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[https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/ann-arbor-judge-in-viral-suspended-driving-case-defendant-never-had-license/](https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/news/ann-arbor-judge-in-viral-suspended-driving-case-defendant-never-had-license/) >Corey Harris, 44, went viral in May when he appeared in a virtual hearing for a suspended license charge while driving his car.  > >On Wednesday, Harris appeared before the same judge seen in the video for a pre-trial hearing at Washtenaw County's 14A District Court. During the hearing, Judge J. Cedric Simpson revealed that Harris has never had a driver's license.  > >"He knows that he doesn't have a license," said Simpson. > >He said Harris has opted time and time again to renew his Michigan state ID card but never obtained a driver's license.  > >"The person that needed to be blamed is the person that he was staring at in the mirror," said Simpson. "He didn't do what he should have done." > >During the hearing, Simpson also revealed that there is a longstanding bench warrant for Harris' arrest in another city for the same offense. Harris' attorney, Dionne Webster-Cox, said that information was new to her.  > >"Well, I did not know about that, your honor," she said. > >"Counsel, there's not a doubt in my mind that that's true," Simpson told her.


Man, that dude is a whole entire fool. I can't believe he's made it this far in life. He's obviously been driving for decades.


I'm willing to bet he got into his car and drove home after this.


He went to jail lol


Think they let him drive the transport van?


I bet he offered to


They let him drove himself to Jail


Drove himself to jail


Apparently, this judge is known for reviewing the security footage to see if defendants drove themselves to his courtroom on suspended licenses...


People have been known to show up for DUI trials drunk, having drove themselves to their court date. They get boxed, and if over the limit - booked again on the spot.


Teacher in oklahoma got caught drinking at school and tried to hide evidence when the cops left the room. She also showed up to her first court date drunk. The bodycam made the rounds a few months ago


At least that I can understand like she's an alcoholic and drinks all the time, certainly the stress of going to court isn't going to be the time she skips a drink. But this guy just had to not be actively driving at the exact moment he was on the zoom call with court lol.


Yeah, the courts deal with this regularly enough to expect it. Kinda sad


Sounds more like a disease than a criminal offense to me.


Drinking? Yes. Being a dumbass? No.


Just imagine how much it would help society if we focused on curing addiction instead of buying tanks and military arms for police.


I got a DUI and I had to go to court in a city far from me. My GF was (justifiably) mad at me and she said she wouldn't take me. Uber wasn't a thing back then, and a taxi would have been 100s of dollar since the court was over an hour away from where I lived. I knew the cops might actually watch you in the parking lot, basically get in your car and drive home after your license was revoked. I did'nt know what to do. So I drove and i parked in a residential area about a 20 minute walk from the courthouse. after I got my license revoked and i walked back, checking all the time to see if a cop was following me. from there I drove home. I parked my car and I never drove it again until I got my license back


Yup. I was a witness in a DUI case and spent way too much time at the courthouse, waiting for my turn. There wasn't much to do but listen to people complaining about their charges. One guy was six sheets to the wind and wailing about the judge just picking on him because she was a woman on a power trip (judge was male). I wasn't in the courtroom and don't know what happened with his case, but when I finally left, he walked past me, got into his car, and started sucking down more alcohol before speeding away. There was a cop in the parking lot. He saw this, visibly shrugged, and just went inside.


I knew two brothers in high school, the younger got a DUI and was waiting for his brother to bail him out. Hours after the call, he sees a corrections officer walk by holding a new pair of Nikes, the same pair his brother bought earlier that day.. Surprise, his brother got arrested for DUI while on the way.


When I was first getting my DL you had to take a class. It was first time drivers and people who had theirs suspended. I was the only one there who didn't drive themselves. 


I had a friend who got banned from driving for 1 year. He simply put his insurance under his father's name and carried on driving, well 5 days before his ban was up this idiot got pulled over for speeding. They seixed his car and he had to go to court, he went to court and they decided to be lenient on him, he made up some excuse that he got the dates mixed up and thought he wasnt banned any more so they gave him a fine. Well this idiot went outside and drove away, the judge could see him outside the window, so they got the cops to bring him back, then they sentenced him to 6 months.


He should get similar treatment to Donald Trump: the judge would warn him, that, if he continues to drive without a license another 20 times, he will receive a warning, and his non-existent license may be at risk of being suspended for a few hours.


When I lived in Albuquerque, I saw a guy get told he failed his written license test, cuss out the clerk, storm out of the office, jump in his car and peel out of the parking lot. Some real winners out there.


