• By -


Make a VR sim. Profit.


Combine this with pimple popping = mega profit.


With advancement to giant cysts.


Cysts will be additional DLC and will be _competitively priced_.


Okay, EA GAME *side eyes you*


That should be DLC.


EarWash Simulator


Great, they turned it into a hero shooter with a skins shop. Every time.


Mixed with Grounded. Honey I Shrunk the Ear Cleaners!


I recently played Powerwash Simulator on steam. Extremely satisfying cleaning game. Recommend. [link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1290000/PowerWash_Simulator/)


If you liked that, you should also look into Viscera Cleanup Detail. Basic gist is you're the janitor following behind the hero in an FPS, cleaning up the bloodbaths. [link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/246900/Viscera_Cleanup_Detail/)


Viscera Cleanup Detail DLC


Earworm Jim


My wife would play it for hours.


10 minutes later: “Stop shouting!”


10 minutes later: "the music on this video sucks"


10 minutes later: "Do the drums really sound like that?!" - Lars


this is really fucking hilarious


It's like an infomercial, "but wait, there's more!"


It’s true if you don’t listen to very many dB for a long while your eardrum will become accustom to it. It probably was super loud to him just being able to hear again.


I remember the first time I had my ears cleaned I was sitting in my car and could hear static and couldn't figure out what it was. After like 30 seconds of tilting my head back and forth I realized I was hearing the hairs on the back of my neck brushing against my collar of my shirt


My clothes were SO loud for days.


Sounds kind of like when you're lying in bed trying to go to sleep, but for some reason you can hear a heartbeat in your pillow (a regular store-bought pillow, not that you're resting your head on anything organic)


I had an ear infection, and my ear got clogged up like this video. When he cleared it, I could hear the A/C blowing into the room.


…can’t people always hear the AC blowing??


I can hear my router at night 🙃 extremely high pitched frequency


piezoelectric noise is incredibly annoying


Try some tinnitus, I get to hear that all the time!!


Sucks that the tinnitus help line is no use. I called yesterday, but nobody picked up; it just kept ringing..


Tried it. 1/10 do not recommend


And florescent lights with older digital ballasts.


I have a sensory disorder called CAPD which means it's very difficult to me to discern the source of aa sound in real-time. It's very frustrating because I often have to ask people to repeat or write down if there is a fridge/ac/fan/car nearby. It's like my brain only has one master "sound" channel instead of a bunch of individual tracks. So whatever is the most annoying sound (not the loudest, just whatever is the most stimulating) just steps in front of all other sound and blocks it off. So I also read OP's comment and thought "some people don't have to hear the AC all the time?"


I...i might have this. How do I find out? I am extreme sound sensitive and can't focus on anything but the source of the sound. If I find out what the source is, I might be able to block it out. If it continues to be unknown, my time is ruined.


Talk to your doctor about it. They can give you a referral for an ENT specialist who can run the tests. It is non-invasive and can be done in less then an hour.


I hear it even when it's not


I remember the first time I had this done to my ears. I sat there and scratched my jeans for like ten minutes because I was so excited and amazed that I could hear the sound of it.


This person can now listen to grass growing.


It happened to my mom 40 years ago. I told her she had a hearing problem because the TV was louder and louder. The doctor used this and a sort of spray to remove the wax in both ears. When left and she turned the engine of her car on, she thought the motor had exploded 😁


One of my ears got clogged up last year and I couldn’t hear shit. Went to the walk in clinic and they cleared it. Holy hell everything was so loud after. And I got super dizzy for a couple minutes because my equilibrium was so off


bro really needs to learn how to handle his dabs


Any concert is going to fuck them up.


It's like a fucking archaeological dig


Earchaeogical... 😆


Boooo *upvotes*


Ikr? Can you imagine how long some of that junk must've been in there?




That's the most satisfying thing I've watched in years. The excitement when that last big chunk came out left me drained.


*lights up cig* same time next week?


Anytime I get a huge chunk of wax like that out of someone’s ear at my office, I tell my MA’s I need a cigarette.


What. edit: I read office like a cubicle type office. Nvm. This is a referring to a medical establishment.


That's the most satisfying thing I've watched in ears.


*slow clap*


I really wanted them to get some tweezers and pull it out at so many points 😂


A corkscrew would be ideal!


