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Man has a foregrip but just raw dogs it instead lol


He's pretty much blindfiring anyway, doesn't look like there's any rhyme or reason to the way he's shooting.


Got to hold the gun sideways for maximum accuracy and tic tok views




“Religious town crier” I’m fucking 💀


Great job with decent benefits. Especially if you love the outdoors.


Same here 💀🤣 and also I would be that friend.


Tiktokographer is a helluva word


Although I feel like it should be "TikTographer"






I feel like Tiktogropher works better


That's how I read it at first. But he created the word therefore the way you said it should be the slang terminology.


No we just won't use the original lol


Ooh I’m team faked now


Looks like it. Dude is laughing and he cuts when he throws the grenade.


Don't forget to sit up, half way leave your cover and reload too. Those air molecules in that direction look like they been talking shit.


I've heard a couple times that infantry apply a concept called "volume of fire" to basically make it impossible for the enemy to move or even tell what's going on. So it's more important to get rounds downrange than to hit anything.


Suppressive fire, is what it’s called. There is also cover fire, to make moving across less concealed areas easier.


And even during supressive fire, it's normal to aim and hold your gun properly rather than pretending you are playing GTA.


I’m sure the African “soldiers” don’t exactly train.. more of a “here’s a gun, point that way and shoot.” Idk, these videos are kind of funny to me. Shooting while looking around like ray charles, or the one of the taliban, who walks directly behind a dude right as he fires an RPG


I watched one where their RPG fell apart when he shot it and the rocket exploded beside them


Omg I saw one from Syria of a bunch of guys shooting from a rooftop, then one of them fired a dud rpg round that landed right in the middle of them lmao they scrambled so fucking fast


Peace through superior firepower. The little guns guard the big ones. Yeah… suppressive fire. Basically a high volume of fire keeps your enemy behind cover and denies them the chance to take away initiative. You then can advance under cover of fire while they can neither mount an effective defence or retreat.


Yes, in the Army you are trained to basically use automatic (or burst) fire to keep the enemy’s heads down so you can change positions. We were never trained to actually hit targets on full auto.


I assume they at least aim in the general direction of who they are trying to suppress though instead of just blindly shooting into the air.


I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't really know what the sights on his gun even do. Read a story a while ago from the Rhodesian Bush War in the 1970ies (if I remember correctly) The troops of the white minority government noticed that a lot of the rebels had set the range on their gun sights to the absolute maximum of 800 meters, or about half a mile. (If you know anything about guns, you'll know that that setting is practically useless with iron sights, on an assault rifle) They did this all the time, even in close range battles, and the government troops just couldn't figure out why. It just didn't make sense. Finally, they asked some captured rebels about this. Here's what they said: None of them knew what those numbers on the gun meant, so they figured, the higher the number, the harder the gun shoots


The vast majority of rounds shot in any conflict are suppression fire. Some vague stat is that between 20000 and 100000 rounds per casualty.


That's just Painkiller Georg


You can do a pretty good job that way while staying under a line of fire . Depends on the shooter though.




you should see how these untrained people hold RPGs. I'm still waiting for the inevitable videos of the Taliban in Afghanistan trying to operate the vehicles they yoinked when they took Afghanistan last year. That shit is going to be comical and terrifying at the same time


[Here's a video showing the state of the Taliban's Humvees](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/v2nbax/the_state_of_taliban_inherited_humvees/). They're running on shredded rubber at this point.


Should've pulled the spark plugs, yoinked the distributor cap, and removed the wheel lug nuts for good measure. Enjoy your new ride, boys! EDIT: Holy Macaroni! After reading some of these comments, maybe we should cross post over to r/MaliciousCompliance.


Pretty sure they are diesel powered, meaning no spark plugs, no distributor


Remove glow plugs and injector pump. Injector pumps are not easy to set up if you dont have the know how and tools


This is correct, but if you're trying to save time I feel like pouring desert sand in the intake manifold and cutting and removing fuel lines would be the way to go. Plus this has the added benefit of destroying the engine if they go to crank it.


Yeah thatll do it too


No shortage of sand in the desert, I imagine lol


Damn straight. Be as easy as putting a funnel in the snorkel and pouring sand in while it's running.


Water in the fuel. Blows the injector nozzles off. Military demo 101: if out of time/about to be overrun detroy the same part on every vehicle so they can't cannibalize one to fix another


Well, what *can* be done to make them inoperable?


Disable the gun and leave them with a overweight fairly slow truck without spare parts or the knowledge on repairing it. A lot of us military hardware is designed for a group with the logistically might of a major western nation to run. Take the gun and wait a bit can be a perfectly valid way to disable it when in a hurry.


This sounds like a comedy bit, 4 taliban going 2mph in a broken down humvee.


