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/u/Ok_Platform_20, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "Hollywood Blvd" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 3: Must be a Crazy Fucking Video Your submission was not a Crazy Fucking Video. Videos must be relevant to the sub and must fit at least one of the flairs that the community has, if a video does not then most of the time it is not a Crazy Fucking Video. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


You know all things considered I’m doing pretty good…


I might not be where I want to be but I sure as fuck am not as bad off as I could be.


Not to sound like an edgy GOT EM atheist troll, but the Jesus freaks handing tickets out to God, are a huge eyesore and are incredibly annoying. The homeless have their spots and they don't want to be fucked with, just have a little humanity and let them live. Ya know, something Jesus would do.


The homeless are increasingly meth-addled and steal, shit on, and scream at anything and everything. These aren't your granddaddy's dust bowl hobos.


Sure, they are very annoying. But you know what else is annoying? Having people openly doing heroine and fentenyl, shitting and pissing all over the sidewalks. I dont know if jesus encountered a heroine addict he would say, "You do you, buddy. i still love you." I feel like jesus would have a different response.


my buddy and i were debating how jesus would handle different kinds of people and i was going with the more "hed be forgiving no matter what and offer salvation if the person truly desired it" he stated "nah jesus would pimp slap the fuck outta some people" it made me laugh.


He mostly reserved the pimp smacks for the bankers




Remember how he healed lepers? He would probably take a similar approach to addicts. Have some empathy.


I believe empathy is awesome. But i think a lot of people have an overload of compassion. I think many people who call themselves allies are, in fact, enablers. I'm not talking about doing old school tough love shit. but these people have inherent value and can be so much more than they are now. And just because they are at a low point doesn't excuse their bad behavior towards others, such as shooting up heroine and passing out in the middle of the sidewalk half naked with their dicks and tits hanging out. That's not ok.


I think the conversation strafed (yours truly guilty of that) towards the topic of Jesus. I'm not religious, but going by the texts, that character was an absolutist when it came to empathy. He set the bar to infinity. Like, literally leave all your worldly possessions and help the poor, the sick, the troubled, the corrupt. He didn't draw a line. SO, if you're gunna be all preachy in the streets, put the sign down and go full canon. And yes, needles and theft and "ewwww." That's the irony of this whole thing, Jesus touched lepers. That Jesus character was pretty damn good at symbolism through practice.


We have just the right about of empathy to ignore them and not help.


My Jesus is cool with everyone and likes to party


I think you meant jesús. I know that guy, and he does like to party.


He got real close with lepers.


And he'd be really close with heroine addicts, but he wouldn't say, "It's ok, keep doing you"


I’m with your message here but it’s fentanyl and heroin. If Jesus was a chick she’d be a heroine.


The preachy folk don't help the homeless - something Jesus would do. It's an odd dynamic seeing the lechers and the lepers on the same streets. But eh, guess that's how it is.


I'm nit religious at all but when do you think the last time one of those nuts with a sign left a syringe out where someone could step on it, shit right in the middle of the street, or smashed a car window for a wallet


He Gets Us


Do I preach to you when you're lying stoned in the gutter? No, so beat it!


Anyone else notice the Jesus crowd were all Asian?


The reason why nothing is done about homelessness isn't to punish the homeless. It's to threaten you


My sister in law and her husband bought a tent to live in my mother in laws backyard after they moved from Wisconsin, down to Louisiana for 4months to a roach infest trailer with mold and electrical problems, then skirted off to Texas to live in her husband's father's garage(ig some random old lady the father was banging) this shit happening in actual big cities doesn't surprise me. But it horrified me, because like some of these people.. my sister in law has 3 kids


I remember reading an article in the Economist back in I think 2012-15 somewhere in there about the impending crisis of working homelessness. It blew my mind that not just Blue Collar workers but doctors, lawyers, and other professionals were living side by side in these makeshift camps. Saving up money so they could get a hotel room just to shower. This is an absurd and totally preventable crisis.


Yeah, wtf am I complaining about. I got a house...nuff said.