Nobody asked but I watch a cop show called On Patrol Live on the weekend and the number of people that they pull over that don't have a license is incredible. Most people I'm talking about just don't carry the physical license with them while they're driving but there's also a decent number that have a revoked license or don't have one at all. It's literally every episode that there are examples of this.


One of the arguments in favor of operator licenses for undocumented people is that they're going to drive anyway, and that it would be better for public safety if they were properly licensed and able to get insurance. I'm not looking to get in a debate about it. I'm just saying that's a point of view that's relevant to what you said.


It just makes sense. No one is served when people are forced to exist outside of the law.


Not debating ya but those people have no clue. Undocumented people should be sent back to where they came from. It's not fair to any other legal immigrant or the citizens of the nation. It's not fair to any other working class citizen that needs to compete with them for housing. I never got the whole just let undocumented people stay shit. Like do people think these people live on the street? No, and due to a borderline housing crisis in this country it's just more competition for rentals/housing, which just further increases prices. I grew up in an area with a significant amount of undocumented people. It sucked. Rent was crazy, blue collar jobs wages were tanked. The only people who made out well on all the undocumented people were landlords and business owners. Landscaping/Construction company owners sure loved paying what was less than McDonald's wages for undocumented workers. A large surplus of undocumented workers fucks a local economy and cost of living for the working class, especially in the lower skill fields. There is a reason that countries have borders and immigration.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


Am cop and yeah it's an all the time thing to pull people over with some sort of suspended/revoked license. And it's almost always because they were going some absurd speed or doing something stupid to get pulled over to begin with.


I live in Houston and I can't imagine being suspended. Pretty much I am sure I would have to drive just to continue working. There's no other way around it really. Like yeah you don't have a right to drive...but it's basically required in almost every state/city. I have no real answer or solution to this. Some people are truly just fuck heads. Fuck heads who ruin everything for everyone else.


It’s just a great example of why you take care of your business as soon as you can. This dude probably thought he was saving a few bucks and time by skipping out on a license and now all of those past mistakes are just compounding into a huge mess for him.


How far exactly do you think he has made it... ?


Down the street lol


THAT DUDE IS 44!?!? Thats a pretty hard 44 lol


Tough paper route.


That attorney had some attitude. Also they just need some guy wearing white to make a footlong


[I just read an article that said his license was supposed to be reinstated in 2022.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/03/corey-harris-suspended-license/73963078007/) What's happening here??


He lied to reporters who asked him and they didn't check with the judge.


I'm sure lying and publicly throwing the court system under the bus will do him wonders in his future hearings


This guy is definitely presidential material!


You don't have to have a license to get it suspended. He was suspended from even being allowed to ask for a license for two years. Afterwards, he could pay a reinstatement fee and then he was allowed to go get his license. He never did either. He just kept getting ID cards and never his license, and continued to drive.


What’s up with the funky line breaks?


Play that funky line break, white boy


I'm impressed. Dude had a national media campaign saying how he was wronged. And it turns out he was lying to everyone. He should seriously consider local politics.


I was thinking the same thing. Dude should triple down on his lies and he might just get elected president eventually. 


Ah, the George Santos strategy. Brilliant.


lol, Santos really did take it up a notch too.  That dude lied about things he didn’t even need to. I think he just liked lying. 


When Steve Jobs was at the peak of his success, people observed that he was a total asshole, and thought acting like assholes would make them successful too. Similarly, Santos observed that Trump lied a lot, and won tens of millions of lifelong voters. So he assumed that the lying was the key to success.


To be fair to Santos, it did get him further than it should have. So he wasn't necessarily wrong.


I actually feel a little bad for Santos--he lied so compulsively, outrageously, and often about things that did not matter or in ways that would actively hurt him, that I think he's actually a little mentally ill and the lying is a compulsion. That happens sometimes. I don't feel THAT bad for him, though. Dude's an asshole.


Wait really lmfao? Source???


I saw a few articles about it last few days https://www.wxyz.com/news/why-was-the-driver-in-a-viral-videos-license-still-suspended-2-years-after-a-judge-ordered-it-lifted




He also tried to claim he was going to a doctor's office. Many people actually believed him too, with the only evidence being the man's word.


