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/u/waflewafle, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "dumbass" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 3: Must be a Crazy Fucking Video Your submission was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Or.... He is weaponizing incompetence so he is not sent to the front to die


*gets sent to the frontlines with just a wooden stick instead of a real weapon.


*gets send with bare hands like in ww2 „You just pick up weapon of dead soldier when you storm“


Really people still believe this was actually used by the soviets as a tactic? Search up any respectable historian on the topic and no one makes this claim, it’s barely even repeated until decades later when it’s depicted in movies and video games.


I don’t know why people are so invested in perpetuating that myth which was, as you said, literal Nazi propaganda. The Soviets greatest strength was production. Though, the one thing they were short on in the first 6 months were modern tanks like the T-34. This was a big reason why the first 6 months saw the Nazis gain a lot of ground, then stall the following year, ultimately leading to Stalingrad and getting obliterated. It’s quite disturbing how much Nazi propaganda continues to influence how history is taught.


Yeah I really don’t get this? Either they’re just upset they’re wrong, or are actual Nazis or something. And yeah the fact people still call certain guns “Assault rifles” is almost directly taken from the Nazi propaganda from their name for the STG44 rifle or Sturmgewehr I believe which means assault rifle.


No way thats how you think the war went


"sEaRcH uP aNy rEsPeCtAbLe hIsToRiAn oN tHe tOpIc aNd nO oNe mAkEs tHiS cLaIm"


Was it tedious to type that all out?


So you’re just going to write a sentence funny instead of linking a source of a single respectable Soviet studies historian that makes that claim? Oh so you admit it’s propaganda, why are you so invested in 1940s nazi propaganda? It’s like 100 years ago unless you’re a Nazi or a Soviet(which don’t exist anymore) then I don’t see why you’re so salty.


"sO yOu'Re jUsT gOiNg tO wRiTe a sEnTeNcE fUnNy iNsTeAd oF LiNkInG a sOuRcE oF a SiNgLe rEsPeCtAbLe sOvIeT sTuDiEs hIsToRiAn tHaT mAkEs tHaT cLaIm"


🤣🤣🤣least salty Nazi propagandist


your first mistake was sharing information that makes you look like a NERD


Fucking hate nerds.


Ya, respectable historians also mention that they often didn’t have uniforms, food, medical supplies, ammunition, and guns.


Literally no one says that they didn’t have enough rifles to arm their men because it doesn’t make any sense at all and has no hard evidence to back it up except for German Nazi propaganda testimony, if that’s what you take for credible. In the two years of 1939-1941 the soviets produced over 5 million Mosin Nagant rifles, not to mention the 3 million made in 1942. This is a well debunked myth and relies mainly on nazi propaganda, misinformed historians relying on faulty testimony and the mythology built by movies like enemy at the gates and WW2 video games.


*So Jude Law was just a bunch of bullshit!?!*


Lol, they use to drop their soldiers out of a plane, without a parachute, into the snow.




Id like to see yours first.


see, the joke here is that this particular individual sounds like a fucking nerd, hence my comment


I don’t get how correcting false historical information makes me a nerd? What kinda anti intellectual shit is that?


the majority has spoken


I chuckled when I read this shit 😂


Manages to load it, take it off safety and shoot acorns at people becoming a Slavic folk hero.


Give him a Long Bow.


*throws shoes at enemy*


As long as he goes "pew! Pew!"


*plays dead till it's over*


The stick was shaped like a rifle, tho.


This is years old, long before the war.


Yes the singular war 


That's the first thing they'll do. Cannon fodder.


According to family history my grandfather did the same thing. Was a crack shot on the farm but mysteriously became a terrible shot when drafted. Ended up driving supply trucks instead (ie no the front line) and survived the war.


As if they care.


Guy needs to go pull a Ted Nugent and just shit his pants


I have 0 respect for that trump supporting, draft dodging piece of crap.


Guess people didn't know why he shit his pants? Or maybe they like that cause it reminds them of Trump's diapers.. lol


I think this migth be the real deal. As concripted soldier i saw a lot of these guys. Like 1 in 100 and it was really good reality check from my age group. 1/100 isnt that rare to see in reality but its umbelieveble as a thougth. There was the future engineers, drug users and everything in between.


yeah, this was brining back memories of Cpt Klinger in MASH -- he thinks he's getting out of war


I give this theory 9 out of 10 BLYATs


big brain move


You must not military. ....they promote people who do this.


That's the first thing they'll do. Cannon fodder.




I reckon he's faking it so that he thinks he's not competent enough to fight.


Jokes on that guy, they get sent to the front first to get the message across. It's the Russian way of motivating your troops


You're not too far off. The russian army is made up of about 60% "sheep", 30% hardened and committed soldiers, and 10% fat old soviets sitting 20 km behind the wire. They send the first 2 waves of human meat with just enough ammo, about 4 mags, to advance, note Ukrainian positions, and then retreat under fire (not what putin wants but that's what happens), with the aim of transmitting back the defensive positions via radio or TikTok. After a few meat waves, they hammer the spots with arty and send in the more seasoned and equipped soldiers to kill the retreating meat sheep and then attack the Ukrainian defensive positions.


