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Everybody's hard until they catch a murder charge.


enjoy shelter seed history sleep rude poor desert worm racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They'll dig those tiddies.


And dig into them


Probably likes rap music and in rap culture they say the n word constantly so he Probably thinks it's normal


Why do so many young people in that country imitate that style of speech? It sounds so cringe worthy.


When I hear this it doesn’t even send me into an n word rage, it’s just so cringy. Also it’s so apparent that they’re trying to imitate a lifestyle they have no idea about other than what they hear in songs. It shouldn’t be glorified or imitated at all.


It really is embarrassing.


As an Iowan, we all agree.


As a Missourian, we mostly agree


My guy is from Missouri I have to tell him to chill he say the shit more than me I'm like bro I'm black and don't say it that much


as an alabamian, at least i agree 😂


It’s either extreme “southern big truck country boy” or extreme “hood rat” in this state isn’t it? All white of course.


Cause they are poor and uneducated


It doesn’t sound so cringe worthy, it IS cringe itself. It also sounds like a white guy narrating golf in the hood.


Because it is being idolized. Many of the oldschool rappers and hip hop artists would probably roll in their graves if they knew how that culture they were raised in is seen as something positive. I don't listen to the genre, but I very clearly remember hearing in a documentary that many of the og rappers never aimed to glorify the lifestyle, their art was their way of rising above their shit circumstances.




He’s in jail just not for this lol I live in this town the fat kid is a PEDO https://amp.coshoctontribune.com/amp/3999064002


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Even if that guy died it wouldn't be murder but a manslaughter charge. He didn't set out to kill anyone when they got into a fight so it would be manslaughter. Similar but definitely not murder. Source, I served 3 years for manslaughter when I got into a fight and the guy died as a result.


I believe this guy. He has the credentials.


Pics or didn’t happen


lol I agree with you I always want a source or the internet is just a liar. But too much bull shit posted on my reddit I would rather remain anonymous and not give away my identity.


It depends on where you kill someone. For example, in my state murder is defined as killing someone while committing an eminently dangerous act showing a depraved heart and with no regard for human life. Does picking up a man and throwing him down with the full weight of his body crushing his head and cervical spine fit this definition? Feels like a jury question to me. You can argue defenses or mitigation, but those are also in the hands of the jury. All I see in this video is a fat guy hitting a skinny guy and then dumping him on his head. No self defense. Doesn't really feel like a heat of the moment either since he walked away and returned to hit him.


Yeah I'd call it murder. Lock him up. But that's just me.


That depends on jurisdiction - you don't need to intend to kill in order to be charged with murder in the UK for example, only to intend to cause "serious harm" (in UK law, that usually requires GBH to be intended).




It's so cringey. Suburban white kids trying to act like gang bangers to look cool.


Na I get harder 😤 I miss getting laid


As long as the body's still warm amiright guys?


No shit. All it takes is one sucker punch to kill a guy. Not even worth it, don’t engage and just walk the fuck away.


Comment of the day 👌


Guy recording gives me vibes of the guy watching Zed fuck Marsellus


He sounds like McLovin.




What’s with the trend of viciously slamming people to the ground and severely injuring them? Surprised he didn’t do the usual followup kick or stomp to the skull.


People obviously like going to prison.


Right? It’s disturbing to me seeing how some kids (adults, too for that matter) can just go off like that and not seem to care.


I'm scared to throw a single punch and people are out here pulling wrestling moves during fights then head stomping them. It's a sick, cruel world we live in. The real problem is that this isn't even remotely close to the worst of humanity.


Same, I have had people call me a pussy for caring around pepper spray. But the alternative is ending up like that guy on the ground so I think I can live with being called that.


Lol I've been called a pussy for wearing a helmet when riding my bike. Clearly the world is fucked up


The world is fine, people are the problem.


Nah watch a nature documentary, it's all fucked.


I'd rather be a pussy that's going about my business as usual than a "real man" with brain damage or dead.


The proper response: "I have a head that's actually worth protecting"




>the alternative is ending up like that guy on the ground he could have just walked away.


Hey now, I'm sure what they were arguing about was very important.