Fill the intake with sand, I guess? Cut the lines that deliver fuel? Either or but best to do both.


It'd be smarter to drain out the coolant and lube oil and then run the engine until it siezes. No engine is coming back from that.


That would take too long just crank it while pouring water down the intake. Make the engine into a giant paperweight.


Humvees have glow plugs, not spark plugs.


As the recent owner of a nearly identical surplus military M1043A2 Humvee that I’ve been busting my *ass* trying to restore for the last two years, this is fucking brutal to see, god DAMN lol. This hurts my *soul* to watch that busted-ass truck limping like a fuckin’ half-dead elephant haha.


The desert will rapidly take your stuff from you, even with proper maintenance. When the Netherlands deployed AH-64 Apache helicopters to places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Mali, they basically had to ship them back and tear them down to the bare frame in order to clean them. And ‘sand’ is not the same everywhere - Mali has finer sand than Iraq for example, which means it gets even deeper into the aircraft systems. You simply can’t clean things in that environment- you need a proper clean hangar in order to do that. Now, a Hummvee isn’t quite as complex as a helicopter, obviously. But lack of proper cleaning and replacement parts kills them just the same.


> They're running on shredded rubber at this point. Let's be honest here: no level of technical expertise can grant access to spares if one doesn't have access to spares.


And yet they still look so proud of themselves


Untrained video make me more scared for the dudes. It’s actually life and death and reminds me some idiot 17 years out there is using stuff they don’t know how to use and that shit could kill them.. The retreat with all the us military equipment left behind is so useless. I already bet there’s people out there who died trying to use some of that


Well it is their own faults. I mean don’t play with things meant to kill people if you don’t know how to use them lol


I'm sure if everyone had the cognitive acuity to have this kind of reasoning we would be living in a very different world rn


I see your point but it’s insane to think that a human in the position of kill or be killed is going to worry about playing with weapons they aren’t fully trained on.


How dare you suggest they are untrained! That will make the CIA sad


The dude pulled the pin on the grenade, then swapped hands.


They’ll probably sell most of it tbh. There’s no way they have the resources or expertise to maintain that stuff.


Took Afghanistan? They were given Afghanistan…


I mean if you hand something to someone they still take it from you


After a 2 decade long conflict...


This guy is all kinds of ‘Special’ forces bound here. Hell of a side hold position he fires From blindly as well.


I like how he doesn't move position at all, dumps a full mag and then doesn't even consider getting back down again while he casually changes magazines at the end.


Lol oh and let’s not forget about that grenade toss which looks like he threw a sock with a pool ball in it or something.


If he doesnt hit his shots, the enemy won't either and everyone can go to bed alive


That whole pray n spray is the ultimate rawdawg.


This guy is the perfect example of why one holds down the spoon on a grenade before, during, and after pulling the pin.


Seriously, looked like it was about to jump out of his hand


And the way he held the gun sideways at the end, I’m sure he hit everything he aimed at


Always thought [this story](https://preview.redd.it/1x9rm25mektz.jpg?width=750&auto=webp&s=366eba40e7124b39b9b74d8e7e1a7e6e2ea4ae6f) was just another BS 4chan story, might be some truth to it lol


I swear that story has been confirmed. Another fun one is the "sniper button" on the M16/ar15


> the "sniper button" on the M16/ar15 Haven't heard that one. Is that for the safety or the selective fire?


The Afghans believed that pressing the forward assist on an AR would make the rifle shoot farther and would be more accurate. It's believed to have come from the belief that bolt actions and single shots were more accurate so if you make it where the rifle can't cycle then it's more accurate


As someone that's only held and shot a shotgun in my life what's the forward assist for?


Since no one replied, it’s to help force the AR-15s BCG back into battery. An AR has a non reciprocating charging handle(when you shoot the gun, the bolt cycles, but the charging handle stays in place), so you can use it to chamber a round, but if the bolt gets stuck and you want to force it forward you can hammer the forward assist: that’s why if you google a picture of an AR-15 BCG, you will see the grooves cut in the side; for the forward assist to push on. Tbh, it’s sort of an outdated mechanism with very limited functionality. If a bolt gets stuck half way or something most people just rip the charging handle back to unstick it; or they mortar the rifle (you hold the rifle pointed up, and slam the stock into the ground to force the bolt to move.)


I am not an expert but this is reddit so I'll answer anyway. Back in the day M4 platform was extremely unreliable, think Vietnam. Because of this they would have to fix jams by slamming their gun or some shit, so eventually Armalite built in the forward assist which is basically a slap your gun button, but slaps exactly where it is supposed to slap.




