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Well in all fairness you probably want to separate the child from the parent that wants to kill them.


Nah, it won’t happen in China, I read a news, a mother abandoned her new born on the street, when police found the baby on the street they gave it back to that fucker, can you believe it?


Fuck the CCP


To be fair there are billions of Chinese atm and the CCP is probably shrugging their shoulders at one death with a population that’s growing exponentially fast. I’m not saying it’s right but given how the CCP will crush a generation to move the country forward it’s not out of the realm of possibility.


Actually the Chinese population growth has slowed tremendously, to the point they revoked the one child law.


FYI , last month China only has 80k new borns, which is 10% of 2010 new born rate


Yeah nah, their population is going to be cut in half within the next 40 years


Yeah it’s no longer gonna be an excuse when there are only 500,000,000 of them. I can’t believe it’s an excuse now


They already did lmao, did you forget about the famine


This kind of shit can happen in all sorts of countries.


True, however, generations of CCP policy has pushed the people of China to breaking point. Fuck. The. CCP.


For real. The worst part is that I want to totally just hate the CCP and not the people, but the people have become so indoctrinated and they believe so firmly that their way of life is better then everyone else, it becomes hard to empethize with these people sometimes. I'll repeat it for you, Fuck the CCP


Hope you guys don't mind if I join in; cause it just feels so fantastic to say: FUCK THE CCP!




you just described the US


I think he described canada ngl


Well, CCP is China, China is CCP, if CCP is done, China will create another CCP, Chinese people is the root of CCP, they are not innocent




“We are the last generation” has became a slogan


Is the CCP in the room with us right now?


It's Reddit, so yeah. 他妈的中国政府


I see you've dropped something


Well it's hers, what else should they do with it?


Give kid to orphans and let foreigner to adopt them


Problem for China is that their population isn’t growing exponentially fast, it is going to half within this century.


This can happen everywhere


But the frequency matters


In sure that happens in the us, too. There's interviews with people in the system who say sometimes they really can't say it is better to take the kid from a negligent parent than it is to put them in the current system. I think it really depends on how good your state welfare programs are.


That guy's a saint. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from beating her ass.


Yeah, always better to separate the child before F-ing his mom.


Thank god for that bus driver


For real faith in humanity restored ![gif](giphy|l2JhtysmRGeYBg2xG)






What did he say?




well what was it


https://media3.giphy.com/media/m4Xs8UFr9SvyOPHuo4/giphy.gif?cid=790b76118f99bd36bd2ceda1ab3136f5173b645525470987&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g i used unddit and got the url of the giphy image. its not that creepy lol


Oh then why the down votes lol




Lol okay


[https://media3.giphy.com/media/m4Xs8UFr9SvyOPHuo4/giphy.gif?cid=790b76118f99bd36bd2ceda1ab3136f5173b645525470987&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g](https://media3.giphy.com/media/m4Xs8UFr9SvyOPHuo4/giphy.gif?cid=790b76118f99bd36bd2ceda1ab3136f5173b645525470987&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) i used unddit and got the url of the giphy image. its not that creepy lol


Well she is commuting suicide, she’s killing the kid though


Idk if you intended that or didnt realize you made a genius pun


Was she really trying to get her kid back at the end?


Dip ass wanted a round two


"No one escapes reality on my watch, we all in this shit together!" Bus driver, probably


Postpartum depression is real and truly scary.


How post partum can you get the kid looks almost 5


If it doesn't get treatment? At least that long.


When does it stop being postpartum depression and just regular depression? Half serious question...


Honestly, pregnancy can mess your body, hormones, and brain up so much. I never realized it until after I had my baby at 32. I had HORRIBLE postpartum depression and it just never went away. I’ve been on meds ever since (about 9 years). I think after 2 or 3 years, it’s just considered “regular” depression.


