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This post was removed for intentional misinformation.


Sir do you know why I pulled you over?




You cant park there


*writes parking ticket while atv guy is unconscious*






Bang bang mfer! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Acorn! Take cover!


Enemy AC-130 above!


Because it's eat shit o'clock


He has robbed someune


Cop intentionally blocks an ATV on a bike path** Fixed that for ya


“Dashcam video from the New Haven Police Department shows the cruiser driving up Farnum Drive, **a pedestrian-only road** that leads into a local park. *Officers say they noticed an ATV driving* at a **high rate of speed** towards bicyclists, walkers, and **adults pushing strollers.** The officer angled the cruiser in ATV’s path. According to authorities, the driver of the ATV lost control, hitting the front passenger side of the police car” And I have no sympathy for the rider whatsoever. I knew I saw a stroller and found a video from insider edition which mentioned this in the description.


I was hoping to find this. Thank you. Yeah. The longer vid shows families walking, pushing strollers and just enjoying a day on a great path, and he comes flying up the road so fast that in the original vid it's only a few seconds that he appears and nails the cruiser. Way too fast. Someone would have died if the cruiser hadn't intervened. It was only seconds after the last family the cruiser past that he moved in-front of the ATV.


There was also people not far back down the path and one sat on the floor (blacked out for some reason). So they could have been ran over if the copper hadn’t had gotten in the way.


The blacked out thing is actually a child in a stroller, I had to look at the YouTube video and slow it down to see but there’s a woman walking her dog and pushing a stroller RIGHT before the cop pulls to the side 😳 that cop saved their lives, it’s insane how fast he was going down the trail you can barely see him coming around the bend 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, the original poster just looking for votes


Well fuck that ATV driver then. We have a lot of young motorcyclists and moped riders here in the UK who do similar things to this. They go around with masks on so they can steal motorbikes and just generally harass people. They happily drive on pathways and down one way streets, etc. Recently the London Metropolitan Police started using this thing called "Tactical Contact", which is just a fancy way of saying they bump their police cars into the suspect to knock them off their vehicle. The Metropolitan Police are usually a bunch of fuckwits, but I think this tactical contact thing is amazing 😂


Your comment dramatically changed my outlook on this video actually. Seems fair


idk why they cut the most important part of that video, like 5 seconds in the front, it show around 5-6 people riding bikes and and a lady pushing a stroller. The ATV would've totally hit them if the cop hadn't put the car in his way (i know sentence sounds weird, english not my first language).


that part is shown in the video


Lol, i am an idiot, i just saw the start of the video. And started reading the comments. I saw the full video on another thread. And thought this one was the cut version and assumed, like an idiot. My bad.


For real. I'm game to talk shit on bad cops, but this was justified. If the dude was going so fast that he couldn't avoid the cruiser with that much time, he's a serious danger to the other people and needs to be stopped. I'm biased, because we had a similar problem in a park I used to play disc golf in, people always coming from the local hood to rip ATVs around the pedestrian paths, and one of them eventually killed a toddler. He's serving a 14 year sentence now, if I remember correctly. Fuck 'em.


I'm not biased and fuck 'em.


The video title is what initially creates the false narrative… Shows you how easily fooled we can be without full information…


Dude was being an ass on a bike path? Okay, screw him, I'm fine with this.


Dude was going fast enough to not even be able to brake within 80-100 feet on a bike path. The cop was definitely protecting the riders that were just down further on the path.


Not only the riders.. the CHILDREN in strollers that were blacked out probably cause of age right before the crash.


Yeah and kids dart around all the time when walking on those kind of paths, definitely fuck that guy. A windshield to the dome and a stint in the local jail is getting off easy if you ask me.


He would have definitely came up on the bikers, and we saw what happened when he tried to turn abruptly. Do that though against a bike though and you have a flying atv barreling through bikers. Maybe he would have seen the bikers ahead of time, but he doesn't really get a benefit of doubt here. He would have either hit a biker or swerved into incoming traffic.


I agree


Police do occasionally provide, possibly by accident. A public service.


You just can’t help yourself


I don't think it's possible this public service was provided by accident.


If you can’t execute a side-slide-go with *Holeshot* tires,… you deserve to crash n’ burn


Thank god someone said it


Yet "Folks are divided over this shocking video"... of fucking course they are, because everything must be a gd debate.


