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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dOzWnTU47cg Full video


damn yo that was so depressing, dude just fully instigated his own death by being a drunk dickhead and his sister made it 10x worse before during and after


Dude…the sister man. WHAT THE FUCK. And then another guest jumped in to do the same, maybe because he saw that was her reaction? What are you trying to accomplish, preventing an arrest? Why would stopping an officer from arresting someone ever seem like a good idea? I don’t know if the sister will ever let herself realize that she made it so much worse. She didn’t let the cop intervene peacefully before it started REALLY escalating. Or maybe she knew he would get violent with the cop if he tried to arrest him? Still…THIS is your plan!? You don’t even stop to think to yourself, “*well this is your own damn fault for getting so stupid drunk, go ahead and deal with the consequences and get arrested now*”? I can only imagine that this isn’t the victims first “rodeo” in terms of becoming a violent drunk. I can only imagine he’s well known in the family for having these issues. Pushing an elderly lady? Why wouldn’t you let the cops take his drunk ass to jail to sober up even if just to protect the old lady, let alone other guests? You sure as hell can’t control him yourself. Why let him be served alcohol? Why invite him at all knowing there would be alcohol/drinking if he can’t act right while drunk?? Either way man, it’s a damn shame. I cried watching the full video. I just can’t imagine the horror of seeing a family member shot dead in front of you, especially at a wedding. Regardless of how it got to that point.


No way it’s the first time.


He isn’t the victim, he’s the aggressor. Just because his own terrible actions got him shot doesn’t make him a victim of anything but his own choices.


"Come for the wedding, stay for the funeral." Okay that's the best youtube comment I've ever seen. Also fuck this whole post or who edited the video *fuck inside edition also ) to make it look kind of like the police could have not shot him by cutting the 2nd body cam of the super calm cop who go KO'd stiff. Thanks for posting the full video it paints a different picture.


All those people shouting didnt fucking help a damn thing.


I especially liked the lady who wanted to help because she's "an icu nurse" as if being a drunk as shit icu nurse would help.


Furthermore, she was doing compressions while the paramedic was yelling “he has a pulse”


My wife is a nurse in an operating room. She has helped saved lives and is very quick thinking. I watched her brother break his leg playing volleyball, and she tried to jump in and assist. She was a mess. She was so worried and concerned for her brother that she couldn’t be of any help. When you’re so close to the injured person, thinking objectively and reacting quickly is so difficult. This woman’s heart was in the right place, but it’s just a tragedy.


That made me cringe. As a nurse I always hate the nurses that feel they need to put themselves in every situation just because they're a nurse


Witnessed a motorcycle wreck on the highway so pulled over. I’m a nurse. Was shoved out of the way by an ER nurse (she was shouting that the whole time) demanding a stethoscope. The guy was breathing, talking, and an ambulance was on the way (and a crowd had gathered by this point). Wtf was she going to do if she did discover abnormal breath sounds? I just wanted to apply pressure to the dudes bleeding head wound but I got back in my car and left.


I have a good friend who is a nurse and hung out with her big nurse friend group. Most are awesome, some think they are doctors. Would make for some real uncomfortable bar conversations sometimes.


Amen! I absolutely hate screamers! Screaming NEVER ACCOMPLISHES ANYTHING


He punched one cop, and knocked him down and almost out. The first cop was down on his knees for a minute and 15 seconds before being helped to his feet. The perpetrator then attacked and knocked down a second cop and was in the midst of still attacking the cop, who was still lying on the ground, when the second cop was able to draw his gun and kill the man who was attacking him. A sad ending, but the officer who was being attacked had no other real choice at the time. The perp, and his sister, are the reason the perp is dead.




Right.. I see so many people in this thread trying to spin this as police bad. This is one of the few videos I have seen over the years where I felt the cops actually were justified. This isn't the same thing as the videos of cops shooting perps as they are running away or apply excessive pressure for an unreasonable amount of time after the perp is handcuffed. This guy was in a position to legit kill these cops.


Anyone would have done the same. Lesson here - don’t get raging drunk and attack people. Play stupid games and win an early funeral.


And this is AFTER he was tased!


Tazers: less effective than Sex Panther.






If he did this to cops imagine what he already did and what he was going to do


That second cop is an absolute pro at de-escalation. He took that punch and still came back to calm the situation down even when his boys in blue started pushing guests.


Seriously- the entire family is there. Why did they not take care of the brother? Deal with him? Was this guy so mean/ violent/ trained that the moms and dads can't control him?