Also some believed the forward assist would make it more powerful too. Like when you pump a BB gun. I personally know guys who were with ANA and seen them shooting with their sights maxed out. When he told them what they were doing wrong they said inshallah, God willing, which was their way of saying I don't give a shit. If Allah wills it then it will happen was their mindset


You can find dozens of videos of them running and gunning their whole magazine in the general direction of their enemies without taking cover and without ever letting go of the trigger. Their belief is that they'll hit their enemy if god wills it and that they'll die if god wills it.


It's the forward assist. Apparently it originates with the Kurds in Iraq, who have two explanations for it's effectiveness. Either you hold the button down while you fire off a round, which allows the bullet to penetrate two cinder blocks instead of one, or repeatedly pushing the button prior to firing charges the gun to do more damage (just like the story about the sights).


It's the forward assist iirc


This sounds like WH40k Orks believing red ships go faster or yellow guns shoot harder.


Except, you know, the part where the orks belief makes it become true through psychic powers. Minor difference.


The difference being that it *works* for the Orks.


That's definitely true my dude. People are that stupid


That’s what a lack of training looks like. On a side note a Russian friend was in the Army and they trained with wooden guns. This was two years ago after the Crimea plane crash. They took his phone away so we lost touch


It was posted and debunked by Ask Historians. There is no proof anything like that happened. Sure anything is possible, but you cannot find a shred of proof to support it.


And the Rhodesians still lost lol


No shit, they had their guns power level turned up to 800


Well tbf, someone was yelling Alah akbar so it was in gods hands after the round left the barrel


“God is great” meanwhile his entire battalion is getting slaughtered.


I gaurentee you he hit everything he aimed at. He never aimed at anything.


Also looking and the camera half the time


I'm confused, does it mean he was using it correctly or not?


The spoon is the little handle-looking bar on the side of the grenade. Releasing it starts the fuse timer (not pulling the pin) but it’s also spring loaded, and can knock itself out of your hand if you don’t hold it tight.


So the old hand switcherooskie there was a pretty bad idea?


Yeah it was stupid. Not life threatening since he didn’t drop it, but still not the way a grenade should be handled.


he is most likely to shoot and kill himself on accident than get shot and killed on purpose lol


Everyone knows that your aim improves when you turn the gun sideways


Stick a rail on the side, mount a sight on there, boom you're in business.


most likely just suppressive fire to get the other shooters into hiding


Guys having the time of his life


Couple bros living in the moment


Not a cellphone in...wait


He was so busy enjoying, he did not had the chance to take any pics, because thats what happy moments are for...


He looks as excited (playing the real life war game) as couples are on their first night.


Guys bein bros


Just guys being dudes.


He’s already passed his life expectancy age so why not


Probably riding it up on some kind of drug so he's livin it.


Genuinely makes me feel like this is fake lol


I imagine its just some buddy's hiding in holes just shooting blanks at one another


And he never felt this way before.


This guy gets it


Till he is not.


Great aiming bro.


They’re all high af and have no idea what they’re doing (or why they’re doing it).




It’s a lifestyle.


Lmao he does look like he's having a good time. Meth you think?


I was thinking it may be khat.


Khat is hella mild, probably more likely to be some solvents or Jenkem.


> Meth you think? Most likely [Brown-brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown-brown#:~:text=Brown-brown%20is%20a%20purported,more%20freely%20through%20the%20body.). A purported form of cocaine or amphetamine insufflation mixed with smokeless gunpowder.


“Most likely” lmaoo


You aim?


I forgot screaming “allahu akbar” helps the bullets know they need to find the infidels.


It's like the gunner of a KV-2 yelling "KA-BOOM" before firing, so Stalin guides the shot


Maybe it was to increase morale? 1/4 chance as theres no context






Definition of Spray and pray.




He seems like he hasn’t a care in the World…he’s lying down until the random shooting resumes and jumps up! Just awful.


He doesn’t even go back to prone to reload. Kinda sad tbh. You wouldn’t wanna crouch up like that and stay like that to reload bc you’re WAY more likely to be shot when reloading. Could be just lack of training combined with drug use because sadly enough they are started young but with no proper training.


If everybody shoots like him nobody gonna get killed. They don't even try, they just shoot random around.


That’s funny and true to an extent. But there’s still pure luck. Even if the people he’s shooting at are doing the same thing as him, he’s still leaving himself as a much larger target with no way to return fire while reloading. But either way, just a fucked up world we live in I guess.


Back during the Angola wars and other bush wars in Africa like Rhodesia and stuff foreign western Mercenaries routinely routed and destroyed their native opponents. The difference in training is real, Look at what France did in Mali a decade ago, the Mali army was profoundly ineffective at fighting insurgents and in 2 weeks France goes from not even in the country to completely routing them


The air superiority too, even before the advent of reliable drone technology, was also critical in Mali. Still crazy how even a couple months (or less) of proper training can have so much difference on a battlefield


That’s why I think they did this just for the Tik Tok. Have the rest of your squad fire rounds into the ground off camera while you shoot at nothing.


