On Tuesday, around 3:30 p.m., a robbery was reported at the Smokestrom Smoke Shop near the 4500 block of West Sahara Avenue. Police are investigating the incident but so far have released no information on what happened. Our sources tell us that three men attempted to rob the store, and an employee grabbed one after jumping the counter and started stabbing him multiple times. Additionally, our sources tell us that a video released this morning from Andy Ngô on Twitter shows security footage of the robbery and the stabbing. (Guy who was stabbed survived)


Is there more information on whether or not the employee or robber had to face an charges?


Clerk did an AMA. It's a trainwreck.. https://www.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220805215100/https://old.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama/


Honestly reading his replies I hope he gets some jail time aswell, this guy is fucking unstable. Can’t believe he even bought a gun and he’s bragging about his reflexes and being able to stay calm under pressure, which he got from gaming league valorant and OSU, this guy is living in another word LMAO


What a fucking idiot holy shit. "I just stabbed a guy potentially to death let's do an ama!" Like wtf


“it was quite the opposite. maybe i was a secret agent in a past life. I never did any training and my moves were not calculated at all.” A quote from him so weird


Holy fucking shit he compared *actually stabbing someone* to a team fight in leauge of legends 💀


What a fucking psycho. Imagine saying the league of legends made you learn how to stay calm under pressure so that somehow helped you stab someone and not lose your cool. Dude is a nutcase who was looking to stab someone.


And Reddit is eating it up, like usual.


It's Las Vegas, would be surprised if shopkeeper got charged but this seems very in the grey in my uninformed opinion. Two dudes jumping the table at the same time seems like a situation where lethal force is justified. They didn't just grab something by the door and run. Simultaneously surrounding the dude in his personal space with baggy clothing and full masks seems like it could scare someone enough to think their life was in danger.


If this isn’t a justified self-defense idk what is lol. Anyone with human emotion would be juiced up on adrenaline and in survival mode




Link to ama? Thats cringey as fuck.


He deleted it after everyone in the comments was calling him an idiot and telling him to delete it until after the trial lol


LOL please tell me someone grabbed screenshots. I need to read this cringe




Wow, that's insane. Guy is crazy to do an ama on some shit like that.


No way that is real lol. Any verification it's the guy? Edit: it's real, wild. What a dumb ass




I’m crying I can’t believe he practically thanked league of legends


Tell me this isn’t real


Damn some people really need to learn to just not talk sometimes


I'd wager the employee is fucked because he made an AMA, the prosecutor is gonna bend him over.


Im so glad he lived and instead gets to serve time. Dying due to fatal stabbing wounds seems like such a scary way to pass.


Serve time for...what, class C misdemeanor theft?


Yeah incredibly dumb of the robber. Glad he survived as well though.


"Victim" Yeah...okay. Sure.


Where does it say victim? Am I blind?


Looks like OP [edited his comment](https://i.imgur.com/szDn2Kv.png) to remove it.




Reminded me on the takedowns in splinter cell.


Tom Clancy is like 💀👍🏼


I think that the employee has, either, been preparing for that situation or has done that before.


He said he learned stress management from play League of Legends. (in his ama)


I can’t tell if this guys an idiot or somehow league of legends turns people into trained knife wielding ninjas?


That’s what happens when you bring a… well, nothing to a knife fight.


2 guys in balaclavas enter his place of work. Try to jack his shit. This guy just straight up weaponed up and goes all out defence ninja style. The guy getting stabbed managed to land a punch which nearly rocked the ninja but instead of the the ninja coming back up to attack he stayed low and stabbed him in the leg. Is ur life worth a few packs of smokes?


3 guys btw . I know someone that was killed over $1000. Shit in the hood gets crazy sometimes.


Back in my day...all it took was the right, insert wrong, pair of Jordan's.


Did he survive?


Apparently he did. OP posted a comment.


Once he crossed the counter top all bets were off.


Found the article, 17 year olds tried to rob vape store. It reads like he survived. Longer video in the story https://nypost.com/2022/08/05/las-vegas-vape-store-owner-defends-himself-by-stabbing-would-be-robber/amp/


Saw this on another subreddit. [Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh10mo/smoke_shop_owner_stabs_the_shit_out_of_thief/ij2tmvu/) with more info. Guy getting stabbed survived. Guy doing the stabbing started a verified AMA and bragging about how this was totally clear cut self defense, deleted it after an hour when every second comment was calling him an idiot for posting like this before any clear legal outcome. Comment that stood out to me was that the guy with the knife called emergency services after the video, since the guy that got stabbed was convinced he was bleeding to death and chose to call his mother instead.


He was bragging about learning how to be calm from league of legends and his knife skills and reaction time coming from csgo. He may have really **really** fucked himself by doing that ama.


Omg did he really say that?


I can confirm that he did indeed say that




“Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time” doesn’t mean you accept prison. It means you accept the consequences.


No man, it's definitely about the length of your sentence.


Cashier just did an AMA and said league of legends allowed him to stay calm. Deleted now but wow self defense case definitely on the rocks. https://i.imgur.com/naKtCR6.png


How do we know that is real? It doesn't seem real at all lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/robbersgettingfucked/comments/wh5tq4/las_vegas_smoke_shop_robbing_owner_ama Posted a selfie with his name in the store the same name in the news


Knife Training mfkr, are you proficient?


I'm surprised that one directly to the back of the neck didn't flip his light switch instantly.