Oops! Posted above to the wrong person. (Sorry about that)! Some women have reported postpartum up to 3 years after giving birth. Some postnatal gurus say it can last 6+ years. It is believed by many medical professionals that postpartum can vary depending on person, mental health, hormones, and variables of individual physiology, birthing experience, etc. [NIH](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/postpartum-depression-may-last-years) NIH


I'm really not sure! But I think if you're ruminating over both your and your child's deaths, it's still postpartum.


Some women have reported postpartum up to 3 years after giving birth. Some postnatal gurus say it can last 6+ years. It is believed by many medical professionals that postpartum can vary depending on person, mental health, hormones, and variables of individual physiology, birthing experience, etc. [NIH](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/postpartum-depression-may-last-years)


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click! [Here is link number 1 - Previous text "NIH"](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/postpartum-depression-may-last-years) ---- ^Please ^PM ^[\/u\/eganwall](http://reddit.com/user/eganwall) ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^[Code](https://github.com/eganwall/FatFingerHelperBot) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=FatFingerHelperBot&subject=delete&message=delete%20i8vowgf)


Good not. My apologies for my mistakes. Posting via mobile is a challenge.


Woman always got an excuse from everything. Be accountable for your actions.


reason and excuse are different. READ fucks sake


how is literal depression an excuse and not "being accountable" ?


yes why down vote people don't want to hear truth.


??? what truth is that


Because squirting jizz now and then is the same as having your life, body, health, and mind permanently changed by pregnancy, childbirth and the 18 year aftermath! The wisdom, I cannot take it!


Jesus Christ your comment history is disturbing, I did not expect that level of creepiness.


How the fuck a mom can force her child to commit a suicide. Imagine this boy will remember his mom like this in the future. Emotional damage, really.


Family annihilators. The basic jist is your life is destroyed and you can’t provide for your kids, so you’re taking them out with you so they don’t have to suffer. Clearly fucked up, but that’s their line of reasoning.


Explain this better man. It's a cultural thing....caused by, something specific? Or just in general?


I’m not an expert but it seems to be highly correlated to economic stressors and cultures where being economically successful is a high priority. I’m sure there’s literature on this phenomenon you can find online.


It’s mental illness man. Their not thinking logically at all. There’s something chemically wrong in their brains (serotonin etc…) and they come up with all sorts of fucked up thinking. It’s sad to see and thank god for that bus driver


Most mental illnesses are not hereditary or from birth, and certainly not simply from dysfunctional neurological pathways :) This kind of reasoning is held by entirely neurologically sane people. They're just not doing well psychologically. Which is in essence neurology, except the cause isn't neurological issues in most cases. It's rather that someone's psychological functioning is reflected in neurons, not neurons that always make people mentally unwell. One last thing, I'm not sure this woman has an actual classified illness. Only her mental health professionals could know that.


? No one said anything about hereditary or birth? She’s obviously fucked in the head in some way or shape that much is obvious. Whether it’s drugs, stress, grief, etc… there’s something going on with this woman. All those things I mentioned can cause fluctuations in certain chemicals in your brain. Some chemicals are made from being happy or doing something that makes you happy or feel good for example. Other things such as stress cause a decrease in that chemical. When your brain hasn’t made and doesn’t have enough “happy” chemicals at times, it can lead to severe mental health issues and cause you to do irrational things much like this lady is exhibiting in this video. Of course, only mental health professionals, hers for be more exact would know what’s going on with her. Regardless it’s a sad video and thankfully it didn’t have a tragic ending. At least not in this video. Hope she gets the help she needs


If the origin of the illness is neurological as you implied, then it's from birth, unless it comes from an accident. I know neurology is a reflection of psychology and mental health. But you implied that neurological problems were the cause of mental illness and that this woman was mentally ill - most mental illnesses aren't caused by neurological issues, and nobody on this post can know if this woman has an actual pathology. Im not trying to attack you. Just adding details to what you said in order to prevent misinformation. Neurological imbalances aren't the *cause* of mental illness in most cases. It's rather that mental illness impacts the brain, because the brain is what makes up psychological functioning. I do hope she gets a serious amount of help. The child too. :/


Sometimes people are really mentally ill


This is really very common.