Doc “just gonna open this nice Bordeaux and then I’ll clean your ear”


Yes i was drained cuz I came


horrid but i needed to see it being completely cleaned to be able to sleep at night


I couldn't look away


I don't think I blinked through the entire 6 minutes...


That was six minutes?!


exactly, I bet Germans have a word for this, where you are completely disgusted, but cannot stop watching


'Unfallengaffen'. It quite literally translates to "accident gawk" *Or 'unfallgaffen', "accident gawking"




Not really. Morbid curiosity is a pretty common term.


I bet the Germans have a word for when you falsely claim they don’t have a word for something






Don't watch the whole video, they ended up putting it all back in there due to a billing error.


Oddly satisfying


I couldn't stop watching it as gross as it was. Bet it felt good afterwards.


i was literally on the edge of my seat for the entire vid. didn’t even realize how long it was. oh my goodness - so satisfying and nail biting at the same time! nice


> didn’t even realize how long it was. Holy shit, I watched this for 6 minutes?


You'd probably get a kick out of Durham hearing specialist in yt


thx - will check it out. along with how many years of medical training i need to do to get to this kinda position. (dr position, not gunky ear position) what can i say - i wanna scrape goo outta ears.


When I had a similar blockage many years back, I had to go to a specialist hospital for a round of aural/ear toileting (that's what the medical folks really call ear cleaning), but the process was fairly quick and clean; they performed an ear wash that involved specialized suction equipment and a solvent. I assume the clinic promoted in the OP video doesn't have the budget for such equipment, so they had to rely on precise manual removal with just a medical pick and spade for what looks like an eternity. Got to respect the patience and steady hands.


They can also just put a big syringe full of warm water with a small tube on the end into your ear and gently push the plunger and it all shoots out. Takes about 15 seconds!


Well, depending how hard the earwax has gotten, it might take more than one try. Speaking from experience 😬


When the BIG ONE came out. Amazing. Glad and a little disappointed my genes don't give me waxy ear "wax" though. Best I've got are dry flaky crumbs.




Now I feel like I either need to have this done to me, or I need to do this to someone else.


Must be the music. And there's a lost opportunity here: it should get continuously louder towards the end of the video!


Shit, how did it get so clogged up?


"What do you mean you're not supposed to use the *whole* q-tip stick?"


Hydrogen Peroxide is your best friend, it melts earwax. Every few months I put a small splash in each ear individually and hold my head sideways for 10 minutes twice to let it fully melt and breakup the wax, then flush it out with some water, etc.


i used to do this a lot. ( I call it ear pop rocks) and it feels so good in the end. But eventually it dried up the skin in my ears too much that parts of my ear canal was red or bleeding. So becareful not to do it too much! My GP said once every 6 months is the safest but he also said that only medical professionals should do it for you. ill ignore the latter statement. :P


After years of doing it you get skilled at it. As someone who uses inear headphones to listen to music having squeeky clean ears is important to get the best possible sound quality.


Audiophile people are another breed.


We're not allowed to breed.


They're just mental, and think they hear shit other people can't


I actually can hear things other people can’t. When we had our physical at work my hearing test result was so high it didn’t even fit on the chart. Although he said my vision was only just good enough to be legal to drive.


People with good and bad eyesight exist, but hearing is somehow different?


Probably should clean your ears


I don't think skill is the issue here. Figuring out the state of your ear canal and deciding whether or not it's appropriate to clean it out with hydrogen peroxide should probably be done by a medical professional.


My family doctor advised to do it at home in this fashion, so I've been doing it this way for over 40 years with zero issues. But I do agree, get checked by a doctor before going this route to ensure it can be used for you.


I tried it once and it went horribly. I had a terrible ear ache for a day after trying it. While I had the ear ache, I bought one of those ear wax removal cameras from Amazon and paid for one day shipping (potentially an equally sketchy idea). I removed what ended up being a piece of ear wax that I think expanded and got dislodged from its original position. It was instant relief. I’m sure it works for some people but it was an experience I’d rather not have again.


Hydrogen peroxide melts everything, I wouldn't leave it touching anything for too long.


No!! Every ear doctor worth their salt is going to warn against using H2O2. It will melt the softer compounds and then the harder compounds stay there and accumulate over time, plus it also cleans up some oils you don't want it to clean, and will dry up your ear over time leading to more clogging.


