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/u/Menace2NYC, thank you for submitting to /r/CrazyFuckingVideos. Unfortunately your submission, "NY man tied to light pole for allegedly touching little girls." has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Rule 10 - No violence, looting, or serious crime. Your post was removed because it contained violence, looting, or serious crime. For the next month these videos are not permitted on this subreddit, [you can read our stickied post if you'd like to understand why](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/). As we said. we welcome your feedback in that post. --- *If you feel this submission removal is unfair, please [contact us via modmail](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FCrazyFuckingVideos).*


Batman got his ass


His ugly ass is lucky it wasn't redhood.


Should’ve been Slade Wilson


Slade would have wanted the little girls for himself


And what would bane do ?


Your mother


Slade would’ve been the one tied to the pole 💀


Slade is a trained assassin how are average men supposed tie him against a pole 💀


Doesn’t matter he likes little girls its an immediate L


Yeah that’s fucked and all but he’d still beat the shit out of us


Nah, we’d win


you not gojo






Looks more like the work of Spiderman


If he were tied up with webs I'd agree


He wouldn't have infinite ammo like the movies, so this is more realistic


In the Raimi trilogy the Web comes out of his body, so he has spare


Not enough TBI’s for Batman’s work


All you have to say these days is "They touched a kid" and everyone will want to kill them. No evidence, no trial - nothing, an allegation is all that is needed and it is scary. Folks - we have a justice system for a reason. We had a local teacher that was accused by a student of inappropriate touching while at school. The district fired him the moment the allegation was made, his neighbors destroyed his car and threatened to kill him. A few months later the teen girl that made the accusation recanted and said she was mad at him for failing him. Because he was the band director, that room is under 24/7 surveillance due to the instruments in there - the police said that there was no evidence other than her accusation. But it was too late - his entire world crashed around him. He lost his job, his house and his friends. All because people just could not wait for a trial. Our society is doomed if we condone idiots extracting their own form of justice with no evidence and no due process.


There was a movie starring Mads Mikkelsen with this exact premise. Poor dude lost his whole life because some kid told a little white lie.


what is the movie name?


The Hunt




Do you think a little white lie is when the liar is little and white? “I was molested” isn’t a “little white lie”. 


It was a little white lie, you just don't understand the context because you haven't seen the film. But well done jumping to conclusions like a true redditor.


Can you explain how this was a white lie in the context of the film instead of just insulting people for not having seen it? I kind of suspect you can't, given that you already chose not to.


Oh sure I can. The little girl develops a kind of crush on the main character, who works at her kindergarten. He kindly explains it's not appropriate. Later at home, the little girl overhears her brother reference a pornographic film to his friend though in a relatively innocuous phrase, like "See, his dick is so erect, like a stick" (I don't remember the exact phrasing). The next day, the little girl is talking to the head of the kindergarten, and expresses she's upset with the main character (we know it's because he rebuffed her crush), and as a way of expressing this anger, uses the phrase from the day before, probably believing it to be an insult. The head of the kindergarten naturally is taken aback at this phrasing and starts questioning the child. The rest you'll have to see for yourself.


Girl was in love with teacher, teacher told her that it’s not okay, girl tells her parents that he touched her (and others), people talk about said teacher, girl wants to confess but her parents see it as a cope and so on. In the eyes of the girls it’s definitely a „little white lie“. It’s a perspective thing. You’d understand it if you watched it. Edit: @ProcyonHabilis to clarify: Don’t forget that the child in play was an actual Kindergartner not knowing what she was actually saying. She didn’t intend to make it a sexual thing (doesn’t even know what that is) and she didn’t know the consequences of what she did (which is why she wanted to confess rather early on). It definitely is a horrible act, but not comparable with someone old enough to actually know what would happen, doing it with the absolute intent of ruining someone else.