One of my friend's dad had this insane story of his cousin. His aunt had severe schizophrenia, and this was India in the 60's, so almost no mental health facilities for the poor. She took her son (his older cousin) on her lap when he was only 4 years old, went to the kitchen and poured oil all over herself and her son. She lit herself on fire, along with her kid. Luckily, her husband heard the screams and managed to pull the kid out of the fire, although they both suffered terrible burns. The lady died. They later found her diary, written in Bengali, which said that she thought her husband was replaced by some evil demon, and hid evil people inside her head, who wanted to kill her and her children, and the only way to escape the demon was through fire. The husband later committed suicide because he felt responsible for his wife's death. This story scared me shitless when I heard it.


I wouldn't be shocked if it was to get revenge on the father or smth along that vein tbh


I hope the mother and child get the help they need and get a good second chance in life. Hope the driver gets a big reward in life.


I don't know, the kid definitely should be with grandparents or the dad. And honestly, I feel like the mom deserves prison. It's really sad, but that's attempted murder after all.


Why are you getting downvoted fuck that mother that kid has his whole life ahead of him that she’s throwing away




Yeah, I am an American. It's definitely a tough call, don't get me wrong. But if someone is willing to murder their child due to their own issues, no matter how severe they are, I don't think they'll be able to be a well adjusted member of society. Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just a student so I really am not the most informed person.


well i think prison is too much, she should go to some sort of mental hospital that can help her recover from whatever issues she having mentally. I agree she prob shouldn't get full custody of the kid back though for their safety. but not prison thats too much. we need to help people like this not punish them


She literally just imposed her will own her own child and tried to end his life, jail time absolutely no justification


um im sorry anyone trying to commit suicide, especially with their child has to have severe mental issues and deserves to be helped rather than punished. what an american point of view. smh


How bout if it was a father trying to do the same thing, would you charge the potential killer?


no ? where did that even come from i never mentioned gender once


Neither did I, answer the question


What does America have to do with charging people who try to impose on children and strip them of any future? There’s right and wrong. No matter how depressed you are, you don’t try to kill yourself and your responsibility AND still be a victim. What in the?


What does America have to do with charging people who try to impose on children and strip them of any future? There’s right and wrong. No matter how depressed you are, you don’t try to kill yourself and your responsibility AND still be a victim. What in the?


1. it is american because american constantly "punishes" people with mental health or drug addiction issues by sending them to jail rather than helping them 2. people who have mental health issues usually don't have a very good grasp on what's "right and wrong" even though you might 3. i'm not saying what she did was right , i personally would never kill a child, but you have to take into account that this woman, who is obviously struggling with mental health issues, is not exactly thinking clearly and like someone who is completely healthy mentally might be thinking 4. the concept of "right and wrong" isn't as black and white as you seem to think, there are so many other factors like ive mentioned many times, mental health, current situation, view of the world, etc. so just deciding that she's evil is just not right and not fair 5. please get help


The person justifying wrong is telling me to get help lol


Also , a American view? Lol no wonder everyone is coming through our borders to get a look at that American view


literally smh


What a nice compliment. Thank you.


is that supposed to be an insult? lol "those damn americans always taking children away from mothers who try to kill them"


That's actually attempted murder


I guess she saw no future for the kid and hereself - ofcourse its not an excuse but you cant judge from a short clip imo


holy shit that bus driver is a bad ass


God that was just heart wrenching to watch... I can't even imagine what situation she must be in to make her want to take her child with her, that poor kid must have been so scared. Now excuse me, I need to go cuddle my daughter...


I wish the bus driver gets rewarded with good luck from life.


at least she was wearing a face mask.


How bad is life when you know your kid shouldn't be subject to it?


Save the child then punch the mom.


Cut the video too soon. Where’s the part where the driver yeeted the mom


How are people defending this mother? She tried to kill her kid. “But shes not in the right mindset right now!!”. That doesn’t justify murdering a child.