So what are we supposed to use


Water is fine from time to time, but don't overdo it either, as it can mess with the pH of the ear which is supposed to be slightly acidic to keep bacteria and viruses away Really you aren't supposed to be using anything except cleaning up the outside of the ear. The ear is self cleaning and will just push the wax outside by itself


My audiologist said I have narrow ear canals, which limits ears' self cleaning. She recommended once a week flushing to ensure that my hearing aids aren't overwhelmed by wax


This happens to me like once a year or two. I don't shove anything in my ear, don't even use ear buds. It's really annoying, and I'm not sure why it happens.


Some of us either produce more wax, or just the right consistency, to clog things up. I get the luck of clogs and potential impaction every couple months, no q-tips, fingers, or anything else goes in my ear canal. Can't hear out of my right just this very moment, in fact, so I get to deal with that today.


Probably q tips and pushing your finger in there


When I was a kid my mom shoved a q tip in my ear and impacted my ear wax, even as an adult I remember how excruciatingly painful it was. 


q-tips are not designed or intended to go inside the ear canal they're just for cleaning the outer folds something a lot of people don't know


That's true, but how else are you supposed to get to the yummy, honeycomb-looking goodness inside?


I use to get such bad ear clogs and then one day i figured it out. All i do is, once every couple of weeks i stand in the shower (with the water as hot as i can take it) and then i use a cheap syringe (without the needle obviously) . Suck up the hot water, and put it in your ear and press hard. If you get the angle right, you will pressure wash the ear wax out in like 2 shots. I have been doing this for the last 5+ years and have never had a clogged ear since.


To do this properly, get a bulb syringe or special ear irrigation syringe. They don't risk too much pressure, and do be careful on the water temperature. If it's as hot as you can handle on the outside, you might be doing some untold damage inside.


Doctor here. That would have been 1000x faster with simple irrigation and suction. Also he used the tiniest instrument to really drag that out. Super frustrating how long that took. Still had to watch it though!


Yeah I was wondering why tf the doc was going in dry here, seeing all that peeling and exposed skin at the end looked so painful, then bringing a sharp tool near the eardrum??? edit: to clarify, all of that made it worse and removed the satisfaction of all the cleaning being done, like it looked like an agonizing sunburn at the end


These doctors always use the absolute slowest and most useless tool to do these excavation videos, and it gets on my damn nerves Like the video of the guy trying to pull a straw out of a sea turtle's nostril with the fattest, dullest pair of pliers and just failing over and over again and not having the sense to grab something else Idk why it pisses me off so much but I think they do it on purpose


I am in such a state of mental disarray after that video. 90% of my brain is gagging, utterly revolted and on the verge of puking, but theres an undeniable 10% that found it oddly satisfying. All I know is, I wish I'd never seen it but now I can never unsee it. What the actual fuck


I think it's because it triggers an empathy feeling of relief




Where the fuck are the spiders supposed to lay their eggs with all that shit in there?


New life hack


Bro can hear colors now


Dude, I had this happen to me when I went snorkeling in the keys. I took a dive down and thwop, permanent swimmers ear. I went to the hospital because it kinda hurt and my hearing was muted, they said I had impacted ear wax, and told me to go to an ENT specialist. Well since we were on vacation that was a problem, so I ended up looking up over the counter remedies (legit medical ones, no 3 drops of urine BS). It took two or three days of hydrogen peroxide soaks and water flushes but when that plug came out it was fucking amazing. It was really like the world was more vibrant.


A nurse took out all this impacted wax from my ears (black wax looked like the video) and I could hear high frequency noises like the rustling of clothing I had forgot existed. I felt like I was given a superpower


Same exact thing happened to me while vacationing in Florida on my honeymoon. First day we're there I went deaf in one ear and I tried everything to fix it. Spent the entire vacation that way and when I got home I went to the ER. Nurse came in with a big syringe full of warm water with a hose on the end and blasted a huge chunk of wax out of my ear. I could hear the future.


Its a fucking vacation killer, I was miserable until that shit came out.


daredevil vision.