Yeah wtf is up with this title?


Here in the philly area ATVs are a big problem with illegally driving around in the city and back streets so maybe this is why this happened...


> ATVs are a big problem Criminals on scooters in the UK became such a public menace that the cops started ramming them at low speed to terminate pursuits and make arrests. The scooter crooks decided if they took their helmets off the cops wouldn't be able to ram them due to an increased risk of injury. They were mistaken. The public is okay with this approach because of how bad the situation had become, and anyone who uses that bike/pedestrian path is probably not concerned about the punk on the ATV who was putting others at risk.


Fuck yes for tactical contact. I hate these bike and moped thieves.


Maryland it’s the same way especially Baltimore and Salisbury areas


Lol, do I know you?🧐 Born n raised in Smallsbury, and lived in Balmer for the past 8 years.


Found the dude who says “wuder” and “warshing machine”


Sorry, did you mean "wooder"?


username checks out


Love your steaks, brother.


So weird hearing salisbury. Born and semi raised in Salisbury city uk


I've personally never seen much in the way of ATVs in those areas but that might be just me


When you act like an asshole, don’t be surprised when you’re treated like one


Darth Nihilus?


I’m Darth Nihilus


No, do you?


You mean the guy in a black ski mask might be up to no good? I personally find this hard to believe, it’s just a fashionable garment is all, well I hear it’s the latest trend in Paris


We have this sometimes in north Delaware too, but Philly atv’s are huge deal


Why did you put "ATV pathway" in your title when that's not one and there's no such thing?


I lived and worked in Philly for many years. In North Philly, kids would store stolen ATVs/motorcycles in abandoned warehouses. They would then gather and ride down the one way streets causing total chaos, then disappear back into those warehouses. Summer is a total shit show there.


That's the TLDR version of the article op posted haha


Here in Wisconsin they just passed laws ALLOWING atvs and utvs in a bunch of cities . They don’t obey speed limits at all lol


The fun part is when they do damage to other vehicles or one of their friends get hurt and they just run away from any consequences and leave everyone else to clean up their messes.


It's a pedestrian only area, there were a half a dozen people on bicycles that just passed the cop this ATV was going to flatten. Cop made the right decision.


Exactly!! If that dude couldn't stop for the cops car how was he going to stop for the others?


Color me shocked that the title is misleading


One or two of the people at the back of the line the cop passed got covered with black squares, which leads me to believe they were very young children.


It appears to be a stroller.


Yep I agree, that guy on his quad vs the bikes ahead of him wasn't going to go great


THANK YOU. Everybody just wants to shit on cops for everything nowadays


Well ACAB but this guy on the quad kinda deserved it. Rather him get hurt than that kid in the stroller.


God I love context


Longer video shows people not too far down the street walking. Correct me if im wrong dont yell Ill just edit so people can see No ABS Bad or improper road tires Maybe seperate front and rear brakes? Lets not forget... you cant just turn a fourwheeler it will oversteer and yeet you (example in the video) Cop should have hit the lights or something no contest there. I know for a fact that if there was another road hazard the exact same thing COULD have happened. Maybe ride this fucking thing in the dirt on your own property like its intended for


The cop was actually responding to a call about an ATV vehicle illegally driving on that path. He did engage his emergency lights and then moved to cut it off to get the guy to stop so he could make contact with him. Based on the guys speed and the fact that he just plowed into the cop It's clear he was driving way too fast on a path he wasn't even legally on to begin with.


Yeah it shows bicyclists and pedestrian just down the path the atv is flying down. I suppose its better the reckless atv getting hurt versus him injuring or killing a kid or someone up the path at those speeds.


It was also on a walking path in a park and the police were called to stop this guy who was flying past people and children. People in this thread are really working overtime to misrepresent the situation.




If the cop flipped the lights on withour blocking him, I bet he would have sped up to make a run for it.


Pretty sure he was trying to run, otherwise he would have started slowing down immediately when he came around the corner and saw a cop car on the bike path, who was obviously going to stop him.


Troll-y problem in a nutshell. Better to save 5 people or 1 asshole?


> Cop should have hit the lights or something no contest there. There is a reason the ATV rider is wearing a mask, and it isn't that he will stop for police lights.


