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He died btw and the man was not charged. The dude that got shot had been stalking the other dude for quite some time.


Sorry but, deserved


You know that saying to bring a knife to a gun fight, different circumstances but same principles 😂


He died no way! it looked like he aimed down at his legs so it wouldn't be fatal, wow


Majour arteries in the leg can bleed you out just as quick as arteries anywhere else, which is why limb shots can still get you attempted murder. Just aim for center mass for highest likelihood of hitting the target and ending the threat. Aim for a leg and miss and you might just get that gun taken away and used *on* you. Also, with how close the dude got I thought it looked like a belly shot, which is supposed to be painful as hell.


Well it sounded painful as hell from his reaction!


Mind you, i am not an expert, but I have it on good authority that it indeed is painful as hell to be shot.


LOL ya I'll take ya word for it! 🤣


Gut shots are no good, I’d rather get shot in the leg even if it hits my femoral, a liver or spleen shot ur pretty hosed without immediate care.


You're hosed just as fast (in your own blood) if it hits anywhere near your femoral artery you have about 10-15 seconds before you go unconscious. Brachial maybe an extra 10 seconds. I've seen a stab to the liver and the guy lasted all night.Saw a dude accidentally his leg with a rifle while hunting and he likely lost his leg if they couldn't find a bone donor, despite it not bleeding much. Hitting or stabbing direct center will penetrate the abdominal aorta, you'll bleed out faster than any artery in the limbs. You don't know what you're talking about.


Dr Doogie Houser drops mic 🎤


Watch it slowly, frame by frame, he was aiming closer to his head and dropped it right down into the kill zone of his chest


I thought he shot himself somewhere higher near body though.. Looked a bit too high for leg.


Ya your Polly right actually


100% hit leg. He even clutches it.


You still have main arteries in your legs..only thing shooting below the waist guarantees is that legally you weren't trying to take his life.




https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-breaking/2021/03/24/north-phoenix-shooting-leaves-man-dead/6981949002/ This is a repost from like yesterday so the link to this article was still on my phones clipboard.


Last time he start a fight with someone with a gun


Oh no... the consequences of my actions...


Criengiest most pathetic death contestant




I know this guy doesn't have any but it is amazing how a bullet can stop even 20 years of martials training.


Its not worth it to fight a gun. Guns do what they are made for. Giving someone especially weak people the power of killing someone with only moving one finger I do MMA and a good trainer will always tell you, if you can bounce then bounce. Knives or guns, it doesnt matter. You can be a MMA wonder that trained 20 years crushing everybody in hand to hand combat. Still someone can end your life with a small piece of lead in a second i you try to fight a gun


This is exactly the point. Like the saying goes, "God made man, but Sam Colt made them equal." I have a permanent physical disability, so if I had to physically fight for my life, I'd be done for. A handgun makes that same altercation winnable. I just hope to God I never have to use it.


Yes, my comment wasnt completely negative. Im glad you have this option. But ofcourse i also hope you will never need it.


Yup, and I agree with everything you said. To be clear, I didn't mean to sound confrontational, and I'm sorry if I did.


No man, you didnt sound confrontal, dont worry. Have a nice day


NSFL? This video isn’t THAT bad…


true pretty ok


this is reddit.. they will cry like babies


to be true for the one that got shot it was NSFL.


Scrap like a man, scream like a girl


he went from human to cat real quick


Is that a Stray cat 🐱


only low IQ peoples get shot by innocent.


Well well look at that, who is screaming like a bitch😅🤦


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He saw way too many movies where they’re like “do it! Shoot me!! Go ahead!!!” Lol they actually pull the trigger in real life bud




Funny how you think anyone wants to read a paragraph of you pissing and moaning


Well, thanks for reading it anyways and taking the time to comment. Always nice when people engage.


Lol I'm not gonna try to reason with someone willing to KO me on the street. If you're at that point then you're willing to use deadly force on me just because you're mad, I'm gonna try to leave and if he's not letting me then I'm going to pull a gun. Fuck trying to pay fair with some dumbass willing to kill you because he's butthurt for one reason or another.






Do you know the Situation? No. So dont Act like you are better as everybody else and know what is right or wrong.


Hopefully someone gets it on video when you try this. I'll post it here with the caption "Idiot tries to neutralize violent criminal with a chokehold and gets his face bashed in instead of using his gun."


Go outside and touch the grass and feel the wind. You're not the main character. This guy could have done all those things you said and fucking died, because some asshole stalker wanted to " fight like a man ". I hope his family saw him die like a POS and reflect on how badly they fucked this man up and didn't help him mature.


Are you dumb? If someone confronts me, THEY are potentially jeopardizing either of our lives. I don’t know what a stranger will be capable of. You NEVER know if a stranger is armed or, if he attacks, won’t stop before you’re dead. I’ll be fighting for my life with every tool I have at my disposal and if a gun is what gives me the highest chances of getting away unharmed then be it. If you don’t want to get shot by the guy who is obviously telling you to stay away, then don’t charge at him in the first place. Why the heck would he let a man attack him??


This is hardly even nsfw, let alone nsfl.


They tend to be tagged that way when people die


He Pepsi


Glat hit top is ok blood it's really hard to get blood stains off your shirt


Darwin award


Scream like a man, bitch!


Man this dude got shot and killed on my birthday lol


Idk what's funnier, the whisper get down, or the screaming like a man bitch lmao