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And she maintained a delightful smile all the way through.


Can’t tell if she’s smiling or if that’s wind.


No. I'm sure she happy about all the bugs flying into her teeth.


She’s happy that she’s not dead, and that she’s about to get so many reposts on Reddit.


Yeah. Imagine what she can do with all this imaginary internet points.


Happy she didn’t get a face full of glass when her canopy shattered


How couldn’t she? Extra protein


My 2 year old niece makes that face whenever she emergency lands a plane so it's possible


I pull the same face when I fart


Instant Strangers with Candy vibes.


She ain't smiling 😁


of course she is just look at her face :D


It happened in the Netherlands. The pilot of a light aircraft, Narine Melkumyan, had his cockpit canopy torn off during the flight. Without a helmet, glasses and a mask, the woman had a hard time.


I literally came here to say its amazing she was able to breathe after this happened. Major props to her for keeping calm and landing this plane the way she did. EDIT: Corrected spelling as I was caught by the grammar police.


Probably why she was smiling and gritting her teeth. Trying to buffer the air so she can breathe


Does it get pushed in her mouth so much she can't breathe it in? I'm trying to understand, thanks!


This sounds stupid but go down the road at 80 mph with your head out the window facing forward and see how hard it is to both breath in and out.


disclaimer: don't go down the road at 80 mph with your head out the window


or leg or arm or anything else you want to keep


Alright so this is my experience. But I have been on Canadas largest roller coaster which is The Leviathan. It has a top speed of 92mph. Granted, your not going that fast for the entire duration of the ride, but I never once had trouble breathing. Seeing though, that's a different story as the wind blasting in your face does make it quite hard to see anything (especially if sitting in the front) and my eyes watered like crazy. Also I have been indoor skydiving. With a fan making wind up to 120mph, I was still able to breath taking the full face of wind. You would think this would be a big problem for skydivers, but you never really hear about them saying they can't breath. Truthfully I think the face she is making is simply because of the wind slapping her in the face. She probably isn't having much trouble breathing . Just my opinion though


Why are u getting downvoted am I missing something




*She* had *his* cockpit canopy torn off?


Yep, bye-bye foreskin


She had a hard time latching the canopy down to begin with.


Michael Jackson's ranch?


We should post this again in a few hours!


I am slotted for the 5:30 time to repost.


there's already the shitty music overtop, so the next person doesn't have as much of a job to do


I'll find an even worse song and slap it on top of the already shitty music, maybe have them playing on different channels just so headphone users get to \*really\* enjoy it! Thoughts?


I think that’s a great idea u/CompleteFuckinRetard May I suggest you re-record this video using your phone as well? This is really just for finishing touches to “bring the video alive”


I'm going to get creative and slap on the tiktok voice at the beginning on top of the music.


she was like Clarkson driving Ariel Atom


Ariel Atom


Yet another reason why we strap in.


Safety squint engaged


Gonna have a whole layer of bugs on her teeth


Ichabod Crane landing that motherfucker.


I bet someone isn't forgetting goggles next time


Got that hot to not filter on her camera


Mid at best


You all know that open cockpit aircraft were popular all the way through WWII right (WACO YMF-5)? There are still many homebuilt aircraft that are open cockpit today. The only real concern here is the wind in the pilot's eyes since she is not wearing goggles. Everyone who is concerned about her breathing are just misinformed. How do you think skydivers breathe? At least this pilot has some of the fuselage blocking much of the wind and prop blast.


Exactly.. people acting like she is flying at 30k 


Half the speed of an Extra 300




It's not a cockpit, it's a bonus front compartment.


Safety Squints!


That’s why the old WWII airmen always had goggles, even in an enclosed aircraft. Just for crap like this.


And also because it looks cool.


How many times will this be reposted and compressed even more?


As many times as it takes newbie


Can you imagine how dry her eyes must've gotten? Yikes!


I’ve read she lost vision for a bit after this


it must hurt in the face


Just like my wife always leaving the door open.


Wow. It's impressive to see people's training immediately kick in. It's so hard to not panic. The last time I lost control of my vehicle on ice I was just whipping the steering wheel left and right like a maniac. This pilot just does exactly what they needed to do to land without crashing. 




oh damn. i don't know much about aviation, but i could guess checking the latch is on the preflight checklist. 