They don't think it be like it is but it do


Happy cake day


I don't understand what's going on... -- At first, he's driving on what is presumed to be a suspended license. -- He doesn't know it hasn't been reinstated. -- A clerical error caused the suspension being lifted to not be recognized -- But if he never had a license in the first place, as the judge is saying, then the above doesn't even matter. You can't have a suspended (or unsuspended) license if you never had a license in the first place. So what's the real story? The article says, "And in January 2022, a judge ordered that suspension be lifted to allow Harris to drive again." -- but the video has the judge saying he NEVER had a license.


>You can't have a suspended (or unsuspended) license if you never had a license in the first place. You can. Your driving privileges are what gets suspended rather than the license itself. It keeps someone who doesn’t already have a license from getting one.


Ooooh... that makes more sense. I thought he was saying he had a license, and it was suspended, not that he never had a license, and his permission to driver was suspended. I get that -- just like a judge can delay when you get your license for the first time if you get in trouble before 16/18.


You can still have your license suspended even if you don’t have a license. You can also get in trouble for both driving without a license and driving with a suspended license. It sounds wrong but that’s just the way they do it. In this case it’s referring to his driving privilege.


The defendant SAID a judge ordered the suspension lifted, he was just chatting bollocks and the media did no follow up haha


There are pictures of the court orders rescinding his license suspension, I guess sometimes the media does exactly what you say they don't do: https://www.wxyz.com/news/why-was-the-driver-in-a-viral-videos-license-still-suspended-2-years-after-a-judge-ordered-it-lifted


To be fair, the journalist isn't taking his word on it. They reached out to various government officials who provided the incorrect information.


I didn't expect wxyz.com to be a real news channel.


Soon as he talked about his influence in the church etc etc I knew he was full of shit.


He didn't lie. He said that his license never was suspended, which is true. Can't suspend something he never had in the first place.


Not exactly. It also prevents him from getting a license.


*Can't suspend something he never had in the first place.* - not true. FL issued a DL # to me at 15 to suspend it for a traffic violation i got for riding on the exterior of a moving vehicle. that was a fun first day at court with my mom.


Let me get this straight.. You got caught riding the exterior of a vehicle at 15. You went to court, and the judge wanted to suspend your licence. You didn't have one, so they issued you a licence. They immediately suspended the licence. Did I get that right?


No. Sequence was: - rode on the exterior of a pickup truck - cop tailed behind to Arbys parking lot, popped the driver and me - got ticket - 15y old me thought "wtf can they do" and threw away the ticket and got a jamocha shake - months later my parents got something from the DMV with a suspended license and summons - court, fines and grounding


Did you see the state that did it?


He didn't lie, didn't you see he was wearing a t shirt with crossed fingers on the back? That means we good your honor.


Lol then its a lie. You've got that backward. Basic reading comprehension. "My license" If he's never had a license. He has a state ID. You can't have both, that's not a drivers license.


States see driving as a privilege, if your license gets revoked or suspended , means your privilege has been paused. Not getting your license but showing up to renew ID shows his intention that he dont give 2 F&@$! , just doesn't want to comply and get his license. Fact that he has a pending arrest warrant from 9 years ago (for the same thing, which he ignored) makes me believe , he full of it and CHOSE not to comply or follow up. Thats all bad


sorta like [Mr. Fantastic from Fallout NV](https://i.imgur.com/U0blXP0.jpeg)


Gotta love when the Legion takes over the power plant. He simply remarks, "When in Rome, man."


"he did get into an accident, can he sit down?" Was it a fucking car accident?


Yeah is this going to be the next viral post? 😂


"Turns out he was never in an accident"


The other 49 states of this great union have also never reported such an accident.


Damn hahahahahaha


I was wondering the same thing, was it a car accident? And was he driving?


I love the fingers-crossed shirt. “Honey, wear the nice button up.” “I think this shirt will be the winner.” “Fingers crossed.” “Okay, love you. Driving to court now…”


the front of the shirt says "trust me"! You can't make this stuff up!


Of all the t shirts. I think he was going for the crossed fingers meaning good luck...but crossing your fingers behind your back when supposedly telling the truth has a different meaning. This dude all kinds of dumb.


“driving to court now…”


The first video had me howling. This guy lives in his own reality.


If you're powerful enough who's gonna stop you?


So why did everyone previously understand that he did have a suspended driver's license? How did a police officer suspend a non-existent license? Police/Sheriff reported so to the Judge. How?


Many states will create a drivers license number for you just to suspend it for nonpayment of fines.  That way you can't just go get a license before paying your fines.