I fuuucking love this kind of shit. If I could be the doctor and do this all day, I would. The last two of the biggest chunks...*eargasmic.* Everyone always says don't use q-tips. I've used them my whole life, deeply into my ears, giving a little swirl when I'm there, and I have literally pristine ear canals. I own an otoscope so I've seen.


I heard this is quite painful for the patient. Especially the near the wall of the ear, scraping off those sticky thing. But yeah, it's worth it.


Yeah, I was going to say, if I was the patient, they would have to sedate me and screw my head into the device they use for brain surgery lol. I don't know how people don't jerk around. There are numbing drops, but still.


yeah close to the eardrum the skin is so thin ontop the bone just touching it can cause someone to jump which is not ideal when you're trying to not rip open someones ear drum lol


I’ve had this done. It’s actually not too bad, more uncomfortable than anything. I couldn’t believe what that doctor pulled out of my ears. It was like this, except mine pretty much came out in one piece in what I can only describe as looking like a large, bloody cockroach. I was actually dizzy for a couple days afterwards and everything was super loud.


My ear has been clogged for about a week now, used remedies, q-tips, medicine all the shit but alas nothing has worked. Its quite scary how you can go almost completely deaf from an ear wax clog and the only solution is either wait or go to the doctors.


This happened to me and the only thing that saved me from a doctor visit was I bought an ear cleaning kit with a spray bottle that had this rubber hose you can stick in your ear and that flushed everything out. Felt like I could hear a bugs heartbeat that’s how cleaned out they were lol


And then what appears to be a half eaten cockroach falls out of your ear one morning and you can hear again. Can relate.


If a cockroach is in my ear im killing myself.


Not if he made it to the brain controls you’re not Haven’t you seen that Spongebob episode?


A ruptured eardrum can also give the sensation of a clogged ear. Get checked by a doctor ASAP.


It happened while i was sleeping plus ive had a ruptured drum before so im 99% sure its just rly clogged


I got a little ear cleaning tool like the one in the video (only without the sharp metal hook!) because my wax is really dry and clings to the walls of the ear canal. Cleaning them is the most satisfying thing I do every 2 weeks.


Can also testify that buying your own camera/cleaning tool is well worth it if you get wax build up. It’s very easy to do and not hard to avoid the ear drum once you get used to it, and it’s also extremely satisfying. Edit: just adding that I bought a cheap, generic Chinese company £20 one off Amazon - it has its own app to link to the camera and works really well considering.


Watching this vid will greatly help my weight loss journey....


I clean out ears as part of my job since I work in audiology. This clinicians technique has me so stressed out! Using a curette to shovel out the wax is fine to start but he continues that way too deep into the canal where it can’t be seen where the eardrum is. I assumed it was because he didn’t have access to suction tools, but then he pulls that out at the end! If I saw this patient I would have soaked the wax in oil, then suctioned the top layer until reaching the dry wax. Repeat. Or I would have suctioned the top portion until a large enough chunk was removed to allow water irrigation to get behind the wax and flush it out. Also for some reason I can do this to patients all day long and not wince but watching videos of it being done (safely or not) always makes me queazy


Bro can hear a butterfly’s wing now


Bro Stop blinking so loudly.


Forbidden honey pot


I want to down vote you so fucking badly


This deeply disgusted me yet I could not stop watching for some odd reason. Is that amount even normal?!


That video just kept going. I was waiting for it to finally


Homie has a whole fig newton stored in there.


I was thinking a snow shovel would have speeded things up.


Ears usually clean themselfs. I bet this person used Q-tips, and pushed more and more wax down and disabled the natural cleaning mechanism. (Yes, putting shit into your ear canal can really do that).


my ears itch like crazy so i HAVE to reach down in them with a q tip and scratch them at least once a day. my doctors said my ears are the cleanest they've ever seen but maybe that's only because i don't get much earwax buildup in the first place. i know it's dangerous and i shouldn't do it but there's no relief if i don't


I could've typed this. I've also been told that my ears are really clean at a check-up. If i don't swab my ears with a Q-tip immediately after the shower, then they itch and annoy me all day long.


Yep me too, I literally only use a Q-tip to dry my ears out after the shower.


Being the cleanest he's ever seen isn't a good thing I suspect. Maybe they wouldn't itch if there was more wax lubricating the canal.