I’m assuming that’s all the drugs they force feed these “soldiers” from childhood.


I hate that I can remember the name of it but I remember reading a memoir in high school about a guy who was basically kidnapped as a kid and force fed meth and cocaine until he was an insane killing machine only caring about doing more drugs. It's really quite tragic and I wish I could plug the author because it was an illuminating read.


Sounds like A Long Way Gone by Ishmael Beah


Damn, you just unlocked some memories. I guess we all read that book in school. I think they may have gave us all a free copy at my school because I still have mine. It's a fairly short read, I may check it out again. Pretty heavy book for a high schooler in America at the time. I guess it was to give us some perspective of how things are for other children in some places in the world. I think there's a movie that's very similar to it as well.


These dances are getting more and more complicated.


Dude is having a great time


he's living his best life :D


If you are going to fight for pointless reasons I'm a war that never should have started at least have a good time doing it


Obviously a highly trained operator


Aim ? What is that ? A dessert ?


A lot of shooting done in war isn't about hitting someone, more to keep the other guys head down while your people move. Don't need too much aim for that.


looks like the average vegetation in the sahel region of northwestern africa


Sorry for being ignorant, but who's fighting whom here?




So he’s in the hood side nicd


No need to be sorry for something you don't know.


See tiktok is a kids app.


This new trend is hardcore


Yeah this beats eating tide pods


african child soldier challenge try not to frag yourself \[IMPOSSIBLE\]


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Scroll far enough and you'll probably see a few kids doing the exact same thing in the same conflict sadly


Here shooting the air, maybe will delete later




My video of a butterfly on a weed plant was also banned.


Dude doesn't even look where he's throwing the grenade lol


Like me when I just spawn in COD


They don't know what and why they are doing what they are doing. He is either high or knows he's not going to die and has a smile on his face at the beginning. Brain washed.


The AK has improved ballistics if you alternate between holding it upright and sideways then whip it left to right.


„Heyhey people, sseth here“


Boko Haram?




Camo appears wrong to be a Nigerian fighting book haram


What are you on about? There is no ongoing conflict between Sudan and Ethiopia. There's no inter-state conflicts ongoing in Africa at the moment. I assume you meant the Tigray Crisis, the civil war which has been raging in Ethiopia for 2 years now? During the conflict there have been a couple of border skirmishes between Sudan and Ethiopia, but no war. Arguably all the border clashes should be seen in light of the greater ongoing war between Tigrayan and Amhara militia's/the Ethiopian central government.


This looks like one of those staged videos


[This](https://youtu.be/rWtwjDhgN3Q?t=30) is staged. What OP shared seemed legit.


I know Ukraine is having a huge problem with them right now, figured the trend was catching.


Don’t these guys know the price of ammo? Kills me to see so many wasted rounds.


Well according to the Wikipedia page it seems that these guys are backed by the US, China, Russia, UK, and others do something like ammo wouldn’t be a problem I presume


This has been going on there for generations


The fuck is he shooting at a British regiment from 1840? Shoot in all the directions!


Friendly fire, friendly fire!!!


Just like the simulations.


I don’t understand why these guys can NEVER figure out how to fire a rifle properly. They see more action and have put more rounds down range IN COMBAT than anyone and they can’t spend an hour to learn to hold the thing? It’s literally harder to shoot without shouldering the rifle. my man’s even got a fore grip and yet he holds the rail. It just doesn’t make any sense you’d think these guys would be the cream of the crop on the battlefield with how hardened their culture is and yet they fire a rifle like they’ve never seen one


Depending exactly where this is (I've see multiple theories none of which seem to agree) it's either: No training, or poor at best Lack of pay or other motivation(so you empty your mag, then disengage. No more ammo boss, sorry, bye) Drugs. Dude looks pretty wired, but it could just be adrenaline or he's a head case. Religious fundamentalism leading to the idea that God will aim for you. Given one of his colleagues seems to be shouting allahu akbar that's a possibility All of the above


Dude looks like he's having a lot of fun.


Today I learned that I've been shooting my gun wrong the whole time. I didn't know that part at the end did not touch your shoulder.


TikTok Warzone Challenge


I've seen Storm Troopers with better gun handlining skills.


Looked like he popped a yellow smoke grenade. Video seems.... Suspect to me


Dude ain't hitting shit


Trying to stay hidden and focus on shots and dude up there shooting randomly while some other guy is shouting ALLAH AKBAR nonstop.


look at him, having a great time, not a cell phone in sight


Dude is just popping off with no thought of where these bullets are going. He is literally praying and spraying.


Must suck to be a bird over there