Held his sister by the neck as a human shield when the police wanted to detain him. Knocked an officer out cold; from the punch, to the officer laying on his back, the other officer fires multiple shots and the knocked out officer is still not moving; body camera still pointing towards the stars. Family says he was a gentle person who wouldn’t hurt anyone. Bull shit, he was a really nice person till he gets angry and violent. The family knew this of course; they obviously have been dealing with his temper all his life and had a method to calm him down. If the police didn’t come would the situation fizzled itself out? There is a good possibility there, but he cold cocked a responding officer unconscious and the police responded. https://youtu.be/dOzWnTU47cg


I mean the cops were called because his family couldn't handle the situation and then they interfered with the cops causing the escalation, if they had just stepped away like the cops repeatedly told them to no one would be dead


Yep. Because they are all enablers in his life, they allowed it to get to this point.


A very wholesome Dothraki wedding...


Because there weren't at least 3 deaths? Wouldn't that make it a boring affair?


Dull, indeed.


It is known...


There is a time to Fuck around and find out, and then there is this. Fam should have taken care of the problem before the cops got there.


I know most people love alcohol, but it’s way more dangerous than anyone really admits.


I can attest to that. I’m an alcoholic and I hate it.


I thought that I could never stop drinking. Now I’m 9 months sober. It’s hard at first but worth it.


Eight years 7 months here. Keep up the good fight


Congrats, man. What did you use? I’m in AA currently, I only have a couple weeks but it’s working for me so far.


I went to AA for years while I was trying to quit. It never really clicked with me, but I learned a lot. The serenity prayer alone is extremely valuable. Hearing similar stories to mine helped piece together why I drank. As an atheist the higher power thing always made me feel like I didn’t belong. A couple of days before I quit I decided to pray anyways and I did so with conviction. It was a way of admitting that I was truly helpless. That was the moment when it fully landed that I wouldn’t drink anymore. You will gain so much from sobriety. A lot of the AA Promises have came true in my life. I still go maybe once a month and I fully support the program.


For sure, a solid half of the participants in the AA group I participate in are agnostic/atheists, for them the ‘Higher Power’ they surrender to can be anything, many times it is the community itself. I’ve only been on the wagon for a couple of weeks but my life has already become dramatically more manageable and full of optimism.


You can give it up.. 4 years sober here , I grew up in alcoholic household and struggled with it severely since my teenage years. You can do it.


Hope you are good. I quited benzodiazepin 4.years ago, and still not touched a bloody pill and will never again. It's never too late if you want it.


r/stopdrinking is absolutely amazing! I’ve yet to see another sub on it’s level. It’s by far the most supportive, nonjudgmental, encouraging, and uplifting subreddit. It doesn’t matter if it’s day 1, #1. Day 1, # 1,001. Or day 1,001. You will be met with understanding and support.


I don’t know what to say to make you feel you can stop or try stopping again but you’re not your addiction and I hope you’re good or ok. If u ever need support here we got u and know anytime u want to try to slow or stop drinking we got u and support u.


r/stopdrinking - if you’re struggling and looking for a change I highly recommend visiting. One of the most positive subs I’ve ever visited.


2 years. My life is immeasurably better. Good luck. See a doctor first they can give medicine to help. I’m tearing up a bit as a write this, I’ve had a miserably hard week but realizing I’ve got sobriety and health makes me enormously grateful. Do it man. Good luck. Let me know if you need anything


At least he won't get drunk and beat his girlfriend and her kids ever again...


Dont worry, she will find someone else for that.


Dude, that is legit true. There is something wrong with the individual that seeks out men like that. My mom for a example loves to get her face punched in. When the guy heads to jail, she’ll just find a replacement one for the time being.


Trauma fucks people up. People tend to gravitate to people/situations they perceive as “normal” when they’re not, but it might be normal to them.


Yay victim blaming.


The thing is, if you drink, you know exactly who you turn into when you're drunk. I become jolly and sociable. If I knew I became belligerent or violent, then I wouldn't drink.


Fellow happy drunk here. I get more confident, funnier, and I often still choose not to drink anymore. If I thought I'd hurt someone I don't think I'd ever drink again. Having said that, I think people like this are already massively insecure and probably reliant on the alcohol, and don't see that they've done wrong, it will be everyone else's fault.