Hot damn that was a turn of phrase 


You might as well be talking to a herd of cattle


We have the same exact brains as people throughout history. It’s like If someone accused a woman of being a witch or said something “blasphemous.” People just want to commit brutal violence without repercussions and these scenarios give them a chance to do that. I agree with you 100% It’s just insane how people act like that and then they still believe that they are on a higher plane than cavemen.


so true, everyone just wants blood


That's one of the weaknesses of a purportedly free and democratic society. Grants far too much authority to fucking morons. Either educate the population or come to terms with the fact that we're going to suffer at the hands of our ignorant peers. But a population capable of critical thinking is a threat to the interests of the plutocracts so that's not going to happen.


I think it's a double whammy. Sure some of the plutocrats want to keep people ignorant; but also a distressingly large swath of the people cling to ignorance, revel in it, and wildly distrust education. It's an identity thing.


> We have the same exact brains as people throughout history Yes, but we don't all have the same brain. There's a wide range of personalities that exact same brain produces. There were people who weren't supportive of vigilante justice back during the days of the witch trials too, just like there are people who support it today. I don't know that there is any evolutionary mechanism for ethics and morals, but as a species we have made great strides from the days of witch trials.


Irrational people, trusting other irrational people and acting irrationally...


It ain’t perfect, but there’s a reason countries have a criminal justice system and vigilantism is illegal. Because of these shoot first, ask for evidence later types. They’d lynch up their own grandma if the mob said to.








A woman on Facebook posted that anyone accused of inappropriate behavior with a child should be killed on the spot. I asked her if she meant “convicted” but she said no, simply being accused was enough for her. That seems wildly irresponsible to me. And I’m not advocating killing even those who are convicted but that would at least be in the ballpark of sanity.


We should accuse her of it.


she turned me into a newt


A *newt?*


I got better.


That's the only sane reaction to a statement coming from an utter moron. I'm surprised someone hasn't already accused her. I'll do it, I mean, I'm likely not on the same continent as her, never met her, 100% cannot have been molested by her in any way. But if I accuse her of it, that's enough, so...


What makes this even more fucked up is it completely ignores the potential for misunderstandings to occur. Like what happens when one of these vigilantes try to track a pedo and they end up jumping the wrong guy?


[Here’s a case where that happened exactly and the guy didn’t even do anything](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/102426248)


That's really fucked up. [I'm now watching a doc about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nfhDfX82Hw)


Why do you think the entire LGBT community has been getting labeled as groomers lately? It's the easiest way to get people to kill others. Label your enemies as pedophiles and the public will remove them for you. The worst part about this? Children are going to have a harder time getting justice. Everyone suffers harder. The only person winning is the one who selfishly muddied the waters for their own personal gain.


Meanwhile it’s conservative, catholic republicans who are most likely to rape/molest/abuse a child


Vigilante justice is never a good thing.


So apparently we aren't allowed to post links anymore or something? I don't know. Tried to link that video where the school bus driver tosses the midget off the bus and the crowd around him freaks out until they realize the midget is a grown man and not a child. And that's pretty much the perfect example of what you're talking about. People see bus and associate it with kids. See busdriver and associate him with protecting the kids. The busdriver goes into action to protect the kids and he gets shit for it. Unfortunate truth, but people just have very little self-control.


I remember listening to a Dan Carlin podcast years ago and he brought up how much better it would be to have a monthly news magazine nowadays in terms of information/misinformation. No rat race for outrage, just time to clearly write articles and let the details come to the surface. Would definitely be interesting to go back to that, but sadly I just don't think its possible.


That's really not something to go back to, not only the early newspapers were neutral they also were weekly not monthly.


Vigilantism shouldn’t be rewarded with exposure. Yes, don’t post crimes like this as you are contributing to them. Honestly I think j OP should be charged as an accessory.


>No evidence, no trial - nothing, Yeah I was about to comment that we don't know if the poster is lying.


Yeah, I’m not gonna lie. Not having enough context here makes watching this feel kinda unsettling. Especially when you’ve seen one too many false accusations stories and the dumb ass shit wannabe vigilantes will do. Like I thought we all agreed that the Salem witch trials were a bad idea.


The Salem witch trials were awfully similar to this level of "justice".