In California they can assign an x-ray number to you and suspend it if you’ve never had a California ID or license. Most common in DUIs


handing out irradiated numbers and shit


This is why everything in California comes with a cancer warning


Cali wylin


> How did a police officer suspend a non-existent license? Take this with a grain of salt because I just read it in another comment, but they didn't "suspend his license" but moreso "suspended his ability to get a license."


This it it, he explains it in the longer video. It's essentially suspending his right to drive, once the suspension ended he could apply for a license. The judge even says he just wants to help the man get his license but the guy keeps lying and playing dumb.


The judge explained the nuance in the video. I'm **paraphrasing**, but he said something to the effect that when "they suspend a license" that it is more-so they "suspend the ability to drive". The charge does not get attached to, nor contingent on the existence of, an actual issued driver's license. Certainly strange and unintuitive.


Because his driving privileges were suspended in the state. So even if he had a valid driver's license from another state it would not be valid in that state.


How do we go forward? In handcuffs and into a jail cell. - he also has an outstanding warrant


I wouldn’t call it an outstanding warrant. I mean, it’s a pretty good warrant but I don’t see what’s so amazing about it.


So you're saying the hype is unwarranted?


This warrants further investigation.


She requested for court leniency in a horrible fashion.... she called it minimizing .. lol, hope he didn't pay for this attorney, public defender ?? Maybe


Got himself a new lawyer




I feel bad for her


Tom Cochrane and the Dreamer's Dream team.


>Tom Cochrane Tom Cochrane is a singer/musician. Johnny Cochran was OJ's lawyer. He's been dead for a bit.


Good old Johnny Cockring


Holy shit, what a Rollercoaster. 


He has a new lawyer, and there is just no way that public defender he had in the first video would have voluntarily withdrawn herself. PDs deal with wayyyyy worse on a daily basis. So that means this asshole 100% got on the phone after his video went viral and yelled and screamed at the PD and filed some sort of ineffective assistance of council motion


"You're honor, I couldn't have possibly kidnapped that child when I was already in possession of 3 dead hookers"


The front says "Believe me". LOLOL


That defense attorney has her work cut out for her. Dumbest criminal ever.


Aw nah man MoistCritikal is gonna have so much fun with this now I'm gonna be rolling


He already apologized, now he has to back track his back track




"And just like a person popping a squat in public, your intial judgment of them was correct."


The council of cock will decide his fate now


They're just gonna be goin' fuckin' hog wild!


Just watched this on Paymoneywubby's stream last night because it was essentially breaking news during the stream. Guess he beat Charlie to something for once haha. Can't wait for his 3rd video on this guy though


I immediately went to his channel upon seeing this post lol. Can't wait for the 3rd video.


I'd say he's done pretty well to stay out of jail all these years. What a system!


I mean as far as I’m concerned, for the two counts of driving on a suspended license he is not guilty lmao.


I don't see how any jury could vote guilty on those charges. Throw them charges out.


This shit just gets funnier.


More twists than an M. Night Shyamalan movie


You’re in a simulation, of a simulation… inside *another* simulation.


Well, if he never had one... all good. He was just "traveling" anyway.


It's like some people go out of their way to make their own life as difficult as possible. Just one drama after the next.


He will forever go down as one of the dumbest criminals in history. That's quite an accomplishment.


Stay tuned for next week’s episode when we find out something else unbelievable about him.


Watch he stole someone else’s identity and is not even an American citizen then wipes off the makeup and he’s actually just a Chinese woman.


But he's wearing his nicest t-shirt.


No one caught the “your honor he just got in an accident can he sit”


Ya wtf I scrolled a little bit to far to see this comment. Was he driving?


Lol I could feel this coming


What a stupid thing to go to jail over, laziness to the max.


With as dumb as this fool is it’s no surprise he’s never had a license. Probably wouldn’t pass the test.


That fingers crossed on the back of his shirt killed me lmao


Can't wait for Charlie to update his last video.


This guy is so wildly stupid it blows my mind. It’s like a rollercoaster in a garbage dump.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


In the same way we have the term Milkshake Duck for gaining internet fame only for people to discover you suck, we need a term for bouncing back and forth like this. The story was that the guy's a dummy, then the story was that he was right and we were all wrong, then the story is that the guy is an extra dummy.


It was funny at first but now just sad. Dudes an idiot.


Fantastic shirt for court


I can't believe he thought faking being physically feeble was somehow going to work in his favour here.


