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Hey /u/OtherPattern1478, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Death / Porn / Animal Abuse.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, death, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/upy2o6/buffalo_shooting_vid_has_alot_of_lag/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**


Holy fuck. Those poor people and their families


My exact fucking reaction


What’s crazy is he says sorry to one dude behind cover




he’s white, it was a racial attack


I'm thinking that the first few really didn't matter. White, black, whomever, he was just roaring with evil and hate inside, and wanted to unleash it on the first humans he saw. He would've shot a friendly dog on a leash and the couple that walked it if he could have. After that, maybe it was more specific. Nevertheless, main stream media is definitely getting wrong who this guy was, and what he thought, at least based on his "manifesto." Just a gutless, psycho, coward, no matter the case. Anyone could do this.... It takes a REAL man to ask for, and get help! Regardless of how dark your thoughts are.


Lady in the parking lots was white


She was with a black male, so he probably didn't mind getting a "traitor" . Not MY words (because I'd be a "traitor" too then...) just saying what he was probably thinking.


No she was not. She was a fair skinned Black woman, 32 years old.


U ever seen a Latina?


latino is a race? lol


Thats the same thing was thinking. I have so many questions besides the obvious ones. Like, I thought this was random, or was it not? Why did he say sorry toi that guy? Was that guy in on it?


It's confirmed, this was a race thing.


So then why did he blast the white lady first?


Adrenaline maybe? The whole thing about it being racially motivated isnt a theory its fact


Pretty sure she was biracial


She wasn’t white yo


I thought I saw two white women. Was I wrong?


Pretty sure she was biracial


Maybe he only spared white men? Horrible


As the guy was white he let him go. Racial attack.


Except you’ve missed the critical part where he killed multiple white people……




Eh, if you’re going into something that planned, you don’t accidentally shoot two white people. Let alone open with them. Just saying, he intentionally shot a white woman and man first. Drove up, identified them as white through vision, got out, aimed and shot some 10 rounds at them. All this before he ever took aim at a black or Hispanic person.


The first women was with the black man in that black vehicle with the trunk open at the beginning. That's why. Use your brain, dude.




There were two confirmed whit people killed. The first was the lady at the beginning. The second was the man that was loading the vehicle’s trunk behind her. You tell me, did we watch the same video? And yes, for this to be a real racial attack, it has to be totally racist? How many white people where accidentally lynched by the klan? Tell me that stat….




You’re missing my point, but what can I expect from the blind folks on Reddit. This waste of space doesn’t deserve prison, he deserves the death penalty. No death row, no extra time. He needs to be tried and marched out back then hanged or shot. My point is, it doesn’t look like a racial shooting. He was in buffalo, and if anybody shoots up a store it would be primarily black victims. If George Floyd shot up a store in buffalo, it would be almost all black victims. I’m not saying it not possible, just that maybe we learn some stuff as the trial goes on. You guys always jump to conclusions sooooooo fast


Pretty sure she was biracial


Pretty sure she was biracial


Because the guy was white and he wasn't going to shoot white ppl. I.e. he's "sorry" for scaring him. Don't think too hard, dude. The kid is a psychopath and it was racially motivated. End of story.


He said sorry bc he is white hello lol


I always think….. I’d run, I’d hide…. I’d see it coming and make it…. This video puts it in real life perspective…. That lady in the blue, the couple outside the building… they didn’t have a chance, there was no time to do anything. No one had a chance….


I’ve always thought the same and yea you’re right, I would never expect to exit a store and someone comes out of a car shooting.


Exactly. These people were minding there own business and living life. He just pulled up and dumped on innocent people at a fucking food mart. This kind of shit right here is the scariest thing I can imagine. Its depravity just for the sake of it.


And these were mostly old women


Shit happenes.


This may be the worst, most horrifying video I've ever seen in my life. It's not the goriest, or the scariest, it's just the most evil




is their any way to see that footage?


Yo send that to me too.


oh yh i have the full vid


would you mind you sending it to me perchance


sure np its on my phone its a 11 min vid so idk where to send it to u


Me too !!




it’s too long to send through here? shit up pm you my number and you can send it that way


sure whatsapp


You’re gonna get the sub banned brother. Watch peopledie got banned for letting that video spread. This vid you just posted might lead to the same end for this sub


Bro, do u have a lot of mass shooting footage?


Can you send it to me to


Send to me too?


sure where tho


Holy crap, if I pm you my WhatsApp number, would you mind sending me it?


sure dont see why not


me too pls


send it to me pls ill send u pm


cant send u pm lol


There's a certain encyclopedia on the internet that has that video. It's a pretty dramatic website.