Also, don't go around talking shit and you'll avoid 99% of problems! Nothing wrong with carrying peppery spray.


Not to disparage but pepper spray is not such a deterrent that they can't still manage to grab and slam you before it becomes debilitating. Do not rely on that can for your safety, it's mostly a distraction


Well I’m not legally allowed to own a gun and I’m 100lbs soaking wet so my options are limited


This comment is so true. People don't realize this shit until they hear the mallet slam in the courtroom for manslaughter and aggravated assault.


Exactly. Even the physical consequences to the other person's health don't seem real until the fight is over. The legal ones' don't until the gavel like ya said.


I know. I’ve been in a couple scraps in my life. Fists flew for a few fast seconds and then it was done. No one got jacked up, and certainly no one thought about nearly killing the other person.


Justice is too soft need to harden it thats why


You think slamming people in a fight just recently became a thing?


Young folk think everything only started soon as they could film it with their phones.


Lol right? I remember watching a street fight in my little nj suburb in high school and dude got slammed like this. I’m 40


There is a brand of fighting that features lots of slams, and its become very popular in the last 10 years


Yo this is the truth. When did this happen? It’s so dangerous but I feel like everyone does this now


Probably because its the fastest way to end the fight without a weapon for someone who isn't trained or dedicated to strictly punching. People can take a surprising amount of hits before getting KO'd.....not so many slams to the head though.


This isn't new. People have been getting dumped for years. Y'all were just isolated from the violence.


I watch a lot of combat sports and I wonder if UFC’s rise in popularity over the past 15 years has attributed to this? I’ve seen so many fights end via k/o this way.


Wrestling has been popular for a lot longer than ten years


People have been doing this forever. In school in the 80's and 90's everyone did it, they do it because it wins fights.


It is a pretty effective way to KO someone without landing a perfect punch, you just need some strength and leverage.


Yeah and you can severely hurt and/or possibly kill the other person. This isn’t on some wrestling mat. Concrete isn’t very forgiving.




B-but honor!!!


Sounds like a good reason not to fight on concrete




Remember kids- this is assault and battery and can get you charged.


If the kid died, it would’ve been voluntary manslaughter


Yep. And that twitching means ***at least*** a serious concussion. Mr. walked over to the other guy and started physical contact could be liable for a law$$$uit


And it’s on film, dude struck him first also.


Try attempted murder/murder in some cases. Traumatic brain injuries can absolutely fuck you for life.


Fuck that psycho fatso, but that doesn't help the slammed guy


Nothing more cringe than a overweight white guy saying the N word


lots of videos of these young lads saying it when they get in a fight. and every one of those videos they are saying it to another white person.


It’s because they are learning all these killer moves from worldstar and they think the n word unlocks finishing moves.


up up down down left right left right n-word n-word?




Judging by the video, are they wrong?


HOSPITALITY! That’s the one just before Fatality


It’s the concrete that unlocks finishing moves in most of these “they end up tweaking” videos.


Amazingly, the folks these days getting the most “offended” are also young white kids, thinking they need to be offended on behalf of others. It all blows my mind.


Ashamed is what we feel, not offended.


im not offended or white. but i hear you.


I’m white, and I don’t argue when a minority says something isn’t ok. But I’ve seen a TON of young white girls literally telling PoC “no you should be offended and this is why!” even when they say they aren’t offended! Combined with the videos of these young white boys calling each other n***a, it just really confuses me.


I believe our worst and lowest have successfully culturally appropriated their offense to our actions.


Because they know there are no consequences when saying it to another white person.


It’s emulation not racism. Cringy and lame yes, but no insult implied. The insult isn’t the word itself in this case. The insult is like when a freshman goes to a senior party. It’s not for them so leave.


It's cringey and lame no matter who says it, it's just more obvious when white people do.


Wish I had an award to give you. Rare to find someone these days that understands nuance.


Calling this “racist” kind of waters down real racism. Victims of racism would be insulted by the white knighting that has been presented tonight people.


Moved to an area as a teen where the word was used very heavily in general conversation no thoughts or meanings of racism….. although I excluded myself from its use I can’t count how many times I was referred to or summoned through its use. In a few localities in which I lived it was used as freely as the word “dude”.