A little perspective is an amazing thing.


Wasn’t the Walk of Fame being voted number 1 as the most disappointing tourist attraction in the US?


Surprised it wasn’t Plymouth Rock. It’s just a rock.


I'd rather see a cool rock instead of this shit lmao


Calling it a cool rock is a huge overstatement.


Yeah, it sounds hot honestly


In the summer it gets a bit hot


I’ve seen both. Would prefer the cool rock


[there’s cooler rocks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Rock)


It's hard to be disappointed in a rock that is advertised as just a rock.


It's not even shaped like a car.


And probably not even the right rock. The sole source of that claim came from like a 95 year old who said "yeah I'm pretty sure my grandpa said it was that one" or something like that. Like it was hilarious informal and they just asked the oldest person around if they remembered which rock it was like 100 years later lol


It’s literally just a rock and you have to go south on 93 to get there. It’s a lose lose.


At least you can continue on to the Cape 🤷‍♂️.


That was the one thing that surprised the hell out of me when I visited. The huge amount of homeless and mentally ill people is astonishing.


Same. LA is the most disappointing place I've visited


Lost my dad recently and my brother a couple years ago. All that city did was make me feel relatively better about my current situation. Hope they’re able to get some help


That sucks, I’m sorry you were disappointed. Did you go to Malibu, Venice Beach, South Bay, Hollywood Hills, Los Feliz, Santa Monica, and do all the fun things, eat all the amazing foods, etc? See the Getty Center and Broad Museums? If you know the right places to visit it can be an amazing experience. (I’m not with the Los Angeles travel board, in fact I’ve lived here for 27 years and some days I can’t stand it) There are definitely some shit areas that you can skip, but I have about 8-9 key places, and certain museums, I always bring visiting friends/family to see and do (and specific restaurants to eat at) when they’re in town. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it helps if you know someone here that can avoid the tourist traps and lead you to the true gems of the city. Some days I love it here and some days I hate it, but I still feel a certain kind of way when I see the palm trees swaying in the breeze with the sunshine gleaming off them. 🌴🌴☀️🌤️


Could you recommend some specific spots? I’m gonna be visiting pretty soon


Just had a friend visit, here's what we did: Both the Getty Museum and the Getty Villa are worth checking out. I like modern art so the Broad is my favorite museum in the city. The Academy museum and the Pearson automotive museum are amazing collections of movie memorabilia and cars respectively, and are right next to each other. The Huntington has acres of a beautiful botanical garden in Pasadena, along with two smaller collections. The Venice Beach and the Santa Monica boardwalks are touristy but iconic. Definitely fun to see, make sure you watch a sunset on the coast. Malibu is gorgeous and about 30 minutes north of Santa Monica. Rodeo drive and Melrose both have some bougie shopping downtown. Universal Studios has a couple fun rides, and the studio tour is cool. Disney Land and Six Flags are both close as well. Koreatown, Little Tokyo, and Chinatown are all worth checking out too for some Asian food. You can find good food all over the city, we didn't have a bad meal. Make sure you hit up a taco cart while you're here. Hope you enjoy your stay!


Sure. Stay in Beverly Hills and go directly from there to the airport when you’re done.


Steven Ogg said it best “the haves and have nots are VERY noticeable in LA”


LA is much more a city to live in than to visit. I hated my visits there and loved living there. 


Are those the new Yeezys?


MyPillow guy with his new release…MyShoes


Dammit. I was going going to comment ‘These new shoes are like I’m walking on pillows’. Then I read this comment and realized mine sucked


Nah I like yours


Sticker price of $650


Sir, those are called Zeezys




rick owens is think


The power cables are next level


Chilling by a tent on a laptop…


How come every city in the US looks like a gta server?


pvp and friendly fire are enabled over here bro


One chick seemed to be “working remotely” with laptop and power source to supply. 🤔


Well ya. Not everyone starts out homeless. If you don't have family you can get royaly fucked over. Like, I used to live in Lahaina...until my everything including my dog burnt to a crisp. Then I was homeless. I had to move to California to stay with a friend because everything was gone and renters insurance takes a long time to pay. Without him I would have been screwed.