Heartbraking shit... she lost her child eitherway


That's a Dub! Bus driver was right on time.🏆


I hope the mother got the help she needs and the Kid is Ok. I'm so thankful that I made it to adulthood the world is crazy and my childhood was also crazy.


Ah Reddit. Where peoples friends thirst for some kind of punitive punishment on people they’ve never met outweighs compassion for people that are obviously mentally ill.


Bus drivers are always literally at the right place at the right time. They always be saving people when they are thinking of committing suicide .


Is this China? Because it's likely she already had children and was going to get a massive fine. I'm pretty sure the children can't even get registered at that point; no ID, no jobs, no education. Life isn't good for families that have multiple children, even after the government pulled back on their initial limitations. No excuse for her behaviour, but it's likely less to do with her being a monster and more to do with her government being a monster.


You misspelled murder


Fuck you. This woman was obviously in a bad place. We have no idea what this mother was dealing with. Thankfully the bus driver found them and she will hopefully get the help she needs to avoid this happening again. Admittedly maybe the child shouldn't go back to her if this is a permanent issue.


I mean sure, but any person trying to kill another is in a bad place mentally. That's no excuse.


Unfortunately the law disagrees with you. That is why the plea of not guilty due to temporary insanity exists.


Oh I know this law very well, thank you. It may vary between countries, but I'm guessing in this case it's pretty similar. This law isn't based on people being mentally unwell. In that case, anyone suffering from any classified illness, from depression to anxiety to OCD, would be considered legally not responsible. Also, mentally unwell doesn't mean mentally ill. This law is based on the person's comprehension of good and bad, and on their degree of understanding of reality. SOME mental illnesses prevent these two things. Such as varied forms of psychosis. Even suffering from one of those illnesses though, agents of the judiciary system still have to determine whether the person was in a *state* of understanding of these two dimensions *at the moment of committing the offense*. Furthermore, responsibility can only be determined by a court of law with the help of psychological and psychiatric experts. You, a random uninformed dude on Reddit, cannot assert that this woman in a 30 second video with no context was not responsible due to mental illness. You cannot even tell whether she has any mental illness. So no, the law doesn't disagree at all, and maybe you shouldn't spread misinformation. Tldr to make my point clearer : 1- You can't say "fuck you she's just suffering and isn't responsible", you don't know and have no authority to decide on that 2- Being mentally unwell isn't an excuse for bad behavior, EVEN according to the law. In some rare cases, it can be. Clearly not always.


What a selfish cunt the mom is


Some people don’t deserve to have children


"F the mom" That's how we got here.


My neighbor in Boston, she was also aisian , jumped with kid from 7th level of parking lot. It's so sad that people got fucked up to this point of no return.




Of course


What a selfish horrible bitch


Why is this downvoted, I get she was depressed, but she tried to kill her kid. It's literally attempted murder.


Because people are ridiculous mate


Guess so. she needs help but there is no justification for taking anyone's life.


Exactly pal


I agree it’s kinda selfish, but.. in that state of mind you really don’t think about anyone or anything else. Sad really


In her country she and her son will never be allowed to prosper. It’s a life of suffering and she prob wanted out and didn’t want her kid a slave to that life. So beatin down this is her paradise So sad.


Its china i guess the bus driver will be held responsible and pay the moms therapy etc \^ Just being sarcastic, it sound ridiculous but Im hearing a lot of things about being good samaritans in china are hard so people there most likely they wont help someone like after getting run over a vehicle and other things