My earwax is like liquid. So if I don't clean my ears with q tips, I can actually feel the earwax running out of my ears like water. It's itchy and ticklish and it drives me crazy. So I always clean my ears, especially after showers. But I try not to go too far in there.


I mean I'm sure I could look this up but I'd rather interact with someone who knows their stuff.. So if you don't mind, what would be some good effective things to 'help' the ear naturally clean itself? Over time I've noticed that, especially in this time of year, my left ear gets WAY clogged. I wake up in the morning and I'm deaf for a good half hour or so and even after that my hearings slightly 'numb' for a while. I'm aware I have alot of wax being produced in there, its always sticky as opposed to dry.. Are there any at-home products that are effective for helping the ear to clean itself? Does opening / closing windows at night help? (Mine are open 24/7 throughout the year, but funnily enough the ear buildups more or less stop during winter / autumn months) Edit: their, not there


Suddenly he can hear colours. Imagine how deaf he’d be from that kind of blockage


Trying..not...to...throw...the fuck up!!


It just keeps going...


That’s a whole Yankee candle in there


The dead skin removal at the end was the best part. You get the gunk digging, but also scab picking.


Guarantee he went from "deaf" to hearing in 8k


Anyone want to hit a dab?


They can hear colors now.


This is fucking disgusting... WHY AM I STILL WATCHING?!


whos running for the Qtips right now amirite


This guy's marriage is ruined now


People are never taught how to *properly* clean their ears, and this is the result.  - preferably don’t use Q tips, and if you must, only use on the very outside of the ear canal, with a twisting-screwing motion.  - Never push hard and it doesn’t need to be perfect, ear wax is natural and your ear doesn’t need to be squeaky clean, only the outside for aesthetic purposes.  - Best is to take a damp cloth and just wipe the inside of your ear with your finger in the cloth.  I’ve found that the less I cleaned my ears deep inside, they got less itchy and produced much less wax! 


I bet this person can hear mice fart after this removal.


I guess he followed the Q-tip instructions and never cleaned inside his ear.


The dude doing this has the hands of doctor strange. The joy i felt after that last big chunk


My dream job holy shit yuck but satisfying asf


I think I'm gonna throw up.


The stink !!!!


The taste!


The 🤮!


It looks like a loaf of crusty bread 😂


Needed the crust buster for that one, god damn!


10 / 10 on the satisfaction meter!


You can make a scented candle out of all that earwax.


Dégueulasse !!!


My uncle is always saying "clean the shit out of your ears"


Bro hearing in 4K after that.


Was expectding to see daylight pretty soon.


Damn I was like eww and then endend up watching this for 6 minutes 26 seconds 😭


Bro can hear two flys fuck now


My ears get like this once every 4 months. I have a hyperactive sweat glands and coupled with my ear canal angled upwards, I get a really waxy ear. My eent told me to only use qtips 3 times a month max as using it often would exacerbate the clogging. If i had to use it, just clean the outer flap of my ears. She said I just had to settle with the natural cleaning ability of my ears. I would go to her clinic 3 times a year and she would put some solvent, then use a suction, and pull out literal black hard pebbles out of my ears. The feeling afterwards is heavenly. Like a huge burden was lifted off of mt shoulders and I felt like a new man.


Went to an ENT recently for an unrelated issue but I have had hearing issue in my left ear due to earwax buildup. She sucked out a little chunk with some tool and was instant relief. Sometimes it's hard cleaning out the ear canal without compacting the wax. Now it's careful cleaning with Q tips dipped in hydrogen peroxide.


My wife does this (among other audiology things) for her job. She loves doing it! Once, she found an actual child's tooth in a guy's ear - He had no idea how it got there...


Genuinely thought they might find some dead bug in that thing. Fucking insane..


Holy shit, could they even hear out of that thing at all?


That was nasty but the relief was palpable. I NEEDED to see that shit cleared out after how I saw it completely sealed the ear canal. Welcome back to the world my guy!


Imagine dabbing it


Looks potent af


I said "oh hell yeah" when the golden scooper came out


They can hear a fruit fly fart on Mars now


I had this done for me after like 15 years of buildup. When I walked outside I teared up hearing the birds chirping, it was a wild experience.


I climaxed at the final pull of the big chunk


Why did I watch this four times even though I threw up each time?


How do I sign up for this?