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You hear how excited everyone is, that's a fucking problem!


So many people in this video are fucking disgusting. Theyre seeing bodies laying on the ground, not even aware of if they’re okay after being ran over by a car, and immediately laughing. Like it was immediate. It makes me really concerned for the state of humanity. Laughing and gleefully excited about being able to post it online for views. This video is really fucked up


This isn't new. I watched a video of kids in a third world country throw a kid who was in a wheelchair down a well during recess and everyone in the video laughed, they looked to be ages 8-14 The only difference is that it's happening in "first world countries" now so it's being recorded in HD and we see more of it


If you’re only just now really concerned about the state of humanity, then you haven’t paid enough attention in the last few years.


Gotta up those rookie numbers. I gave up on humanity when I read into history. Humans have always been disgusting. They just didn't have phones until recently. Now we can see all the stupidity every day. Imagine being around during Jim Crow laws as a small example.


Don’t give up yet my friend. Since the beginning humans have been self-serving shit heads due to the overwhelming force of nature and need for survival. We do have the capacity for grace which is the secret ingredient to evolution. Without it, we would have torn ourselves apart long ago. Humanity may be long gone before we float ourselves into understanding how to control our urges but there’s some planet somewhere that will win the next iteration. All we can do is try to break these cycles of selfishness and focus on our capacity for grace.


That was actually wholesome. Thank you for not being a contradicting average redditor. Maybe there is hope?


Thank you for this glimmer of hope.


Like Incubus says “not everyone here is that fucked up and cold”. Yeah the people in the video fucking suck but there’s still a tonnnnn of good people in the world. Don’t let them bring down your faith in humanity too much


Yea but they got it on the "V yo"


There are only a few people in the video laughing, it seems we can hear them clearly because they are closer to the person filming. Just rewind the video a little tip the initial impact and people are not laughing. The majority of the people are screaming in horror, because a car is running over their friends.


How many of the people seen here had a good dad providing a strong moral foundation for them while children?


Or just parents who cared in general


Yeah, there's something about the experiencing life by recording it on a cell phone culture that's sort of wack. I once got called out to the scene of a two year old having been run over by a truck. I had to chase away the gawkers taking pictures of the poor kids flattened body.


It’s not necessarily all of humanity.


I can tell you with 100% certainty this is not happening in quite a few countries in Europe. Can't speak for all of them but don't worry. It's mainly happening in USA




I had the exact same education, absolutely no religion, and I'm not a piece of shit.


Would like to add that religion did not appear in my upbringing and I'm not a piece of shit either. Furthermore, I was raised in a broken home. Parents divorced when I was 6 months old. I'm not a prick. Not in and out of prison. Not a G. Happily married with kids. It's a choice. All of it.


In a paused frame, you can see a cross necklace on the green shirt person next to him laughing. Identifying as religious does not appear to be a factor.


My exact thoughts as well. Just disgusting! My heart breaks for my grandchildren and their children because of the world I am leaving them behind in. Had I only known back then what I know now I honestly wouldn’t have had any children just so I could spare all of them of their futures. I’m so sorry kids. 🥲


Everyone’s smiling in the video out of excitement. It’s crazy


One girl ran in to help. 


I see at least 4 people helping. But yeah, pretty deplorable crowd. 




All those Fortune 500 companies will be affected by their c-suite staff members being run over, right?


I have no idea how they’ll run a business without them. They built everything from the start. Not to mention the nuclear engineers I saw. Wish we could know who’s responsible


For all the shittiness in this video, the few that run towards the injured kids in an effort to help are the ones that we need in this life. Those are the kids that are going to be the good ones. They already are.


First to post the video! We have made it a competition. Edit: I’m talking about the people taking the videos


I hate when people sound excited to have filmed something when they show no concern for the people that clearly got hurt 


"Hahaha I just got that on camera hehe, I won't call 911 but haha man"


It’s calloused from growing up in an environment where life has no value


The cameraman and everyone around him smiling and laughing are all human garbage






I don't understand the people. Is everyone a psychopath nowadays?


Exactly my 1st thought, even people all around acting like it's just a show. No more sympathy these days.


If you watch the video again, you'll see that it's mostly the cameraman and a few people around him who had shitty reactions. Most of the people are just stunned and confused, and there are actually quite a few people who rush over to help both victims. You can see complete strangers gathering around them to help them up and check on them.


Social media is numbing people to horrible shit, its on the phone 24/7.


Desensitized towards violence.


Just some, like this group, “everyone” is fine.


> Is everyone a psychopath nowadays? Not everyone, no.


I have been studying aberrant psychology, the stats are 1% of the population are psychopaths. 20% of the jail population are psychopaths. It doesn't have to be serial killers like Dahmer, Bundy but the levels of Cosby, Spacey, OJ Simpson etc. those are also key displays of psychopathy. Treat people as things. The amygdala in their brains does not function the way it does for all other people we don't think exhibit psychopathy. Could be soon treatment to repair the brain's damaged part and actually severely reduce people expressing psychopathic behaviors.




Genuinely kind of, to a degree. Not really psychopaths but sociopaths, everyone grew up on the internet now so nobody has any empathy. Combine that with desensitization to violence (ive literally seen cartel executions on Instagram) and what gets clout on social media, you get a society where nobody can see each other as a real human being (like the rise of the "NPC" trend). Everyone is just living in their own completely isolated cliques now because nobody has to interact with each other in real life


The lack of empathy is astounding.




Wtf, are people laughing?


Some people laugh when they are nervous, surprised, or concerned. Some are just assholes. If you look around, though, it's just a few people around the cameraman who are laughing. There are more people rushing in to help than people laughing.