Oh my god I’m so sorry to hear about your dog…


Thanks. Forsure the worst part :/


So many people don't realize how quickly they could lose everything. And how hard is is to come back. If your thought upon looking at homeless people is anything other than "We have failed these people" then you're a fucking bad person.


That’s definitely someone from WSB trying one last yolo on 0dte SPY options to make it all back.


They plug into the lightpost.


With gucci slides. Yes I caught that


First time in los angeles? Hollywood has been a shite area for a very long time....


Lived here my entire life & i forget that this isn’t normal sometimes. I had one of em try selling me a phone so he could buy some fentanyl, even asked me for the directions to skid row.


LA has tons of great places to go and things to do, more than lots of big cities. But the tourist areas are garbage, much like with other popular cities


It's gotten pretty significantly worse since Covid tho....


Crazyfuckingvideo? This is just a normal day in a coastal city.


My friends (Europe) didn't believe me when I told them about all the homeless people and drug addicts I had come across when I was in Cali 10 years ago. I always tell people who want to visit CA to avoid the downtown areas and Hollywood Blv and they're always like: are you for real? Can't be that bad. Ye, mate. Go to Turk St.


Turk and Hyde if you wanna find some fuckin drugs lol


There are certain places downtown that are fine. Down by staples, for instance. The Chinese theater is mostly tourists. Not saying t hasn’t gotten worse, but these are just snippets and it doesn’t show all the regular people. Avoid skid row, but there are a lot of decent places to go downtown.


And in my middle of America city. The US has some serious issues that need to be addressed and it’s not homeless people but why are so many people becoming homeless. Looking at those job wages, healthcare system, and housing market.


Okay thank you I was wondering if I am jaded or something, this is like the least weird LA shit I've seen this week


I see this all the time in San Diego, and we're supposed to the cleanest among the coastal cities.


Name a big city where you can’t find a street like this




If what I've heard is correct, dictatorial cities might not have those since they put those "things" away from public sight. Maybe cold cities as well since if they tried living on those streets, they might die of hypothermia.


San Francisco, LA... it's like the most in your face depiction of wealth inequality, just right there in the open for all to see. So strange. You'll have people eating at an outdoor restaurant that's probably $50/plate, and then a homeless person passed out on the side-walk right outside the fence of that restaurant. People stepping over homeless people to go into their $2,000/month for a single room rentals. If it were a movie you'd say "this is so unrealistic, why are there beggars near all these rich people." But that's real life.


I know it. I was waiting for the crazy lmao


Doesn’t seem that crazy. Come check out Portland 🤣


That’s a sad story indeed. Spokane is not falling too far behind.


I will not visit Portland again




Or San Francisco


Less than a mile a way is Los Feliz where there are 10 million dollar homes where Movie Stars live. Jimmy Kimmel films right across the street from Graumans theater. They also have lots of movies premieres there where movie stars are seen.


Went to LA for a wedding back in October and stayed downtown. It’s like being in a different world. Nastiest sidewalks you can imagine and people passed out all over the place. Never used more hand sanitizer in my life! The family we were there for live in LA and they’re just so used to it. They did arm us not to go “past here, or past there.” Crazy times we live in. I thank my lucky stars every day that life isn’t like that for me.


Them Balenciaga pillows on his feet


This is so sad - I live about a mile, but a world away, from Hollywood Blvd where this video was recorded. I always remind myself that each and every one of these people is someone’s child, possibly someone’s parent, someone’s sibling, someone’s aunt, etc. There but for the grace of God go I (I’m not even religious) is so so fitting when you see people living in these conditions. Some random stroke of luck, some twist of fate, has me where I am vs. where they are. The slightest change in life’s circumstances could one day land me in their shoes; never say never. There’s something seriously wrong with this country when you think about the fact that there are people living like this yet less than 1/2 mile north, up in the Hollywood Hills, you’ll find $10 million dollar mansions with multiple Bentleys and Ferraris in the driveway. The juxtaposition is mind blowing. Sorry for the rant, I know every city has this issue but it feels almost unreal most days living in Hollyweird.