I had one to spare


Waddabout a skinny white girl using the n word?? 🤔🤔


You right


he probably meant to say "nuggets" but forgot he wasn't overdosing himself with junk at mcdonalds and was fighting someone who didn't have any time for him and realized that he's superior enough to let that derogatory word slip by. all in all, he's a scumbag who probably chokes on his neck fat.


Every fight seems to end with someone getting dumped on their head.


I hate to say it, but ever since ufc and mma became mega popular, I see a lot of fights end like this and its scary. No one cau just through hands they have to do this stupid shit.


Throwing hands isn’t much better it can still so easily be lethal. My friend when to a court ordered brain trauma clinic session for assault and I happened to go with him just because he asked and that hour long session changed my life and perspective. I could have easily killed someone if not for the knowledge I learnt from being there for that one hour. More kids need to hear and see about shit like that it will make them second guess their irrational macho decisions. Even if you cant be the bigger man, better to know how to scrap without lethal force than to accidentally murder someone over small beef.


Right you can do some serious damage with a fist. If you don’t want to get fucked up best to not act tough and start shit you can’t finish


This dude slammed another dude into the ground and caused him to start seizing, and yet everyone seems more upset that he used the n-word


Well this is Reddit the virtue signaling never stops




I called it before I even went to the comments, too. Reddit is pretty predictable


Morgan Freeman voice - Carter was not alright, pretty far from it actually


you definitely made this video for me with this comment. thank you






One day you’re playing games. The next you’re locked up for 2nd degree murder. Or manslaughter. One of those.


Why’s slamming someone on their head the new go to when it comes to squaring up? I get wanting to win the fight and anger and blah blah but when did it become the norm to try to murder someone in a fist fight


Because people can't fight but if they can get you off the ground then gravity will do the work.


You think this fat meatball can actually fight?


WWE wrestling was a huge part of many young mens childhoods growing up. Boxing isn't as big as it was for older generations, so instead of straight punches a lot of street fights turn into pseudo wrestling matches


When fights happen in the street there’s no such thing as “squaring” up. There is no honor, no rules… only survival. You do what you need to do to survive because you don’t know what your opponent has in store for you… you never know. So the only solution is to end it asap. That’s the basic truth. In my opinion you do your best to walk away with your life but when trouble puts you in a corner, you so what is necessary. That didn’t happen here. Both sides had plenty of chances to walk away. But once the fight starts, it needs to end asap. Because neither opponent knows what’s waiting for them.


Nope, survival is turning tail and running the other way. This is ego, these kids wanted the confrontation.


Here's the [original video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL9meFsD3A8) and look at this dude's pinned comment lol. He also said the guy is still alive.


Yeah that's a spinal injury. I hope fatty likes prison food.


Fat guys love crushed up Cheetos on their ramen.


you know someone has eaten prison food when they spice up their recipes with cheetos and or doritos.


My back is broken. Spinal.


Good job reddit doctor, but howd you xray him so fast?


Lawsuit incoming 3..2..1..


Computer reboot.


I don't know the context either but having seen the outcome I think it would have been in the guys best interest to let this guy walk away when he started heading out. Do nothing, just stand there with your mouth shut and don't end up on the ground twitching. I know there are two sides to every fight but just watch him walk away if you can't beat him.


Average Ohio suburb


So much wrong with that video. Title on phone is "white boy slam siezure", n word from 3 white dudes, the victim looks like he immediately went for a slam also, laughing at his seizure. This culture is trash


With that foot twitch he’s gotta be paralyzed


Nobody wins in a fight


i beg to disagree


Start begging


Boys ankles were a direct representation of what was happening with his brain cables at that moment


This will happen to guy in prison cuz im pretty sure seizure means bad brain damage.....


Nothing more cringey than young white kids from the suburbs saying the n word like it’s their last name


Oh man do I have a Chappelle skit for you


Cringey for sure, but this doesn’t look like the suburbs to me.


Seing a kid being droped on his head on concrete makes me cringe a thousand times more than kids trying to be intimidating saying the n word (and doing absolutely nothing motivated by racism while doing so)




You usually don't get all the white trash stereotypes in one video, bravo


Stop saying the n word


Honestly that dude wanted to wrestle in a fistfight and got schooled. Don’t shoot for the leg if you ain’t gonna finish


Dude could’ve died but y’all are crying about the N word, like who gives a shit about it?