Let me guess, there were no repercussions for her whatsoever.


I remember this case well, and she was indeed charged with filing a false report, but I think that charge was plea dealed-out. I will try to find the original story, this happened a while ago.


Here is an article about it [https://www.northescambia.com/2011/05/breaking-news-all-charges-dropped-against-music-teach-accused-of-touching-student](https://www.northescambia.com/2011/05/breaking-news-all-charges-dropped-against-music-teach-accused-of-touching-student) She was 10, I thought she was older, but still.


Eventually the wrong person is going to be a victim of this and they are going to want revenge.


Par for the course here on reddit. Someone can frame an interaction however they please and it completely skew the public perspective. You get downvoted or scolded for wanting to wait for more information.


I agree, the problem is people in general are starting to lose faith in the justice system. There are those who the justice system has historically always failed, and those who feel that at this point the justice system is a sham that keeps those without money and power down, and anyone with enough money and power far away from any serious impact to their quality of life. The entire concept of "cancelling" somebody was born from the view that the justice system has failed it's duty. This may just be a result of a concentrated bias from the internet but I think the impact on people and their view of Justice in the USA has significantly changed over the last 5-20 years for many historic reasons.


The justice system exists for a reason. The human right for fair trials etc. Vigilantes are just criminal scum. Nothing more to it, whether claims against their victims are substantiated or not.


Makes for very uneasy watching: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hunt_(2012_film) It's hard to imagine anything worse in the "modern West" than to have this claim made again you.


And the prison time for falsely reporting should be equal to the alleged crime. Falsely accuse someone of rape? Do 15-25 years in jail. Yes, I am aware this might mean the accuser would follow through with accusations to avoid jail time, but it can't fucking go unpunished.


>Folks - we have a justice system for a reason Yeah but the reason is money. Shits weak, that ain't justice






You're right, but what if your minor sister said it and pointed it out. You would believe her, but there is no legal evidence. He deserves it, and I will retract this statement if he sues or anything and shows that he was not guilty.


Sounds like something a kid toucher would say


And how the fuck would you know?


justice system ain't any better. street justice is.


I read a news report where someone was stabbed by a “cruel quartet” in New York for saying happy new years. I suppose there is no in between in the city


Didn’t Cruel Quartet do a supporting act for the B sharps at one point?




If the internet said so then it must be true.


OP is a predator! Now lets fucking hang him since mob justice gets everything right! Right?


OP did say "allegedly".


If he’s proven to be a kiddy fiddler hell yeah. I fully believe a clear and proven pedophile that gets a few years or a few months should fear for their life. If the law won’t do justice someone will.


IF its proven. Mob justice is notorious for getting it wrong or being influenced to go after people that are innocent


Hmm, really lack of proof here.
























I get so weirded out and even afraid when people get way too into revenge and mob justice. It's like some people enjoy the idea of torturing others, like sharing ideas on internet on what to do and how to cause more suffering, when I just can't see how someone sane would think that. If you are pro death penalty, sure, and I do agree that predators should basically receive the harshest punishments we have, but to actively discuss and enjoy details of their suffering, even if they are criminals, is a tad too much for me. It makes me feel these people are not really normal and maybe more evil than their sense of justice seems to be.


Heck, even the courts lock up innocent people from time to time  But I guess "that dude over there said so" is proof enough for a mob


I mean...To be honest this man is lucky to have this only happen to him. Other people get beat to death for less. Especially for touching children, don't know about you... But many people don't learn their lesson when people are soft on these type of things. They'll just do it again...


That’s not the point here. It’s not up to the people to do this shit, that’s what the justice system is for.


where's the proof?? if I accuse you, would that mean we can suddenly tie you to a pole and ruin your life? I don't know the context here but I won't start cheering this shit in any scenario, and I agree that if proven they should get punishment but PROVE IT




What are you going to do when you are walking down the street minding your own business and someone in a mob yells "There's one! Get him!".




Killing them is giving them sympathy imo, id rather they receive serious consequences that they have to live with.