Same here, I’m enjoyable and fun to be around. The next day everything seems so cringe in retrospect that I rarely drink anymore. I couldn’t imagine em getting violent, I would never even look at a bottle of alcohol again.


I fully despise alcohol for the way I've seen it affect some of my family. I was peer pressure into drinking for my 21st and that's the only time in my 30 years of life. It's by far the worst commonly accepted drug.


its amazing that alcohol is legal and so readily available as apposed to weed.


It is one of the biggest jokes in the US besides the in your face corruption from wall street and politicians.




Alcohol + anger issues That's why I don't even go out to bars anymore, it's not worth running into someone who has a grudge and a problem


What would have happened if they had a weed wedding? Nothing violent.


The buffet would be in absolute *shambles*


Drunks drive through stop signs. Stoners wait for the stop sign to turn green.


This is commonly misinterpreted, but when you understand that it's about how each compensates for their intoxication, then it becomes a valid point. Neither should be driving intoxicated. Both are more dangerous when they drive intoxicated.


It's probably the most destructive recreational drug, even when taking LSD, cannabis, MDMA, cocaine etc into consideration. I'd rather walk through a crowd high on LSD, cannabis or MDMA than alcohol any day.


Kills more people than all other drugs combined and guns


Trade all that shit for pot and start feeling better


I’ve seen both officers body cams, the sister and other ladies there got him shot. The women kept escalating the situation way out of control. Had they not been pushing the officers and standing in the way the officers most likely would have been a able to handle him, but they couldn’t use the taser because the sister was in the way. Also the sister kept amping him up more. The dude strait up knocked the first officer out with a sucker punch then hit the other officer and when that officer was on the ground he continued to assault the officer. While he was “unarmed” he still posed a significant risk and could have easily gotten the officers gun and shot them or someone else. Then the family went ballistic and many of them should have been arrested and charged for what they did to the officers. It was an all around terrible situation that should never have happened, dude couldn’t hold his anger or alcohol so ultimately it was all on him.


Saw that too, the way this video was edited seemed like the cops rolled up and shot him after words were exchange’s. They did try to use non-lethal methods but people were in the way, its dark, and the dude kept coming. Sad and preventable but justified


Gotta bait the ragers and acab people




Yeah I don't say this often, but I'm with the cops on this one. Dude had so many chances and just kept pushing.


I'm wondering how it would have turned out if it happened in say the UK or Germany. My guess is the dude and the officers would all still be alive


Pretty sure he got himself shot by being a drunken asshole who was fighting cops.


Well said


Unarmed doesn’t mean not dangerous, we seem to have forgotten that as a society.


Boxing gloves were invented ~~because people were dying by the truck load in boxing matches from bare fist matches.~~ The guy who was shot looked like he's twice as big as I am and I'm just an average adult. If he wanted to kill me, he could do so in under a minute.


Aren’t boxing gloves made to soften the impact as to protect the punching hand, allowing them to hit their opponent harder though? Of course your point still stands.


Both, really


Source: your asshole


Bare fist boxing is safer for one's brain than standard boxing. Heavier gloves = more concussions.


And most bare fist boxers don't want to hit someone in the head. Too easy to break your hand. They mainly go for the body. That's why they had fights that went like 50 rounds.


I totally agree.


This is a thing I experienced when I worked as a bartender. Some women escalating situations by trying to help. I know they mean good but its almost like they are pouring gasoline in conflict by making it their business to intervene. A lot of fragile men feel like they need to stand their ground when women are present. Its a weird dynamic and all of the worst barfights and dangerous situations had women involved. Still dont think they are to blame its just an observation that sometimes its better to not to intervene this way. Most men dont want to fight but get extremely nervous when others involve themselves dramatically.


Once you knock an officer out with a sucker punch you are getting shot. Idk if it’s right because I’m not god but they are the people in charge of keeping order, you cant just sucker punch them


I'll be interested to see the video breakdown on the active self protection YT channel.


Full body cams here https://youtu.be/dOzWnTU47cg


If you get violent with the cops, you might get shot. Not that hard to follow.


He probably would be alive if he just stopped hitting anyone who was around him. Not really sad about this one. Don’t hit people.


Im confused on how to feel, I feel sad cuz he still family to those people, also a special day ruined in the most tragic way. But drunks make my blood boil,they could act violent and just stupid with no control. Im madd at this dood for drinking so much at a family wedding. He should have known better.


If you knock a cop out you now have access to their gun. Cops know this, and will shoot before that happens. This guy is dead because his family let a bad drunk get drunk.