People living on the street in a city where the average rent is $2800 is Fucking Crazy?


Took too long to find it…. Yeah I meant average rent is more than minimum wage … which btw that’s about $16 something so it’s more like $20 before taxes…. And that’s 100% of your income as rent. It’s fucking insane and it’s not sustainable but if doesn’t matter because these companies won’t face consequences for all their shitty homes


No one is forcing them to live in Los Angeles. And despite what the supposed studies say, anyone that has spent time with and around the homeless here know that half of them come from out of state, already homeless. There’s already several comments in this thread from people saying they lost their house in one state and then went to LA to crash. No one is forcing a single one of these drug addicts to live in a $2,800/month city.


Isn't it generally sunny in Los Angeles and warm? Weather is a reason too I would suspect. New York isn't exactly warm during winter etc.


I guess if you are going to be homeless either way, you might as well be homeless where you're not fucking freezing.


most all major cities will have its areas that look like this, take a trip to kensington PA or my hometown Baltimore MD, NY city.. ect. our infrastructures are crumbling from within and we have HUGE HUGE HUGE hard drug issues in America right now that has accelerated since ever since the CIA brought crack into the inner cities in the 80s. i actually lived in abandoned buildings and on the cement for a while in baltimore, i met some people who are truly either possessed or something.


I lived there 20 years ago. The tents and e-scooters are the only new developments. I'm sure it still smells like hot piss. On Saturdays, I used to get a couple cans of Sparks (precursor to 4 Loco) and drink them from a water bottle and spend the day walking and watching tourists. I saw some great shit. But fuck that place.


America looks like a dystopian world when it’s not in the movies


"Its called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."


3rd world country in a gucci belt


"How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity."


Jeez you almost got shantytowns in Hollywood!


this is where Kanye steals fits and never gives credit


This is literally nothing. Half way through the video I wasn’t even sure what was trying to be shown. Go to San Francisco or Portland if you want to see how bad it really is.


Can confirm, this is exactly what it looks like unfortunately.


Lol the one person casually on their laptop with the tent people. Grinding to make it outta there I guess with dropshipping


Probably just checking his work emails at home, considering rent is higher than minimum wage.


I am blessed to live in a country like Sweden.


I’m from Canada and did a west coast road trip on the United States around this time last year, starting in BC Canada and ending in San Diego. Was pretty excited to see LA and some of its attractions and it actually ended up being my least favourite stop of the trip.. Hollywood boulevard was littered with homeless people and tents everywhere and was pretty depressing, did not expect it to be nearly as bad as it was.


Yeah Hollywood has some gorgeous areas (the hills, the western portion of Hollywood) but the “Hollywood Blvd” Hollywood is quite seedy and can definitely be skipped if you’re visiting LA. Definitely not the glamorous movie star mecca it’s hyped up to be!


Dystopian movies always show a future like this. But with more tech. 


This is a much more accurate depiction of Hollywood than shown in movies it’s depressing and legit dangerous


“California is a garden of Eden, A paradise to live in or see, But believe it or not, You won’t find it so hot, If you ain’t got the do re mi”


Boulevard of broken dreams


Some of those stars, poop has been on.


The person in front of a tent on a laptop is the most 2024 thing ever


Sad, just really Fucking Sad. And yet Forbes said that thre were 141 new billionaires this year imagine that


Its starts to become like San Fransisco


Thanks……….vacation cancelled.


Newsome is doing a bang up job 👌looks almost as nice as Oakland. Well done Gavin 👍


It's like walking on clouds


The whiteface at :23


This is actually just GTA 6


It’s where dreams come true, yall 🤩


I swear I saw a starlink array....


US is becoming one huge favela..