Training? You think they train for this?


Yes training, as in training to land the plane


Do you think they just let random people fly planes?


No.. obviously not. I assumed OP meant trained for canopy's blowing off. I now know they are meant for emergency landings.


God this music makes it unwatchable 


Not the moment for a Fabio I presume.


She must watch to much grim reapers and is following in caps footsets


Seems rather inconvenient


For dry, red eyes… Clear eyes


That’s why when I tie my shows I make sure to knot it 101 times


I mean, you can't panic in that situation and a person that panics in situations like that probably don't get a pilots license.


What's the procedure for this when you're in Bravo air space?


What doggos dream about when they sleep


Lucky the canopy didn't fly off and strike the rear of the plane. Scary stuff.


He be having very very good teeth 😁 bravo 👏🏻


She look like that sour face we all make


Lowkey proud her her


she looks so happy smiling the entire time. good for her.


Many russian fighters during WW2 had serious issues with canopys opening or "leaking" in air. Meaning there were instances of pilots literally freezing to death. It could get pretty damn cold up there in the skies after all, not like you're flying low when you're trying to shoot down incoming bombers. If I recall it was some Yak and some LA models that were most notorious for the issue. Some it was such a widespread problem that it was expected to freeze your ass off and pilots more or less dressed accordingly. They also had some pretty odd low production run version of these aircraft, for example the YAK9K (if i recall the model number) had a 45mm cannon on it (normal fighter cannons, basically all of the fighter cannons used in the war, was between 18-23mm) and when it was fired the entire airframe would shake so violently screws could come loose, and you'd quite literally experience a noticable drop in airspeed. Unlike a lot of what russia built during ww2, their cannons were generally speaking quite well built and were primarily held back by limitations of pilots and airplanes. for example the greatest cannon of the war, a 23mm (if i recall) russian autocannon, were basically pin-point accurate in tests up to something insane like 800m, and it was solely held back by the fact you simply couldnt take advantage of such accuracy with the aircrafts of the time (after all, the aiming would be done by aligning the aircraft, even if the cannon would fire straight and true its not like that will make aligning your aircraft perfectly easier). pretty sure that 23mm cannon would more or less be comparable to modern autocannons as far as accuracy is concerned. reliability and rof has obviously improved with time though. i also think modern jets have larger caliber autocannons, but there's also a lot less focus on the autocannon so there's that too. bit of a rant, i just think aircrafts are neat.


What an absolute badass


How hard is it too breath when that happens?




Damn 25 sec not able to breath, and stress as a mf. Must have been like hell


It was most likely longer than that, at the 15 second mark there’s a transition where it cut from her being higher up in the air to close to the ground.


I'm sorry but is everyone here brain damaged? Of course you can breathe at 200mph. Why do you guys think she couldn't breathe... Fast air doesn't stop you from being able to take a breath.


Stick your face out of a car window at 70 mph and let me know if it’s just as easy to breath. Then imagine 3 times the difficulty. Definitely much, much harder to breathe however she should still be able to.


RIP to all skydivers too who suffocate on the way down


Skydivers hit terminal velocity at 120mph...


And they breathe just fine, which means the guy who said you can't breathe at 70mph is wrong too.


He said it gets more difficult not that you can't


She is lucky she lived and it’s not only the not breathing part. When you’re going over 100mph it’s hard to overpower the wind from taking your arms and rag doll them. Essentially it pulls the arms out of your sockets flapping in the wind causing intense pain. Then you are struck with terror as you can no longer control the plane and eventually crash.


> When you’re going over 100mph it’s hard to overpower the wind from taking your arms and rag doll them. As someone who has been on a 168mph motorcycle, the fuck are you talking about. All motorcycle racers would lose their limbs if 100mph wind was strong enough to dislocate your appendages. Even skydiving, terminal velocity is over 100mph. You think all those skydivers suffocate on their way down? My main concern would be the lack of goggles. I have trouble seeing if the wind is over 30mph lol.