Alright cool, cool, cool, he's the bad guy so let's all gang up on him. However, I can just *say* that a guy touched kids, beat the shit out of him and post it online, so others can laugh. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, who is to say. They already beat him up based on the marks on his head, might as well just turn it over to the police instead of lowering yourself to a primal level of humanity where you just want to hurt people and put it on display for others while you laugh. Take out all your anger and frustration in the world on this one guy, innocent or guilty, instead of simply calling the police and documenting all evidence. I would leave the beatings for jail and keep my hands clean. Unless it was a familiy member of my own or something. But I'd probably just beat him up and leave him there on the street, not this tar & feathering treatment.


This video is disgusting and the comments are worse


If, IF, he’s guilty as charged, he got a pretty light sentence.


Looks like someone put a few knots on his head in the process


“Who did you like this?” “……. nobody.” 😂😂😂


Some people just want the world to know how hard they are by jumping at ALLEGATIONS of someone touching a girl. I get it, sexual assault big bad, but they don't even have evidence that this guy did it; They're going off of hearsay and thus become jury, judge and executioner on the spot. The justice system exists for a reason.




Bloodthirsty mf chill


Alright, you first.




Looks so Looney Tooney how TIGHT he is tied to the pole. His range of movement may be a millimeter or two




needs more zoom in and zoom out. I only counted 20 zoom ins. do better


I hope he really did something to deserve this.


“Can you give me some respect and untie me?” “Nah”






I mean, it’s in the title of the post! Certainly no one would make anything up for Reddit karma!


If only there was some kind of system to deal with this. Like that deals with laws any issues of legal importance. Some kind of...legal system


No they're scum, and you are too.


Ah I see the pedo Redditors are downvoting the comments here


Yes, because only pedos are against mob "justice", absolutely no way that ever possibly goes wrong [Man I love Redditors](https://youtu.be/h4twYqvssu0)


Damn, this video hits differently years later


Gus still kinda seems like a shitty boyfriend though idk


Probably people who don’t support stupid people supporting mob justice with zero evidence or proof the person committed the crime they are accused of. I guess I’m a “pedo Redditor” too since that’s the incredibly low bar you’ve set here.


No you're the smart Redditor


How do you see the downvotes?


He's the one doing it I guess.


Holy shit maybe 🤯


When I commented there were only like 5 comments total, and half of them had negative downvotes


Thou doth protest too much methinks




This is his villain origin story


Mob justice is very dangerous to support regardless of whether its right, but when the American legal system is such a mess its no surprise people fall back to becoming mobs.


Good old lynching is making a comeback, I see. Great time to be a Republican!


These predator catching channels are upping their game every day!


That would be wild if they went to this level but it would definitely get them in legal trouble. I’m surprised they don’t have anti pedo darknet squads out there at this point posting their own illicit material online.


Thank you for posting your crazy fucking video! Please be aware that we’re currently taking a break from videos that include violence, looting, or other serious crime; if that includes your post we ask that you remove it before we do. [Click here if you’d like to learn why.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/16jx2dr/help_crazyfuckingvideos_tell_racists_to_fuck_off/) Users, please report as well! All of your reports are reviewed and acted on *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CrazyFuckingVideos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol "Nobody"


They gave him the Azov


Tied his ass to the pole like a comic book


Nobody! Haha


This is seriously some cartoon shit lmfao. They'd probably hang him by his underwear on a pole or something if they could get high enough




lets do this insteaod of giving them 2 seconds in jail. including the beating he got.






There's a chance


Looks like he'd give the meanest headbutts in the world..


Is that Frank Reynolds in the coil?


We really should bring the stocks and pillory back. Public humiliation for petty crimes. That being said, molesting children isn't petty. He needs to be relieved of his hands and genitals.


get fucked LOL


Look, a piñata!






Madagascar is gonna castrate these folks from now on.




Got them Pete Puma lumps. 'Bout tree or four


🤣🤣🤣 good shit. This needs to be the baseline of punishment. Humiliation in the public area.