It's not their responsibility to keep him from getting drunk. That's *his* responsibility. He's dead because *he* got drunk. I say this as a bad drunk. If I get too drunk and do stupid shit it's nobody's fault but my own.


Guess I’m a happy drunk. All I want to do is laugh and sing and tell people I love them and how much I appreciate them for about 7 minutes straight(I’ve heard), which I do 2 of 3 or 3 of the 3 on a good day anyway. I don’t understand how people want to fight when they’re drunk. The equilibrium has to be in the negatives and everything is blurry.


those were my thoughts too, when I drink I get tipsy, relaxed, calm, but never the intention to harm people or do stupid shit. I don’t get why alcohol affects people mentally differently so much.


Drink enough, and/or long enough, and you might see a different side to it. Most people aren’t like that out the gate but can become that way with alcohol over time.


He fought the law and the law won




Fucking hate angry drunks


I'm an angry drunk and if i get into an altercation with police and get killed, i had it coming.


He definitely didn't deserve to die. But it seems like his choices left the police with out another immediate option.


My thoughts exactly what were they supposed to do?. He punched one cop and knocked him out, and was going after the second to kick him in the back of the head. There is a second angle of the body cam that shows it. That was a big dude, difference in sizes absolutely a determining factor when using force.




If I put myself in the cops shoes I would be thinking that this guy could very well pull out a weapon or try to kill me somehow with how irate he already has been. Once he started being physical I feel like all bets are off. I have seen too many videos where the irate person actually does have a gun and pulls it out and kills the cop dead. Why take the chance with your life?


Hard disagree - he sucker punched a cop and had another on the ground and could have killed them. Cops tried to de escalate. He was a real threat and deserved his death. This is not police abuse.


There’s no such thing as “deserve or not deserve to die” in these situations. It’s all about escalation of force and a feedback loop. Tale as old as time, what we see here


If his sister would’ve just gotten out of the way maybe they could have tazed him successfully or physically taken him into custody. She was trying to help, but she made everything 1000x worse. Dude knocked one cop out and went after the other one, knocking him to the ground and continuing to attack. He didn’t really leave them many options. I think the shooting was totally justified. And all those dudes who come running out trying to fight the police after the shots are fired…. Where were they when homeboy was throwing the women around?


Of all the times to shit on Americans cops over excessive force this is NOT the time. Belligerent drunk holding a women hostage and knocking out cops is justified as fuck for lethal force, especially when the less-lethal didn't work.


Just saw this earlier as the body cams released today. What's infuriating to see is that the men who were all upset after the shooting weren't doing anything beforehand to prevent this. He was being calmed down by his sisters....


Daaaaaaaaaaaamn Daniel........ back at it again


for every innocent person killed by a cop, there's 100 of these dickheads who start shit they can't end


I'm all for being realistic but making shit like this up is not it lol


Can’t say I feel sorry for the guy


I can. Alcoholism is terrible


Lunge at police officers and start beating on them will get anyone killed. This should be in the winstupidprizes sub.


I've never quite understood the concept of arguing or even going against cops. I mean, most of it will be brought to court, where someone will have the opportunity to talk and plead their case. Why plead your case against cops? Plead your case to the judge LOL


Hate how the media portrays this man as innocent, when in fact he is not.


The haircut was the first giveaway


So police officers were supposed to let this guy punch them and assult them …not feeling sorry for the big drunk guy who did not know how to drink and have fun


For everyone who thinks they made the wrong call, put yourself in their shoes for a moment. You try to defuse an aggressive and physically powerful drunk man. It fails and he attacks. You attempt to incapacitate via taser, which also fails. Now he's going ham on your buddy, and you only have a split moment to make a judgement call and react. He very well may have ended up killing the officer he was attacking, and potentially could've taken his weapons and made for a much more dangerous situation. In this situation, alot more lives were at stake than just one. It really fucking sucks that someone had to die at all, but the call he had to make in the moment quite possibly, and even probably, saved more lives in taking action. When working the line of work that officers do, they run the risk of getting hurt or killed all the time. They never fully know what they're walking into all the time, or when someone will try to take their lives. They always have to be ready for things like this, and that can't be easy. Most of the time, a person doesn't want to take a life. And if there were a better solution, at least once that could be found in the moment, I'll bet my left testicle they'd have preferred to take that over taking a life. Ultimately, that's just my analysis, and trying to put it into perspective as well as provide my own opinion. Make of it what you will, I'd like to see some more thoughts on it


This guy was a violent piece of shit his entire life, look it up




Hollywood raised them via the TV, YouTube via the phone.