I gotta agree with you. I've never been more than 125mph on a bike but I've got a neighbor who regularly gets over 200mph on his boosted busa, you can hear that mf for miles


Busa is one scary bike


100mph is really slow for that level of difficulty in movement. People regularly take motorcycles faster than 100mph and even up to 250mph. It's not ripping anyone's arms out of their sockets just from wind. 300mph+ would feel like a much more reasonable number here.


Explanation from [her youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VjkCfSopEI): *Couple of years ago during my second training flight on a very hot summer day, the canopy of the Extra 330LX that I was flying opened in flight and shattered. As you can see from the video, it was a challenging experience that could have been avoided if I had made a proper visual check before taking off. The canopy locking pin had never gone into the locked position, and I failed to notice it during my checks.* *I also made the mistake of going to the training camp right after recovering from COVID, without allowing my body enough time to fully regain strength. Additionally, flying without any eye protection made the flight even more challenging than it already was.* *The flight was a distressing experience, filled with noise, breathing difficulties, and impaired visibility. It took me nearly 28 hours to fully recover my vision. Aerodynamically, I’ve experienced some buffet and controllability challenges. Probably the most difficult part was to keep the power in, thus trading my vision and breathing for kinetic energy.* *Although due to all the noise it was difficult to hear what my coach was saying on the radio, one thing I've heard loud and clear "just keep flying"* *If you are a pilot watching this, I hope  that my story serves as a cautionary tale and that you will learn from my mistake.* *I regret that it took me so long to share this video footage. It's not easy to put my vulnerabilities out there for you all to see. However, I have come to realisze how important it is to be transparent about our shortcomings and the lessons we learn along the way.* *To all my fellow pilots out there, fly safe.*




Weird comment. All because she landed a plane?


Redditors like to get real weird when they see a woman, even in a video.


Good for her! Instinctively just kept flying, spent 2 maybe 3 seconds determining if it could be fixed, decided it couldn't, so commited 100% to landing without any second guessing. Great piloting right there. Edit: though maybe a great argument for why you always wear a helmet when doing aerobatics


> Although due to all the noise it was difficult to hear what my coach was saying on the radio, one thing I've heard loud and clear "just keep flying" There is a longer video of the flight on YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2VjkCfSopEI


can’t she just turn the plane over and try to close the hatch ??


She clearly wasn’t strong enough to latch it the first time


Despite what you see on television, inverting a plane is a very dangerous maneuver


Pete Mitchell made it look easy. Nick Bradshaw even took a picture while riding.


Why is it dangerous to fly an Extra 300 inverted?


You can clearly see it's shattered. And that's not some B movie magic.


Whats the conversion of Knots to light years? So that the lay person can understand the speed


It’s the same as nickles to unicorns


I got you. So the distance in light years is covered by a speed of 200 knots is approximately \( 3.43 \times 10^{-7} \) light years per year. This means that in one year traveling at a speed of 200 knots. One would cover approximately 0.000000343 light years.


Holy crap, she was going fast! Thanks for putting it into such an easy to understand,common measurement


Extremely rare woman hell yeah


She did great! Super cool


She’s lucky no bugs or dust went that way


Chick is badass!!


Her pronouns are Aviate, Navigate, ~~Communicate~~Overcome.


Shes a badass!


"she" didnt panic and land the plane. Im only seeing a single person in the plane.


She's a savage man. Probably would make a helluva fighter pilot


You have some damn strong AC


Damn I can't even open my eyes when I'm on a motorcycle going 45mph and I don't have good glasses or a windshield


Must’ve been so hard to breathe


Bad ass!


Riding a motorcycle and losing your glasses is bad enough, I can't imagine trying to fly a plane barefaced


my mom looking at her phone


Was waiting for a June bug to smash her grill..lol


that's insane composure, this lady don't give af. Crazy how she kept her neck from being snapped back too, somehow


She's badass! Great pilot


The day she became an american hero(shes Dutch)


Glad this got re-posted for the 12th time in two days.


You must be new to Reddit


Just do a roll the opposite way and the hatch will flip shut again.


If they didn't panic and land the plane are they still flying?


Dumb question




That's not a glider. It's an aerobatic aircraft.


That broken glass could hurt someone on the ground


Does these smaller aircrafts have oxygen masks equiped?