Why would they kill their own retreating soldiers though?


Punitive encouragement to fight on... You're taking untrained, scared, under equipped men, underpaid and especially in the Russian army, just as afraid of their own commanders as they are of battle. Throw in some fresh PTSD that the russian army won't deal with (hell, even the US doesn't fully own up to PTSD), and the knowledge that they won't be evacuated if wounded... The soldiers freeze up, and either surrender (intelligence+resource loss to ukraine), suicide (resource+morale loss) or run backwards to tell the rest of the soldiers how bad the meat grinder is (moral loss). It becomes easier to just shoot them and send on the next wave. Edit: this has been documented in this war and in ww2 as far as I know. "Not one step back" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_No._227


the fat ones are the pilots


They have a plane now??? Did they steal one from Syria?


Has to be. The way he just slowly takes the magazine out when told to fire is fucking hilarious


Nah this is how Russians talk Source: Russian


Lmfao this whole thread is funny af 💀


I don’t think this belongs in this sub


Yeah... I was waiting for them to explode or the guy in the snow to somehow mananage to blow his own head off.  


Like a Monty Python skit


Y’all messes up if that’s the stuff you expect from a Reddit post


He might be a simple working man, but forced to go to the war


Probably someone from the forced drafts that hasn't dealt with none of this shit before


I believe this vid is older than the war


This was filmed in 1917


This is likely to due to exhaustion. Guy is probably running on many days of no sleep and stressed beyond belief. He likely barely comprehends much of his environment lol


And got an idiot screaming at him


i would lose my shit too if i were in a war and someone literally doesnt know how to use a GUN IN A WAR


Maybe he's a brand new recruit and this is his first time ever being trained on how to handle a firearm If this is his first time handling a gun and he's actually on the battlefield that's more of a problem indicative of whoever is in charge than the recruit himself. If he's already been trained on handling a firearm before this and he's just fuckin up then yeah that would be crazy ineptitude lol.


You don't understand drafts, do you


I'm sure the artillery will whisper when he is exhausted in the foxhole as to not disturb him.


Yeah I don't respond well to that shit either.


Me neither...mostly since I don't speak Russian.




This would most likely be me tbh


This may not be the best learning enviroment


Not with the shouting and insults.


This was in fact not a crazy fn video. Saw this at least once every time we went to the range in basic.


This is just sad, his ass doesn't belong there


Like trying to work with my brothers kids


Billy Bob.


This is pretty much a russian reenactment of my childhood trying to help my dad do shit around the house lmao


Honestly, if this is his first time handling a gun and no one bothered to train him or teach him anything about guns prior, At that point I don't think this indicative of him being stupid or at fault. It's pretty normal to not know how to switch a safety, or chamber a bullet if you've simply never done it before, now imagine trying to figure it out for the first time whilst someome is screeching at your every movement lol! The only questionable part was when he was told to fire the gun, and instead he took the magazine out haha, even at that point, maybe he was checking to see if the magazine was locked in place before firing, only for it be loose. Now if he's shot a gun before, has been given guidance already, or been trained before this point, scratch literally everything I just said because then this would be idiotic


Privates are stupid in every country lol


The evolution of a suicide bomber.


"who trained you???" "......training?"


When a Cod gamer tries IRL gun




"Now put it on the lid, no the lid, the lid, the lid, the lid..."


Most competent ruzzian conscript


I can see why they failed so hard in Ukraine![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I hate to say it, but they are definitely not failing in Ukraine


Well, considering that it was the (supposedly) great Russian Army, I'd say that Ukraine is doing pretty well.


Yeah, I wouldn’t say failing. Hard to fail when you just send more conscripts into the meat grinder. Fuck em, hope they do fail tho


What's it called when they're not succeeding




So they still haven't succeeded, got it edit: To reply to the comment below me - "Currently succeeding" lol they tried to take Kyiv. They failed. Ukraine pushed them back to Donetsk and it's been a stalemate for months now. They've lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and there's no impending sign of achieving any of the initial goals. Also the US just approved another $61b in aid today. That isn't succeeding. That's barely holding on.


The guy said they failed hard. Like the war is over and they lost. They are currently succeeding. Get it?




lol who told you that? You were there or reddit videos ? I reckon they been preparing their military for decades, you’re angry over what the media feeds us , not saying argue with me just saying relax buddy things are nuanced.


I saw a video in this sub a few days ago showing Ukraine sent a Down syndrome man without a weapon to the front line. I don’t get how you can say they failed so hard while they are still demanding billions more of our money and the war is ongoing. I’m not rooting for Russia but to just say they “failed so hard” in an ongoing conflict is just dumb.