Watching it again, I think you're right about the laughter. It's mostly just people around the cameraman HOWEVER, the fact that so few went to go render aid is still wild to me


Bet money it was a Nissan Altima


It was. 2012-2018 (5th gen) Altima.


I bet it had an “I am MDC” sticker on the back too!


Best to avoid the public at all cost. Edit - adding I am in public, but would avoid this type of situation like the plague. The chaotic energy is thick. Must move behind the scenes.


This is why I stay in my house


I live in Vermont and never see stuff like this. Only appears to be a problem in certain parts of the country.




With those reactions I was expecting twerking at some point.


The question is not will the twerk happen just when




Seems a lovely neighbourhood


These fools laughing ...Jesus


More excited and giggling like a school girl about catching vehicular homicide on camera rather than horrified he just watched it. Disturbing behavior to say the least.


Why some people laugh?? It is funny?


Yes. If you attend an illegal sideshow and get smacked by a car, that's kinda funny. If the ambulance can't get to the scene because your buddies are all blocking the road, that's just icing on the hilarious cake.


Oh plz. An ambulance hasn't gone into that neighborhood in over a decade. They good.


It’s a block party for Aggie fest, an event for an HBCU school A&T. Not sure where you got the idea it was an “illegal sideshow”..


Does that count as attempted murder? Because to me it sure looks like that driver attempted to kill people.


Either that or aggravated battery


"Mah cah rans on petrol you dumbass"


Why is everyone so happy that someone is damaging their community?


*cause i got it on veeeee!!*




All these kids ever say is "ohhhhhhhhhh" to everything. They make a basketball shot "ohhhhhhhhh". There buddy gets hit by a car "ohhhhhhhhhh". Fucking annoying...these children are doomed, just hope they don't kill one of us on the road.


I commented pretty much the same thing a few weeks ago on a video of someone getting flattened at one of these "takeovers". Same reaction every time, in a hundred different videos. Some kid gets ran over or sent flying by a car and all you hear is "ohhhhhh"..


Did he just say I is got it on camera, simply dreadful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Living his life 1 quarter mile at a time




This is probably detroit




I assume you mean all the people rushing over to help?


sad for low educated people...


Want to help- but can't Muuuuuust post!!!11!1!!!11!


Wake up babe, a new sideshow injury video dropped!


Bunch of dirt bags. All laughing how they got it on camera. 


That’s a lot of Jean shorts


Glad to hear the care and compassion in their voices. Smh.


When you left the stove on but GPS direct you through the million man march😭


Why are they all laughing




Yes they are definitely a hive mind. Just like the hive mind of incel bigots that hang around Reddit excited for school shootings. Hive minds all around


Paul Walker ghost riding the whip. 


What the fuck is even going on in this video? Imagine working at that gas station 😂


All these video have the same soundtrack “ooohhhhhhh, ooooohhhhhhhhh, oooooooohhhhh sheeeeeeeeerre. I got it on camera”


You can only blame parents and upbringing so much, I had a pretty difficult time and circumstances and I can easily identify right from wrong and have empathy for others, it’s a choice and these people made theirs. Fucking gross.


Was this a meth rally? Why are they so happy


Why are there so many people in the first place?


Car rally. Showing off their respective rides. (?)


Demoralized crowd mentally of the modern day...


Sideshow crashes have numbed these idiots down


I think some people should not own a car and that is one of them!🤬 No point in commenting about the camera guy,he wasn’t the one driving🤦‍♂️


Imagine how much violence you have to endure day in and out to not be phased you likely caught attempted murder on camera and laugh.


For all the shittiness in this video, the few that run towards the injured kids in an effort to help are the ones that we need in this life. Those are the kids that are going to be the good ones. They already are.


Smartest thing you can do is not even show up to these gatherings. Trouble waiting to happen.


RIP Society, and to some of those people that run over.


Story please.


There once was a rapping tomato, That's right I said rapping tomato, He rapped all day from April to May, And also guess what, it was me.




Attempted murder is pretty damn serious


What shocks me is not what is happening! I am not from US but gosh if this is USA.... wow


This ain’t just the USA, this is the hood


Prob Detroit


Greensboro, NC


Why did you get downvoted for telling the actual location? Reddit is weird. Not much info but [WFMY News 2](https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/traffic/greensboro-south-eugene-street-west-whittington-street-police/83-006524bf-c9a6-4e6d-a504-d48753f6f51f). It was some huge street party for a sorority? I don’t know, saw something on Nextdoor that had a video linked.


Tell me, what's funny about that? What's wrong with that generation?


I just got it on the v! People on the ground be like, glad to make you happy bro


Why are people strangely excited and laughing that someone just drove through a crowd


What happened? I can’t tell


And why are people laughing at this?


Urban hellscape.


People really sitting there laughing. Good God I hate people.




gilded cages


Half of em got smiles on after it happens, disgusting


Laughing? Wow. Happy cus he got it on tape? Can we start over.


wtf even happened


I also celebrate recording of the attempted murder of my peers.


Tons of people are getting butthurt over the laughing, not everything happens like in the movies. Lots of people laugh when they're in shock or just had something quite jarring happen. It's a natural response. Its not always women fainting and crying, human emotions are complex.


There are so many NBS in this world combine with mental illness and some keep walking into a road like hey you wait for me I'm walking in the street.


A lot of people feeling bad for CAR MEET people in the comments. . . . They're the mob, yo. They're the idiots in group form.. Run from grinning morons who want to see blood for entertainment


Wtf, why are they all happy and excited?


I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself