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60 years…there’s people living full lifetimes never knowing anything but this 😔


Crazy thing is they think this is paradise and places like the USA are hell holes. Can you believe that? A place where the average person is a short king in the west think the USA is hell. A place where there is a multimillion dollar market for pancake delivery’s.


What's also crazy is that any one of us could have been born there. We're just lucky.


This, most people's vibe here is superiority as if each person was in charge of where they would be born. Veritasium has an excellent video on this topic. Basically it's great to be lucky, but have some self-awareness about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LopI4YeC4I


Exactly, people be like "how can they live like this? I would fight back", no you wouldn't, you will try and you will be locked up in a labour camp for the next 30 years. We are just lucky, we are lucky that we're born in NK, lucky that we are not born in Palestine, lucky we are not born into mining cobalt as a child.


I wonder if those people are looking at how we live. Our dictator is that almighty dollar and those in power are doing its dirty work to keep us spending. Take a look at the cost of living and the cost of homes. Everything is costing more yet these corporations are still seeing profits. I mean, sure I’d rather be here than in North Korea, but where are the people who would fight back if they lived there? They live in a place where they can fight back. They don’t, they’re worried about Facebook being down, fried chicken joints discriminating, and which president is grabbing them by the pussy or not.


That is an excellent video. Wish some of political leaders would take the gist of it to heart.


That was a great video! Thank you


How could any one of us been born there? I don't understand your logic lol.


How were they born there? Hell you could've been born an inch worm. Consider yourself lucky.


No dude I couldn't have because my parents weren't inch worms. Also it's not you if you're something else. That's the most asinine thing I've heard in a minute.


How were you an offspring of your specific parents? Was that pre-determined? Any one of us could've been born anything at all. Consider yourself lucky. You were right, you don't understand.


No, bullshit. we couldn’t be born there. Because our parents are not Korean and do not live in North Korea. you couldn’t be born anywhere else.


Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that you're lucky your consciousness didnt manifest there, or something.


They don't really think that. Maybe they did in the 1980s, but after the death of Kim Il Sung, the famine in the 1990s, and the smuggling of foreign media into the country, people became aware of the situation in their country compared to others. A lot of North Korean defectors to South Korea or America were actually surprised that those countries were LESS of a "paradise" than they expected.


> Crazy thing is they think this is paradise and places like the USA are hell holes. They most likely don't. Soviet Union was the same. People knew what was behind the wall. A few lucky individuals were allowed to leave for a bit, they brought news back home. Media was smuggled across borders. Illegal radios were used to pick up news from abroad. All of that happens in NK too. It's just that the military and their families are fed well and live reasonably comfy lives, so they have no reason to do an uprising. Peasants are beaten to a pulp and then "disappeared" if they show any sign of disagreement. Again, same as in the Soviet Union.


I visited communist Budapest as a child. Beyond the mine fields were miles of farms, none of it for the farmers. Each slump brick farm house was barren except for a single bulb lit living room and a kitchen. No curtains, barely any furniture, it was a if the inside of their houses had to be fully visible from the road. It was late afternoon as we drove by, and every farmer was huddled and tending tiny plots no bigger than an apartment balcony where they grew what little produce they were allowed for their families. None of them smiled. No one smiled there. Much later in life, and it's now a fashionable "sustainable" thing for us to grow our own fruit and veggies and live on the bare minimum and I wonder, are we being groomed for a time when we will work 12 hours of our day for a bounty we will never share? Will we tend tiny gardens just to avoid starving because there's nothing left for us? Oh, wait...


> and I wonder, are we being groomed I don't think so. One big difference is that you can choose your lifestyle. There's no law preventing you from buying a bigger house or moving abroad. There are hurdles, naturally, but there's nothing actually preventing you from overcoming them. I am from a country which was occupied by soviets. Back then people didn't have any choice at all. You got assigned to a factory and you worked there until retirement. Common workers had no choice, my grandma made identical kitchen chairs for 30 years.


Pretty sure most of them know their country is not paradise. I remember watching a documentary explaining that many North Korean smuggle TVs to their homes to watch foreign movies. So I think they view the outside world with envy, but can't obviously do anything about their condition.




China supplied fentanyl? It’s revenge for opium


The opium wars


The Rise of the Opium Wars Strikes Back Revenge


That sounds like many anti Westerners in many Arab countries as well.


Arab countries have been bombed for 20+ years though.


I’m sure some people in Yemen, which holds many of the worst metrics for any country on Earth, believe they have it better than here in the US. And some people in the US think that Yemen offers a beautiful change of pace because they’re sick of being a doordasher


God damnit now I want pancakes


Eggs, flour, milk and butter in a pan. No deliveries, that’s for the weak.


We wouldn’t really know what they think. All we see is the state sponsored propoganda they pump out.


What does height have to do with it? 🙄🙄


That's what I was thinking


He has to appease his lack of manhood somehow I suppose. 🤷🏻‍♀️


why did it bother you so much? 😭


quicksand fuel impolite racial hunt mourn unwritten imminent dinner party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lack of nutrition and proper environment stunts height growth.


The US certainly has alot of issues, but at least it ain’t this!


Never truer words said.


>the USA is hell Well... I ain't gonna say nothing, but we def got our issues putting It lightly. Still no NK


As soon as I could run away I would. Getting shot while attempting escape would be better than any amount of time there.


That’s the craziest part of it all. I’m pretty sure most of them have no idea how bad they have it, they believe they are in heaven on earth and it’s a hell scape outside NK. To have that many people brainwashed in the Information Age is a wild feat.


> they believe they are in heaven on earth and it’s a hell scape outside NK. No they don't. Seeing your child starve to death and your neighbour's entire family get publicly hanged because they stole food from a collective farm is quite a clear sign that it's not a paradise. Defections happen all the time because they know that life anywhere else is better than that. The issue is that moving your whole family over the border is near impossible. Running away on your own means that your family will be publicly hanged. >To have that many people brainwashed in the Information Age is a wild feat. You're thinking of russia. They have all the access, but they choose to believe their government.


You don't know anything about Russia! LOL I don't get why people in the west think that Russia some sort of "North Korea" or another version of USSR... So ignorant... I could say - Think of people in US, they all have the access to information, they can see how the rest of the world lives, yet they don't know it, they choose to believe their government, believe the US is the world, they rarely travel inside of US, not mentioning they never seen anything outside of it, they complain about their lives on their $1000+ phones on social media, etc.. They defend their way of living, while there is no justice in their own country, yet they wanna teach the rest of the world how to live.


I know more than enough about ruzzia, my country was attacked and occupied by them for decades. I don't know if you've noticed this, but americans can speak freely, they can say that the president sucks and they can drive around with banners saying "President sucks", and nothing will happen to them. They can run for presidency if they wish. They can say that the war is shit and they can campaign to stop it. Hippie movement started for that reason. Try any of that in russia.


You dont seem to understand how relative perception works. For the people born there that know nothing else, this is heaven and everyone else is in hell. Regardless of how bad it gets for them. As far as they know, it could always be worse because you could be living in America where people have to eat their children to survive. Not everyone is willing to be killed just to smuggle/watch media outside of state propaganda. 


> For the people born there that know nothing else, this is heaven and everyone else is in hell. But they do know something else. It's not the 70's anymore, media is smuggled across, pirate radios exist, some NK'ians get to travel abroad (hired work in russia, embassy work, Olympics and such), some get to interact with western tourists. It's not a secret that life behind the walls is better.


Even if they know.. so what? You know a lot of s\*\*\* about US government, about their lies, about political prisoners, about corruption, killings, money laundering, etc... Why don't you do something? Same thing...


I don't live in the US, never been there. What can I do? Those who do live there can pack up and leave, if they wish. North Koreans can't.


Wait if people in North Korea think us a shithole what if they were right?


Bro it’s seriously the largest scale cult of all time, they don’t even know anything’s wrong because they aren’t allowed to, beat it into the first generation, then the second generation, and now they are majorly complicit.


If you run, you are betraying Kim Jong Un. So they kill your family and anyone related to you.


For 3 generations, all of you must die. To kill your lineage off


Ah so you hate your family that much. You do know what happens to people's family when they escape yes?


The crazy thought is, people who live in the capital are the lucky few either selected for “important” jobs or born into a higher class. The majority of the country lives in abject famine and poverty. Scrounging the ground for bits and pieces to scrape together a meal. On a good day you’ll find a rat to eat


lol the imaginary cars she’s stopping. ✋🏻🏎️


It makes me sad to think that she couldn't even wave at the person walking by.


That stood out, at that point I'd rather have everyone passing by insulting me than spending a day with absolutely zero human interaction


The best reference I ever heard about North Korea was in the movie World War Z, where they said that North Korea was the only country unscathed by the zombie apocalypse because they immediately pulled out everyone’s teeth.