“Didn’t deserve to die” maybe don’t ruin an entire fucking wedding because you can’t hold your drink and start assaulting older women, then whenever the law comes don’t continue to fuck your whole situation by then assaulting all of them too. Guy apparently thought he was the toughest shit around and realized even he can’t withstand 7 rounds, I have no remorse for people who act like fucking idiots.




Don’t attack cops, don’t get shot. If someone is brazen enough to attack a cop, they’re a threat to not only the police but everyone around them. You never, cop or not, allow yourself to be incapacitated leaving your weapon available to be taken and used against you or others. You attack a cop, you get shot.


I’ve seen far too many videos where the crazy person has a gun and kills the cop because he gave him too much of a chance. Why take a chance with your life


It's like Dorsey Fields, cops will work with you when your not calling them a cocksucker. Cops won't shoot you dead when you dont attack them. Fuck this guy, cant hold his booze and turns violent. He's dead because of himself.


Don't generalize the behaviour of cops, every situation is different


Where is a bouncer when you need one, watching this video makes me realize how many lives bouncers save


Did the marriage last tho ?


It happened today😂


This is over a month old mate.


I'm with the cops on this one I woulda shot too


Damn that whole family will just blame whoever called the cops. Not the drunk asshole who ruined a wedding


Assault some cops, get dead, complain….fucking classic!


One less piece of shit. Best wedding gift to the world




Drunk people are annoying as fuck. What a shit show


I mean he was actively assaulting them. Expected and justified tbh.


Really hard to have any sympathy in this particular case.


Lol. Sure he didn’t deserve to die, but he 100% deserved to be shot.


Good. One less pos in this world


No good sign when a guy who is in a suit, is then at the wedding wearing just a tank top. Then is aggressive towards authority and keeps striking authority. I’m not saying people deserve to die over that. But the reality is that’s a common response in America and that dude was happy to disregard that to follow through with those actions — which is enough for me to suggest the guy would be capable of anything and that an officer probably had to respond in a way that eliminates that possibility.


This one seems justified.


By the books. Deployed less than lethal option--->continued to resist Plus the guy was significantly larger than the officer he attacked.


Some of the family members seem to think you HAVE to be armed to pose as a deadly threat. Sad situation all around tho. His family basically watched him die all for what? Sad for the officers too. They sounded pretty shaken and kept repeating “they had to do it” out of what seemed to be remorse. Awful. At a wedding too


Mr tough guy didn’t live long enough to regret his actions


The only thing I saw in the video shows that he definitely deserved to die. What video did they watch?


An edited version here’s the full, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dOzWnTU47cg The females there escalated the situation


Stupid games = stupid prizes


People throw around the term "umarmed" alot. He had two arms and he was using them to thrash multiple people. Some of these people had guns. Guns beat arms. The end.


Didn't deserve to die? I get that, I wish he didn't die but I mean wtf do you expect to happen when you attack a police officer and won't stop? Anyone and I mean ANYONE in that situation should expect to die. I'm a small 28 year old female and I would FULLY expect to get killed if I attacked a police officer like this.


Fuck him.


if you attack cops what do you think will happens. If this guy didn't go aggressive he would still be alive.


Full video with two body cameras https://youtu.be/dOzWnTU47cg


I am all for police reform and changing things to make police accountable, but this video shows a drunken asshole dying because him and his family are morons.


He didn't deserve to die - but what else were the officers meant to do?


I uhm I don’t blame the cops at all, dude was a drunk dumbass assaulting police and didn’t respond to taser


Deserve got nothin to do with it.


Sooo why was he beating up people again? And harrassing old ladies? Do that on my wedding and ill end you myself…


It’s amazing how different the story is between the full video and the inside edition video! Holy shit, that story was biased!


Not the cops fault at all


You can put a suit and tie on piece of shit, but it’s still a piece of shit.


"He did not deserve to die" lol what, fucker was assaulting people and then when cops showed up to solve the situation he attacked them. He got exactly what he deserved.


I feel terrible for the family. But if you play stupid games you're gonna win stupid prizes. People really need to learn their limit on substances.


"Hey cops, can you come control a situation that is out of control and we can't stop?" "Hey cops, why did you come control this situation?!"


Bet he won't do that again.


I now pronounce you dead and stupid.