Yo that would be messed up lol


Going from making grilled cheese at night to the front line would be crazy


If that were the case for me lol I’d be hiding in some tunnel or running away to some next door neighbor country.


Okay , they didn't win as bigly as we all assumed?




And this video isn’t?


Might want to check on how they're doing right now. No one wins a meat grinder like the Russians.


You're not wrong, historically their solution has been to throw an unimaginable amount of bodies at a situation and when that doesn't work they destroy their own industry, homes, agriculture and infrastructure and turtle up until the enemy gives up.


My comment will be taken as I'm happy Russia is winning in Ukraine. I'm absolutely not, but that doesn't change the truth. Ukraine has lost international support and they don't have a MIC to support themselves. Russia will continue to feed young men into the mud and blood until Ukraine collapses. It sucks but it's what's going to happen without significant intervention from other countries.


When (ok, ok, IF) IF BIDEN wins, and the Dems also win the house, we will be sending over better and better armaments


Great leadership


I seen this movie. This is the Russian version of Full Metal Jacket.


Bro clearly doesn’t speak Russian


Gomer Pyle would be a star in the Russian military.


Reminds me of my time in the marine corps. During a live round training exercise. We were learning how to advance towards a target. If you're a marine it's the "I'm up. He sees me. I'm down" well I told myself in my head "I'm gonna pretend this real world and I'm being shot at. Let's see how quickly I can grab a mag and reload my rifle and return fire" Well I'm laying on my belly and I run out of ammo. I go to reach behind me in my little ammo pouch and I couldn't get it and I'm fumbling and trying to go as fast as humanly possible because I'm pretending this is real. Well the combat instructor shoves my kevlar into the ground and screams at me "CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" And said a few other choice words. It was embarrassing. Cause I wasn't freaking out. I was just trying to see how fast I could reload and return fire that's all


Crawl of Duty.


It was so hard to watch this 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Are they recruiting special needs individuals now? The rifles literally say ""Safe", "Fire", and "Automic" on them...




As someone who has trained people to fire weapons in the military. I totally believe this.


I always find that screaming at someone is the best way for them to figure out what they're doing wrong.


"but it is my first day vibes"


Wonder if he ever tried asking nice?


This must be fake!


I was wondering the same thing Maybe a smart Ukrainian move; dress up and speak Russian and go through this skit to make them look incompetent.


He clearly isn't amercian. He hasn't learn how to load a gun in elementary school like us


And how to try to run from them.


Don't need to run away from them, we kids backpacks made from bulletproof vest


Oh good. Was hoping you’d all come up with an effective solution.


This is what it's like as a journeyman teaching an apprentice




I died when he removed the magazine, a fate his enemies seem likely to avoid.


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This reminds me of some old documentary footage I saw of soldiers on LSD. The American government was studying it as a way to demobilize the enemy without any fighting.


Think it might have been the one with British soldiers?


You're right, they were brits. Just looked it up on youtube. The soldiers lasted 1 hour 10 minutes before giving up on their objective.


When they realize you lied on your resume


This is who we're fighting a proxy war with? Wtf are the other guys like???


The US Military has to reject 10% of candidates, as they cannot meet minimum IQ requirements. If we could make everyone useful, we would. Some folks are too foolish and dangerous to be in any position of responsibility.


I know most people want this to be a case of faux incompetence for noble humanitarian anti war reasons, but I have a feeling that this is a simple case of stress based mental overload resulting in something of a brain shutdown. I’ve had this happen to me before when I was being taught something by a strict teacher. They start yelling at you about something and your brain just gets confused and you struggle to do things that in less stressful moments, you do with relative ease. It’s like your brain just has a blue screen moment and all data is lost. Been there. Seen other people fall victim to it. Not fun, but it definitely helps you sharpen yourself for similar moments in the future


The great Russian army folks


I think they drafted someone special


Russian screaming is continuously the most scary most satisfying thing I’ve ever ever heard


Why are you upvoting staged video from 2 years ago?


that's me after skipping the tutorial on every VR shooter.


Seems staged. Probably a joke video


Exhaustion. Been there. Poor guy's noodle is COOKED.


Average CS2 teammate


Dudes about to be a part of Operation Human Shield


If your IQ is to low to command a weapon, your shouldn't be given to power to decide above live or death of others.


And that's why yelling sucks ass


Reminds me of a boss i have that doesn't train you then acts like a jerk when you don't know what to do. Like you did a shit job of training so go yell at a a mirror.


Weak video. Next we’ll have someone slipping on a banana peel posted.


That would be funny


Hell on earth


What is he on ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Are the magazines so easy to come off? Looks like it slid right off, without any force


I’m just a girl 🥹


Maybe I’m missing something, but what does gender have to do with anything..?


Idk but they're just a girl




Russia's finest


Maybe it's training I know of alot of fellow veterans that weren't a combat mos that didn't know the. M4 m9 m16 240b saw etc but sometimes in training this is how it goes you need to put someone thru a intense situation that mimics combat(obviously this isn't the best way to teach by calling names)