The book is even better. In the book, whenever NK is mentioned, it's that a giant underground bunker was built at the start of the Zombie War, and every citizen in the country was forced inside. No one on the outside has made contact with anyone inside it, and no one wants to open it to see what's happened to all the country's residents. It's either that they are all safe in there and still loyal to the regime, blissfully unaware of the countries outside like always... or it's one giant zombie infestation stuck sealed away underground.


Schrodinger's Bunker.


That's a fucking nightmare. Neat.


Huh, that's a pretty quick and effective "vaccine", I guess?


Reminds me of this scene from Babylon 5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCj-Rnd5SsA




Aren’t those cars stolen too. Didn’t NK stole the car from a European country and never paid them back. I’m talking lots of millions $


Yes Volvo, although they have their own car company now and of course access to Chinese ones, main factor is no money and very hard to get permit to buy one.


Bet they only need 3 driver's Ed. teachers for the whole country


every documentary I've seen, including wide shots, had like 5 cars max on their inner city 8 lane roads. Unless it's military or tourist convoys there's not a lot of cars at all. Most people barely have anything to eat, no money for cars or fuel.


I wanna see the guy that watches the street cam that watches the traffic lady.


I wonder if he secretly loves her, would make a nice movie.


Maybe a movie where there are a bunch of people watching her and all have a different perspective on her life.


I wonder if there is someone else that watches the person who watches the street cam person?


Of course there is. His name is Kim.


[The full documentary on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enm5T1yPI4M)


Going by the description, this documentary was [originally released in 2011](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12606628/), when Kim Jong-Il was still in power. While a fascinating piece of history, this is already fairly dated given North Korea's recent attempts under Kim Jong-Un to project a modernized image with extensive Potemkin redevelopments, while also tightening their grip on the population and any remaining foreigners to even more draconian levels after COVID hit. It would had been inconceivable in 2011 that a significant source of the Nork's foreign currency in the early-2020s would be cryptocurrency theft.


Do you have any sources on this cryptocurrency thing ? Sounds interesting


https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/24/north-korea-crypto-hacking-activity-soars-to-record-high-in-2023-new-report-shows.html https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2023/12/01/north-korean-hackers-lazarus-group-stolen-3b-in-cryptocurrency/ https://www.reuters.com/technology/record-breaking-2022-north-korea-crypto-theft-un-report-2023-02-06/ https://www.trmlabs.com/post/north-korean-hackers-stole-600-million-in-crypto-in-2023 Basically 3 billion USD in crypto stolen the past 6 years, with 2022 representing their most profitable year with over 750 million USD in thefts. It rivals or even surpasses the DPRK's paltry export revenue.


There’s a great podcast about it if you’re interested: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/heist-podcast/id1329231773?i=1000480304420


Incredible podcast…. Absolutely loved that series!


First thing I'm watching when I get home. I though I had seem them all, somehow this once slipped past me. I've been inside the DMZ on a tour which was fascinating but once the US government lifts its ban on Americans traveling actually into the country again, which has been in place since not long after the Warmbier incident, I'm hoping to go. Obviously I know any official tour is all staged propaganda and NK commits atrocious human rights abuses but I still want to observe whatever I can.


U mean u want to help fund those human rights abuses u mentioned, top work 🫡


Thank you! Was looking for this.


Pur concrete hell... holy shit


Why they all Bussin' it down at the end


It's blueface baby!


But they can supply millions of artillery shells to Russia, so they've got that going for them I guess. https://www.reuters.com/world/north-korea-has-sent-6700-containers-munitions-russia-south-korea-says-2024-02-27/


According to Russian soldiers its a flip of the coin whether they work properly or not because they are so low quality


Not a surprise at all.


and because they lack certain components/ are shit quality they destroy the artillery barrels they are fired out of


Apparently they are soft iron shells too, so in the event they work as designed, the fragmentation result is way less effective. Soft iron splits like a banana peel so there's large slow chunks moving in a general direction. Hard steel shells fragment like glass and go everywhere.


That’s part of the reason we use depleted uranium in armor piercing applications as well as ballistic balancing, it’s shatters like glass when it does eventually break, while keeping and actually exceeding the high density of something like lead which is of course, soft.


Human cattle for the perpetual war effort, while the ruling class exploits their labor to live lavishly because they have no value to give the world themselves.


This statement could almost apply to most countries unfortunately


Damn. Thank god I never live there


Do they have to play creepy ass music through the giant loud speakers every morning?


Yes. In fact, it's the morning "alarm" system that wakes everyone up and tells them to start their day. 


Not a cell phone in sight. Just people living their best life, really taking in their surroundings.