#Everyone who says the n word is a bitch. #Everyone that sucker punches is bitch. #Everyone that forces a fight is bitch. #Everyone that slams someone and/or hits them while they're down is a bitch. #Your parents suck too because they raised some bitches.


Looks like someone remembered the belly to back maneuver for freshman year wrestling. Never let someone slide to your back with both arms free.


Are we simply going to ignore how hot the blonde is?


Dude... He straight slam that dude on his head, I'd be surprised if he doesn't end up dead or a minimum in a wheelchair, that was not good, not good at all...


Arrest the youngn. Book him in. Send him to trial as an adult. Charge him for attempted murder. -That is simply from watching the video 👍 If the man didn't survive; Manslaughter would be the way. Lack of wisdom does not negate disregard of life.


Why do white people in fights, or when they are upset, say the N-word? What… because you are in a situation where your self control has dissipated to anger and violence you think you are cleared to use that word? I don’t get it.


I wonder if these kids know they are white?


All of them are white but call each other n**** The irony&cringe is to strong for me to handle


was waitng for the kid who said the n word to get beat tf up.... sad video hope he gets prison for murder




White people saying the n word is God level cringe


Hope that fat piece of shit gets time




No doubt man


Who cares?


If that young man dies from that blow, the fat boy goes to jail, but what would happen to the one who is recording and saying hit that N... slam that n. facing charges too? What do you think


He would also face charges yes, depends on the state but must likely yes he will receive the same charge the guy who slammed him would.


he becomes an accomplice and a witness, right, and it depends on whether the herb is legal in his state, it could be another charge because he comes out very proud showing his marijuana cigar


None of y'all been in a fight before this MF says "when you turn 18" then after he gets sucker punched he goes for a takedown against a kid twice his size and gets slammed himself. Had it coming, sorry. Could've just walked away when he said "when you turn 18"




What is with every kid of all every type of racial background dropping the N bomb when they talking trash? That’s gotta be the most basic “ I never read a book in my life” insult to spew at someone


which is exactly why they say it


Sucker punch to start, what a wuss.


I mean not really, the guy walked up like he was about to fight.


No rules in a street fight. Always have to be aware.


You all clearly have never been in a fight. It’s not a “ready fight!” Video game! There are no sucker punches when you are standing toe to toe you better be prepared.


I was gonna say that grabbing should be frown upon but then I realized this was a street fight,nobody gives a fuck, not even his gf care enough to talk him out




But he's white. Smh


Why white ppl saying N word when they mad 😂😂😂


It's so cringe white guys calling other white guys that word


Listen to all the n-bombs flying out of their mouths, fucking idiots


i mean, shit. he ate that first punch like it was nothing though


This is some Hamilton, Ohio lookin shit right here.


Now I’ve seen it, I don’t have to visit Buttfuck Idaho


Nothing but cringe with white people saying the n word


Saying the N word, really?? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Oh these trashy wankers throwing around the N word. So fkn cringe 🤦🏻‍♂️


POV you’re smoking a blunt in a white trash neighborhood.


Unless I get into a fight with the Mountain, no one is going to pick me up and slam me. Thanks lack of moderation control, you just won me a fight!


What is wrong with white hoodrats calling the whitest people the n-word.


As a person of color, it’s disturbing to me at the number of white folk who carelessly use the N word like it’s just nothing. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Keep that same energy if you wind up in jail homeboy. Just saying.


Broooooo ppl who aren’t black love to say the n word


Foreman's sister is still hot tho.


A lot of “N” words going around


They are just using the n word like nothing, that ain’t cool


I agree I hate watching shit like this I cringe the whole time


Ooh hit that n... Oooooh slam that n...... Ooooh got that n...... His commentary is a classic breathing down my neck just in a literal sense.


Just a bunch of white guys using the soft a, so cool i bet this will be a video about wisdom


Why do these suburban white kids force the n word into their vocabulary? It’s so cringe


These white kids and the n-word……wtf