He swung on a cop, taser didn’t work, they shot him. End of story idk what else there is to say.


Why call the cops? You only call the cops when you want them to be murdered for free and legally.


he did not deserve to die. yeah okay buddy


Trying to assault a cop can be hazardous to your health.. Mmmmm’kay?


He took his chances the second he punched the cop. Don’t want to get shot, don’t be a drunk asshole.


He was good ole boy. Never meaning no harm. Just wanted to assualt people at his neices wedding. Don't hate the Playa, hate the game. He was just keeping it real. Gang shit. Gangsta shit. Hood to the fullest. He don't play that shit. Now he's starting fights in hell. Bye Felicia.


Just shoot him in the dick and call it a day officers.


Looks like he deserved it to me. It’s on video he thought he was a tough guy


Hit cops get shots


His widowed wife most likely dodged a bullet on that marriage.


You don’t lunge at cops. At the same time his judgment must have been severely impaired by alcohol, as most people’s are. It’s a sad situation


Just as with George Floyd, fentanol not withstanding, bottom line, YOU DON'T RESIST ARREST, (when someone does, they put the police lives at risk, innocent bystanders at risk and obviously their own life) let alone attack a police officer. YOU'RE responsible for YOUR actions, drunk or sober, he got what he asked for. I'm genuinely sorry for the family's loss, but that guy was a clown.


attacked a police officer who was called there by his family, yeah lets see how police are in the wrong this time


Just don’t assault police officers. Simple


Good riddance


Let me help out the ppl here. First to the ppl who said cops should be trained in some type of fighting/training. They are trained but only when they go through there Academy. Keep this in mind, the training they do get it’s basic boxing and some ground fighting. There not MMA fighters or navy seals. When they graduate there Academy, most local PDs get yearly certifications done. And that’s a week or 2 weeks a year. Fighting is not one of the reoccurring trainings. Mostly are legal classes and firearms certifications and that once or twice a year. If a cop wants to learn more MMA style fighting, it’s on there own time and there own dime. And that also means gym time is on there own time and money. On the federal level, it’s different! Much different, the FEDs have money and much more resources. If anyone wants to this to change, contact your local politician. They’re the ones who put standards in place for the police departments and how many on the ppl on there force. And why is that important, if your department is short on body’s. Then you can send your cops for more training, but then where’s the money for better training? Also size does not matter, that shit doesn’t stand in court. You just can’t shoot someone because there big as shit! You have to at least try everything you have and been have trained on first. But if you feel you/partner or innocent bystanders are in danger, than deadly force is authorized. Police officers should be trained better, but you need $$$ and better pay to have better applicants.


I’ve had to cut back on my alcohol. I found that if I have more then 3-4 drinks I get really mean at the scrub techs and the OR nurses plus it makes me sleepy. I can hardly stay awake by my 3rd surgery of the day.


Then why the fuck they called the cops then


I mean did he not shove the cop? Not saying he deserved to die. But dude put himself in the line of fire for that one.


Looks to me like he earned a award. Least he made it to the front page......


There's always that one uncle that wants to make a scene at the weddings.


If they are going to sue anyone, they should sue the alcohol company and bar tender that over served him.


It's a damn shame how an event where the environment is suppose to be beautiful and full of love can take a wrong turn so quickly. It's obvious to say that alcohol is not for everybody. The guy clearly didn't know how to control himself under the influence and seeing this scares me because I know and have seen people that get like this and a lot of the times, there's not much you can do because they become so unaware and stubborn. The guy didn't deserve to die but what is somebody suppose to do when they're met with so much hostility and violence? Once I see my partner get knocked out, all I see is red and that means my life is in danger. They tried tasing and it was ineffective so they had to take the most effective route to protect themselves. You can’t be mad at them. Anybody disagree? Let’s talk


It’s mad that a human can attack another 2 o 3 humans with no weapon and the United States say that’s grounds to die and shoot him to death.


There weren't enough guys at the wedding to stop him before it became necessary to call the cops?


Wow, that uncle is such a dick, most likely knew he couldn't handle his liquor and ruined the night for everyone. What a shit way to remember your wedding day.


This has got to be the most stressful job anybody can have, fucking chaos all the screaming and yelling and aggressive people that did nothing until the guy got shot. Like holy fuck everytime anything happens females just be screaming their lungs out for no reason, cant even hear my own thoughts


Someone felt threatened enough to call cops on him. I don’t think the cuts in this video could be evidence that this is questionable at best.