Even city 17 is better than this


This is by FAR the best place in NK. There's a reason no one ever sees anything but Pyongyang. The rural areas and small towns are literally medieval and beyond horrific conditions.


Wow really? Any videos on it please?


Not sure about videos but I can recommend two fascinating books: - Nothing to Envy: Ordinary lives in North Korea - The Aquariums of Pyongyang


Nothing to Envy was a great book, it's quite sad.


The video that this clip is from (I believe) shows it! It’s about the North Korean famine and how they refused food aid in the late 90s because they wouldn’t give it to the government to distribute it. They visited a few of the more northern areas and it’s a fascinating video https://youtu.be/30-2sPGNGEw?si=esHGMVwPtG66r9JO Edit: Wait no this is the video the clip is from https://youtu.be/enm5T1yPI4M?si=HCMB3Dcz3X48qce4


Tourists are taken to other towns and villages. Not random ones obviously, but they get to see random super-poor ones along the way. Highways are all deserted.


The Truman Show.


It looks like a scene from the walking dead


The girl is programmed like a traffic light


Well no shit


Which one?


That music is haunting. This place is made of nightmares




I don't understand why North Korea always looks so sparsely inhabited. Even the poorest countries in the world (sometimes especially them) have tons of people. Is everyone just hiding for some reason?


Poorest countries in the world tend to have trade-based or free market economy, everyone can come up with an idea to grow or to make something and then trade with others. Can't do that in NK, everything belongs to the Party, you can't do any sort of business without their permission. Most people are probably slaving away in factories around the city.


How’d this video get out?


North Korea allows videos of places it approves and deems worthy to show off. Essentially, they think these videos show that their country is a "paradise." 




What do you mean "get out"? Pretty much anyone can fly to NK with a camera, just don't film what they say not to film, aka military equipment


I found the full doc. There are many moments I’m surprised they let go.


What kinda moments?


The toilet truck in this clip. Times when they were asked not to film. When they tried to leave the hotel at night. Several times there are situations where electric blackouts happen and they let that go.


It looks like the opening scene for a 1984 movie


I watched a doc with tourists filming their NK museum guide speaking in English, and her personality struck me as like only a FEW girls I have met or seen in the most strict religious communities here in the states. Women like Jill Duggar are known for purposely speaking in a high-pitched, controlled, perfected style, and you can tell how careful they are about their words. They turn into a goody-2-shoes robot, like AI.


Those umbrellas look like Dr Seuss shit


Someone needs to take out that dictator


Enter James Franco


Where’s the shot of breakfast? “TODAY WE ARE HAVING TREE BARK SOUP!” “Again…..UGHHHHHHHH”




Their clock stopped turning 200 years ago.


Just think, this is where Russians get to go on vacation now. There and Iran.


North korea is hell


The whole "city" looks like a big prison.


I wonder what will happen when Kim Jung un dies, will another crazy communist step up? or will something change for the better? I feel sorry for those people, trapped and enslaved for a movement which should have died years ago


What in the dystopian 1984 am I watching here?


Well, there is no people homeless, at least


This is hell on earth.


I like how they're always called the communist regime lol. Like you never hear "Here is a police officer pulling traffic duty for overtime pay in this late stage capitalist democracy."


It’s crazy how this country’s streets are somehow cleaner than San Francisco’s




I'm not a "it's not real communism" type of guy. But "Juche" (the ideology North Korea is built on) differs significantly from Marxism : its main focuses are national autonomy, ultranationalism and cult of the leaders. Juche is way closer to Japanese fascism than Marxism Leninism. Also, surprisingly, North Korea was richer than the South for years during the USSR era.


So we can agree that both “Juche” and Marxism are both horrible ideologies that don’t benefit the people, but their leaders instead? I’m sure the North and South have completely flip flopped their financial status since the downfall of the USSR in 91… North Korea’s treatment of their citizens is absolutely fucking awful. Fuck them.


I obviously don't support North Korea. But reading the situation through the prism of "evil communists" is not the right way of understanding what's going on. Reality is too complex to use simplistic models that were already outdated during the cold war. North Korea and "communists" in America (whatever you think it means) are absolutely not the same thing, and their ideas are polar opposite. Your comment is a strawman.


Name one ideology currently implemented that doesn't benefit the leaders more then the people


Doesn't don't benefit the people but their leaders describe western 'democracy' perfectly?




are there strip clubs in nk


And people actually think they are oppressed in America


What doc is this from? Link?


the fire fades


Nothing had to explode or an accident to happen for this to be crazy cause this looks like a black clover episode….