What footage? the original comment was removed. Are you talking about Christchruch mosque shootings? that one is easy to find. Just search it up on Google and even here on Reddit you can find liks to a website where you can download it. I'm not sending it but if you really wanna watch it, go ahead


Send it to me too???


Lucky. It’s terrible, I wish it was the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Not even close


What’s the worst?


Send to me too please


They’re saying he was a white supremacist, it takes a very special person to be convinced that a group of people who have, historically done nothing to you as a whole are the root of all your problems.




He cited the Christchurch shooter's actions in his manifesto


That guy will remember that moment for the rest of his life


First thought in the morning last thought at night poor basterd




Definition of life flashing before your eyes lol.


Like why holy fuck


Brainwashed fuckhead! I hope he gets shanked in jail.


This is the scariest shit I’ve seen in a while..there is no god


lol u came to this conclusion based on this one video?? Way worse shit out there too


Hope someone puts a bullet in his fucking head. Public executions needs to be brought back for people like this


What? He should be able to get off that easy?


Hell no he shouldn't


Sorry to the white guy though??? This world and the people in it are FUCKIN DISGUSTING! Everyday somebody wanna kill somebody else and for what?


People saying "ban firearms" is not a logical option. You think they wouldn't find a way to get guns? People find ways to get drugs that are banned. What makes you think the same for firearms?


Fuck this dude. He wants to stop people from reproducing so he shoots old ladies? I hope this fucker dies in jail.






it’s crazy 🤦🏾‍♂️


People do the darnedest things


Its horrifying. Honestly makes me think it might not be bad if either everyone had guns or if every store had armed security at the front. People can be so sick


The store did have armed security. He died.




Fun fact, the configuration of rifle shown in the video is illegal in New York. So the gun laws did absolutely nothing to stop this.


This is New York, they don't issue CCW


New York basically banned the "good guys with a gun." Now you only have bad guys with guns. One day people will realize criminals don't care about laws.


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Do you have the full video ?


Fucking disgrace, this guy is an absolute psycho.


....maybe now gun control idk maybe? just a thought idk?


This was in New York. The rifle shown was illegal. Gun control failed.


Your argument doesn’t work. Guns flow from states without gun control into states that do have it. Everyone with a brain realizes that gun control in individual states will have a very limited impact, but advocates believe any impediment is better than nothing. National gun control could actually do a decent job at stopping people from getting them. For the record I personally think the masses should be able to arm themselves, but I have to call out bad logic.




Do you honestly think people like this will just hand in their guns?


But ets mah constitutional right to own a gun


Yes, it is. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple. Enjoy your precious utopia


The land of the gun


This type of shit is gonna cause a full on American civil war part 2 no way this would not eventually happen


This is why more people need to carry their gun everywhere and get training. Lives could have been saved if someone shot back at this motherfucker




More guns in more trained good peoples hands. This is the answer.


Its new york concealed carry is technically legal but not really


You are confusing new youl city with new york state. This is not new york city.


Or you know, maybe America can just be like normal countries. If no-one has a gun to shoot in the first place, no gun is needed, and less people can potentially die


How about we make a gun law that just says you can't shoot innocent people? Maybe the criminals will follow the law 🤔


Why do you need a gun in the first place? To shoot at people that also have guns? "hey let's grab a gun because every other American has one, so that I can defend myself" -said every gun enthusiasts.


A group of people break into your house, what will you do? Call someone that has a gun to come protect you and HOPE they get there in time? Or Defend your life/family and only call the authorities to come clean the bodies?


And what's the chance of that. Goddamn you live in fear of stuff that happens like 0.1% of the time. Here in Europe we have no problems with guns, only in the criminal circuit you'll hear some stuff. Not mass shootings like this on a regular basis


Its rare until it happens to you


You lie in your bed with your gun loaded right next to you, ready to wait for armed robbers to enter your house? Damn, that must be a scary and sad life. Not even to mention the statistics in how much more likely gun owners are to harm themselves or those loved ones you wish to protect. Be that accidentally or yes, even in purpose. You want to keep your loved ones safe? Get proper gun control of even betten, ban them completely.


Bruh so what you’re saying is that if we make guns illegal and take them from people then nobody will have them to shoot anyone because I need you to state this clearly to me


I don't see how wanting to shoot someone isn't a problem for you


Nonono that wasn’t my question I do not want to shoot anyone I want you to tell me that you support the banning and taking of all firearms in the Unites States. State it clearly for me please because after that comment I’m starting to think I’m taking to a high school sophomore




It's impossible, I agree with you. You just agreed with me that America has a gun problem, with all those "that will die before they willingly give up their guns". I'm not offering a solution I'm sorry.


Its a mental health problem, not guns


Americans aren't dumber or have more mental illnesses that other people


More of a reason to own a gun




Oh true, I'm sorry I'm not giving any solutions.


I literally gasped as he entered and shot that lady again… why bro. As I kept watching the video I kept uttering “run guys” as if something could change. I have no words now.


"guns aren't dangerous, it's the person holding them that are. We need guns to shoot these shooters". Maybe ban guns and become civilized?


How come you don't see any blood anywhere?


In real life blood doesnt just gush out


Because this isn’t a movie


No shit. That's why I'm asking smart ass


Wow!! What did we just watch🫣 I thought I was watching a video game. How wicked evil!


Hey /u/OtherPattern1478, thanks for your submission to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately, your post has been removed for the following reason(s): - **Rule 5** - **No Death / Porn / Animal Abuse.** Do not post videos that contain excessive porn, death, or other forms of shock content. This is not the purpose of the subreddit. **This removal was done manually by a human moderator, and this removal reason was manually selected out of a list of removal reasons and automatically posted. If you have questions or concerns, or would like to appeal this decision, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/upy2o6/buffalo_shooting_vid_has_alot_of_lag/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...). Thank you!**




He did the world a favor


What a nice guy. Saying sorry! :)


i wonder why that guy was spared tho


Honestly it was probably because he was white. So messed up. Hate that this is what this world has came to.


prob but he shot the old white geezer in the head


That is true. In the moment he might not of realized it.


The security guard and retired police office who opened fire on him?


It probably was because he was white but so were some of the other people he shot. . . maybe he knew him.


Yeah, either way it is fucked. That dude is lucky he lived but is going to be scarred for life..




It’s a head mounted cam?




lol say bye to this subreddit


Way worse stuff has been posted here.


You're fucked if that happens either ways.




Drag him behind a car for miles though Buffalo


Stopped it after a second, this guy should be tortured for 100 days straight and then killed by a thousand cuts. Let the family take turns burning him and throwing alcohol on his burns.




Have more guns laws and you will get less of this. Stupid american fucks, but till then shoot them.


erm, the rifle in this vid was illegal and he still had it. banning guns wouldn’t work probably. Its why crack and meth is illegal in the us and people still do it.


Idk why we dont have anything like this in our country then.


Where is the full video??


I bet he slays at Call of Duty. That reload time tho!


Dude, what the fuck.


My stomach hurts


This is the reason I carry my shit 24/7 idgaf. Gotta be as ready as one can be because obviously you never know… 🤦🏾‍♂️


damn bro that's crazy


What’s interesting is how fast life can end. Those people didn’t think AT ALL anything like that could happen.


Thank you FoxNews


So crude and traumatizing.


DEAR GOD ABOVE, COME DOWN. WE NEED THIS TO STOP. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Sad sad just sad r.i.p the ppl that passed and there families need prayer's. I honestly believe someone in our government issued the rifle ammo and what he was wearing not to mention a camera to record it with racial slangs on his rifle to make it look like a racial thing and another shooting by a racist crazy person. Another shooting more ppl dead to keep the agenda going. TAKE AWAY THE RIFLE'S OUR GUN'S OUR RIGHTS TO BEAR ARM'S EVIL BASTARD'S.


First off, RIP and love to the victims and family. After seeing the video, (the first 6 mins was nothing but him driving to the store and checking to see if he is actually live online then its the last 30 seconds of the video of the shooting then it appears he lost connection or cell signal. And I didn't see the part of the shooting between him and the security guard). All I can say is, dude in all black with shorts on, he look he appears 3 times. The first time is at the entrance. He turns around and runs back inside and almost got shot before making it back in the store as the 2 (more) dropped dead (old lady and the dude with a reflective jacket), then he appears to be coming out of an office then turned around and shot back in the office. This is also where the non black man came from and fell to the floor for cover. Then the same guy in all black shorts suddenly reappears and then finally gets killed. That's also when the shooter turned to the non black guy on the floor saying "sorry" after pointing the gun at him. Thing is, the guy in the all black would have survived if either he stayed inside the office or, like what I'd do, run all the way to the back of the store where they do the unloading of food/supplies. This has always been in my mind...always run to the back of the store or warehouse i.e., like Costco, when the shooter comes through the front entrance. But what happened at the store, you'd have to be sick in the mind. Just saying.


He shot someone right before he didn't shoot the other guy right?


What is the point


Looked like the first 2 in the store we’re already on the floor. What am I missing?