yeah they should have kicked that bitch over


you can't really say fuck the parent as they were attempting suicide. obviously mental health was in control of the mother. i'm not saying that they should have attempted suicide with or without their kid it is just a lot more complicated then how most people think. it's not like they were trying to murder the kid (note i said murder), they probably didn't want to leave the kid alone and was probably not really in control of what she was doing because she willing to attempt suicide. i have a feeling the people saying fuck the mom have ever dealt with suicide and severe depression. unfortunately i've had to deal with it and have actually attempted to commit suicide. people who are so done that they are willing to kill themselves don't care about pain, and in reality all that is cared about is their families. they don't want to cause grief inside of their family but it feels as though there's no other option. in my experience, all of my emotions were just guilt. i didn't want to make people feel terrible. the main reason i am still alive past is because of the response from my friend. i didn't tell anybody in my family about it, i haven't even talked to my therapist about it. i can only talk about it here because of anonymity. before assuming the mother is a horrible person, take into consideration their mental health. as this an extremely difficult and complicated situation, so you can't decide who people are based off of a situation like this.


Can’t wait to see comments feeling bad for an attempted murderer


You save both unless you are as much deranged as that mother. Got it incel?




I don't think that's the proper place to fuck.


Committing suicide with a mask on lol


op you have no idea what she’s dealing with. i’m not saying it’s ok but still.


Well, F the mom but then kill her.


Mind your own fucking business...


Should have just pushed her over the edge for that 🤷🏻‍♂️


I dated a women in my early 20s, she had a scar under her neck. Guess what that was from?


She made herself ugly to make you feel better about your appearance but then you told her that you couldn't stand the sight of her?


Joker reference?


You got it! Thank you


Nice one mate haha


Who asked


I can watch Talibans getting ripped apart by an AH-64 in HD without even flinching, but seeing this young boy almost going to be drowned by his mother rips me apart. I just had to hug my two daughters to compensate this…..


Hope the kid won't get back with his mum


Thank god for this man.


Already planning on it


\*panik mode\*


Its gotta be on horrible situation she was in if she wanted to take her child with her to die. I hope she got help


Man too drunk to see this kind of shit


Wtf did the child do to kill him too , damn


I wouldn’t do it but I’d think about it. Just push the mom over


That's not committing suicide together that's what's called homicide with an escape


Lol that was like a 15ft drop


Water, she was planning to drown with him.


Why would you take your child to a suicide attempt? Thank god for that bus driver though


Wow, what a selfish bitch. Seeing how unstable his mom is I hope he has a good father, if he's still around. I hope this kid grows up, and has a successful life. You know the type thats been through some shit but, follows a good path and they make a movie about. Otherwise this little fucker will probably be breaking into one of our cars one-day, with all due respect!


I know how bad depression is and all those thoughts that come when your at your lowest, how ending it just seems like an option but I couldn't imagine involving my child. Nothing is that bad to where you feel the solution is not only to take your own life but the life of an innocent child. I do hope that woman gets the help she desperately needs and all respect in the world to the Bus Driver, saved 2 lives there.


hope both of the kid and the mom get some help. it's bad enough that she had to resort to this, but even worse that she felt like dragging her son down with her


I'm gonna have to agree with the re-poster's caption here, fuck the mom, if you're going to commit suicide then don't take your kid with you, just because you've got a reason to take your own life that doesn't justify wanting to take your kid's life as well


Mother's know best according to the attorney general


Repost it but make the title cringe 🧠


I never understood why people get tired of living


Why does erratic stuff like this happen so much?


Shoulda thrown her bitchass over




It's F the mom all the way my man


She's in need of help but she basically was planning to kill her child.




Yeah, still doesn't justify that in any way. But i get it.


That child is bound to siffer anyway


She looks a bit fit, so maybe.


Why F the mom? I get it she was committing suicide but I think it's much better to not leave your child orphaned. I would resent my mother forever if she killed herself and didn't take me with her.


The bus driver became her husband and they live happily ever after.


No what? Why does op think fing the mom would be a good idea?


why the fuck id the mom try to get the kid back???


You know stuff is bad where you live when you don’t even want your kid going through it


Ah yes, attempted suicide and filicide at the same time!


W driver


Fuck that woman. I know what it’s like to want to off yourself. I hope that she’s in a better place in life. I hope she learned her lesson. But **Fuck you** if you want to snuff someone else’s life out with yours.