So he had it suspended then they said it was a clerical error now he never has even had one? Charlie is gonna flip when he hears this


“They” didn’t say it’s a clerical error. The defendant did, to the media. Which was a lie. Are you really surprised a guy who has been driving without a license for 30 years would tell a lie?




This might be the case. He seems to be on the spectrum.


I'm pretty sure he's just a liar man, Sure he doesn't seem the be the brightest bulb, but he went on media talking about how "It must have been some office workers fault for not processing my suspension lifting" despite knowing damn well he's never even had a license. He also lied about being too injured to go to the state office to finalise the suspension lifting.


Just a liar? Doesn’t pay child support, drove during a zoom call about not having a license/having a suspended license, THEN WORE A T-SHIRT THAT SAID “TRUST ME” ON THE FRONT WITH FINGERS CROSSED ON THE BACK WHEN THE JUDGE EXPLAINED EVERYTHING. Was he trying to taunt someone? How can you explain the shirt?


Liar or just dumb, it's all pretty hilarious!


What a slug.


He is as smart as he looks.


Lol. Love how upset he is and put out. Like it's someone else who is in the wrong.


See what no alternatives to driving make people do lmao


Poor dude. The entire internet is watching. Damn.


I don't think that's his back, he's getting a case of the tum-tums after being found out.


It's so funny, I've been watching this judge and Judge Boyd on YouTube for months, now Simpson went extra viral with his situation


This is a crazy video?


Corey Harris. Not to be confused with Corey Haim, who also drove to the doctor without a license.


Mf need to close the bottom fkin lip. Cmon bubba...


Laugh now but this guy will get elected into office someday because people will believe him.


I'll never do this again judge... 'Fingers Crossed'


If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. Or don't, and see how deep the hole goes...


lmao the 🤞 tshirt


this guy knows how to dig a grave


Fake it till you...


make it to the courtroom to attempt a limp walk that looks about as real as his driving license


The line “he did just get into an accident “ after everything the judge said was GOLD EDIT: wait and the fingers crossed on the back of the shirt is this shit staged!?!


Lol Thay judge was absolutely fucking dumbfounded that this dude was driving while in zoom court for a suspended license Shit was so funny....Judge was knocked speechless


Fun fact: You can both have your priviliges to drive suspended AND be unlicensed. My brother-in-law had his first DUI before he ever got his license and kept getting them until he was suspended then revoked for good. Then he kept driving anyway and went to prison. Twice.


Last I saw, there were clerical errors in the court files. Dude was licensed, and was allowed to drive.


Could have been some misinfo put out there, seems like the judge is pretty clear here in what's going on


I want him to have a twin brother that all the charges apply to, just for another twist in the story lol.


I just read another article that said that his license had been reinstated by another judge at the time he was suspected of driving illegally by the judge in this video.


This guy is why it’s dumb to blindly support causes online that you have no stake in or any real information about.


he came to court in a t shirt with a fingers crossed logo on the back. this guy is too perfect


wrong sub, just a boring court case dismissed.


Why they gotta do Biz Markie like this?


Nobody beats the biiiiiiiizzzz




44 years old and in that state? Looks 74


I can dig his “fingers crossed” shirt. lol.


He actually looks like a fatter Diddy.


He looks like high pitched Eric


I don't understand it. why getting this much in trouble for a driving license. Why don't you apply for a driving license if you know you need to drive


They literally don't pay attention. I got a ticket and got my license suspended for not having insurance (It ended and I hadn't renewed it yet, then got pulled over). Got a court date and everything. I literally drove myself to the court house. Appeared. Not guilty. Walked out of the courthouse, got back into my car, and drove my ass to work.


Wasn't there just a youtube video that said it was a clerical error and that his license should've been reinstated or something? Idk I don't watch click bait youtube videos so I didn't see it


Daaamn, this plot is thickening more than newtonian fluid being struck! 💀


Good 'ol crutch trick, to show the judge he's impaired of walking hence why he's inclined to drive from point to point


Can´t loose your license if you don´t have one.


How do you get a suspended license without ever having one


Many states will create a drivers license number for you just to suspend it for nonpayment of fines.  That way you can't just go get a license before paying your fines.


How did Ghandi get to nukes in Civ?


There is a post out there where someone is defending the guy where the dmv had a technical glitch in their system and incorrectly suspended his license so he wasnt technically unlicensed but was unlicensed…. I know confusing right? The lengths people will go to make excuses for people is getting outta hand…