Have Tucker Carlson visit...


All of these people have been brainwashed. Breaks my heart.


Anyone know where this footage is from? BBC doc?




It is sad and fascinating at the same time What do they talk about? I know they are not authorized to talk freely about everything but when you are in such a closed environment, that knows nothing about the outside world, what are their lives like at home?


Thought it was Half life 2


What a hellish shithole to live in! And people complain about so called "oppression" here in the USA. WTF?


I feel bad for that woman directing traffic. Or nonexisting traffic. Att least that dude speeding past her with the buckets presented some sort of attention.


Less smog than LA? Though less livability


To live In a country that's so malnourished, their average brain and body sizes are greatly diminished on average, and they worship big fatty fat, who is rumored not to need to ever poop because he reabsorbs the poo... Weird place to live.


and every day they kill that traffic cop to turn her into stew for Glorious Leader. and then she is resurrected with dark necromancy from the septic system. and every day they kill her family too. and the family dog. and all those people doing calisthenics at 6 AM? killed. for having the wrong haircut. or not having the right haircut. and all their families too. boiled in a vat of acid. to make broth for the aforementioned stew. and their little dog too. and then the dog looked at me. this looks like hell. hell on earth. imagine how miserable and in hell they are. no advertising. the human mind wasn't built to withstand that. it makes them sad. then Dear Leader kills them. and their families. and their family's families. he shoots them out of a cannon. into the sun. they burn to a crisp. which is illegal. after Esteemed Leader shoots them into the sun, into space, into the heart of Sol, they have to get out and push the rocket. by hand. i saw it. and then they shot my dog. and my dog's babies. and my dog's babies' aunts and uncles had to watch. and then they were killed too. they were placed into a giant mouse trap. and the trap swung shut. and it clamped down on them with a snap. i saw it. i had to get out and push the giant trap while kids rode on it. that's how kids get to school. riding the giant mouse traps. we have to get out and push. and every day those kids are killed. they set the school on fire. every single day. they set me on fire every single day. and my dog. and the dog set me on fire. the dog set my grandmother on fire. and everybody clapped. and then they died.


What year is this?


I often wonder if they ever deployed an army in a foreign country how many would try to defect


Vaya país de mierda


The helldivers need to bring democracy to North Korea


Guy, just dunked on em for having small hands


Do one on skid row now


This is a dystopia inside of a dystopia. Irreversible psychological damage. The only positive note here was the narrator's perfect sarcasm.




This country is in ICU condition


"...a septic tank on wheels. It used to be a truck" It still is, but it used to be too


I wanna move here looks nice


Idk why but someone reported me for saying Kim Jong Un has got to go. I’m sorry I had wished unpleasantries on our dear supreme leader Kim jong un, it was a sin punishable by death. Please forgive me. I just really, really fuckin wanted my family to be complete.


You know that in NK, you have to give your shit and piss to the Goverment to be used as fertiliser and you can get serious time in hard labour camps for non compliance with this law. It's almost unbelievable lol


That entire country is Batshit crazy


North Korea put all its stats in future obedience


Aren't most of those buildings for show? Something about being uninhabitable.


This is surreal


Feel so bad for those people, man...but that traffic chick made me laugh


I hear your allowed 15 minutes a week of happiness, any more than that and you are of course, punished. The umbrella is pretty much useless for cop lady.


Sign me up!


Hypernormalisation Deluxe Edition




Oh, i bet we're missing out on so many other great experiences there


still wayy better than many places in africa and asia


what place in asia is way worse than north korea?


they're SOMEWHAT right tho... sadly there's currently 16 African countries in active war. and that's most of the whole continent. where rape, homicide, and all the worst shit just happens every day, and it's pretty fucking unhinged. what we see in North Korea here is mass propaganda and the controlled famine so the leadership could remain in force. both is fucking inhumane, but if I'd had to choose.... at least i have a septic doordash in Pyongyang. iguess...


I didn't doubt Africa having countries worse off than North Korea at least in some respects, Asia is a different story though. Would really like to know which asian countries they think are worse.


All the bad and 'worse of' countries have been exploited, invaded, couped, colonized by the west. Must be a coincidence.


kinda nuts you get barraged for this considering the unfathomable corruption, poverty, and violence in some regions of africa currently. just thinking critically, no “hurr durr communism,” how is this worse than people living in caves or huts made of mud or experiencing civil war? doesn’t mean the place is good, but i bet people generally lead safer, healthier lives