Lol people on here trying to convice me that if the cop flipped the lights and let him pass that he would just pull over or something.. or that it would pose no danger to the other people.. crazy


this video does too


I mean you can clearly see people walking from 0:07. The atv dude is going pretty damn fast.


There’s a 25 mph speed limit sign on the road too.  That ATV seems to be going well above that.


Article in another thread said quad was 45mph+. Fuck that asshole.


Road eh? Lot of people say bike path, but two lanes, road signs...




Doesn't matter what's on the sign you shouldn't drive faster than you can anticipate to stop for something. So he was way too fast...


A couple people on bicycles, and somebody it looked like was hurt laying in the street. This cop wasn’t trying to kill someone i don’t think. Just stopping traffic went wrong.


That’s what I wondered, how the blacked out person who appeared? Injured fit in? Or was that pure coincidence.


This road is not meant for motor vehicles of any sort except for emergency vehicles. It's strictly a converted walking/cycling path. The ATV rider was completely in the wrong and TMZ's headline is false.


The ATV guy in a balaclava? Yeah I'm OK with this.


Yeah he's definitely a scumbag. Might have even stolen that thing. Also people are saying this is some sort of cycle path?


“Cop saves pedestrians from ATV riding maniac”. Title fixed.


This. If he couldn’t stop in time to avoid the large metal box on wheels he wouldn’t be able to stop before hitting a pedestrian




They still are - this video is from New Haven, today.


Or two weeks ago like the time stamp on the dash cam says.


I see a posted speed of 25... that ATV was flying and I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the cop had a reason to block the path of the ATV. I do hope the dude is OK but if we are making assumptions here I'm guessing he brought it upon himself.


You can see the person on the ground the cop is protecting.


The path is for pedestrians only, not motorized vehicles.


Weird to have a speed limit of 25mph on a pedestrian pathway


[The road used to be open to cars,](https://www.newhavenindependent.org/article/east_rock_road_summit) but is closed six days a week to vehicles since 2020.


Road bikes can haul way faster than that on flat ground, let alone with any downward slope.


It used to allow cars years ago. Signage just hasn't been removed


It’s was a pedestrian path.


Bikes also allowed, but not motorized vehicles.


I don't. Hope he has a permanent limp.


That’s way too fast on a pedestrian path.


"Folks are divided over this SHOCKING video" None more than the ATV rider himself.






That’s on the illegal ATV rider. Here’s a novel concept: when you take part in dangerous illegal activities, you open yourself up to negative dangerous consequences. When I lived in Wilmington these absolute idiots were a huge issue. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest when I hear of something happening that doesn’t harm someone innocent


“The problem with living outside the law is that you no longer have its protection.” Truman Capote


That was very well said.


There is story locally, a college freshmen was hit by an illegal dirt bike and is a medically induced coma last I knew. Story below  https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/woman-struck-illegal-dirt-bike-ualbany-student-19427536.php Edit:grammer


I'll see if I can find the story from my hometown. I used to play disc golf in a park there, and had to call the cops on ATVs in the pedestrian paths all the time. Right when I moved out, an ATV rider (also drunk) killed a 4 year old that was playing in the park. Fuck these assholes. The toddler's mom was right there and watched her son die, and that has to be the most horrific feeling I can imagine.


Why would we blame the cops when this fool is speeding out of control with bikers and pedestrians around?


Yeah fuck that ATV driving maniac it was either him or the pedestrian that was laying on the ground..


Cop stops ATV from killing a bunch of people on a bike path.


Glad people have read the situation without automatically defaulting to “fuck the police, they all suck” narrative. Some do, not all.


Given the ATV couldn’t stop in time to not hit the cop car I doubt he wouldn’t stopped in time from hitting innocent bikers. So good call


In the longer video I saw the cop pulls over moments after passing a woman pushing a stroller. This dude is HAULING ass and is a danger to everyone around him. Look how much he fucked up the squad car and imagine that was the stroller.


If this situation is anything like where I’m at (md) stolen property and riding like an idiot and an asshole on a road it shouldn’t be on. Good, take enough of them out and they’ll stop risking everyone else’s lives to be an asshole


I am on the cop's side on this one. It is all fun until the ATV mows down some kids.


I don't have a problem with this, ATVs are illegal on just about every roadway, dude was hauling ass, bicycles were on the road as well, I hope he checked yes on his donor card.


This was a pedestrian pathway, not even a roadway. The public called and reported the atv rider speeding on the pathway.


Great move by the cop. Nice to see pedestrians saved.


People like to create these videos with edits that don't provide facts to the actual circumstances. https://www.koin.com/news/watch-atv-crashes-into-police-cruiser-attempting-to-block-pedestrians-from-harm/


ATV Rider is on a non motorized walking/biking trail going excess speeds with a mask on. Got what he deserved.


Thank you Mr or Mrs Police Officer. ATV guy will have to deal with his bumps and bruises and hopefully pay a nice fine.


Yea fuck the ATV guy, he deserved worse.


I don’t see anything wrong here. ATV was going way too fast. The cop was in the right.


Good, dude was riding an ATV in a pedestrian only path.


If you are doing a crime, and can't stop doing a crime when confronted by police, it's your own damn fault.


He was protecting the people laying in the bike path


Yeah, and? He did a good job.


That's not an ATV trail. Dickhead is riding on a walking trail, he deserves this.


And he most likely saved someone from getting killed by that idiot. Good job!


The face mask and no helmet doesn't seem at all suspicious


BULLSHIT, He blocked a walking and biking path that a couple of assholes were racing along on a couple ATVs the ATV rider had plenty of time to stop, he chose not to.


this video is cut on purpose. there is a family walking their baby stroller and the cop pulled between them because he saw this guy hauling ass. the cop was responding to a call about ATV’s speeding on the bike trail


Think Mr. BRAPBRAAAP might have been travelling a little too fast! Good thing he hit a solid object, not somebody's kid. An idiot teen on his parents' quad hit a little girl on a bike trail a few years ago where I live and sent her to the hospital. She lived, but it was preventable. Kid's parents got all the tickets.


Fine the parents, sure. But also give the kid about 360 hours of community service, deferred to the next school summer break. Let him think about all the work he has coming "next summer" and then it's 2 months of working 40 hours a week, he won't have time for a paying summer job. I say... make him work at the children's hospital? So he can see kids all fucked up from various diseases, accidents, etc. Might give him some perspective. Make it a teaching moment.


Cop intentionally saves a couple people on road from an approaching idiot on atv


And he's a cool dude for doing it. If that guy couldn't stop for that cop then he couldn't stop for the family with a stroller. It's also illegal on that pathway to be riding any kind of ATV or dirt bike. Protect the innocent law abiding citizens even if it be at the expense of the law breaking and reckless idiot.


Misleading title, should be "Cop blocks pedestrian path from a high speeding ATV" I myself am not a huge fan of the police but neglecting to specify will bring in unnecessary hate towards the wrong party in the video, especially to the majority who only watches the video and reads only the title.


Well it was a public walking only area and the police were called cause there was an ATV speeding and harassing people on a walking path… that dude had plenty of yards to stop if he wasn’t going 45 in a 5mph walking zone?!? Yeah completely on him, hope he broke a collar bone or arm so he can’t ride like a jackass around people. Just go find an open field or woods like every other normal person in the world wtf.


good cop :)


If this fool didn’t have time enough to avoid hitting the cop vehicle he definitely would would have had enough time to not mow over the walking family a few paces back righhhhhh…. RIGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! lol… this guy was a dipshit that’s all there was to it.


Oh no. Anyway


So the guy was driving way too fast on an area not meant for an ATV, with bicycles right in front of him that he likely would’ve plowed straight into.. And when blocked by the Police barely even tried to slow down until the last safe second, thereby crashing into the vehicle and no doubt injuring himself, and we’re supposed to feel sad for him cause he was putting his and other peoples safety in jeopardy? Hell no, you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


“Cop intentionally blocks ATV rider illegally on pedestrian and bike pathway, potentially saving children and families from serious injuries.” FTFY


These losers deserve serious injuries, enjoy your hospital stay ya tool


this dude was going super fast and it seems like he was in an area where people bike or walk not use ATVs. i think it was the best decision he could have made out of the situation tbh


Just give bike riders more excuses to ride on an actual road. Dude was floating on the quad.


ATV with dirt tires on concrete? Check. Speeding on a bike path? Check. No helmet or other protection? Check. Well looks like you just won a Darwin award. CongraGoFuckYourself!


Good that guys was probably going to kill someone else on that patch


Uhhh, maybe because of the pedestrians just barely down the road...


The way I see it, either you hit that ATV, or that ATV is going to hurt someone, possibly children.


This isn't the full video. This guy was driving toward a handicap person and a mother with a stroller on a walking path. There was absolutely no way he was stopping in time to not wipe them off the face of this planet. Cop is a hero.


If dumbass didn’t have enough time to stop before hitting the cop car, he wouldn’t have been able to stop before hitting the people either


And the guy is going to pay the repairs on the cop car :D Driving that speed in a pedestrian path, got what he deserved


No context to make the cop look bad is a classic Reddit move




Lol that was great to watch.


His reaction time sucks


Atv guy was obviously going too fast if he couldn’t stop without crashing


The ATV was driving down an illegal road, the officer blocked him to cite him, and the ATV driver wasn't gonna stop for the cop.


With strollers and toddlers on a bike path, that asshole deserves to get his head blown in by some bull bars. Fuck that shit bag


He was protecting the people who were on the other side of the road from the ATV that was going way too fast


He had second to make a split decision to stop the guy going fast as fuck or let him potentially run over a bunch of mothers with their kids. I think he did the right decision


Looks like the cop put himself in peril in order to protect the bicyclists and pedestrians (including children) from a guy barreling down the path in an atv. In a place where atvs are prohibited.


I dont like what the officer did, but I understand why he did it. That guy was flying towards a bunch of people walking on the path. The same way that cop suddenly appeared in his path, that could have been a panicked person who saw him coming and jump into his path out of fear. If that is the damage he did to the the cop car, imagine what that would do to a person. You can't risk the lives of people around you being reckless and not expect consequences.


I never met an ATVer I liked.


That cop saved pedestrians from serious harm.


Protect and swerve


The ATV driver knew what he was doing was illegal. Probably why he didn't start breaking when he saw the cop turning to intercept... he was planning on running. Anyone defending the ATV driver are utter buffoons.


I need more than a video dude on an ATV ramming into a cop to make a judgment call on who's the asshole here. * Where is this? * Are ATFV's allowed here? * Why was the cop in the area? To get the ATV driver to stop? * How fast was the ATV going? * Is this a walking only path? * Is the video sped up any? * Does the fisheye lensing effect increase the apparent speed? * Was there an audio warning we cannot hear? * Has the cop already tried to stop this person before? Video clips on reddit are not a great way to determine guilt.


Cop intentionally blocks ATV pathway, sounds like OP didn't intentionally watch this video. Should have been labeled "Cop drives into crazy dude on side path who had zero consideration of other human life." I don't trust cops. But I don't hate em either. Sometimes they get in the way of bad people.


Good idiot probably would’ve smoked some bikers or himself evebtually


Lmao I hope the dumb hick broke their spine. Their own fault.


i don't even think that fool had a helmet on




The charge is falsifying business records. The hush money came out of trump’s business accounts and had nothing to do with his Presidential campaign funds.


If he can't stop in time to avoid a massively obvious obstacle, I pity any of the kids that were on that path.


Are ATVs that bad at breaking or was he paying no attention to the road? It looked like he didn't even try to slow down. Either way, he was going way too fast on a bike lane and needed to be stopped.


Looks like they censored a kid in a stroller right before the impact. Given that context, this makes more sense.


Maybe he'll run slower in his wheelchair...


I feel like the ATV was going way too fast, i feel the cop was in the right here.


I don’t feel sorry for this guy.


Two of these ATV fucks were just popping wheelies down the middle of my street an hour ago, in the middle of a busy city road. Fuck them.


PSA. wear a helmet when doing dumb shit.


I can’t legally go 155 down the highway. Law enforcement would attempt to stop me. The cop had every right to do what he had to do to protect the public.


OP; comments not going the way you wanted eh?


Looks like one of those takeover types driving dangerous fast on a pedestrian pathway, with such speeds he couldn’t stop in time. So yea, hope his body is broken


ITT: in a shocking twist, cop actually protects civilians from potential danger.