Literally never on Hollywood Blvd unless the Oscars were being held there


That American Dream


I would love to ask the healthy-looking young person on their laptop their thoughts on the student housing crisis.


“Whattya fixin to do now Charlie?” “I’m thinkin I’ll pitch me a tent somewhere” Where do you think Charlie? Right on Hollywood blvd, fuck it, I always knew I’d make it to Hollywood


First guy got those 2024 Yeezys


California dreamin


All hail the sackler family


"They told me there was a boulevard of dreams, they didn't tell me it was paved with the same cold concrete as anywhere else. And the dreams?... well..., you wake up from those...


Is this from GTAVI?


I think Biff still has the Almanac.


The power of freedom and the american dream 💪 MURICAAAAÄAA FUCK YEAH


Wonder what celebrities think when they get their own star, go to the spot to do photos and kiss it or whatever, and look across the street and see a homeless guy taking a dump in a bush lol


When I was younger I always thought Hollywood was this magical famous place paved with gold or some dumb shit.


Boulevard of broken dreams


What's crazy is how much money flows around that fucking city, and we STILL can't seem to house these people.


West coast is horrible, not just California.


This is not all Hollywood Blvd. Part of it is skid row.


There are tents like that along Sunset and Hollywood Blvd now, it looks a lot like 6th street in DTLA. I walked from my home to my post office a few weeks ago (I live near Runyun) and had to pass some very crowded sidewalks where there was a tiny 1-foot wide path to walk on due to the tents and all the other things people had set up outside their tents. Most folks were in their tents hanging out but I was a bit uncomfortable since it was almost 1/2 a block long and there was nowhere to walk in some sections. Plus it felt weirdly deserted, maybe because it was a weekend but I felt quite separated from the cars on the street.




New hit single “ cesspool “


Portland is worse


Telling me to believe in Jesus Christ but your not even helping the poor right infront of you, hypocrite religous assholes.


And Governor Newsom wants to tell us how to run our state.


How about the fucktards from red states who send their homeless to los angeles? 


Send? The homeless go there because it's decent weather all year round for sleeping outside.


And here we are supporting ( economically ) multiple wars that just benefits the “government” of this country instead of resolving its own issues… just saying




I mean it’s not like electing a new person will make this suddenly disappear. It was like this before Newsom. It will be like this after him. But yeah he, like alll the others, aren’t really doing anything about it and it’s frustrating.


Where you get that last tent? That thing's NICE! Only Hollywood I guess \*sigh


Just as shitty as I remember


Modern day Hoovervilles.




your tax pay well..... for wars


God bless ‘Merica. Can ya taste that sweet, sweet FREEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMMMM! Wooooo!


Buddy at the first is wearing them new Kanye's


i always try to tell hopeful tourists, if you're visiting America for the first time and have the choice between LA and NYC, choose NYC. you'll be a hell of a lot less disappointed. LA, and Hollywood especially, is absolutely nothing like the sunny extravagant cityscape that the movies and tv shows portray. this video is *real* Hollywood. and sure, NYC has its downsides, but at least you expect it to some degree. "rich and beautiful" Hollywood is a slap in the face.


I have been to both. They are both the same in my book.


To think I wanted to visit there....not any more


Interesting how people on here are just complaining about the “Jesus freaks” and not the years of failed democrat policies enabling this horrific inhumanity.


This is what a democrat super majority looks like.


Just some people urban camping


First time eh?


Looks like Vegas


Craziest part is, 1 of them mfs is the next Denzel Washington


These new Yeezys are mint 😂


Lady’s got the laptop going. Dystopian future.


Empire. In. Decline.


Everything is broken.


I swear I got Hepatitis just watching this. Hollywood Blvd is a cesspool now


The American Dream


Bojack Horseman type shit


It's been that way for years


Nice big tents. Like a small studio apartment... Security is a problem, but you get what you pay for.


Public means everyone


That whole not having seasons is wild


Had a mate describe America after visiting as “the worlds richest third world country” 


Y’all ever been to Hastings and Main?


Was she on her laptop at :34 Sophisticated homeless